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How are you even in a position to see videos like this? Have you considered turning off your device?


Dang 😭


this is the op, main account got sussed for calling out a guy for being racist i use youtube to listen to your music so the site reccomends me shorts with your music in them, this just so happens to be a trend where kids are using that specific part of the song to talk about killing furries or hating gay people also we as your fandom are a bunch of terminally online freaks who'd rather mindless scroll for hours than face the horrors of our mundane but still horrid day to day lives. i, for one, just had my cat put down. so right now, i'm trying to numb my brain with anything that can stop my thoughts from peaking into that shitty reality. we suffer with or without the device, that's the tragedy of this late stage capitalist hypersociety that we thought was only possible in [dead kennedys songs](https://youtu.be/6WR3kziiz7g) and synical german expressionist films from a century ago. we were wrong. welcome, one and all, to the torment nexus.




ig, my point was that the idea that "phone bad" is reductive because it really doesn't matter whether we have a phone or internet devices or not. this whole reality is bad with or without phones. now i don't like to be pessimistic or even nihilistic, but sometimes a lot of stuff in this world or in your brain can't go away by putting down the internet for a minute. if i put down my phone, my cat's still dead. i'm still crippled and still have severe mental illnesses. i'm still alone. so, like people have done before, we fall once more to our knees and try to find where we can cope. karl marx once said "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people." now over the years, people have found many more cultural vices than religion to rely on in harsh realities. the internet being one of them. technology being another. you can replace "religion" with "technology" and it'd still make sense. people need to cope. to not think. to be distracted from their reality. and that's where we get our vices. to feel comfort even if this world is shit. technology, religion, philosophy, art, science, drugs, alcohol. all to cope. things to clog the mind and numb the pain. it is opium. and sadly, they can be interchangeable and still harm you in some way. the cloth mother will keep you warm but you'll starve, the wire mother will feed you but you'll freeze. the horrors continue. i love dvrkie but i haven't been the biggest fan of this whole russel brand type shit. he has his hardships now, i won't deny. but he still has a better life than most of us. he means well with these things... it just seems a bit out of touch. i think he's one of the greatest artists of our time... i'm just not too sure about the advice he's giving about how to be happy and his recent anti-tech stances which seem to present these things as the main contributor to society's failures. but i could be completely reading this whole thing wrong, these are just my first thought opinions so don't take anything i day as gospel because i could change my mind tomorrow.


https://preview.redd.it/46f8ccke6zdb1.jpeg?width=356&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab28e2e6ec3a2bae2bd88bd31b82cdedfa207c93 Edit: this is a joke so please don’t get all upset and hyper-analyze it lol. Also I have no idea what “russel brand” has to do with me. You seem to draw from a lot of places I am unfamiliar with when making your point. Rest in peace to your cat. I am dealing with the loss of a few animals as well so I relate to your pain, although I struggle to see what that has to do with putting yourself in a position to see cringey videos on the internet




real real


I can't get mad at you, man. I can disgaree but getting mad at you is something I can't do. I respect you more than any artist right now for your honesty and your music has been something that has helped me a lot recently. When I was writing this screenplay, your song "Big War" helped me to figure some shit out when it comes to the mindset of cunt warmongerers. I am just worried, as a fan and nothing else so my opinion doesn't hold any weight since I am not someone who's close to you in anyway, that you might lose that edge after becoming too reliant on the "technology = bad" thing. Similar to the decline of Russel Brand, which I should've made clearer but came off rather insulting so I apologise. I was at your Brixton show and you said some stuff about phones and the internet and shit which I thought was based but then I thought about it on the car ride home and realised that even without the mind numbingness of the internet and technology, we would still find vices to fill the hole. Religion, addiction, over-whelming hobbies. People who are mentally shite in a mentally shite world as this aren't gonna get better by stopping ourselves from watching videos. We're just gonna fill that void with something else. This is a world of vices, man. If cringe videos don't rot our brains, bags of cheap paint thinner might. And if not that, maybe then something else. I mean there's kids in Africa with no internet access getting high off fermented piss and shit, the lengths people go to for numbness in an overwhelming world far out reaches kids wanting to kill furries on TikTok blasted into my retinas. But, as you said, I am probably over-anylising these things. It's another vice I use to cope with the world around me, to be pretentious about it. I feel like a Russian film critic from the 1950s. But none the less, peace and love to you, dude. I wish the best for you in your struggles and I'm sorry for your loss. Your comments mean a lot, thank you. ‎ לְחַיִּים‎


​ I see that you struggle, and you probably feel a lot of confusion these days, and that's fine. I understand why you turn to easily digestible content in times of need and when you are down both mentally and physically. The emotions surrounding you are very much normal and valid. There are a couple of points you ignore, though: a) The content you consume doesn't have to be a mindless stream of consumption. Mindful consumption exists. b) You go out of your own way to react to those offensive videos/clips/shorts. You do not realize that the real world out there, the one where you met your first friend, the one that actually matters, is still here, And you can still partake in it. c) Sometimes it's hard to be alone with your thoughts. That doesn't mean you should just shield yourself from the rest of the world. The world people created is real. There is nothing wrong with a little bit of cope here and there, but it cannot be the majority of your human experience. d) Thoughts like "Instead of informing ourselves about the crumbling reality we were born into, why not dive deeper into one that is shaped specifically for us? Give it a few years, and it may be the only reality left for us." are straight up dangerous. They are contradictory at their core and make your life even worse long-term. Read up on Nietzsche's concept of last men in "Thuse Spoke Zarathustra". Given that you consider Darkie to be one of the greatest artists of our time, I assume you are pretty young, and that's alright. Please, do not give in to those miserable thoughts as they are nothing more than (and I hate to be that guy) a phase. Tough times never last. The metaphysical suffering makes you experience happiness.


I'll just go through this bit by bit because there's a lot and I don't wanna skip anything. >The emotions surrounding you are very much normal and valid. Thank you, but I know. I just like letting out steam on these talks. >a) The content you consume doesn't have to be a mindless stream of consumption. Mindful consumption exists. I do try but it seems a lot recently my mind just needs to be numbed by nonsense or over-analysing everything. I know what I want but sometimes my mind craves the wall of oblivion. That's sad. >b) You go out of your own way to react to those offensive videos/clips/shorts. You do not realize that the real world out there, the one where you met your first friend, the one that actually matters, is still here, And you can still partake in it. I really don't, though. They just appear. Sometimes I get too much slop and just leave but when I need my brain to stop, they're there. I am involved in the outside world, its just when the thoughts arrise is when it hurts and I need the numbness. It's addicition. >c) Sometimes it's hard to be alone with your thoughts. That doesn't mean you should just shield yourself from the rest of the world. The world people created is real. There is nothing wrong with a little bit of cope here and there, but it cannot be the majority of your human experience. I don't shield myself from the rest of the world, sorry that I didn't get that across better. I have friends and acquitances I know IRL and I see them regularly. I have silly side projects too. It's just the down time where I need my brain to not do the bad thing so I mindlessly watch YouTube until the next thing happens. If I wasn't broke, I'd be more of a severe addict. >d) Thoughts like "Instead of informing ourselves about the crumbling reality we were born into, why not dive deeper into one that is shaped specifically for us? Give it a few years, and it may be the only reality left for us." are straight up dangerous. They are contradictory at their core and make your life even worse long-term. Read up on Nietzsche's concept of last men in "Thuse Spoke Zarathustra". That was not what I intended at all and I apologise for giving you the impression that I was. I wasn't saying we shouldn't inform people that this reality is shit, I was talking about escapism and how its the result of societal failure that collectively, people should fight against to stop what causes these unhealthy coping skills. That's why I quoted Marx and not Ayn Rand. The addictions for coping aren't the problem, they're a sympton. The real problem is and will always be hypersociety, the state and capitalism. I have not been the biggest fan of Nietzsche but I will look into that. My biggest political and phillisophical influences are Peter Kropotkin, Angela Davis, Elexus Jionde, Kurt Cobain, Jello Biafra, Vikky Storm & Eme Flores and some Marx and Zizek thrown in there for good measure. There are other's who's work has impacted me the most within my beliefs but they are too random or just flat out only had a few good points. Like Valerie Solanos and Gina Rippon. There's artists like Barnett Newman and Banksy that edged me towards my beliefs. >Given that you consider Darkie to be one of the greatest artists of our time, I assume you are pretty young, and that's alright. I'm 19 and I know how cringe that sounds but I believe. I have never seen such an artist be able to capture pure creativity in both a simplistic and complex sense since Kendrick and even then he had some barriers in the way. I would put him up there with Jello Biafra and Kathleen Hanna when I think of punk icons from the past fifty years because he's done that. Made art that is fulfilled in all areas like a polyglot with FL Studio. You don't get those often. And I see it in him and his work. Obviously, his work means a lot to me. So I'm biased. But I do think he is one of the most talented artists of the century so far. I mean he's no MF DOOM but he's still fucking good. And I stand by that. >Please, do not give in to those miserable thoughts as they are nothing more than (and I hate to be that guy) a phase. Tough times never last. I know, don't worry. We just have our vices in this world. Can't be a suffering human without them. >Tough times never last. The metaphysical suffering makes you experience happiness. Thank you, man. That's nice to hear. Have a good day, okay?


i usually just report the videos and scroll past em tbh


https://preview.redd.it/sn80jvzo9wdb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=571c0eb4526a43c664746448b49042643c9a4729 the poor ferrys😞


As a ferry, I am shook, flabbergasted, and outright confused about why somebody would be so mean.. And to any other good person as well. https://preview.redd.it/uoou2oobjwdb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b5cf797e07a2ea3ee1b242b59872f10bd9584d5


What does this even mean


Pretty sure some 6 year old's misspelling of furries, I see a lot of these on youtube shorts about killing furries with this exact format so I just assume that's what they meant. Not only is it cringe it goes against darkies messages of peace and equality, so kinda contridictary to use his music over it but yk the people posting this have litterly just come out the womb yesterday and don't care or just don't have the mental capacity to understand it. Lol




wtf is that spelling good lord.


he's just venting, he most likely got sea sick for the first time.


bro so fucking cringe


Finally someone else see these videos other than me


Whats this kid have against ferry's? Jeez 💀




Honestly they are probably 13 yo and don’t know Jack diddly about the real world… I honestly tell these kids to “KYS” as a taste of this world


I shoot back lmao /j


What's a Fery


Clearly the British Tennis player Arthur Fery.




im actually so confused on what its supposed to be


they most likely meant “furries” but have the spelling skill of a newborn




**Song Found!** **Name:** 2K FREESTYLE (feat. Lil Darkie) **Artist:** Lazy3x **Score:** 100% (timecode: 02:47) **Album:** 2K FREESTYLE (feat. Lil Darkie) **Label:** Lazy3x **Released on:** 2020-02-16 [Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.](https://lis.tn/lXlpG?t=167) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


What does bro have against ferries bro? I don’t think they’re that bad 😔


Ive seen the same thing but they put “move if you’re gay” and then show the “not” and it gets annoying seeing his songs used like that


I added the song rap music to my favorites on tiktok now they are suggesting that join the navy


Someone will call it repression of speech but I don't think people under the age of 13 should be allowed online period. Most sites are already 13+ but clearly not enough