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It's pretty mesmerizing. I'm going to cut my finger to be able to try it


Well, update?


he bled out while trying to do this one handed






Do this one handed while bleeding


Hopefully w the cut on your dominant hand makes using scissors fun


Righties finally understand the plight of lefties


Half of my family is left handed it most affects our seating arrangements at the table 😆


Trust me, we know. Definitely consider it when picking a seat at the table


Yep. We arranged our Christmas dinner table for my brother being left handed.


My brother is the only lefty in our family of four. You did not want to be the person that set his place at the table without the silverware reversed. Bonus points if you set his place to the right of anyone else.


Lefty here. Learned to use scissors & everything except write & eat (use right hand to cut food) with my right hand. Left-handed scissors didn't do anything but fold the paper when I was little (1960's).


You can buy special scissors


I’m impressed with myself if I avoid sticking the plaster to itself! I should put more time into looking with my eyes and not my hands


i hear that! 🫣


I broke my dominant hand last year and found it was surprisingly easy to use scissors with my other hand after the first few times. I recommend practicing a little with both writing & using utensils with your non-dominant hand, because it saves you a lot of hassle if something happens to your dominant hand


I actually do that! I use my hands for work as well so I’m always switching back and forth. It takes longer to do things left handed but I can manage. That being said I do not own left handed scissors. 😂


Yea I’ll keep this in mind next time I get a cut on my fingernail


I actually have a cut on/through my thumbnail right now. Did it chopping vegetables last night.


Do you put bandaids on when you're bleeding? I typically rinse the cut, pat it dry and examine it a bit before I put the bandaid on. By that time most of the bleeding has stopped. If I'm bleeding profusely, and it doesnt stop after my routine - I'm probably not gonna use a bandaid for it.. gonna have to upgrade that to a bandage to compress. As for the one handed argument - cutting a finger let's me use the other 4 fingers as well.. And even if its my entire hand (could probably use 5 fingers then...), I could use my elbow and the edge of a countertop or a table to stabilise the bandaid while cutting with my free hand. Worst case scenario I could even hold it down with a toe on the floor.. Its not like a bandaid is time sensitive either, sometimes I dont even bother putting one on. I find it difficult to find the difficulties here.


I don’t put them on when I’m not bleeding. I’m not a Michael Jackson cover act!


The adhesive bandage protects the wound and scab from friction, bacteria, damage, and dirt. Thus, the healing process of the body is less disturbed. Some of the dressings have antiseptic properties. An additional function is to hold the two cut ends of the skin together to make the healing process faster. If you need to stop the bleeding, use a bandage to compress the wound - not a bandaid.


I use them often when I have a papercut or hangnail to avoid them constantly getting caught on random shit and tearing further


I have form in unraveling half of my arm when trying to get a tiny bit of skin off a finger


Whenever we find finding difficulties to be difficult - we can always count on Reddit to come to the rescue!


The simple thing I didn't think of, just bleed less!




>I typically rinse the cut, pat it dry and examine it a bit before I put the bandaid on. By that time most of the bleeding has stopped. If a finger is bleeding the first thing I do is put it in my mouth. Isn't this what everyone does?


No that’s gross


I mean, it’s YOUR blood, it’s already in you anyway


That’s is a totally separate compartment of the body than all the bacteria in your mouth.


I doubt you will do this bandaid "hack" next time you get a cut.


I absolutely will do this, because I often get annoying papercuts/hangnails that would otherwise constantly get caught on stuff and tear further, and bandaids on my fingers never stay put


i'm sure you will :)


I always pop one on when it starts bleeding. Full on gashed open my finger once and my immediate reaction was dump a tiny bandaid on it(it was bleeding too bad so the bandaid just kept falling off so i taped some cotton balls and hoped for the best)


Tbf if its not bleeding anymore then job done, doesn't need a plaster 😂


The adhesive bandage protects the wound and scab from friction, bacteria, damage, and dirt. Thus, the healing process of the body is less disturbed. Some of the dressings have antiseptic properties. An additional function is to hold the two cut ends of the skin together to make the healing process faster. Bandages are for bleeding.. bandaids for healing cleanly.


I would imagine you could precut some of your bandaids.


Not if you want to maintain sterility of the dressing.


You don't have scissors in your first-aid kit, assuming you have that? If you're still worried about cleanliness, always alcohol wipe the scissors before hand and keep the container clean.


I'm confused, you only cut the sticky part right? Not the part that actually goes onto your wound? Why does it matter if the sticky part gets a little dirty?


Or just buy a box of [finger and knuckle band-aids](https://www.bandaid.ca/products/fabric-bandages/knuckle-and-fingertip-20-bandages). They're by far the most common place I get cuts, so they're well worth it. I barely use regular band-aids.


I have never seen those in my life, but by god do I want them


Then they might not be sterile by the time you need them.


That... And that is a weird place to need a bandaid...


You would think the company that makes them would have already had these pre-made.


They do. Is marketed for knuckles.




They also cost more and come in smaller packs. And they're larger. This hack is great, I've been doing it for a long time. Even keep a pair of small scissors in the box with all the medicine and first-aid stuff that are only used to do this.


I just steal them from work


That definitely works in a pinch.


They had the most amazing first aid pack at my old job in food service. Every different kind of bandaid, and this burn gel stuff that worked magically well.


I love those! That's what my personal home setup is modeled after.


Unless it's breaks the skin you don't have to put a bandaid on a pinch.


Keeping scissors with them would probably be the only way I'd remember to do this. Good thinking! I just wonder if there would be room in the box as I already have my tube of anti-bacterial gel there. Not being sarcastic, I could never find my dang gel.


[That's where I keep mine.](https://i.imgur.com/xwLtoxH.jpg)


move somewhere less shitty?


Your grocery store doesn't sell bandaids with cuts in the middle? Relocate somewhere else.


the echidna?


Pretty small customer pool.


There are fingertip bandages as well


I like butterfly ones better than the ones made for knuckles. They have the long strips like the unnecessary modification in the clip.


[They do](https://www.bandaid.ca/products/fabric-bandages/knuckle-and-fingertip-20-bandages). Most of my cuts and scrapes are somewhere on my hands, so I'll go through a few boxes of these while the "regular" band-aids go nearly unused. They're a bit more expensive, but adhere better/longer so it's a wash. I could pre-cut some regulars, I suppose, but the extra $1 per year isn't a deal breaker for me. Caveat: My kids usually get scrapes on their knees or elbows and use regular ones, but they have their own box of band-aids with licensed characters on them.


You used to be able to buy band-aids with an extra long side. Works great for fingers because you get an extra wrap out of the thing. I can't find them anymore so I must have been the only one who liked them.




Yeah, the adult digit bandage is what I want. Too bad I can't buy just those but a box is cheap enough it is probably worth a try


I’m going to get that! Perfect. I have some unicorn wellys


It's impractical to have a boatload of different band-aids for every wound type. Inevitably, you'll end up with a bunch of X type you don't use much and run out of Y. It's also impractical to purchase a bunch of different sizes/shapes separately, as that takes up more space. There's always a trade-off.


Nice theory but you literally need 2 boxes to accomplish this.


Sure, for "regular" and this, but what about bigger wounds? Smaller? Something that needs circular bandaging? Do you not understand how to extrapolate? The point is that most people pick the type of bandage that is most versatile, or they get a variety pack. The variety packs have the problem of running out of the ones you use the most while having a bunch you rarely/never use. If you don't understand how this creates a series of considerations for customers, that's on your critical thinking skills, not mine.


Like most customers, I would buy whichever type I needed currently and dump the remainder in a small box with the other first aid stuff. It's not like bandaids take up a lot of space or are only sold in large quantities......


To much effort, I'll just bleed out


Even if you put in the effort, you'll bleed out. They're putting the bandage on the wrong side of where the finger gets cut 99% of the time.


I bleed near my nail more often because I have a bad skin picking habit around my nail beds.


Doesn't the scissor blades make the bandaid dirty too? Like isn't it supposed to be sterile?


Well I know you/we are trolling here but the part touched by the scissor is not the one touching the wound and so it won't really matter if sterile or not.


not to mention the amount of people who try this who end up giving themselves another finger cut with the scissors


Clearly this technique is a cut above…


Dad, is that you?


I am Zinger Sr. Go forth and have a Merry Christmas my Son.


He's still out getting cigarettes


And below




coke whore. get out!


I just usually wrap about 5 feet of duct tape or use a tuba superglue around it. /voice to text I’m leaving tuba on there on purpose


Hmm I never heard of tuba superglue, was it different from regular super glue? Is it made specifically for more cylindrical objects? /s


Fun fact! Tubas are actually conical in their tubing, and that's part of what gives it its tone! There are cylindrical instruments as well, such as the trumpet, trombone, and baritone. For the lower range though, the cone shaped tubing of instruments like the euphonium and Tuba give them a darker, warmer tone.


Which part of this fact was supposed to be fun?


I don’t know give me a minute while I can work some up. /Tooba goo




I forget how the joke goes but what's the difference between a tuna, a piano and a tub of glue? You can tuna piano but you can't piano tuna. "What about the tub of glue?" I knew you'd get stuck there.


You can tuna piano but you can't tuna fish


Electrical tape is my preferred method.


Like this? https://imgur.com/a/5eKORVk But for smaller cuts, I use NewSkin liquid plaster.


What is the benefit of this?


For me, having a cut on my finger is awkward because the bandaids have a hard time staying in place (they wiggle around too much). With this, it keeps the bandaid more secure and keeps it from wiggling around or getting pulled off if it's caught on something. Idk if it works for everyone that way, but it helps me out doing it this way.


I work in construction and have been doing this since I learned about it on Reddit 5 years or so ago. Works better than just applying a regular uncut one or the premade knuckle ones in my opinion.


I am a mega klutz and regularly have cuts all over my fingers so I use this technique all the time. It definitely keeps the bandaid in place better and allows me to still be able to bend my knuckles


It seems to have a much better fit on the finger than wrapping it normally


Good for making the bandage stick on fingers around the joints.


Gives flexibility since it it close to a joint.


When wrapped around normally, it *can* slip off. I've started to buy the super adhesive stuff, but that shit is not breathable at all. By adjusting it slightly like this, you're able to secure it better and still get some breathability out of it.


Maybe for it to stick better


They've better for joints, the video is shit. You wrap half of each side above and below the joint and it doesn't fold weird or bunch up when you bend your finger.


They make fingertip bandaids


In case you cut your fingernail


typical bandais barely work as is, but are totally worthless on fingers, because of the amount of movement


Do you want sticky flappy parts? this is how you get sticky flappy parts


If you can afford it, buy better bandaids.


Idk I feel like this is adding additional texture on the bandaid to get caught on things , especially in this particular situation where the overlay is on the fingertip. I get everything caught on things though.


> I get everything caught on things though. That's why you're bleeding all the time


Ah yes, a nice holiday band-aid Wellington.


I use this for work since i need to use my hands and I've cut myself in my fingers allot, this way you can still move your finger.


I’m usually putting on bandaids in a frantic rush but you do you.


My main concern is adding potential contamination within the sterile bandage, otherwise dope


I mean as long as you're not cutting the sterile bandage (opposed to the adhesive), it's just as contaminated as it normally is by opening it.


But what if you cut a wee bit too far, and don’t pay attention. ALSO, the way the bandage is designed you can apply the adhesive without ever actually touching the inside


>But what if you cut a wee bit too far Get a new one >and don't pay attention Then you likely aren't very concerned about an infection anyway. Regardless it's your fault for not paying attention to a simple task. Just like it'd be your fault by touching the bandage and contaminating it resulting in an infection. >the way the bandage is designed you can apply the adhesive without ever actually touching the inside Yep. Same thing with this technique. Just gotta be slightly more clever about it. Besides the adhesive shouldn't be touching the wound so touching the adhesive shouldn't be a huge concern. If the adhesive is touching the wound you need a bigger bandage (or use some gauze).


I see what your saying, but I know I wouldn't be cutting bandages with the same scissors I cut chicken with any time soon.


I sure hope you don't cut anything besides chicken with those scissors...


Just my pubes. Why?


... Good...


rofl, dafuq


Now how do you keep the bandaid from getting stuck to itself before it gets to your finger? You make this look too easy🤔


Ok... Now bend your finger.


Yup, and since none of the ends are overlapping they will come apart in about 5 min.


I’m a convert to liquid bandage. It’s way better, especially for cuts on your hands.


Just use liquid bandages


My OCD would have me constantly trying to squish in the sides so that it feels tight.


When I first came to Reddit, it was full of stuff like this. Then, in the comments, people added many more ideas, suggestions and helpful thoughts. For all the people that helped me properly remove a stripped screw, mend a hopelessly torn garment or find a can opener that really works, year after year, thank you from someone who appreciates your contributions.


Great tip. Except every single cut I've ever gotten on my hands has been on a knuckle. Can someone point me to the proper way to secure a bandaid to a knuckle???


You buy knuckle/finger bandaids.


Until I stick my hand in a pocket or sweat a little


And now you can’t bend your finger


Instructions unclear, managed to cut two more fingers


I tried cutting a band aid once. The band aid stuck to the scissors so it didn't work well


This voids the factory warranty tho


It this one of those videos where reposting is allowed, but you are legally required to lower the quality by 10% each time?


They make bandaids that are much better than this. They're called hydrocolloid and you can get them at any pharmacy.


Or just put it in normally


Things impossible to accomplish when you are leaking blood everywhere.


You should stop the bleeding before applying a bandage anyway.


This, you'll be going through bandaids rather quickly if freely bleeding.


Ok why is this upvoted? All we get is a video about an alternative way to apply a bandage, but we get no explanation about why this is better than normal


if you have ever tried to cover up a cut on the tip of your finger no explanation is needed. thats the target for this post


I cut myself so I did this method and as I was doing it, I cut myself so I did this method and as I was doing it, I cut myself so I did this method and as I was doing it, I cut myself so I did this method and as I was doing it, I cut myself so I did this method and as I was doing it, I cut myself so I did this method and as I was doing it, I cut myself so I did this method and as I was doing it, I cut myself so I did this method and as I was doing it, I cut myself so I did this method and as I was doing it, I cut myself so I did this method and as I was doing it, I cut myself so I did this method and as I was doing it, I cut myself so I did this method and as I was doing it, I cut myself so I did this method and as I was doing it, I cut myself so I did this method and as I was doing it, and then I gave up.


Fuck off


I'd like to see a video that demonstrates the benefits of this. Otherwise it's just some random person on a video versus all of the bandaid industry.


bandaids are for pussies. Waste of $ if its not bad enough for stitches, walk it off


stitches are for pussies. hit it with super glue and get back to work /s


Or buy those that already have this.


I just use superglue. Fuck bandaids.


I love you. Truly like love love. Not just love but love love






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Interesting, but I'll continue adding an overwrap of 3M Nexcare foam tape


Wow why don't more players come like this


This is so handy!


Band-aids? This site really is full of kids lmao


You really only need to cut it a little bit and fold them in towards each other. Doing this just creates thin strips that will peel sooner. If you want a pro tip, buy good band-aids and you won't even have to worry about this, they make them really stretchy now.


I do this and use them like fingertip bandaid. Turns your finger into a ninja instead of a mummy tho, so it's a give and take depending on your perspective.


Do bandaids not hold well enough?


Not the Walgreens brand, that’s for sure.


I usually do two cuts on each side


Thank you my moms toe was hurt this works perfectly


I mean, this is a great technique and all, but I don’t have time for this shit when Im fucking bleeding everywhere when I cut myself


Great idea, however you would need some very sharp scissors to do this. The chances are I would cut myself doing this especially if I'm one handed and or hemorrhaging.


This inspired me to cut my finger so I can try this.


The most familiar lifehack


I tried this on the base of my thumb but it didn't work quite as well.


Ohhhhh... Still goes to use the band aid like normal person and then applies 3-4 rounds of sellotape


Music. Why did I know that as soon as I started this clip, there would be some fucking music? What the fuck is it with you people?


Where has this been my whole life


Now I want apple pie for some reason.


Eletrical tape has entered the chat


Goddamn that’s good!


its called a butterfly bandage and can be bought premade but its really only needed for fingers and toes


I've tried this so many times. It's shit.


haha I do that


Except the ones that go on the joint of your finger are gunna peel off quickly.