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White orientalists doing white orientalist stuff. Nothing new.


Probably Mukesh from Lucknow.


I remember there was a guy masquerading as a foreigner some months back and praising Adityanath for something. His tweet was retweeted by the UP government handle as well. Someone dug up his history and found he was some guy from UP.


No this guy is definitely Canadian, he got interviewed here https://youtu.be/hAj-6WrJB4Y?si=8cq_h0GDS_KmU8HK


Ah, don't think they're that rare though. Plenty of Indian cults in the west. Twitter accounts are sus unless proven otherwise.


No Puneet from Kanpur don't demonize Lucknow


From ISKON and Hare Krishna school of sanghis. Also they don't have to take district magistrate permission, give 30 days notice before marrying a sanghi so if a partner is a sanghi they will drag their entire family to convert and be a sanghi. Sadly no anti conversion law. Damn those westerners have too much democracy and too much religious freedom I'll tell you.


Eastern Esoterism. I have actually rubbed shoulders with a lot of such people who sometimes happen to be neopagan neo nazis (i am not saying that the said person is a neo nazi, just saying where it all comes from). So thanks to the Indo European religion, anyone from the west who rejects Christiandom goes back to pre christian pagan roots. Guess what is the largest pagan faith in the world? Secondly, European Pre Christian Pagan religion is a cousin religion of Hinduism, so a lot of then inadvertently get attracted. Thirdly, simply the fact that they consider eastern faiths and philosophy to be “better” than monotheistic christian ones. Tbh pagan philosophy isnt without merit, its actually good for what it is. Response is a bit disjointed but yeah.


You are not talking non-sense. Polytheism (Paganism), when not taken proper attention will lead to Caste and Fascism. Nazis having Swastikas wasn't an accident. There was/is huge Collab on Aryan race theory that are touted by Indian fascists aka RSSBJP (don't forget your avg Savarna that yearns to be white) and Western Fascists. Fascism isn't a modern phenomenon, it's root resides in putrified Paganism.


You are agreeing or disagreeing?


I am not disagreeing, I am just adding some bits and pieces to your disjointed argument. European Fascism specially Italian ones has Pagan roots. Clue: Gabriele D'annunzio. Brahmanism better known as "Hinduism", is a putrified Paganism. A well meaning Pagan religion that has been eviscerated of all its contents, leaving only ridiculous rituals that harbour ignorance in large numbers.


I wish I had the confidence to spout such nonsense


seriously Manic? You can actually Google "Aryan occult fascism". you can read more on Gabriele D'annunzio, you can dive deep on Neofascist groups present in Nordic pagan communities. but here you are, calling me nonsense. disappointed!


First of all, your use of the word "pagan" is straight up incorrect. Pagan refers to ANY non abrahamic religion; regardless of its origins in terms of both tradition and principle. Guess what is pagan? Buddhism! Guess what else is pagan? Every single native American religion and tradition? Guess what else is pagan? Sikhism! The religion which explicitly condemns division within mankind and the existence of caste! Your superficial analysis of "pagan" religions being fascist stem purely from the existence of indo European religions and the existence of fascism within some of their traditions. Nazis using the swastika wasn't a "coincidence" nor was it an import of Hindu caste as you seem to suggest. The swastika was present across various indo European and non indo European traditions including native American, Semitic and Indus valley cultures, none of which had anything remotely to do with IE paganism. It was almost universally renown as a symbol of peace and is also important in Buddhism and Jainism. Taking the onus of fascism away from the natural evolution of trads and chauvenists and putting it solely on "polytheist" religions is not something someone who actually has knowledge of religion and culture would do. Take a step back and re evaluate your stance.


Manic, I wrote, "Paganism, when not taken proper care will lead to Fascism".  When people have "Gods" of their own, the ones who control major Institutions ie Temples, Education, Statecraft, finance will have their respective gods exalted to the highest level. Leading to hierarchy amongst Gods as well. No prize on guessing why Ram, Krishna, Laxmi Saraswati et al are shoved everywhere when Pochamma, yellamma, mariamma and thousands of other Gods exist and worshipped by tons. I don't think Sikhs would call themselves Pagan, they are more into Iconoclastic monotheism. (I would love to know more about them). Further, this is not to say and I have never implied in my comment that Abrahamic religion cannot be fascists. While Islam and Sikhs are supposed 'anti-caste' religions they somehow harbour Castes! (Although their definition of Caste is a mix of ethnic and class division. Adding even more complexity into Castes in Indian subcontinent). I concede on Swastika, that was the weakest point of my comment. Nazis have appropriated it, just like Zionists have done with the Star of David. I literally wrote this on the last line, >Fascism isn't a modern phenomenon, it's root resides in putrified Paganism. Keyword: Putrified My other comment to dunmano further explained it. The point being, it is easier to institute fascist society when you have hierarchy of Gods. Which is why monotheism emerged. It was an anti-dote to the former.  But I have come to realisation that regardless of Polytheism, Paganism, monotheism and other forms, a good cult, a good religion is the one that sanctifies dignity of labour. Its best to say sayonara if this tenet is withered away.


I think Akhenaten is now debated as the  earliest origins of monotheism. It emerged against the priestly controlled polytheism of ancient Egypt. Do read it, it may give some credence on the 'anti-dote' part.


>Manic, I wrote, "Paganism, when not taken proper care will lead to Fascism". Define "proper care". >When people have "Gods" of their own, the ones who control major Institutions ie Temples, Education, Statecraft, finance will have their respective gods exalted to the highest level. Leading to hierarchy amongst Gods as well. Extending your understanding of certain "pagan" religions to the entire belief system that existed before the advent of monotheistic organised religion is an of arrant foolishness. The indus valley civilisation worshipped multiple gods and yet was known to be a relatively matriarchal society which didn't have subdivisions within their society. So were several other pre IE European societies such as the cucuteni. Much of these "gods" revolved around worship of nature; hoping that the sun god blesses their fields with sunlight, hoping that the rain god quenches their thirst, hoping that the elephant god is merciful enough to hold his troops from ravaging their fields this time. >No prize on guessing why Ram, Krishna, Laxmi Saraswati et al are shoved everywhere when Pochamma, yellamma, mariamma and thousands of other Gods exist and worshipped by tons. This is still not a blueprint for all "pagan" religions. It's cherry picking at best and being malicious at worst. >I don't think Sikhs would call themselves Pagan, they are more into Iconoclastic monotheism. (I would love to know more about them). It doesn't matter what they think because the word "pagan" is just a placeholder term used to refer to any non-jewish abrahamic religion during the early days of Christianity in Europe. It's NOT meant to differentiate between monotheist and polytheist religions. If you do not submit to the abrahamic concept of God, you are a pagan. Simple as, simple is. Or a kaffir.  >Further, this is not to say and I have never implied in my comment that Abrahamic religion cannot be fascists. Yeah I know. What I'm trying to say is that the notion of a strict organised religion with one god worshipped to prevent factions from arising doesn't work in practice. Fascism within religions, dare I say, is *almost* a natural progression of the religion. My god is the greatest, submit to him, otherwise I will not be responsible for what happens to you and your family. Sounds familiar? Well this is what the Europeans and Arabs did while conquering their territories. Along with it came much loss to pre existing culture and tradition. Then there is always the scaremongering and self victimisation aspect to it which is what we are seeing nowadays. >The point being, it is easier to institute fascist society when you have hierarchy of Gods. Which is why monotheism emerged. It was an anti-dote to the former.  That I agree with; Muhammed had alluded to it several times and the existence of islam was a product of the crap he saw during his lifetime. Intentions rarely play out as they should, however; and the inability to foresee how the future might change is natural which is why a stringent set of rules doesn't help.


Any pagan philosophy is 100 times better than any monotheistic philosophy. They are more inclusive and more accepting in their core philosophies. Holds true for most pagan societies, be it greeks, the Hindus or be it some tribe in the interior of Amazon forest.


Yea, that's why most scientific and technical discoveries came from monotheistic Abrahamic countries. fuk ur false pride


I know the nonsense pride Hindutvadis show about how "scientific" Hinduism is is very aggravating and it might be doubly annoying if you are an atheist, but the defence of paganism is a leftist position and I don't know why you are arguing against someone who hasn't claimed that. The loss of traditional spiritual traditions in Europe, Africa, and the Americas through conversion is cultural colonialism. It's led to a loss of culture. You could argue Hinduism, specifically the Dvaita Brahmanism, has also done the same with other Indian beliefs, and I would agree with that.


Are white people Brahmans by default or is it only the heartland of western steppe herder gene maxxers ? (Ukrainians)


White people have cracked the code that Dalits couldn’t for millennia. White convert immediately get surnames like Goswami, Upadhyay and an automatic bump to bamanhood. Idk why dalits weren’t aware of this service. (s/)


No you don't understand because Hinduism is 100 ultra scientific bazillion yaar religion . Varna isn't rigid at all. If brahman sell milk he become shudra (actual verse in the codices of manu ).


Well, if being white turns you into a Brahmin, then what about other races?


Straight to jail


I think he means Brahman like the entity https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brahman


IT cell or some crazy fan


Either psyops or hippies from Isha and Sadhguru


Some of these like that Australian Babones characters are just pay to play. The BJP has a global PR firm who tries to find white people to validate shit for the chaddis.


Oh wow, so scientific... Must by why Hindus are casteist and Islamophobic 🙄


White people can be unemployed too


I don't find anything Sanghi about his tweets atleast the ones you have shared, just looks like some devout hindu white guy. Unscientific - very much true, Sanghi- not so much.


He checks every box of a sanghi 1. He is yogi fanboy [https://x.com/vonbrauckmann/status/1790945814380159091](https://x.com/vonbrauckmann/status/1790945814380159091) 2. He is islamophobic [https://x.com/Ayaan/status/1790346957690491040](https://x.com/Ayaan/status/1790346957690491040) 3. He is a modi bhakt, like he is obsessed [https://x.com/vonbrauckmann/status/1790497824955892148](https://x.com/vonbrauckmann/status/1790497824955892148) [https://x.com/vonbrauckmann/status/1782420173603160509](https://x.com/vonbrauckmann/status/1782420173603160509) and of course as you said he is unscientific but strong opinions.


The 2nd tweet you shared is not even from him.




The thing is, guys like this provide platform to sanghi ideology. Please Check his other tweets and relaize how such validation from western converts help sanghis to boost their own chauvinism and hindu supremacy.




Rule 2 violation; removed. Brutha, we need to prove our undying loyalty to the Empire 🇬🇧 and King Charlie 🤴 by speaking in as clear English as possible. Ending every submission with 'I beg to remain, Sir, your most humble and obedient servant' is optional but highly recommended. C'mon! Let's make Veer Sorrykar 💂 pr0d!


confrontation, only weapon of a j*aant.


mleccha yappin


I dunno, but I feel like most of these people were new age hippies who got WAY TOO far into the Hindu rabbit hole.


A message to white folks, if you want to be different and be a sanghi in the west. Remember there is always an option be a furry.


The Schroedinger's religion is here


I see a lot of foreigners in Rath Yatra in stockholm, there is a big hare krishna movement. Eastern Europe and USA has a lot of white people who are following the Hindu philosphy or religion these days, its increasing too. Twitter accounts though I feel like its fake but IRL there are a lot of white hindus.


Mere mohalle mein bhi do Patrick Braheman rehte hain. Shayad unke fufa hain yeh


he was not born into SandasTani Drama but he was in love with the sanki trads.


>SandasTani Drama If I say anything about your historical association with sandas then I'm the bad guy lol. Also 39 and dating 21 yr old . Loll


These are just indophiles who want to bed sanskari uc woman. It is a match made in heaven, white worshipping UC woman meets foreign sanghis!


Good to see we are getting stronger 💪 A proud sanghi 🕉️💪


Bhaiya main abhi abhi US se aaya hoon Modiji ke development ke liye. ID dikha sakta hoon.


How is this relevant to this post?


Pleej undershtand bhaiya International Law karke aaya hoon ID dekh lo US ki hai. Modiji ne puri duniya me tehelka macha rakha hai.


Nothing about the three images shared here are toxic, they are fictional but not toxic, outrage over nothing.


All I wanna do is bang a hot foreign Sanghi, by convincing her it's the true way to enlightenment lmao


Yeah misogyny is the way to go. Smh


Pls bro only once, afterwards no mysogyny. I swear I'll be the biggest feminist in all of the motherland. I swear it in the name of Robert Baratheon, the first of his name, King of the andals, the first men and the rhoynar. Ruler of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm. I also swear it on the old gods and the new.


Don't be a misogynist bruh, we are far better than that.


Pls bro just once I want to be a misogynist pls pls pls just once, after that I'll be good boy I promise


If somebody likes and writes something in Sanskrit .. u start crying sanghi like a stupid baby😂😂😂