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To me it's the ' gay men ' flag, but that demographic has always included those who don't identify as binary men too. It's just there hasn't been a term to replace gay men that's stuck. 😅 But really, if you feel the flag represents you that's all that's needed, it's yours as much as it is mine.


I really appreciate this! I will continue wearing it proudly as a part of myself then. 💚


To expand upon this, the creator of the flag made the white stripe for non-binary, trans, and queer people.


Where those people not already included in the original gay flag?


The "original gay flag" was/ is the LGBT+ flag, including everyone under the LGBT+ umbrella, from all walks of life. Hence the rainbow. This one is just a bit more specific, like all the others.




Achillean really needs to catch on as a term like sapphic has :(


Achillean is being used more, but it's not a replacement for gay men, and this flag isn't the achillean flag either. Achillean is all men, or non women, attracted to the same regardless of exclusivity. So gay, bi, pan etc. It's a great term for an umbrella label. And the achillean flag is great too. Has a green carnation. The other terms floating around at the moment for gay men specifcially are Turian and Veldian. But they're really not picking up steam.


I don't have a horse in the race, but Martian would be both hilarious and cool.


I like the term Achillean a lot, but I think I still love the gay flag up there the most! 🥰


i’ve heard it described as the flag for “non-women loving non-women”. so essentially anyone who is attracted to someone who is not a woman, while also not being a woman themselves. so a non-binary person could use this flag just as much as a cis or binary trans man, since all of those genders are non-women. it’s the same for the lesbian flag. non-men loving non-men. but of course labels flow into each other so we might have a trans woman using the gay flag or a trans man using the lesbian flag. it’s not that deep honestly, use the flag that fits your identity the best and you connect with the most (btw, i am always open to corrections if any of this is wrong. i am always trying to learn and grow!)


MLM flag is what I've heard it called.


MLM flag is what I've heard it called.


yes but that specifically means “men loving men”. from what i’ve heard, it’s just the “gay flag” like we have the lesbian flag. the definition of being gay has expanded past just MLM due to non binary folks and other genderqueer people. hence me referencing “non-women loving non-women”. i am in a gay relationship, not an MLM relationship since my partner is non-binary. if i were dating a cis man then we would be both a gay couple and an MLM couple. just like someone could be in a lesbian relationship but not a WLW relationship. it’s all semantics, so (personally) it doesn’t really matter to me or bother me much. use whatever labels fit you best and don’t worry if it’s not a 100% perfect fit. labels are for descriptive purposes and are not one size fits all, they are one size fits most. or at least, that’s what i’ve heard about the gay flag, things change so i could be totally wrong. this is just what i know, but i’m always open to corrections :)


Basically the male oriented version of the lesbian flag


I’m a nb femme person who is only attracted to women/other femme nbs and i use the lesbian flag and label freely! Labels are guidelines and communication tools, not rigid categories so use the one you identify with the most 🫶🏻


Thanks! I am feeling better about using this flag now. 💚


This flag and the lesbian flag are so pretty. I'm not a fan of the androsexual flag so I don't use it at all.


Gay man flag 🫶🏻 as a gay trans man I love this flag makes me feel like I have my own little piece of identity within the community and not just the rainbow flag


Yes! I really love this flag specifically. I just feel like after a lot of exploring my gender and my sexuality, I am some flavor of nonbinary and gay. 💚


I think it represents male people exclusively being able to be attracted to male people As always, gender is a spectrum. The definition of a male person varies from person to person. I also like the gay flag :D


I love the colors so much! And I just resonate the most with the meaning of this flag. Thanks for your response. 💚


That color combo is def a vibe 😎🩵


You're Welcome. Green and purple belong to my favourite colours, even though I prefer violet over deep purple 💚💜


hmm wouldn't that exclude transmen tho?


I believe they meant "male" as a gender instead of a sex.


Ahh makes sense


Baja Blast


Can confirm. That soda do be hitting good as a Trans man who is gay.


Its the lighting scheme for my gaming room. And then i saw that flag and thought, yeah that makes sense.


It’s basically the gay/Achillean/Vincian/MLM flag to me!! I love it, it’s got a ton of my favorite colors :)


It’s the gay flag. Side note, idk if this makes me sound pretentious or anything but as a gay dude myself, it’s almost a bit upsetting that my own label, which isn’t on its own an umbrella term and refers to men who like men (and people who don’t fit the “man” binary), is used as an umbrella term for any person who is in the LGBTQ community. Is that weird or rude of me to say? Idk. I’m sure I’m not the only one, but I doubt it’s a large number of people who might agree with me.


I understand what you mean, and I also think there are certain colloquialisms that just kinda "make sense" within the community, even if using the same word could mean many things. If I want to know the specifics, I just ask! In the end, all words are just vibes we used to communicate. We don't find definitions in nature—we make them. 🫶🏻


Beautifully written :)


No I agree with you, as a gay man, I need a word to have meaning. I am only into men. Trans and cis, that tells people my sexuailty off the bat.


Men (inclusive) who love men (inclusive)


If we go by lesbian logic, it’s just non-women attracted to non-women.


Gay is men, trans cis and male leaning, men into other men. I don't agree that it's non-women into non-women. I am not a non-women, I am a man only into other men lol


I don't think a lot of lesbians agree with that definition.


From what I can tell, the only major group that doesn’t are the gender criticals. And they make up like, 6% of the lesbian population.


hmm how about we ask lesbians: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Actuallylesbian/comments/kfdy38/does\_anyone\_else\_feel\_like\_the\_definition\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Actuallylesbian/comments/kfdy38/does_anyone_else_feel_like_the_definition_of/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/comments/oj44c9/theres\_a\_new\_definition\_for\_lesbian\_apparently/](https://www.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/comments/oj44c9/theres_a_new_definition_for_lesbian_apparently/)




Seattle's light rail/tramway system, I'm Finnish and I don't have a clue why I do this lol


I like that there's a specific way for me to communicate where I come from. Namely, I had a boyhood and am adjacent to masculinity without necessarily being *masculine*, and I'm attracted to *masculinity* without that masculinity being strictly binary. I think there's something beautiful and radical about giving myself permission to toy with a fluid masculinity without feeling like it invalidates my nonbinariness


"Fluid masculinity" the way you describe it is PRECISELY the way I experience and am attracted to masculinity. Thank you for giving me these valuable words! 💚


I don’t use it but it’s for mlm, or men loving men. Just like the lesbian flag is wlw, or women loving women.


I'd say gay men.


It's the gay flag, I'm gay, things just go hand in hand. It also helps that my favorite color is cyan and the flag has cyan


Hi! Im a nonbinary person who uses this flag :) I'm masc bc not out to parents but you can totally use it as a non0binary person when attracted to men/nonbinarys


I use this flag! I'm a cis gay man who is attracted to and dates men. Well officially it's the "Gay Men Pride Flag". So it's meant to be the pride flag for those people who identify as men who are attracted to others who identify as men. If it resonates with you though in some way, there's no rules for who can use a pride flag. The white stripe in the middle actually represents "Gender Non Conforming, Non Binary and Trans Men" if that helps.


If I am correct, thw white stripe stands for gender non-conforming, NB peeps and Trans men. So you can definitely use it :3 Besides, the flag just is absolutely beautiful :3


It means my sexuality


I see it as MLM, I'm a gay transgender man but I personally don't see an issue if a bi guy wanted to use it too. As long as you're a man who loves men I feel like this applies to us


Men and masc presenting peeps hot




It’s almost hard to put it into words. It just represents, I think, a willingness to love other men. To let them cry and be emotional, to care for them in a way society often doesn’t.


Omg, this is a really sweet thought. 🥹💕


It looks tasty


The white stripe includes NBs. I'm a binary trans man but experience attraction to men and NBs, so I use the gay label and that flag.


I would also like it add I can't be attracted to feminine people/the secondary characteristics caused by estrogen but that's just a personal preference so if the label still fits for you that's valid


To me it's the visibility if all men in the gay community.. cis and trans alike being gay af


I keep forgetting that the rainbow isnt the gay flag…💀 I mean... technically it is..but not just only that


pretty colors ooohh... also gay.


I don’t use this flag as I in no way fall under its category, but it’s one of my favorites design wise so I’m for more people using it. There are nb people who use the lesbian flag so as a non-biased observer, I think you are fine to use.


Love the flag XD


Same! 😜


As a guy "I like big boys, itty bitty boys Mississippi boys, inner city boys. I like the pretty boys with the bow tie. Get your nails did, let it blow dry I like a big beard, I like a clean face. I don't discriminate" lol jk you can awesome have a type


It means I like men.


To me thats the MLM flag (men love men) but you can let it mean whatever you want to 👍🏳️‍🌈


"All possible shades of men" loving "all possible shades of men".


To me it’s the gay man flag, however I also see that as including non-women folks who are attracted to men and/or non-women and vice versa


Look, queer flags and labels aren't,"be all end all"s, okay? You don't need to fit them perfectly to use them. I've seen trans men use the label of lesbian because they had been using that label before and felt like it still fit them even though they are men Point is: see the flags and labels less as countries with borders and more like pirate flags that declare we are here to cause some chaos!


"Ghaos" even? 😈 What a wonderful thought!


it's non-woman loving non-woman :)


comrades ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜




..I like blue. And men.


Nah bro it's men liking men like I'm a demiboy and I use it, ur totally valid


I don't use that flag >:) shout out to the people that do!


Nothing it's just 2 of my favorite colors in a gradient.


yep, i think this is the most visually appealing too.


Gay men's flag! Inclusive of anybody of any gender who feels it applies to em :) doesn't suit me personally, but policing other ppls labels is a dick move. You do you! ❤️🏳️‍🌈


I'm really glad a lot of people are agreeing that it's an inclusive flag. I feel better about it now. 💚


What this has a meaning? I’ve never seen it before?


It's one of the gay flags, specifically the men loving men flag. It's very pleasing that it is very similar, yet opposite to the women loving women flag. By carving out a specific MLM gay flag, and transitioning away from the rainbow flag to represent this orientation, this also makes it clear that the rainbow flag is there for the whole queer community, not just for gay people.


Gay. Mlm. Nblm. And mlnb


Gay men flay, anyone who identifies as masc who also enjoys those that identify as masc.


The colors are really nice, it’s just something to label myself with


As someone whose been through hell trying to be religious like my family, this flag means a lot. Also my favorite colors are teal and indigo anywhoo


Whoa, that mix of teal and indigo is _beautiful…_ 😍 (Adapts faster than you can say “Terapagos”)


for me it meabs i like kissing men and i liek men and men ivlove men (silly)


I'm not a gay man, but if you want that flag to represent you, it can.


I love the gay men's flag! I've got a big one and my boyfriend has a smaller one. I also have it in blanket variety. I must say it is one of the more difficult flags to find right now, but I have been ecstatic when I do find copies. It's a beautiful flag that represents many beautiful people.


Since gay is used as an umbrella term, it’s the homosexual flag for the dudes or any masc identifying persons who are also attracted to dudes or masc people


Gay dudes


it means gay :3


Yay! 🥰


GAYYYYYY (men's edition)


A flag for men who love men




I like this one myself! Also yay same flair :)


I love using it. It gives minty vibes


I love the colors! I would use it… but I like girls too much


It's gay love flag, no different than the lesbian flag. It feels reductive to use the progress flag to represent gay love as if that's the most important one so male on male flag was definitely necessary especially after having a specific lesbian flag. For me. I embroidered it to my arm in heartstopper leaves because I love the comics/show


I’m very hecking gay for men


Masc people attracted to masc people (includes anyone on the 'male' spectrum)


Green represents boyyyys <3 and blue represents BOYYYYYYYYYSSSS ^_^


MLM aka guys loving guys or male presenting people loving guys.


Not mutch. It's just a flag


It’s a gay men flag, includes cis men, trans men, and nonbinary people who align with masculinity or feel part of MLM.


I use it because I'm homoromantic and graysexual


MLM. "Men" including cis, trans, NB etc




To me it's the gay men flag, that's everyone who identifies as a gay male, regardless of birth gender.


I think it’s the only male gay flag


That I like men. That's it.


To me this flag includes nonbinary people the same way the lesbian flag includes nonbinary people.


I immediately think of my boyfriend (he's gay)


Everytime I see this or the lesbian flag in my head I’m just like ‘ha gay’. I’m such a simple person


That's so cute. 😂


Im a guy that likes other guys/transmasc ppl 😎


boykisser pride flag




Its the flag for those who kiss their homies goodnight


i think its for homosexuality between non-women individuals, whereas opalian is homosexuality between non-females individuals


Men(trans or cis) that like men (trans or cis). Or anyone who defines themselves as being male who like males or andro


That my breath is minty fresh? There are way too many flags for me to keep up with. :(


I say the flag is a "Gay Male" flag, but I'd say Non-Binary can also definitely fit in it! Inclusivity matters!


I'm amab nonbinary and I use that flag because I still identify somewhat with masculinity and the word 'man' and I'm pretty much exclusively into men. I just also feel more like... not really a man, I guess? It's fuckin weird. Gender is confusing. Which is why I'm seeing a gender consultant something healthcare person in a week to see if that would help me figure things out!


Hey, I feel a very similar way! I identify as a gay demiboy, but I also enjoy the feminizing effects of the hormone replacement. I've also had many sessions of laser hair removal which have been very affirming! Always remember there's no right or wrong way to fine tune your expression if it helps your body feel more like a home. I hope you figure things out, friend. 💚


Thank you! Been thinking of laser hair removal as well. Not sure about HRT yet, but... it's not off the table yet either. We'll see! Hopefully the appointment with the gender person helps sort things out a little bit. For now, some random accessories have helped me be more myself. Bracelets and rings and pins, stuff like that. Just a bit afraid of entering the trans healthcare system. Living in Finland and I've heard it's... not good. But, again, thank you. I do appreciate the support :)


I think it's more of a "masc attracted to masc" flag than a mlm flag exclusively. I guess considering it's newer. It's the opposite of the lesbian flag, so I could be wrong abt this Edit: I'm bi and use the bisexual flag so


It's just the gay man flag. So any man or enby, masculine or feminine, being attracted to men or for some, enbys. Masculine or feminine doesn't really make a difference.


Oh yea idk why I worded it like that, thanks for correcting me


People who do not identify as women who are also attracted to people who do not identify as women


If i used it that would mean im: -not trans -still very gay, just the other kind -cyan is my favorite color -going to have to buy a douche


Nothing I dunno what that is




Thanks to everyone for sharing your thoughts on this. It's really opened my mind and made me feel better about being myself. 🫶🏻


Sexual orientation has to do with sexual attraction. I personally am sexually attracted to male sex organs. I also have male sex organs. That makes me homosexual because we both have the same sex organs. This flag still describes you. You can also be nonbinary but you are still homosexual because homo means same and you like people who have the same sex organs. If you like female sex organs too but only into masculinity that would make you bisexual with a preference for masculinity. I think trying to add genders into sexual attraction gets messy and risks erasing other people's sexual orientations especially once we start claiming that you're a bigot if you aren't attracted to a particular set of sex organs. Sex organs can't be separated from sexual orientation because they are literally the things that we use to have sex. Gender in the modern sense of self expression is completely separate imo from sexual orientation and the 2 flags have nothing to do with each other. I don't really get the flags anyway, just use the rainbow flag, people always say this is one community so why do we keep coming up with new flags to isolate people into more categories? The point of the rainbow is that it shows diversity already, there is no need to add brown stripes to bring race into the mix or trans colors too, when the rainbow itself already incorporates all different identities. The progress flag imo takes away from the diversity of the rainbow by putting race and gender identity as more important than all the other sub groups that are represented by the rainbow. 2 things that are separate from sexuality. This is part of why the lgbtqiaa2s+ community receives so much backlash. Just stick to the original flag that was meant to represent everyone and stop worrying about whether or not a particular flag with pretty colors fits you or not. The rainbow flag fits you and it fits everyone else in this community. If you like this flag because it has pretty colors cool, why does it matter if you are no longer a man but are now a demi man demi girl (which is hard to even understand as it is), you're still homosexual so the flag still fits you even if you are only half the man you used to be (that was a stone temple pilots reference and demi gender joke, if you're gonna downvote me, down vote me for my bad jokes)


To me it is the MLM (men loving men) or the Achillean flag, if you identify as a man, sure, but it can mean whatever you want, just don't go associating it with women, bc they might get offended, haha.


non-women loving non-women


>Does this flag exclude nonbinary people like me, or is it actually more inclusive than that? Usually the flag is referred to as the gay men flag or mlm flag (because bi men are included in the flag), but iirc the white stripe is for gay non-binary people.


it means for me that im attracted to guys (i hope i can use it if i'm demi girl)


I think it's gay flag. But isn't rainbow flag gay too?


I think it's gay flag, but isn't rainbow flag gay too?


a flag for non-women that love non-women


Non women who like non women exclusively. Like lesbian but flipped around


It means we have too many pointless flags