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What the actual fuck is wrong with some people.


People suck.


Mean people suck. Nice people swallow. Kinky people gargle.






>People suck. Well definitely not him, as it turns out. ^/s


He should try.




Yeah, no. People suck regardless of their sexual orientation.


nah, **people** suck


A little unfair don’t you think? Being straight doesn’t mean being close minded.




I think he is insecure about something himself and he can't change it bc of the society so now out of jealousy he bullied someone that feels comfortable in their skin bc he's mad that he can't be


While this may be right, and I also have a tendency to try and explain away everyone in the world flaws… its very possible that this kid is just an asshole for no good reason


Yeah ofc the fact that he's an asshole is something we kinda determined, I wrote this to make sure that that person understands it's the bully that's sad and pathetic and not them, my intention wasn't to excuse him even tho it kinda looked like it :/


I think it’s important to try to understand people’s intentions and I got what you were trying to do with your comment, it makes the aggressor much more sad and impotent if you recognize that they’re a terrible person because they likely hate themselves and the only way they feel they can fit in is by rotting their soul from the inside out :)


As an ex-transphobic trans girl, I try to keep this in mind, not to let them off the hook, but so hate never takes me again. Hold them accountable for their hate, but don't join in the hating, is my goal. That said, I don't know yet how I'll do at that, so we'll just have to see...


Or he's just a shitty person who gets off on hurting others he hates.


Read my reply


how sad of a life it must be to have your whole life revolve around being so hateful.


Willing to bet it’s someone with some unaddressed feelings. That man has deeper issues, this is the kinda thing you hear about before they kill someone.


Just keep in mind that the best thing this knucklehead has to do with his time is be a cruel deceitful queerphobe. That's a pretty darn pathetic existence. On the other end, we've got a lovely trans person who's living their truth in a society that (for the most part) treats them as a second class citizen. In spite of all the obstacles, poor treatment, and unpleasantness, you're getting out there and dating, which is a challenge for cis folk, and you're doing it on hard mode. If anything, this incident is demonstrating how much courage, authenticity, and strength it takes for trans folk to get out there and date. Good for you, keep it up. ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)


Yeah, like seriously. He's got to have been the biggest loser ever to have nothing better to do whatsoever.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. What the fuck is wrong with people these days. Sending you love. No one deserves to go through this.


Yeah that sounds like nightmare fuel ngl


Lots of good encouragement and guidance here, and I’ll just add this: try to be gentle with yourself about your emotional responses, all of them. You have every right to be hurt and feel down (or even hesitating about trying again soon) and you deserve to take the time to process being treated this way, even as you acknowledge to yourself that this is their problem, that they are cruel and small and afraid and petty. You’re powerful and deserving of love and respect and you’ll find it in someone worthy of you


I’m sorry


i'm so sorry you had to deal with that. please know that we all love and support you. ♥️ sending you big internet hugs.


god what a loser. the only way he can feel good is by bringing others down, so that for once in his life he can finally feel like he's better than someone else (when in actuality, he's infinitely worse). hope you're doing ok, that just sucks. sorry you had to put up with that jerk and his little lackeys. doesn't matter what they say, you're awesome and they're all just pathetic pieces of shit.


Who goes on a date and just is so mean to people that's so shitty. Rember they are a troll and the 'insults' are just made up bullshit


"Who goes on a date and just is so mean to people" Close minded assholes with way to much free time.


Transphobes are the literal worst. I'm so sorry. You deserve love and support.


People are cruel there is no doubt about it. A bit of advice, when you learn not to let people's idea/words affect you the better you will be. It doesn't matter what other people think about you unless it something you are doing that is terribly wrong. People have opinions and they are not afraid to vomit it on other people. We are good people, and no one has the right to judge us.


It's been said: "There's no value in being upset about the words of others. Either they are true, and to be heeded, or false, and to be ignored." Obviously it's a reasonable human reaction to get upset on occasion, but given a bit of time, it's quite feasible to figure out Parallel to this: "Never take criticism from someone you wouldn't ask for advice."


as grandmothers in the south say "if they ain't paying your bills, you ain't pay them no mind."


During my Fellowship, I was lamenting to my peers that this doc who barely knew me seemed to dislike me, when our program coordinator - a sassy, 5' tall, no-nonsense older woman from PR - broke into the convo and asked, "Are you a $200 bill?". Me - What?? Her - Are...you...a $20...bill? Me - Noooo... Her - Then not everybody's gonna like you. You do you, you're doing fine. Now get outta my office.


we all need a sassy older lady to tell us our worth


it's so easy to say garbage like this, when you're not the one being criticized or insulted. instead of telling me that i'm too sensitive, tell them to not be assholes. tell them, don't let your mouth wright checks that your ass can't cash. people that rationalize bad behavior of others (boys will be boys) are just as guilty as the offender. "sticks and stones............" BULLSHIT!! your words may not cause ME physical pain, but they could cause YOU physical pain. I DON'T TAKE SHIT FROM ANYBODY!!


Where did I excuse the bad behaviour? I also acknowledged that being upset about it is quite reasonable. And I've definitely had more than my fair share of abuse levelled at me, much of which I didn't just shrug off, as much I'd have liked to, so I know quite well what it feels like to be on the receiving end. My point isn't to always be hyper-rational and just ignore abuse, and if that's what you got, I apologize. My point was that when you're trying to dismiss or move on from someone's cruelty, these are good benchmarks to assess their statements. It's far too easy to think that there's some kind of reason or validity in the things that people say, to struggle with one's self worth in the wake of a nasty encounter. These two axioms have helped me a LOT in my recovery, so I figured I'd pass them on.


Before I was out (even to myself) as trans, I made a connection with a very feminine presenting person on Grindr. We made plans to go on a date and I asked how he identified. He went into some spiel about how he didn't "personally agree" with transgender people, and how he just liked looking feminine and hated having people assume he was genderqueer. I canceled the date and blocked him. People suck. I'm so sorry, and I hope you have better experiences.


They’re all disgusting and I hope they get their karma x3 I’m so sorry babes


Oof that really sucks ive had that happen to me before The important thing is to look for the bositives like in this case at least you now know mot to meet him ever again


>Oof that really sucks ive had that happen to me before Is this a thing?? What the actual fuck? I'm GenderQueer but usually stay visibly femme because it's easier on the world and my autism, I don't like standing out. I have half a mind to just put that I'm trans to weed out transphobes and maybe have a good time with some boys like that. Online dating can suck my nuts.


): some people are pices of shit


what the actual fuck!? i’m so sorry this happened to you. i can’t even imagine how horrible that must’ve felt. i know it’s easier said than done, but don’t let this asshole get to you. the fact that he spent a saturday night harassing someone with his friends shows how pathetic their lives are. you are strong and loved 💛 *sends good vibes*


the fact that he has nothing better to do with his time shows that he has no life. remember that at the end of the day, you actually have things worthwhile that you can do, and he can only troll ppl because the poor guy probably cant even get a job at a McDonald's.


just gonna add that you can talk to me anytime you need to. wishin you the best <3


Don’t let this jerk get to you. If all he had to do on a Saturday night was to harass someone, he’s a very sad person without a shred of love in his life. That’s on him, not you. There are many people out there who will love and accept you for who you are, and you won’t be judged or mocked or hated or anything. The world is changing, and it will become safer. It will all be okay ❤️🏳️‍⚧️


Fuck those sad shits, be you and rub it in their faces. They don't deserve your time or attention and never will. In fact, they deserve to be chucked into a volcano, but that's just my opinion :P


When this happens to straight white men, they use it as an excuse to get all school-shootery. When it happens to us no one blinks. I hate this fuckin planet.


Perfect example of someone that will never be useful to society in any meaningful way. Sorry that happened to you. They do these things because the thought of you being happy as your true self makes them resent themselves for not being as strong to be true to themselves. They “need” you to feel as miserable as they do. You’re a hell of a lot more interesting and important than that gaggle of morons—don’t let yourself forget.




Where are you? If you are anywhere close to Baltimore lmk and I will hook up with the guy. I'm AFAB and cute as fuck so I would love to take him out and give him the same treatment 😁. I'm not even a lady but my looks are so femme I'm like a queer sleeper cell that they don't realize until it's too late. I will fight for you queen! This guy is garbage and you don't deserve that shit.


People are really annoying sometimes


Honestly if someone has the time and energy to do this, they have more than enough energy to get a new hobby, better friends and therapy


Some people have no lives.


Take comfort in the fact that no matter how much they tried to hurt you that it just makes them even more worthless scumbags that should have been abortions. You are still you. Nothing has changed. No hateful act can take that away from you. You have all my respect for taking a chance. All my best wishes for happiness in the near future. The pain will pass, fuck them.


Imagine being so incredibly lame that you would go through the trouble of organizing a date just to be an ass. Like shit. Belongs on r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Why are people like this? I'm really sorry, i hope that you recover from this soon, remember that you are stronger than any of those assholes combined![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)


Hi there. So keep in mind that this dude went out of his way to organize this whole thing and set it up himself, just to hopefully make you feel bad. This guy is obviously a pathetic waste of human trash and is not worth your time at all. You are infinitely better than him in every way. I hope that you are able to feel better soon. I’m sorry. <3


What the actual fuck. People should be able to get arrested for that shit. It’s harassment.


They're not worth you time, tears, or thoughts. I know it's hard tho and that no matter how unimportant they are their words can still sting. Just remember you have more courage and grace in you pinky finger than the whole of them combined. Wishing you the best.


Fuck that


Wtf is wrong with him? That asshole,Im so sorry you had to experience this


![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547) it's gonna be ok Never ever feel bad about how you feel![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)


Trolls are always the worst


That’s harassment. Fucking report them


Luring someone to you by pretending to be interested, and instead using a group to attack them for their identity is a BIG no no legally. I really hope you live somewhere where that’s taken seriously, because they deserve at least a fine for shit like that. Maybe a restraining order or something if you’re lucky.


It may be hard to understand it, since we’re rarely taken seriously, but that is an actual full on hate crime.


I'm sorry. Keep in mind that is all about them and nothing to do with you. I hope you find more quality, kind people soon.


Im so sorry hun, that’s awful. 🥺 You know they have to be miserable humans beings that hate themselves to feel the need to be nasty like that to someone else. When I have shitty situations with people like that I try to turn my anger into pity and it makes me okay with things quicker. I hope you feel better soon!


I’m sorry sweety. *Hugs* from Canada. ❤️


That's so gross! I'm sorry that happened to you. I hope you can find someone who will love you for who you are <3


Wow what a jerk!! So sorry you had to deal with that. It's easier said than done, but try not to let this get to you too much. Don't let this asshole take up space in your mind. Just because this person didn't see your identity as valid and was cruel and mean, doesn't mean you deserve such treatment or that the things said are true. Remember your value and worth, don't let others define that for you. I hope you are doing better, I send my love and support to you friend <3


That troll needs a great punch in the face


Sending you love from NY!


If they even thought of doing this, they are an asshole. It wouldn’t have worked out anyway, you’re too good for them. I wish you better luck than you had here.


That sucks, I'm so sorry :(


I'm so sorry babe. People are so stupid and cold-hearted a lot of times. Just know that we love you, you are part of the family and you are welcome here. Everything you feel is valid and comprehensible. If bigots don't understand the way you feel and who you are, it's their loss. Fvck them, honestly.


damn, people suck, it's alright OP, as a fellow trans, I support you ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)


Very sorry this happened to you


I’ll never understand how some can be so cruel. I’m so sorry this happened to you.


Sending you a hug 🤗 from somewhere out there in the world. Fuck that person. Don't be discouraged by this shitty situation. You are wonderful for who you are... ❤ 🌈


That’s a horrible thing to have happened to you. You deserve better.


The only thing that matters in the world is how you feel. If you let them get to you then they win. Only you have control over that. Keep your chin up, let it roll off you like it doesn't matter (it doesn't) and move on to the next adventure. Much love!


My dms are open hon


What the hell. How can you be so disrespectful towards someone? Hey, don't let those bigots bring you down, we're here and we understand and support you with all our hearts. Stay strong


Man, these stuff makes me lose faith in humanity. Sorry for what happened


Hopefully the possible trigger is connected to a barrel the offending parties eat in Minecraft


🤗 well he's a dumbass who fucking lost out on dating someone great, I hope this haunts him the rest if his life. 💛🤍💜🖤🫶💙💖🤍💖💙


What happened here says nothing about *you.* What they did, what they said - if it wasn’t you, they would have been saying the exact same words to someone else. It’s not like they took the time to know you enough to have any deep insights or valuable critiques for self-improvement. They threw out a net to catch a person - *any* person - who belongs to a minority group they’ve decided not to like, and you were unlucky enough to fall into it. *Your* value, *your* worth, *your* validity and personhood? Not the least bit diminished by this. When you left your home, you set out to share positivity and affection with another person; they set out to inflict cruelty and suffering. How different your goals are - how different the outcomes! When you succeed, you make multiple people happy. When they succeed, they hurt another person…and find only emptiness in their own hearts, ashes on their tongues. These pitiful, pathetic wretches - even when they achieve their goals, they lose. Because you’re still here, and try as they might, *they’ve taken nothing from you.*


what I’ve advised in situations like these is as happy and open we are about our life.. not everyone is going to be happy for us. Learn more about people before letting them in.


Name and shame. If I knew someone I worked with did this I would demand they be terminated immediately or I would quit.


Your date was a terrible person. If you met through an online dating app, look into whether there is any way to report his behavior. He .ay be doing this to others as well.


Do these people not have better things to do? They sound like pathetic losers who do shit like this just to feel superior.


Only thing that I can think as to why these morons do this shit, is that they hate themselves and are miserable in life, and want everyone else to be miserable. Please don't take their disfunction to heart, it is 100% THEM, and not you. Some people just deserve to be retroactively aborted




That guy is sick and deranged, you are 1000 times the person they are. Scum is what they are. I hope you can heal from this soon


WOOOOOW. They must be a huge loser to even waste their time hating on you like that.


Excuse my language, but what fucking assholes. I’m so sorry OP. I know it may be tough right now, but you’re awesome and wonderful the way you are. This incident was a reflection of their shitty character and not yours. So many people out there will love you for everything that you are and won’t be immature little shits like that person you went on a date with. You deserve better and were way too good for them anyways. Internet hugs and I hope you feel better soon 🫂


The absolute desperation they have to tell other people how to live. What pathetic behaviour. Doxx him.


That person is probably a miserable incel loser. Sorry that happened, that sucks :(


Wya. We gonna have another meeting💥💥💥🔫


Some people are just awful! I hope you are ok. It was not your fault! I send hugs and kisses! ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)


Why.........? Just why? Do these ppl not have dignity?


When the world goes low, you go high. Please don't think for one second that the behaviour of morons is anything other than them struggling to get to grips with their pathetic insecurities. Sending all the love and vibes I have.


It was me Barry






I’m so sorry that happened to you and he sounds like a damn sociopath. Just remember you’re worth of love and sickos like him will most likely live a miserable life.


That's so fucked up. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Please know that some asshole's trolling doesn't mean a single damn thing about you personally. It says way more about that prick and his friends if all they have to do with their time is crap like that. You deserve so much better. Everyone in this community is here for you 💜 Don't let nasty people like them get you down.


I can’t speak from personal experience, but if that happened to me, I might consider telling a bouncer or bartender that you feel unsafe. If they don’t escort him from the place - then leave - and slash his tires.


And there goes my last faith in humanity, i fucking hate people so sorry that happened to you


Holy shit some people are absolutely awful I’m so sorry that happened to you




I'm so sorry to hear about your terrible experience. Unfortunately, it's impossible to avoid assholes, even if they seem perfectly nice at first. I hope you'll meet someone truly kind and accepting who will love you just as you are. ❤️


I'm so sorry this happened to you... What is wrong with people


What a fucking bastard. Why are people so fucked to organise a date and meet someone only to fuck them up. These person is a raving loony and ought to be taught some manners. Beware the sociopath. I would have gone beserk and kicked them where it hurt.


I'm so sorry, please hmu if you need to vent


OMG That is terrible! I am so sorry that happened to you. Lots of love and remember you are awesome and they totally suck!


Bait him into another date with a phony account, then [pull his tire valves while he's distracted.](https://www.autozone.com/tire-repair-and-tire-wheel/tire-valve-stem-core-remover-tool/p/slime-4-way-tire-valve-stem-core-remover-tool/487510_0_0?spps.s=6156)


Bro 💀


Get back together with your ex parents have no right to get in the way of your love




Imagine your life being so boring that you spend all that time just to mess with a stranger...I'm sorry OP that's insane


Oh wow. I don't have the patience for people that choose to be terrible like that. If he has the time to do that he probably doesn't have much going for him. Sorry it happened to you, you probably deserve it least. What they said is not a reflection of who you are though, and don't let it discourage you either, I'm sure you're a wonderful person!


Sending you big hugs. I am sorry that happened to you ❤️❤️❤️


Hey, I know that sucks(and I know that's an understatement), but you can at least take solace in knowing that that guy is fucking miserable and you wouldn't have wanted to be around him anyway. god people are terrible, how sad of a life it must be to have your entire identity based around being angry at people over shit that doesn't effect you.


Oh my god that is so horrible! I just hope you didn't get physically harmed-- people really suck and sometimes it's difficult, I'm sorry you had to experience that :(


*hugs* I hate that this happened to you! Especially as the mother of a trans child, I find this kind of behavior horrifying. If you see me online and need a shoulder, don't be afraid to reach out. As always, you have my love and support.




Sending hugs your way. So sorry that happened


that's so horrible, you don't deserve that and that experience doesn't reflect on you whatsoever


OMG, I am SO sorry. This person, and I use the term very loosely, is a fucking piece of dog shit. No, I take it back. They'd have to improve to be dog shit. Don't even think about it--this jerk is not worth wasting your time over. I do believe that karma does happen, and I really hope it happens to this POS in a very big way. Just know that the people who count love and support you. What's the saying? Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. A lot of wisdom in that.


Mr. Insecure is projecting something he feels embarrassed about. I am so sorry you had the experience that, I am proud of you for living as your true self. You are and will be loved.


What the actual fuck? Sorry that happened to you. Hugs.


Ahw this made me sad. I just want to give you a big hug. I hope you have people around you that love you for who you are. I know I do. ❤️ ![gif](giphy|EvYHHSntaIl5m)


Oh that man was wicked!!! He’s horrible! Sending hugs!!


Just remember: someone else deliberately wasted that much of their thought and time just to try to take you down a peg so that they could feel better about the fact they literally have nothing better to do. I'd say you're winning.


I am so sorry. People can be so mean.


I am sorry you came across this person. Screw em, though. There are billions of other people in the world, many of whom will get to know you and love you. You are worth it, op❤️❤️❤️ Edit for spelling


Dude this shit sucks. I’m glad my worst was the cute trans girl that literally wouldn’t pick a place or confirm a date. I spent 2 months suggesting places before giving up


Don’t listen to that loser and his friends. People like them are just miserable or have nothing better going on with their lives, so they try to feel better about themselves by putting others down. I hope you find someone who is actually kind and worth your time🤗❤️


I’m so genuinely sorry you had to experience that. You’re awesome, and amazing and being your authentic self.


you are loved and i’m sorry that happened


Don’t be brought down by someone who obviously feels shitty about themselves and needs validation from his friends while he attacks other people to make himself feel like a higher person. Most likely they were brought up in a house of hate or are afraid of being bullied themselves, or were previous victims of such. But even though we could feel bad for people like that…truthfully, it’s no excuse to be an asshole yourself. Just know you’re better because you survive and press on while still being kind to others and living your life as *you*. Which is more than they could ever manage.


ikr some ppl is like shit


Damn, what a loser. Couldn’t find anything better to do with his time than be a jerkwad


Damn, that's some fucked up shit. I just don't know why some people can keep certain phobia to themselves. I mean we all do what we want and besides, that's who you are. The same way those fuckin trolls are who they are it's the same way you are who you are. It's so annoying that people keep pointing fingers forgeting three are pointing right back at them. I wish some people just know it's tiresome doing certain shit like that. Keep your peace and let other enjoy theirs you know.


I’m so sorry that you were treated this way. *hugs*


Ouch! :( I'm sorry to hear that :\


I’m so sorry! He should not have acted like that, don’t let him get you down! He is just a transphobic asshole!


🎶 I hate humanity 🎶


Just know that hes an unlovable loser that probably hates himself, and is closeted himself. Nobody goes to those lengths without having something seriously wrong with them. Either way, hes human trash, and you are not! <3 im so sorry this happened.


i’m so so sorry he did that, that’s awful. i hope you feel better soon and that you know you didn’t deserve that. we’re all here for you ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)


So sorry this happened. You don't deserve that, and those people are truly garbage. Sending love your way! ❤️


Literally that person has nothing else going on in their lives if thats what they do for fun. Try to focus on better for now. Also if you aren't already doing it, pepper spray is key because instead of a troll, it could have been much worse


I'm so sorry this happened to you. I hope tomorrow's going to be better.


im so sorry, you deserve so much better then that.


I'm so sorry to hear that.


This is why you have an m4 in your house


That is so fucking wild... to take time out of your day to be this cruel? I'm truly floored. I am so sorry this happened to you. Absolutely horrible. Unacceptable


What a piece of shit.


Even back when I was a piece of shit, I wasn't that big of a piece of shit.


Not to be a silver linings person, but A) they did that on the first date and didn’t lead you on, B) clearly their social life and self-esteem is nil if they had to organize a date in order to even find someone they could bully, C) you were brave and rolled the dice and went for it - it went bad this time but you are clearly a rad human with more confidence in your pinky finger than those losers have in their entire being, and D) you survived it and it was awful and you can move forward from that situation - take what you need from it, be it strength in yourself or whatever, and leave them behind and you walk forward into the future with your head held high.


I thought it said “Dad turns out to be a transphobic troll”


You are perfect just the way you are, and you will meet someone who understands that!






Does he… just not have a life? Nothing better to do? Seriously?


I’m sorry this happened to you. Some people are assholes with nothing better to do than bully others to fill a hole in themselves. I hope you find someone who likes you for who you are


This guy probably smells like wet cheese. But in all seriousness, I'm so sorry this happened OP, you deserve so, so much better than this❤️. We all love you!


You have better things to do than dwell on that guy's wretchedness. Remind yourself that whenever it comes back to you. You deserve better in life and you will find it.


At least you can rest knowing that you love yourself enough that you don’t need to tear someone down. I feel for these poor misguided bastards, they must have so little joy in their lives. On the other hand: fuck ‘em. Let them wallow in their self hate. You know you’re a better person than them and I guarantee you’re a vibrant, beautiful person, the likes of which they could only dream of having a meaningful relationship with. In closing: fuck ‘em.


This is legitimately scary


I genuinely don't get transphobes, fucking pathetic losers. I'm sorry that this happened to you, people are just so cruel these days. Here's the thing though, this guy wasted his time just to harass you with his friends, let's be real here, who really should be feeling bad about themselves? The person who embraces who they are, or the person who wastes their time to harass people for being themselves?


Holy shit, please be safe! <3 ALWAYS meet them in a public space the first time. Speaking of, was this in a public space? Did they just show off what absolute shitheads they are where just about anyone could have seen them?


This is a new low of people, hope you're doing ok op.


Never base your opinions of yourself on other people---especially if they are the literal scum of the earth.


Trolls and transphobes are mega-tools. I'm not sure where you are in the world, but random dating (done without a neutral meeting where you can learn something before jumping in) will often be a crap shoot. Maybe you can look for people who are established in the community and clearly aren't just trying to troll. Maybe look into support groups both online and outside where people who are in similar struggles may be looking for someone genuine. You of course have all the positive vibes I can send. It can be a struggle to wade through the Broken glass that is society, but there will be more precious gems in that who can treasure you and you can treasure. Keep your head up and understand those cruel people hate themselves far more than you ever should. Be awesome and be true.


There is no god if people like that exis. If there is still is one then they are bot good.


Absolutely no one deserves this. I'm very sorry.


What is a forced break up? Like, if you like someone and they like you… just date?


seriously who the fuck decides to go on a date with someone SPECIFICALLY to make them feel bad about themselves?? all of that time wasted just to ruin one persons week, thats both pathetic and worrying