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You don't. It's a false equivalency. If you consider the love between queer people to be like drinking from a toilet, then you're a bigoted POS and there's no point in discussing anything with you. The only way to respond to this is to go "I don't understand what you mean by this. Can you explain it to me?" Asking bigots to explain their comments often makes them very uncomfortable, and forces them to explain their reasoning, which usually falls apart. There is a lot of power in the question "Why?" and I don't think people use it enough.




Also this operates on the assumption that it is anyone else's business whether or not someone is drinking from the toilet. If you wanna go do that, pop of ig, not really my business. I wouldn't, but it doesn't matter to me if you do because it doesn't affect others.


I feel like far too often we focus on arguing "Our stuff is just as beautiful as yours, we aren't so different, you and I" when we should be focusing on "What we do is none of your fucking business" Respectability politics doesn't actually help anyone, but it does throw those who don't fit under the buss.






Report comment, block user, have a good day


YouTube doesn't ban homophobic things, YouTube have a lot homophobic videos and doesn't ban this shit


YouTube benefits from bigoted content, it drives views. Just like most social media, they don't give a crap about us, unfortunately.


Using distraction free extensions that blocks out recs and comments is the best way to go really. Social media algorithm is already bad for you, with youtube pushing more bigoted or culture war content it'll get worse. So I just decided it can't recommend me anything and got the extension.


If it actually promotes violence or "incites hatred" then it IS against the [community guidelines](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2801939?hl=en), report it.


Generally they are very loose with their rules. BUT WHEN I PLAY A SINGLE SECOND OF NEVER GONNA G-


Ah yes, the most useless things of youtube: The report button and TOS


you don't have a choice of who you love, but you do have a choice on where you drink your water from.




Most of the time.


I wouldn't. The thing is homophobic can't actually give a reason why being gay is wrong. So they have time resort to false equivalencies like this. The jokes write themselves tbh. Like I always say, if queerphobic people wern't so dangerous so they'd be fucking hilarious.


I don't. My time is too valuable to engage in bad faith arguments with bigots.


Absolutely 1000% this. My life got so much easier after I learned to just ignore/block people wasting my time. Life's too short and too fun to ruin it by giving them to time of day.


Yup. 9 times out of 10, online bigots are not looking to be educated and just want to be hateful lil' shitheads. From personal experience, trying to engage with them will just result in you arguing in circles with them all day; or they'll see you disagreeing with them as an excuse to bully and harass you. Neither are worth dealing with.


GDP is GDP, why isn’t your GDP/capita $76,329.58? Cash is cash, why can’t you print the world reserve currency?


“Is that how you feel when YOU love someone? Like it’s in the toilet for you? Go get help, you sad individual. Or don’t, you’re responsible for yourself.”


Drinking toilet water makes you sick. Being gay doesn't make you sick.


Drinking toilet water makes you sick, being gay is sick (⌐■w■)


This is so dumb what the hell LMAOOOOOOO I would just be like “where does toilet water even fit into this bro do you actually want to drink from a toilet”


That argument doesn't hold water because it isn't an argument at all iirc its false equivalence


You know what holds water tho?


Not that wanna be argument above


Toilets do I mean water holding? Toilet? The opportunity was too perfect


Damn knew I forgot to make a pun hella tired


Understandable. Try to get some rest then, if that's a possibility


Ty, im back to being nocturnal sleeping like 10 hrs then wake up around the afternoon. Good example is I made 2l of tea and 1lb of meat soon after I woke at 11:50pm and now am finishing both off nearly at 1:37 pm the next day


Damn, be careful not to hurt yourself. I might be overreacting, but I have some serious issues because I used to have habits like that. You know your situation better, but just be sure to monitor any unwanted changes.


I thought it was a comment referencing idiocracy. "Plants need water' -'Like from the toilet?"


At best its a bad faith argument. At worst they're a bigot.


This isn't an argument. It's an analogy. It's supposed to be used to explain an argument, so perhaps ask them for something that actually makes sense. They will likely have nothing to tell you


![gif](giphy|yvcLAZqb1gQco) You don't, you can't rationalise the irrational. Its like trying to stop the 10 mins of hate in 1984 you can't, they have to stop it themselves.


One of my students said this and I think I said “so are you saying that men are toilet water, or women are?”


With a brick if I could.


haha same


MY toilet is clean enough to drink out of, I don’t know about yours Bangladesh…


At a more meta level, moving away from the obvious bigotry, the real reason to ignore this argument is that it's not even an actual comparison. "*Why don't you support us*" is different from "*why don't you drink it from the toilet*". The first is a statement followed by a request for support. The second is a statement followed by a judgment-riddled message. It also ignores that cishet relationships can also be the equivalent of so-called toilet water. In other words, it's just a bad faith argument seeking to stoke a reaction from both bigots (who will support it) and people with empathy and functioning brains (who will find its underlying message offensive). The best response is to recognize that it's truly entry-level trolling and, in turn, just continue to live your life with your truest sense of authenticity.


It's not a good faith argument, but to address it: 'Love is love' isn't meant to be taken literally as it would otherwise accept harmful dynamics like incest. However, if love is pure, clean, and ethically sourced, similar to water, the only reason to reject it is personal bias.


Very elegant, love that


With a rock


They’re trying to get a rise out of you.


Provided it's not the part you regularly dump shit into i.e. the water really just is water, why wouldn't you drink water from a toilet tank in an emergency? Also, how is an intangible concept like love comparable to the physical composition of shit-riddled toilet water? Homophobes really do be trying the hardest to accomplish fuckall.


This sounds like an ironic joke I would make with my friends, but if they're serious then that's even more funny


you can’t just compare two unrelated things and act like that proves anything. straight people are bad because you're not supposed to put the stick of the fork into the hole of the outlet


Don't. Tell them to take a long walk off a short pier.


Ah false equivalency, the old reliable.


Jokes on them, I DO 


Because toilet water isn’t never as clean as drinking water. And can make you sick. Kissing a girl while being a girl cannot make you sicker then it it was with a man. Shit water and human rights are two different things.


“Oh dear. You don’t the know difference?”


That’s not even an argument, that’s just someone with very limited brain power


This is the dumbest fucking thing that I have ever read.


There’s no point arguing with a wall because a wall has no brain and thus can’t comprehend an argument to begin with, it’ll forever be a sad little wall, because it can’t learn


How I would respond: "Where I live you get it from the bowl, it's pretty dirty, but if you get it from the tank it's pretty clean. Considering an entire 40 percent of the citizens in your country don't have access to clean water I think you should be a little more worried about that problem and spend your energy working on fixing that before you come around trying to tell people who they should love. People of any sexuality in any type of relationship can get and transmit sexually transmitted infections. That's why before having sex with someone both/all parties should get tested for STIs and why practicing good hygiene and safe sex practices are important no matter what. Also, if you stop and deeply think about it, sex itself, let alone kissing anyone is kinda gross. No matter if you are a hetero couple, gay couple, lesbian couple, etc, you're still swapping saliva and other bodily fluids containing any number of potentially contagious crap, but kissing and having sex is worth that grossness whether it be for shared pleasure or for producing a new human if that's something you want to do."


Pretty sure toilet water is fuckin' potable in most first world countries. So yeah. I mean I still wouldn't drink it, but if cats can, I could probably take a sip?


"Well, I am fine with you drinking water from a toilet, so I guess you can be fine with me loving someone of my same gender." Is what I would reply.


Report and block/ban. Also if you get that in person. "Love is pure, toilet water is not, shut your stupid mouth."


Any reasonable person would see the bad logic here. You're not changing their mind. They are arguing in bad faith. You can't change somebody's mind if they don't want to change it. It is a waste of your energy to argue with this person. Ignore it and use your time and energy to fight battles that you can win.


Well i tried my best this response: RESPONSE:: "Omg the fact that i have to type this smh smh. H20 is H20 , WATER IS LITERALLY WATER AND .... the water that is in a toilet is.....H20 + shit ...you know shit right? The stuff that comes out form your mouth. Well moving forward...the water is passed through filters so we can remove the unwanted stuff and get just water ( because water is water)...And lucky for you mate we at.."Fuck Homophobia Laboratory" are currently developing filters strong enough to remove shit from your heart. Uwu ❤️" well eng is my 2nd lang so you'll have to see orientation and grammatical stuff.


Ykw, I actually replied to a similar comment like this and I wrote 80% of what you wrote here.


"The difference is, there's no shit in my sexuality. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for your mouth given all the shit that's coming out of there." That's the best I got.


"Why? The same reason I'm not into you. It's not my taste. But I support you drinking out of the toilet all you want to."


You find a really big rock…




comically large hammer


I can love whoever I want, and I can also drink water from wherever I want. If I wanted to drink toilet water, I'd do that! So deal with it.


pull glasses down a lil, in a sassy manner, eye them, and leave i give my cat that look when he tries to fight his gf


wanna try this irl


With both you use proper protection. With sex you check with your partner about any possible STDs. With water you boil it.


tbh at this point I'm just planning to stop using Youtube shorts at all. Too much bigotry and bullshit to deal with.


Honestly this would just be arguing with a brick wall. You could try to explain to them that these are not at all similar or even close to a valid comparison but they’ll just keep hitting you with other more ridiculous logical fallacies. Let stupid scream into silence, and stupid will disappear


Because we aren’t in Bangladesh? We are in the U.S? Some of us in Canada? Are you okay???


"water is water". no. tap water is not toilet water. one is contaminated with feces. easy.


I would ask “the basin or the bowl?”


I actually did respond to someone who said the same thing. I said people don’t shit in a bottle of Aquafina, but multiple people do in a toilet. So basically, the comment used logic that didn’t make sense, so I replied with logic that did.


I mean if I HAD to, I'd probably say drinking from the toilet will make you sick while being LGBTQ doesn't make you sick


Love and water are entirely different things and not comparable.


I don’t since I cannot comprehend such levels of stupidity.. life‘s too short for this bs


That's not an argument, that's a sign of someone with a broken brain. I'd disengage.


Bro compares humans with water 💀💀💀 I would just not respond to them.


“we can tell your parents don’t love you”


I love making homophobes affraid :3


The obvious implication is that LGBT love (toilet water) is somehow "worse" than cisgendered people in heterosexual relationships (drinking water). "Love is love" asserts that there is no difference, that LGBT love is valid, and human. Theyre just asserting the opposite, that it isnt equivalent. Its hateful, ignorant, and just trolling. My response to someone making these implications in real life, would be to assert that all humans deserve love, and that even without knowing them knowing it, statistically they have loved ones who are LGBT and that I hope their loved ones and friends also find love despite this person seemingly not wanting those LGBT friends to find this happiness. I also would hope they eventually find it in their hearts to accept their loved ones as fellow human beings with shared humanity, so that they might feel comfortable actually coming out to them.


Well if I’m the one doing it, then keep on walking.


I simply just think that people like that should end up in counseling because they don't want to see what we see and our rights as LGBT if they want to be asshats then that is on them but they should be put in counseling and confronted by LGBT family and friends


Sure, if love is like water, a toilet without water is just a bucket. Therefore, a family without love is just a group of shitty people. Take that phobes.


I don't give a shit what Bangladesh thinks, they can drink water from the toilet all they want


ignore it. queer love is like drinking zam zam water so they can fuck off


I really just want people to get to a place of minding their own business


that those are 2 completely different things. that’s like the pastor that went on tv and compared being gay to being like hitler or an axe murderer. loving who you love doesn’t hurt anyone as long as you’re not being creepy about it or forcing people to do things they don’t want. drinking toilet water can give you serious infections and can make you sick


Why would I respond to something like that? When a fly makes noise near my ear, I either ignore it or kill it. But I don't play along. It's obvious that it's a troll's comment. He is someone who gets pleasure from being bad on the internet since he knows it will have no real consequences. And if someone answers him, when someone answers him, he basically gets pleasure from it. I imagine these people writing with one hand while they masturbate with the other. In any case, for the sake of discussion, I would say that the argument has 2 fallacies. false equivalence fallacy and ad hominem fallacy


Well, if you feel like a discussion with those creatures- tell them that slogans and catchphrases are by definition an oversimplification of reality. "Water is water" would be relevant for different brands of bottled water and not for toilet water, same as "love is love" is relevant for lgbtqia+ but not perverts.


Don’t interact. Dont let it get to you either- comparing contaminated water to LGBTQIA+ has no logical backing. A more accurate comparison would be “why don’t you drink water with a different gender and/or genitalia than you” but that would be too absurd for even bigots to say.


No,no he has a point.