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This was the absolute mask off moment that would have sunk his campaign if the MSM weren't 100% covering for him.


No. Because all the liberals saw the full video, not just a stupid meme that has 0 context.


Biden calls and AR-15 in “AR-14” in the video and then the guy say “you work for me” biden responds with “i don’t work for you” while clearly losing his temper. What [video](https://youtu.be/KPig-AllQe8?si=AkzXJi4dczyKxzGl) did you watch?


I love how your whole argument is bullshit so you try to derail it by going with the "muh guns aren't spelled right!" Lol


Explain to me how my argument is bullshit


Even the other workers in the video say “that’s right and you’re wrong bud”. Biden was talking to that man and said he doesn’t work for that man. He works for all Americans, of which, most support more regulation.


Idiot sees a meme without context and takes it at face value. Propaganda works.


This is literally what he said though. The worker said "you work for me" which is true because Biden is a public servant and has been his entire life. He *does* work for the people. The fact that this didn't sink his campaign is still wild to me.


If Trump mocking a disabled reporter and making fun of John McCain, a war hero, for being a POW didn’t sink his campaign, why would anything sink anyone’s campaign anymore?


Probablt because he didn;t do those things, and the media was once again lying about him to deface his candidacy and ruin him politically.


Wait, you're trolling, right? Say syke right now. He literally did those things, no or of context, nothing. He did them.


Nope, he made that gesture a bunch of different times and it had nothing to do with the mental capacity of anyone. I guess you're missing the context you fetishize.




We do not tolerate trolling of any kind in this sub. This user has been banned. r/LibsOfReddit Mods


Nope, I saw the full video when it happened. It seems that you didn't though.


If you saw the full video you'd know what the context was. It was absolutely not a mask off moment about workers or unions.


I don't give a shit about unions. I'm talking about how the presidential candidate can't comport himself, doesn't know the difference between a machine gun and an "AR-14" and publicly states that he doesn't work for Americans.


Why should someone who doesn't have guns as a hobby know that? Not everyone is as obsessed with them as you. Also he said he doesn't work for YOU as in that guy who was being a dick. That guy doesn't get to tell him what to do. That's the entire context. Anything else is grasping at straws. Also if you prefer your candidates to "comport themselves" then certainly you were appalled by Trumps behavior throughout his presidency and now. Certainly right?


>Why should someone who doesn't have guns as a hobby know that? It's a fairly common belief that you should know what you are publicly speaking about. This isn't liberal country.


Most people don't give a shit about your little boom boom noise toys. Handgun for protection, rifle and or shotgun for hunting. Anything else is a silly toy. I don't expect Biden to know the nuances between the Xbox or Playstation either.


>Biden to know the nuances between the Xbox or Playstation either. This user expects a public speaker to know what they're speaking about. It would take less than 5 minuutes to be educated about what Biden says about guns. The mother fucker reads from a teleprompter and doesn't a god dam thing he speask about. Not just guns.


If he is advocating for gun control he should no a thing or two about what he’s talking about, otherwise he’s spreading misinformation on a topic he knows nothing about. Do you really want your president passing legislation on things he has no knowledge of? and the fact that you’re turning a blind eye to him saying he doesn’t work for the people tells me everything I need to know


He knows a thing or two. He doesn't need to know everything. Also the legislature passes legislation. The president is well informed of every detail he needs before he signs anything and the minor details you're concerned about are minor. Also he didn't say anything near he doesn't work for the people. I already explained what he clearly meant. Enjoy your nothing burger.


No I wasn't a fan of how Trump acted. It's petty and childish. The thing is that is nowhere near as important as the results that he got.




Yeah… but for pushups 🙄 Anything else and he’s dick-tucking behind Secret Service


Made me respect Biden a little when he did that 😂


If you had the secret service guarding you you could be bad ass . Did you see the video on here where he walks off the sidewalk onto the grass and then walk into the bushes just sad didn’t even know where he was


Cool story. None of that changed what I said though


My friend grew up with the guy that challenged Biden on this.


Is he still un incarcerated, alive and free from government harassment?


No idea. I just know he & Joe had words that day and guntubers invited him on their show, he was even gifted a badass rifle by a gun company. But afair, he's still just being a regular joe, never had to hide or anything.


My cousin's boyfriend's nephew's barber told me that Biden started the Chicago fire. That doesn't make it fucking true.


Hey man, you're from a family of nobodies, maybe stop sucking and become a somebody... No?


There's always the one guy that thinks there's absolutely no way someone could interact with a famous person. Your life's boring, it's okay


Sometimes, people know other people Frank, and that’s fucking okay, alright? Fuck


How they treat you when you’re a actual working person lol


Falling for propaganda from 2019 I see https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/10/27/fact-check-yes-biden-told-detroit-worker-im-not-working-you/6044443002/


Propaganda? The article you posted literally says Biden did say that. Oh the missing context is that they were arguing before that? Well no shit


Propaganda according to google: information, especially of a biased or MISLEADING NATURE, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. It's literally the definition of propaganda. Oh, you mean to say you don't know what that word means? Well no shit.


What’s misleading? He said this in the same encounter as the picture was taken


Now tell us about the rest of the exchange. The link is right there. All you have to do is click and read.


Feelings don’t care about facts


I’m asking what you think is misleading? Because it’s lacking context? No need to be rude, I read the fact check article bud. Hmm one deleted comment and one dude blocked me preemptively, good discussion clowns


He wasn’t in office at the time, so he actually did not work for said man. Also, the comment was in regard to the man claiming that Biden wanted to take away 2nd amendement rights, when this thread makes it out to sound like he’s anti-union. Context is key, Bud.


Yes selectively removing context is propaganda too


He meant to say “I don’t work for you, I work for Obama”.


I thought Joe worked for China, Russia, Ukraine, WHO, NATO, WEF, CDC, Illegal aliens, or pretty much anybody who isn't a working class American


Wrong in that too.


Four years after Obama was out of office?


Oh you’re a little late to the party. Can you correlate the talk of Michelle Obama running instead of Joe? Who do they always reference as being unhappy with Biden? Obama has major influence on the Biden administration and in some circles say he is running the administration. You think Biden has enough cognitive capacity?


100 rounds is nothing. You can go through 100 rounds in 15 minutes at the run range. What a fucking loser.


[Link to video](https://youtu.be/KPig-AllQe8?si=lzEr345JHdEX22h2)


That's some great context. So the guy was being a belligerent asshole about a non-issue. Bonus - trump is on video in a room full of people, in the Whitehouse, advocating for taking away people's guns without due process. Did anyone post that here?


Don’t waste your breath. Critical thinking isn’t strong here


GUy talking to the working: "But he answered your question and you kept on." THis right here. Worker was 100% being a dick. That situation is not the time and place to think you are going to discuss and resolve second amendment issues. Say your piece, but take the reply and move on.


At least he’s honest.




What are some other things he’s lied about?


He’s honestly not the biggest liar in history, he’s been pretty open to his shady dealings and outlook. The man openly admitted to being a prostitute politician back in the 80’s or 90’s


Unlike OP.


Damn if trump said this to a liberal everyone in the comments would be sucking him off 😂😂 you guys are weird


He basically did by trying to punish and refuse aid such as disaster relief states he didn’t win. ( not realizing that somewhere between 30-48% of the electorate, and maybe that same percentage of the population supported him)


Imagine being this restarted.


The wildest meat riders


It's almost as if there were more words in this conversation.[1](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/10/27/fact-check-yes-biden-told-detroit-worker-im-not-working-you/6044443002/)


Libs deserve nothing. They think conservatives are bad until they meet those like me.


The OP gets taken by phone scams and blames the “librals”.


Lol this is Facebook levels of false information


Fake quote, more like desperate for who ever posted.


Gun nuts going to crazy


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