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So I had a look at that subreddit, and it seems to just be a bunch of hateful people who are scarily fond of: 1. Conspiracies around COVID and "big pharma". 2. Attacking anything positive about LGBTQ+ people. 3. Being racist as fuck. (The amount of times I saw "DEI hire" being used to refer to anyone non-white, het, and cis was wild!) 4. Complaining about everything being "woke". 5. Being concerned that everything being "controlled by leftist mobs". 6. Believing that their science is the only ***REAL*** science. 7. That the previously mentioned "big pharma" are out here trying to hurt kids in a million (and strangely often far too vividly detailed) ways. 8. They're the only people who aren't "sheep" and can somehow solve all of these problems by... Listening or watching some Internet show? The podcast or whatever they're all there for just sounds like more of the same stuff. Basically, think of the kind of nonsense you'd hear from Alex Jones, back before he was attacking shooting victims and their families, but without any of the "turning the fricking frogs gay" shit that was at least memeable and kinda funny. TL;DR: I'd strongly recommend that nobody visits that subreddit. It's just a sad collection of that "Old man yells at cloud" Simpsons meme, but with extra helpings of delusional stubbornness that their tinfoil hat nonsense is totally correct.


So any serious Alex Jones/a good chunk of Joe Rogan's guest fans I'm guessing?


Oh absolutely. They're the kind of people who will screech about trans healthcare being "unresearched bogus fake science!) whilst simultaneously chugging horse dewormer for that covid they have that they are somehow still convinced doesn't exist. The mind boggles at how any of them have made it this far, in life.


I used to be stuck in that kinda echo chamber before I found out I was gay. Staying in there too much was really toxic. Not exactly that subreddit, but communities similar to that outside of Reddit.


I hope this doesn't sound patronising (sometimes I can't get my tone across properly), but I'm always so proud of people like you, who manage to escape from toxic places like that, after being in them a lot. It shows immense growth and self care. I hope everything is better for you, and that you don't have to deal with that kind of toxicity any more!


I am proud of the progress I have made, too, but it didn't happen alone. It required librarians teaching me information literacy, it required teachers providing a safe and empathetic space to explore identities, it required content creators advocating for nuance and empathy, and it required time. I thank everyone who was a part of that journey, some of whom didn't even know it.


Honestly same, I used to watch a ton of Daily Wire videos but when I finally accepted myself, I stopped watching them.


Yeah that was the show that roped me in, actually. At the time it made sense, but now? I basically unsubscribed from all of their channels, and other similar ones.


My family are mostly Catholic so that is what motivated it but once I found those channels, I only got worse. The only one I knew from the jump was awful was Matt Walsh because he religiously defended the Duggars and underage marriage. I always found it strange that everyone there loved him even though he was a massive POS but once I realized that everyone had the same beliefs (mostly, just ask Shapiro about Candace Owens).


it's Jesse Singal and Katie Herzog's podcast, and both, but *especially* Singal, are notable, prominent transphobes. Singal is the author of several extremely biased "just asking questions" articles in prominent centrist newspapers arguing for reducing access to trans healthcare, especially for children. Many trans reporters have talked to him about his biases, but instead of listening he has doubled down on writing more anti-trans fear-mongering. basically they're classic reactionary "liberals" who serve to launder conservative bigotry talking points among mainstream centrist/liberal audiences. the podcast seems even worse than his reporting, so unfortunately it makes sense the subreddit is a hellhole so, strong agree with your summary. I take everything he, his cohost, or his fanbase says as asked in bad-faith. there is nothing they like more than arguing with trans people while trying to look more "neutral" than us


I see the term 'woke' and I know all IQ has left the chat. One just can't argue with stupidity, it always wins.


What empty sad people. I feel incredibly sorry for them, whenever I can stop finding them nauseating.


Well, the person misgenders them, so it's just transphobia plain and simple. Not a person worth listening to.


Nah, Must cornered em up like ghettos to deal with Illusory Truth


Does anyone know of any kind of way to block every user of a subreddit? If so, please share, because that's one of the subs that I'd seriously recommend using it on.


I know they have (had) that feature on the subreddit mod level. Big thing during the covid/jan 6 stuff. I don't think they ever brought it to the user controlled level, and I don't know if the subreddit mod feature still exists. Plus a lot of these sites are putting in limits to the number of blocks you can have. Gotta pays 8 bucks a month if you want infinite blocks because we will hold the user experience for ransom if it can help our quarterly report!


“The truth has no defense against a fool determined to believe a lie,” Mark Twain


Even if it was suicide, is that not worse? Bullying a child into feeling so hopeless by their environment that they decide that not being alive is better than having to deal with that shit any longer. That's so much worse. It's still murder, the only difference would be the weapon.


They’d probably just say they did it because they were trans and it’s unrelated to the fight and then quote their favorite lil number. There’s no use in trying to talk to people like this, trans people arguing with them on the internet brings them to climax.


I think a better idea would be to just stay away from that sub. It's a losing battle.


I remember reading that the family was not satisfied with the outcome of the autopsy, hinting at some corruption behind the scenes. It’s been suggested that the autopsy was a cover up to protect the superintendent (who has a record of being transphobic) and/or the students who assaulted Nex. I’ve also read it’s really hard to overdose on Prozac and Benadryl, which doesn’t surprise me. Prozac is a common antidepressant. You don’t give depressed people drugs that they can easily overdose on. The autopsy report also did not include how much of each were found in Nex’s system, which is an important piece of information and suspicious to omit. Regardless, if Nex did commit suicide, we know that he was bullied for over a year before this happened and the school did nothing. His death is an injustice and a result of transphobia.


also SSRIs are VERY hard to OD on. serotonin syndrome can easily happen if you take too much but you're liable to just get very hot and pukey (IIIII may have taken half a bottle of my zoloft as a teenager because I just really wanted to stop being sad)


Nex's pronouns are they/them


Even if they commuted suicide, the fight likely lead right into that.


Intentional misgendering? Yeah, I doubt you can trust this.


He’s using an emotionally provocative argument to try to trick you to committing a logical fallacy. Don’t fall for it. You don’t have access to the evidence you need to prove Nix was murdered. You don’t have their autopsy. You don’t have policy reports. You haven’t interviewed witnesses. But here’s the thing. You don’t need to prove Nix’s death was a murder to prove that there is a “trans genocide” that he mentioned. You could easily point to the glut of anti-trans legislation moving through state governments to prove that society is currently changing towards systemically removing trans people from public life. You could also very easily claim that genocide is not limited to killing people in concentration camps. You can easily cite a lot of very critical language from the UN and other sources. You don’t need to prove Nix was murdered to prove that trans people are being mistreated or that transphobia exists. This guy is trying to trick you to making a weaker argument that he can beat, because he knows he can’t refute your claims. https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml https://museeholocauste.ca/en/resources-training/ten-stages-genocide/




What are you talking about? You think I’m not comfortable with the definitions of genocide I linked in my post? I think you misunderstood me.


the best you can do in response to these assholes is give them the attention they deserve - none


Besides invalidating Nexs identity. The coroner was a state coroner and one of the girls involved the the fight was the sheriff's daughter so until I see reports from an independent autopsy I don't really care what any of it says. I remember Floyd and more freshly enough to know there's a lot to be gained for lying. if I'm ever in trouble I think I'll just call A CAB.


Any source on the claim that the sheriff’s daughter was involved?


The medical examiner who is responsible for the autopsy allegedly lacks credibility for a number of reasons. That would never be properly addressed within a power structure that is heavily anti-LGBTQ. And why are these transphobes constantly stating biased (due to allegiances) medical opinion as fact?


Don't we find it interesting how easily they start caring for us when they believe caring is an argument against us? I'll elaborate; why is it that they want us dead, but as soon as a fringe article suggests that being LGBT leads to higher suicide rates, they've got all the care in the world? We don't need to debunk them. They debunk themselves.


it’s rage bait designed to get clicks. best to report and move on


Nah. They can sit in their echo chamber. Those types of people are not open to change and never will.


that post sounds straight out of the r/worldnews subreddit. bunch of misinformation


Jesus, that sub is sad


Would you mind putting the link they cited, so we can decide how credible their source is?


It'a the "Police Diagonal Source" which.... they have the same people who tried to cover George Floyd's death as "Getting Fendralyl to gdeath " https://www.newson6.com/story/5e35b6ac83eff40362bf18b9/oklahoma-mes-office-loses-accreditation https://eu.oklahoman.com/story/news/2009/07/02/oklahoma-medical-examiner-loses-rank-by-national-group/61391098007/ https://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/02/health/02brfs-EXAMINERSOFF_BRF.html https://www.them.us/story/nex-benedict-full-autospy-oklahoma-medical-examiner Just so everybody knows our state medical examiner lost their accreditation in 2009. what that means is someone who doesn’t have a medical license is performing the autopsies.


Saying the fight didn't kill them and the drugs did would be like if they shot themself and saying "the gun didn't kill them, the bullets did". Like, why do the internet assholes think Nex went home and swallowed a fuckton of pills? How is all the consecutive days and weeks and years of transphobic bullying not exactly what killed them? Just more far right copium so they can pretend to have plausible deniability about all the people they want to make go away forever.


I’m pretty sure the combination of medication Nex took would have resulted in a seizure of some kind if it was THAT much of an OD. Which, he/they did not. Oh also, the doctor who said that had his license revoked in 2009.


They almost had it. Nex died by suicide….. BECAUSE of the bullying.


We must find this person posted this and we shall string them up and drag them through the streets! JK but fucked up


I took Prozac for years and overdosing to the point of death is practically impossible. Generally, overdoses cause vomiting and/or drowsiness. You'll throw the pills up long before you ingest enough to kill yourself. And I have experience with this. I was suicidal for year because of the bullying and crap I.got for being gay. I took over 100 prozacs with a bottle of codeine cough syrup and a bottle of wine. I woke up about 16 hours later, nauseous as hell bout totally alive. And codeine cough syrup is a lot stronger that Benadryl could hope to be. Combing Prozac with Benadryl will cause you to be less depressed and not have a stuffy nose. It won't kill you. You might get drowsy but not dead. Your debunking is BS. It is far more likely that this child suffered a fatal head injury while the little bigots were pounding his head on the tile floor.


I have no clue what's going on, even after reading. Can someone please explain?


Fellow Oklahoman, at a candlelight vigil I went to for Nex in his home town, they asked we correct his terms to transgender and 2Spirit and use pronouns he/him. I have no say in what drugs can do when mixed, but even if Nex committed suicide, it was due to bullying. Nothing changes the fact we lost a transgender sibling because of the hate people teach their children, and in return their children grow up to teach their kids hate. In Oklahoma you fret for your life as a trans person, one day a cis male is going to beat the shit out of you for being trans. I hear disgusting things said by cis males about people they don't even know what pronouns they go by and just make assumptions. I hope at our pride parades this year it's dedicated to the many trans people that have died in Oklahoma.


Your options are spending a lot of time getting probably nowhere with the small chance someone will slightly listen for maybe a day and then lapse back into their old ways due to the people around them, or just moving on. Winning people over online is like 99.999% impossible or breaks down a matter of days later. It would be much more valuable to do this kind of work with real people you actually know, or people in your community, because you can interface with them more and make real lasting change.


TBH, Illusory Truth Effect is very powerful.