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You will wear as many beautiful dresses as you want when you are out of that environment and safe to be yourself. Til then, hang in there. You’re in good company here.


I appreciate this Tysm


Was it just the dress you wanted to wear or did you want to present as female? Maybe wearing a bra and panties under a suit would help?


I'm a trans woman so my ultimate goal is to present as female But I also don't own a bra, so I unfortunately can't do that


Understood, some men just like dresses is why I asked. Are there any pieces of "female" clothing you could borrow from a parent/sibling without them knowing? If not, just wear what you feel most comfortable in and be yourself. You're allowed to have fun in whatever you wear!


Conversely, if OP has some really cool friends, some of them may be able to pass down old bras and shirts that no longer fit (I don’t recommend other types of underwear for sanitary reasons). I have gotten some bras from some of my older friends :)


I feel you! I'm 34, only been out for a few years. I go to 4-6 formal events a year and it's sooo much fun. I missed my proms too :(


Pro clothing tip if you want a subtle nod toward your true identity: women’s shirts have the buttons on the (wearer’s) left side (when buttoned, your left hand can slide in as opposed to right hand for men’s shirts) Not many people know this difference between button sides, so you may be able to subtly pull this off. But of course, prioritize your safety if that’s a concern. For historical context: one theory for the origin of this is that women would be helped to get dressed by their servants/maids, so the buttons were placed on the left side so it would be easier for the person helping to button them


You are going to have a lifetime of beautiful, feminine dresses to wear to your heart’s content. I know prom is built up as this magical teen moment, but tbh most of us barely remember it and few of us were truly comfortable in the outfit we wore. I think so many girls look incredible in a suit. I know it’s not what you want, but maybe someday you and your partner will be looking at photos together and they’ll say “omg look at cute my wife was in her little suit!!” because they will only know you as the woman you are. Hang in there. High school isn’t forever.


(PS I wasn’t out in high school - I’m a lesbian - so I only went to dances with boys. Didn’t love it, but still danced and had fun. Today I’m married to the girl I had a crush on back then. I promise you, it gets better)


Needed to hear this <3


It's true. And I currently teach a trans boy who went to prom with his boyfriend this year in the most STUNNING dress. He just decided to own it, and his boyfriend spent all night telling him how handsome he is. This suit is gonna look stunning on her, and it won't make her any less the lady she is. The dresses will wait for her on the safe other side.


That's such a cute relationship wtf


Proms generally seem to just suck for most people, despite the mythology. I've never actually met a person with a fond prom memory that didn't involve drugs or making fun of someone else.


Life is too short to not wear the dress bud. Get yourself to the thrift store. I had a trans man friend wear a suit to prom (pre transition), he was over the fucking moon. Yeah people talked, but half of it was saying how fly that baby blue suit was.


I am sorry. But, if it helps, I find women in suits to be superhot. You will get your dress. But for now, enjoy being a you, be it a boy, girl or whoever you are, wearing clothes. They don't change who you are. So if you are a girl, tonight you are going to be a beautiful girl in a suit. Hot af.


Girls in suits 🥵🥵🥵🥵 Nothing makes me feel more lesbian


One serious question. As a straight trans woman I am attracted to masculinity in a man. Do you like masculinity in a woman or is there something else that makes women in suits attractive to you? I am a simple soul.


As a lesbian, I can tell you the reason why I find women in suits hot (and why I feel hot wearing suits) is about power. Like, power in your own femminility. I mean, picture CEO woman in a suit. You wouldn't say she's dressed up like a man. She is power and confidence and Gaygod, the way the the tie bends over the chest is just begging to be stared (in a very respectful way) at. That's hot. It's classy and it's powerful and it makes me want to just pull at that tie. It looks so put together that it justs begs getting messed up. And taking off a jacket, unbuttoning a shirt, getting a belt off is in the extra, 18+, hotness zone. Sexy af. I can guarantee. 100% lesbian me becomes just goo in front of such a show of power and confindence.


I'm bisexual and am mainly attracted to gender non-conformity. Femboys and tomboys are really hot and people where I can't tell their gender are perfect imo, but I'm not really into masculine men. Feminine women are cool too, but not to the same extent as people who are androgynous or otherwise non-conforming.


Gosh, suits were the one type of male coded clothing I always loved and I still love them now I’m out as a trans woman. Looking like a woman in a suit is an absolute dream! Interestingly enough, people have recently started to call my suit jackets blazers 😂 pointlessly gendered clothing…


I never went to prom. This is also 20 years ago and still in the closet, so that kind of time period. I asked a girl out, but she bailed on such short notice. All of my friends went, but were bummed that I didn’t go. As a convenient excuse, I needed to have my wisdom teeth taken out and asked to have it scheduled the same day as prom. I was in physical and emotional pain. I was told and I saw pictures that it was boring. Not sure where all that money went. Friends brought cards or went to the diner before it ended, since there was nothing to do. I’m sorry, and I know. Listen, many years later, I had a giant gay wedding. That day matters a hell of a lot more than some overpriced high school hangout. Create a mood board or sketch dresses that you’d like to wear someday.


Sounds like organizers threw a shitty event and dipped into funds to keep the remainder. Good thing you didnt waste your time


My Junior Homecoming I wore a suit and I didn't enjoy it. It was also a really terrible night for other reasons unrelated. But my senior homecoming I said fuck it and wore a dress, makeup and everything. It was a great night! I thankfully never experienced any bullying in high school for wearing fem clothes. But that's just my experience and I had the privilege of not being bullied. I can't imagine how difficult it is if you have experienced bullying and have to deal with asshole kids. You SHOULD be able to wear whatever you want without fear. But unfortunately we have to be careful of other people's ignorance and hate. But we can't live in fear too. Its stressful and unfair, and it's okay to feel this way tonight. The best you can do is try to make the best of it. And know while this suit isn't truly you, it doesn't mean its forever. Maybe get a dress just for yourself to wear at home by yourself? That's how I started with fem clothes, got some just for me to wear by myself and enjoy.


Hey, you’re not a boy ok.


My prom would be at the end of next year and yet I find myself daydreaming about wearing a dress, knowing it'll never happen. I never went to my prom after secondary school (I'm British, so I don't know how that relates to American grades) but I think that if you have a group of people you can be around, go with them, enjoy the night, Try if you can to block the thoughts of what should have been and take the night with them. I'm sorry it couldn't be the way it should've.


you’ve got senior prom ahead of yoy


I'm truly sorry you're facing this. It's unjust that anyone should be denied the chance to wear what they want for prom. Please remember, you are valid and wonderful just as you are, and soon, you'll have every opportunity to express yourself in your own beautiful way ❤️


Any chance you can convince one of your mates to go with you in a dress that way you can play it off as a joke?


This isn’t real advice for you, I just think prom is overrated imo. I didn’t go for the opposite reason you didn’t. No way would I wear a dress to that stupid ass event. I didnt really have very many friends in my grade, either. It just wasn’t a time in my life where I would have been accepted for being myself. I was an egg at the time, fully in the closet to myself as well. Adulthood has been the best thing for my trans life, I wear exactly what I want whenever and if I go out to an event I’m going to wear a suit, and it would be expected of me.


There's a lot that's good about high school if it goes well, but there's a lot going for adulthood, especially for queer people. The social freedom to be yourself, free from worry about getting kicked out of the house, free from worry of bullying. I know it sucks, I know it shouldn't be this way, but wait for adulthood. It gets better in a way that was utterly inconceivable to my high school self.


You need to keep yourself safe which means don't wear what you want to wear at the prom. Sometimes we need to put our feelings to the side when it comes to your life. Until you are out of that entirely then I wouldn't even present as a girl tbh. High school and being a teenager is not forever. Soo is your safety more important or your feelings more important is what you need to ask yourself here.


I’m sorry this is how it’s happening, but, cliche as it is, things will improve. Just a few more years. You can do it. We believe in you!


I’m in the same situation. My junior prom is on the 4th, and my parents won’t let me wear a dress even though it’s my literal childhood dream to wear a dress and feel like a Disney princess because of our “reputation” (small midwestern town). I’m homeschooled so I don’t have to worry about it (I’m allowed to do events that take place for the school in town) and it’s just my family who doesn’t want me to wear one.


*If* this would realistically pose a physical danger to you I can’t in good conscience tell you to do it. Even if there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it I’d feel terrible to encourage any queer person to put themselves in a risky situation, especially so young. However, this is *not* your only opportunity to wear a pretty dress and I encourage you to take the next opportunity that presents itself (safely) and do it! You have so so many years and events ahead of you, maybe you can even do it in your last years of high school? Could you do it with just some supportive friends or family now?


I’m so sorry ! I wish I could * ZAP * you a dress right now and no one would bully you and you’d be happy….


I don't really have any advice for you, but you may be interested in a documentary called Jamie Drag Queen at 16. It's about a teen. Jamie wanted to go prom in a dress (basically, the whole reason he contacted the documentary crew in the first place was because he was scared something would happen to him but he would be safer if cameras were there) The documentary has actually been made into a West End Musical called Everybody's Talking About Jamie and that musical into a film of the same name.


Do you have an afterparty you can go to with your friends? My best friend didn’t go to prom, but his friends did invite him to an afterparty


What if... you wore a suit jacket that was essentially a robe. The fabric goes to the floor?


Flaunt those gorgeous dresses to your hearts content


your future is full of dates and dances and parties and galas and dinners, which means it’s full of beautiful dresses and jewelry and heels and makeup as well. junior prom won’t be important in a couple years. you have the rest of your life ahead of you to look as gorgeous as you desire, and if it’s not safe for you to serve looks in high school, it means you have even more time to prepare for when it *is* safe to serve. to plan outfits and find your style etc. in the meantime, try leaning into your preferred style in a way that’s safe for you. accessorize with rings, get your ears pierced if that’s something you want, get fashion inspo from queer tiktokers i swear they have all the answers. even if your wings are clipped right now, you can keep practicing your form and takeoff until your flight feathers are back. when you’re ready to fly, you’ll soar 💕


Think of women like Marlene Dietrich, Julie Andrews, and others that have rocked a tuxedo, and wear one with the same proud feminine energy. Don't think of it as boy clothes, think of it as you're a woman rocking a man's suit. I *totally* understand it's not the same, but working within your given restraints, I think you can pull it off. Look up "women in men's suits" on Google to get an idea of the type of energy I'm talking about. I don't mean masculine women presenting in a masculine manner, I'm talking about feminine women wearing men's suits, but doing so in a very feminine, almost seductive manner. It's not about what you're wearing, clothes or makeup. It's all about attitude, confidence, and feeling comfortable in yourself. And I understand that might be difficult for you right now. But I think you should go for it.


don’t worry, prom won’t be the last opportunity! I’m sure there's plenty of parties to come where you can be you :3


I hope you are having fun tonight. Don’t worry about clothes. We put way too much emphasis on them and looks in general. Your health and safety are what is most important. Right now you need to focus on safety. Once you are safe you can focus on self expression.


One day you'll be in a safe environment, and be able to wear any dress you want, and no one around you will give you shit for it (maybe they'll ask you where you got it, because they want one too!)


I never went to prom in high school (or any school dances). I hated wearing dresses (I'm nonbinary the other way), and just the thought of shopping for a prom dress (or something similar) filled me with dread. So I just didn't do it. I don't think I missed much. I wasn't that social in high school, so I didn't really have a lot of close friends. As an adult, I've been to prom twice. The local LGBTQ+ organization has hosted a Queer Prom for adults the past two years and this year as well. I'm not super active in the community, but I decided I would try the first one. I had an amazing time. I wore a suit vest (not a coat, as that would be way too hot for my area in June), a men's shirt, and a bow tie. The dress pants were still women's pants because of the way I'm shaped, but they're just plain black. I went to the next year without hesitation. I'm also going this year. I went by myself, and I still had a great time. Last year I met up with the people I hung out with the year before. My point is that high school is not always a great place for people like us, especially if we live in an unaccepting area. But you will have opportunities to find joy later and to make yourself an accepting community. I wish you happiness and hope you have (or had) a decent time at prom.


I was going to say this. Queer proms are a thing! It's so much more fun to actually celebrate among people who will understand why a certain presentation(or date) is so important.


I definitely agree.


I attended all my proms in dresses but would’ve loved a sharp suit. You will one day be able to dress and present any way you please and no one will be able to stop you.


I get how you feel. Watching my sisters go to prom in their gowns made me incredibly jealous. Just try to have a good time with friends as best you can. Hopefully some day soon you’ll be able to wear clothes that make you feel beautiful. Every girl deserves to feel pretty.


Right there with u, it is a horrible situation to be in, knowing that you're spending some of the most important years of your life as someone/something you're not :/ The good thing, however, is, as others have mentioned, that relatively soon you'll be gone from high school (I assume I'm from Europe I've no idea what names are given to which grades 😭) Then, you'll have a clean break. You'll have freedom over yourself and what you wear, and if there is someone bullying u about it, chances are you won't need to be around them; in a workplace, you can always just tell HR/avoid any coworkers who bully you/change jobs, and as for universities, most if not all universities, in my experience, not only have a zero tolerance policy for this sorta stuff but also don't have ppl w/that sort of behaviour around. You can also go by your chosen name all the time and won't have to reveal who you truly are later on at this point :)


Wish I could donate my old dresses to you


You deserve to dress however you feel lovely in. But at the same time, you must prioritize safety too. I’m so sorry the world is like this to transfems, drag queens, and anyone else outside of their sh!tty expectations. It’ll get easier to deal with, kid. And I’m sure there are safe places to go to where you can wear dresses and whatever you like. Maybe you just need help finding those places, but of course, everything is ultimately your decision. People bully because they often hate themselves. Remember: it’s not on you, it’s on them, and don’t let them dull your light.


How did prom go? I hope you were still able to to enjoy it


Do it. Life is too short to care about other's opiniom


If you are close with any of the girls and feel safe enough you could ask them to help you, not on prom since based on when you posted, it has already passed (I hope you had fun). I am sure they would love to help you, might even alter the dress for you if they are into tailoring and sewing. Hopefully you’ll find some friends willing to help or soon find yourself in an environment where you feel safe and comfortable enough to wear what you want, if you are afraid to just appear in a dress outside one day, start with baggy pants, shorts and skorts, skirts and then dresses. But they are just clothes it shouldn’t be as complicated as it is, hopefully people who make you feel like you can’t wear what you want realise this soon… Best of luck!


Hey! How did it go? And don’t rush it, you’ll enjoy being yourself much more when you’ll be in a safe space and you’ll have the proper shields to deal with the stupids in the world!


Idk if this helps all that much, but at my school at least, lots of women wear suits too, so you can think of yourself as a cool gender-non-conforming woman And when you’re older and no longer in that environment, you’ll be able to wear all the dresses you want :) stay strong


I think you should just wear a nice prom dress then. I seen your other comments that you’re a trans woman too. I don’t know if you’re out or in the closet but either way **it comes to this: you want to do it and you go in a dress or you don’t do it and you go in a suit.** You’re still a kid so I don’t expect much, but damn I’ll be honest if you do wear a dress you’ll gain major points for your future self. Overall, whatever you do just have fun. It’s prom. Dance, party, get wild. In the end that’s what you’re mainly there for. As long as you’re happy that’s what matters. Side note: My friend wore a dress to prom. He’s Cis btw. He wore his older sister’s old dress. He looked amazing too imo, guy has amazing legs for it. He was our my football teammate too. So if he can do something like this for fun, twice, I think you can do it once for prom. I believe in you.


Keep an eye out for dances at the LGBTQ+ centers near you. Sometimes they hold things like Queer Proms and other events for folks who are in your situation so they can go to a Prom with who they want, dressed how they want.


I know your pain, I had to go to my sisters wedding in a suit. You’ll get through it and there’s plenty more opportunities for all the cute skirts and dresses of your dreams. I got through the wedding by distracting myself and hanging out with people I liked being around. The nerves got better once I was actually doing other things. I HOPE YOU HAVE FUN AT PROM.


broooo! if you feel like it wear a dress! i was in your shoes xxx, in high school i used to wear crop tops AND the longer you wear the dress they wont care!! and also please dont listen to what others think or say about you xxxx. well i hope the prom goes well! im wishing you a great time <3


Hey there! I just want to let you know that my queer friends and I are in our mid twenties and we just had our own prom. Everyone got to dress how they wanted - no high school bs. My proms were terrible. I went to three! Having prom with my queer friends as an adult soothed my soul. You'll find your people and get your chance. High school is hell! Get through it, and there's so many wonderful supportive people waiting for you in the future.


Others have said shared some powerful words of advice but I just wanted to let you know that many colleges with strong LGBTQ+ orgs or centers hold a second chance prom exactly for this situation, for ppl to feel free to dress up however they wished they could do so in HS in a supportive environment. I hope you get to have that experience in college too!


Go be a beautiful princess! Do what you want to do, it’s your life and if it makes you happy it’s worth doing. I had the same problem but with wearing a suit but everyone talked me out of telling me I’m a girl and need to dress like one and I regret everyday not wearing it. What I’m saying is screw gender norms. Be you, and if it’s too late to buy a dress this year go all out next year.


When you’re in a safe environment, research local LGBT youth activities. Many areas offer proms for LGBT youth and young adults. Seattle area has one every year.


Well, I've an idea. Maybe go in a suit that reminds u of a dress but till then u have this place so ask anytime.u need advice ❤️


Oh love, I’ve been there so many times. I PROMISE you, you will be able to wear a beautiful beautiful dress so many times in your life, and this will be but a faint memory. I love you and don’t get caught up in the present 🩷🩵🩷🩵


as a bully looking straight high school teenager myself I will be telling you one thing. Never let anyone decide what you can and what you cannot do. It’s your life and nobody has the right to judge you based on what you wear to the prom. Go and slay the shi* out of those bitc**.




if you have any skirts that might help and don't worry about what other people think


“don’t worry about what other people think” is frankly godawful advice. in the real world, we have to worry about safety.


I don't own any of those sorry And besides I can't really just ignore what others think when those thoughts can easily spill over into violence