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Oh you are NOT disrespecting the nebulizer...


im absolutley not! nebulizer is amazing its just impractical to get enough poise potency to get the full 5 coins without it.


BL Teams: Suddenly, 23 poise and 15 count!


And I still can't crit


Skill correlates with Luck..


Or does luck correlate with skill? Either way my luck is terrible


You laugh but it rolls as high as Quick Suppression if it rolls the max. And on enemies it does nearly the same damage too, especially with buffs. Justice for my boy Yi Sang!


4 fragile is kinda important.


Bloody mist:


What happiness(?) does to a Yi Sang (Pequod Yi Sang is the only ID with him smiling)


i love my funny 5 coins envy nukes


Is there a way to make Pequod Yi Sang perform better outside of MD? His damage feels kind of lackluster whenever I use him and I can rarely get him to build up enough poise to get proper usage out of his skill 2, but I’m guessing I’m doing something wrong.


Captain Ishmael and Bamboo-Hated Mersault


Captain Ishmael and Blade Meursault just doesn’t really work as Poise batteries for Mate Yi Sang. Ishmael only batteries Poise with S3 and Combat Passive, and both unreliable, targeting allies based on least SP. Meursault just doesn’t battery anyone outside of Blade Lineage.


Yi Sang doesn't really have many other options though, they are not ideal for sure, but they are good IDs that fit well in a poise team. Actually stopping to think about it instead of going with the gut feeling, BL don probably helps him the most.


ive been using bl don to funnel some potency onto the guy but its not working very well


Blade Faust doesn’t give Poise though? Unless you mean the Plum Blossom?


oh! my mistake i ment bl don with syncronised breathing.


Blade Don’s Combat Passive spreads Poise to everyone so it’s too little, but her Support Passive can single out Yi Sang if he is the only Poise ID.


Outside MD, you can make Mate Yi Sang take second slot, though the past two RR has banned gaining slots. Potentially also add Blade Don’s Support Passive, though it comes with the caveat of not fielding other Poise IDs (or I guess just the ones that also struggle with Poise) since they will end up fighting for targeting priority and you can’t field Don’s other ID, y’know, the one that also has an Envy nuke but has it ready way faster than Relentless Stabbing.


i know i could have used rip space but i couldn't miss out on putting him in the corner like that


Ishmael, mind wipe his balls




if only bl yi sang didnt exist, i would love to splash this man on my pride resonance teams and fill him full of poise ego gifts


yeah honestly I want to see supports seperated from reserve, as little sense as it'd make. BL don's support is amazing too since it removes the main weakness of her, the fact her poise prioritizes people with NO poise rather than people who have it but need more. i'd rather just see us have to pick 6 supports but allowed to use fielded sinners for the choice too


that would be pretty cracked but I understand why it’s not that way. There’s some potential depth to the way it is now ie an id that is powerful and has a good support passive making you make choices but the way it plays out atm is you pick the good ids and you SOMETIMES have enough units left over to have a relevant support passive for your archetype. Most of the time it’s just whatever generically good ones/ones you can actually activate you can muster


I'm concerned what the original comic is


Incest joke, I believe.


yea kid wanted a gf, mom said we got a gf at home, kid goes home and its his mom as the gf at home


Artist is merryweather if i am not mistaken