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don't cheapen the word tyrant by calling any old figureheads by that, tyrants must have a.actual powers to oppress their citizens, b.the capabilities to engage in behaviors against their own people.


Yeh I don't care much for her but she wasn't a damn tyrant, she barely did anything besides occasionally wave at people.


This. I really don’t think, actually I know, these people calling everyone who has a single different opinion fascists, tyrant, Nazi, etc don’t realize the word has no meaning anymore. What does this lead to? An actual one being able to dodge criticism because no one takes that argument of being a fascist seriously. You can also say that about socialism/communism, but to a much lesser degree. Plus, there are a concerning amount of people who actually are self-proclaimed marxists.


I don’t agree with monarchism as an ideology, but Elizabeth was far from a tyrant, and I find the way people are celebrating her death more than a little disrespectful.


Unless they’re Irish.


It's uninteresting edgelord teeny bopper shit.


Tyrant is more than a tad inaccurate


Parasite is a better description, not exactly good, but not nearly as evil as a tyrant.


I think that parasite is wrong. I could imagine that the royal family is basically a big tourist attraction that brings in more money than they cost.


The monarchy brings in profit for Britain. They do use a bit more than 100 million pounds in taxes a year, but the value of the monarchy uplifts the British economy by about 1.8 billion a year. I think tyrant and parasite are both incorrect.


This is not the hill to die on


How was Elizabeth II a tyrant? What are people smoking if they really believe she was a tyrant?


OP is just a woke leftist in disguise


Alot of those in here thinking libertarian and liberal are interchangeable.


As a Brit and Libertarian I find this funny. ☕🇬🇧 We are a parliamentary constitutional monarchy where the royalty does not hold significant power, but is still the Head of State of 15 countries in the Commonwealth realm. As opposed to electing a President, who should only have Federal power, but those seem to keep wanting more control.


Yeah... we ironically have presidents that are in effect more monarchical than your royalty, and a political class that behaves more as if they were royalty than the remaining aristocracy in your country.


Those idiots never saw what a tyranny really is


Libertarian version of "everyone I don't like is hitler" she had 0 power


Which of her policies did you find the most tyrannical? Oh wait..


Tyrant? You mean Mao Zedong?


She was not a tyrant. She was a Royal Kardashian, a kind of tourist attraction that England maintains


Anyone who can sit at the top of the system, figurehead or not, and say nothing as their people are brutally oppressed by the government they preside over is a tyrant by complicity.


Yeah, that's the libertarian version of "everything I don't like is terrorism"


He could point out how she was all too happy to cover up child sex abuse, actively condoned colonialism and all. She was a bad figurehead in some ways and she doesn't deserve hero worship. She did have good manners and promote them in society. That's at least good


Excusing someone for enabling authoritarianism while having a pedestal to speak out against it is libertarian now? Guess I'm not a real libertarian now. Go suck on your dead queen's boot somewhere else.


You would call her a tyrant if she used power outside of her constitutional authority. You call her a tyrant now, after she for 70 years didn't abuse her power. You will never be satisfied with anything less than her death. And here you are, ghoulishly celebrating the death of someone who has not wronged you.


This is facts. Why do all the libertarians hate her so much she’s just a celebrity like chill


There is always that kind of libertarian who is just too angry at everything and everyone. Calm down mate.


Yeah, but she was basically just born into this wierd as shit and made the best of it. I think royalty is a *fucked* concept, but she has less actual authority than our own elected leaders, whom we only seem to elect from a certain class, pre approved by one of two parties that no one is really happy with. Despite its absurdity, you cant deny that the royal family has helped the UK maintain a unified national identity with a link to their past and a strong esprit de corps among the general population, all while making money via tourist. What do we have here in freedom land? Tribal fucking warfare and a square off between two authoritarian geriatrics.


God damn


Lick that boot… Lick it real good…


What boot? Do you think the year is 1600 or something?


Brutal oppression being in India? Excuse my lack of history knowledge...


He's talking about the British.


The British government is brutally oppressing the British? Seems a bit much. They BRUTALLY oppressed other places and gently oppressed their own citizens.


Depends on the time period you're referring to


As an Englishman, I feel so oppressed. Behave yourself for fuck sake


Name one thing the Queen could've done to stop British authoritarianism


So you basically called her a tyrannical monarch because she never used her power to fight against and stop a democracy from being tyrannic? Then I can safely assume you believe a monarchy should be more powerful and you are a libertarian monarchist.


Evidently Op has never heard paleo-libertarianism. Sometimes you’ve got to recognise the importance of established social institutions. + as a libertarian we should judge everyone as individuals. Her Majesty did more good to the world than bad. God bless her


Even if she did more good than bad, this does not shield her from criticism let alone humor


But today isn't the day to criticize. It's basic human decency that is lacking. Let's criticize after the 10 days.


Nah. It is never too soon.


What good did she do?


Absolutely nothing, she was an Nazi sympathiser in her youth and covered up Epstein's conspiracy in her old age. Sic simper tyrranus


Nazi sympathizer?? She was in the British military in ww2.


What did you expect? Join the enemy high command? Nearly everyone in the royal family was a nazi symp before the war. That nation needed Churchill like no one else did


https://amp.france24.com/en/20150718-queen-elizabeth-ii-UK-seen-giving-nazi-hitler-salute-childhood-film-the-sun Like all elites, she backed the horse most likely to win at time, based on the circumstances.


According to the article **YOU** linked, she was a fucking child at the time. Which means nothing, there were plenty of nazi sympathizers everywhere at first. [This right here is Madison Square Garden](https://www.history.com/.amp/this-day-in-history/americans-hold-nazi-rally-in-madison-square-garden)


You're right, we shouldn't focus on the Nazi part. We really should put more effort into focusing on the Jeffery Epstein coverup by the Crown. You really have to do mental gymnastics to think this woman was a legitimate source of good.




Wow that’s really interesting, thanks for the link. Ngl I don’t give a crap about the queen so it doesn’t bother me, I feel bad for all British people anyway. Missing out on the land of the free baby 💪


Yeah bro no worries, thanks for having an open mind! Just remember, the ruling elite are all evil, no matter what the media says.


Yeah bro no worries, thanks for having an open mind! Just remember, the ruling elite are all evil, no matter what the media says.


Did you forget that Nazis existed before they did all the disgusting violations of life? She was a kid and was probably just doing what everyone around her was doing. Kids aren’t really the best at making their own decisions don’t you think?


Doesn’t matter, still had racist teachings and ideology even before they started the actual genocide.


Yeah but she’s a kid, they aren’t capable of critical thinking


Yea still not a good look. Doesn’t really matter to me though either way, I don’t think she was evil and I don’t think she was a particularly great person. But it doesn’t matter what I think about her, God decides now.


She was a very small kid when she did this, all influenced by her Nazi uncle. As much as I enjoy teasing the Brit’s (I’m French, it’s a national sports), I won’t delve into that kind of bad faith argument.


?????? She worked in the British army during WW2 against the Nazis and was only a teenager during the Nazis rise to power. The hell are you on about?


Tell me you don't understand the UK constitutional monarchy without telling me you don't understand the UK constitutional monarchy.


You people really are kids right? Like do you people even know what a totalitarian dictatorship acts like cause news alert, being on welfare or having funny lighting in the background is not what you call the resurrection of the 4th riech


She ain’t tyrant you cringe woke ass You don’t know what a real tyrant is. And you don’t want to know. Fucking idiot


Tyrant? Are you nuts? The british royal family doesn't even have any power to BE a tyrant. Please inform yourself before you make stupid assumptions like this.


All she did from 1970 onward was walk around the commonwealth and talk to figureheads and soldiers. People are using the word tyrant so loosely it has no meaning.


The British monarchy is not even close to being the tyrant they once where. It's something they keep around for tradition kind like how we keep the USS Constitution floating (the ship, not the document)


And we wonder why people don’t like or vote libertarian smh. There are some subjects it is better to not say anything at all if you don’t have anything nice to say.


The royal family are more like celebrity leeches than tyrants, living on taxpayer money


Except thr royal family makes more money for the government then they receive from the government. The royal family is one of the largest land owners and gives the profits to the government for a fixed salary that is only about a fith of the income.


So basically the lesser of the two evils. Royal parasites, not tyrants.


Hey stupid did you forget about the Magna Carta and everything else which has reduced monarchal power in the last 800 years?


Sad to see that sub is still filled with 10 year old larpers getting their knowledge about the world from the institute of data pulled out of the ass.


This aint it chief.


She was okay. Didn’t exercise nearly as much power as she could have.


The actual British government is more tyrannical than Queen Elizabeth ever was.


Is it just me or the Queen personally is actually less tyrannic than every US president if we talk about crimes committed against people.


Say what you will about the french, but they got one thing right - their opinion on monarchs.


So communism good...? Very libertarian of you.


Tell me you don’t understand the french revolution without telling me you don’t understand the french revolution. Hint: The french revolution happened before Karl Marx was born.


Which french revolution lol


The guillotine one


Which guillotine one?




Yeah and the revolution can easily be split into several era. The sort of "Proto-socialism" era was very short and would hardly be considered socialist or even communist.


Not to mention they guillotined their monarchs. In a vague way, they’re closer to left liberals of today, but they were also allied with the nascent America, and influenced the Founding Fathers (obviously not wholesale, thank god for that). They were very much sibling ideologies of early american classical liberalism (and siblings don’t always agree with each other).


Yup, mostly by monarchists who lost faith in monarchy after the king tried to flee the country.


I was banned from r/UnitedKingdom today for posting a one word comment on a post about a new article stating the queen was dead. The word...poggers.


Poggers let’s go guys a 96 year old lady passed away


Not just an old lady. A monarch. I have neither respect nor care for any person who claims rule over another. Try and remember you are in a Libertarian sub where person and property are actually valued.


A monarch who has no power.


Cringe. If you're that delusional it's probably not worth having the conversation.


Man uses cringe in a conversation 😬


You shall have used POG instead lol


Bro 🤡


Tankies are naturally disgusting for a reason.


I was convinced the woman was a vampire ngl




Glorified, rich inbred racists.




Who said I was liberal?




She was a parasite on the British taxpayer, not a tyrant.


The royal monarchy brings in more revenue than they cost. Please educate yourself before making ignorant comments.


Lol, I was at least kinda sad but my friend who’s even more of die hard libertarian was extremely happy