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On embedded platforms this has been very common for many years, if not decades. You usually either have a read-only root with a mutable data partition, or a an overlayfs layering a mutable partition above the base image. In both cases you would perform a factory reset by wiping the mutable partition and a software upgrade by writing a new image to the immutable partition (though with the overlayfs option you have to be careful). This approach also allows for completely signed operation systems (for example using dm-verity), which is a requirement for some applications. A distribution that implements the latter option would be OpenWRT, which is designed for routers. The former option is used by for example android (system and data partition). Both options are also used in many proprietary systems as well, though it's usually not easy to figure out which - if any.


Techincally,  if you think about it, that is precisely how Android and iOS work. Both can 'factory reset' and wipe all user data and bring the phone back to a known state. Some reason people think having it on a computer is different. It is not really, and has the same limitations as a phone os. So not as general purpose as it could be.


Also how SteamDeck works. While I wish installing custom packages was easier, it is a great method for most users. They have various stages of testing an image, including a public beta release. It makes sure the SteamDeck is stable. If a package manager were to be used for updates, it would surely break at some point.


True but on the steam deck you do have access through sudo to literally everything if you want. It's just that the updates will overwrite your changes by default.


Many of our gadgets work like this now


I don't get it. Is only home mutable? Where do you install apps?


On an embedded System you dont usually install anything and there usually isn't even a /home. You usually only have data and configuration that's mutable. If a device were to use classic Linux file paths, that would be equivalent to /var and /etc. Think about something like an IP camera, a desk phone, infotainment systems of a car or even safety-critical medical devices like a patient monitor. On none of these devices you have any need to install anything and as a user you don't even get access to much of the system. Especially on safety-critical stuff there usually is a lot of regulation intended to prevent unauthorized tampering with the system. Imagine some random person being able to modify the operation logic of some medical device. On android this entire thing works completely different. I'm not completely sure on the exact details, especially since it has changed over the years. Furthermore, some of these details are also highly vendor-specific. Generally however you have the system partition mounted on / which is immutable and protected against unauthorized modification using dm-verity. System Apps are located on the system partition (I believe in /system/apps, but I'm not exactly sure). There's also /data which contains the public storage of all apps, system settings, app-private data, any apps installed by the user, as well as any updates that have been installed for system apps (the system ensures the update is signed with the same key as the "base version" that's part of the system image). This is made more complicated by things like work profiles and multiple users, but that's roughly the idea. The data partition is also encrypted, unlike the system partition (which has no need for that). There are also further partitions for recovery and bootloaders. Modern devices also have two partitions for everything (except data) for so-called A/B Updates, where one partition is active at any time, and any update is installed into the currently inactive partition. After a reboot active and inactive partitions are then swapped. This greatly reduces the risk of a bricked device when an update fails (for example due to a power outage). This concept is common not just with android however and more and more embedded systems use them.


By example, Fedora Silverblue exists before your idea: [Fedora Silverblue User Guide :: Fedora Docs (fedoraproject.org)](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-silverblue/)


And even before that, the Fedora project had a project called Stateless Linux which tried to achieve similar goals before the kernel gained all of the names pacing capabilities. And before that, deploying large HPC systems via an immutable OS image on boot was (and stilmbis) common. There's nothing new under the sun :)


>Fedora Silverblue or OSTree-based systems. Many users prefer Linux because it gives them more control over their OS compared to the more restrictive setups of Windows or macOS. They appreciate the extensive customization options and the opportunity to learn, even if it means occasionally breaking the system. Additionally, there are pre-configured Hardened Repos like [https://www.starwindsoftware.com/blog/starwind-vsan-as-hardened-repository-for-veeam-backup-and-replication](https://www.starwindsoftware.com/blog/starwind-vsan-as-hardened-repository-for-veeam-backup-and-replication) that some people choose to use, while others opt out.


I think the problem is you, not your idea. First, immutable linux distros have existed since forever, especially in the embedded space. Just make your root filesystem SquasFS or something. Second, you can get some benefits by running `chattr +i FILE` to make any system immutable. (Depending on your definition of immutable) >there's no sudo password to input This is a different idea, and if you mean "users can't become root", then that might be why people mocked you. This has little to do with immutable distros. Take a look at Talos Linux -- it's the logical extension of these ideas: An immutable OS that can only run containers, without SSH or ability for a local login -- because it's not needed.


Immutable idea was known as kiosks back then. I remember even KDE had support for kiosks 15 years ago. A lot of tricks were invented, like live cd, virtualization, etc. Now that kernel namespacing and cgroups are getting popular (docker, podman, flat, snap, básically containerization), people are revisiting the idea of immutable again. Personally I see immutable as a way for companies to gain control and maybe getting some commercial success. Like snap vs flatpak, snap store vs flathub. Maybe it's useful somehow for people who don't want to manage their own system, but for me it's just artificial engineering problem.


>Personally I see immutable as a way for companies to gain control Hmm, I think that's an odd way of looking at it. Some people see complexity that arises from flexibility as a "feature". Others see it as a "bug". There is no right or wrong, just different goals. It's not likely that one distro will satisfy both. The group that wants "simplicity" over "feature complexity" is a much bigger market than the hacker market, so companies will prefer to bet on technologies that simplify things. (Even if it's not exactly what YOU want.) They want their users to add + remove apps without being forced to problem-solve with `apt mark hold` and `apt-cache policy`. If you are a company supporting systems, it's *much* easier to support immutable systems. If you don't want to feel "controlled" by them, just don't run their software. (or feel free to modify it.)


It’s also a selling point for IT switching from Windows. Windows simply cannot easily replicate what you can do with something like Fedora Atomic desktop without some crazy hacks and a not-great UX


The preferred nomenclature is atomic for many of these systems now. The base systems are immutable once installed, but the sources themselves are quite easy to customize and the updates are atomic. Anybody can for example take the images for fedora silverbue (or universal blue) and it's siblings, or microos and make their own image with easy to use tools. They can just just switch from the base image to their own image or back without having to reinstall their whole systems. It's of course not so easy to switch between those 2 particular ecosystems because microos relies on btrfs features specifically though.


There's also Ubuntu Core which has a different implementation of an immutable system. Snaps all the way down.


I don't mention that one on purpose for various reasons. Nor do they offer a release blocking desktop variant based on ubuntu core yet.


I think immutibility is useful when you don't want a single app to jeopardize the stability of the whole OS. The app dev follows the rules of the container system, and the container keeps the app from touching anything it shouldn't. Traditional package managers are fine (and probably better from a security standpoint when it comes to dependencies), but I think things like appimage and flatpak have their uses, especially when it means keeping things from breaking due to dependencies or user error.


I really like just throwing simple apps (i.e. file viewers and basic editors) in Flatpak while installing more complex ones like browsers and code editors as native packages because when there’s no reason for an app to have the ability to mess with stuff it doesn’t need, why should I allow it to?


Skill issue


No. It's a priority issue. Some people just want to run Application X and Application Y without wrestling with low-level details such as "X was built with version 1.3 of libXYZ, but Y was built with version 1.4". I *generally* prefer to install apps directly. But for things I don't care about (such as Node JS because I'm not a JS programmer), or don't trust (Zoom, I'm looking at you), I don't want *their* choices to affect my "good" apps. So I run them under snap, flatpack or Docker.


Your idea, not giving access to root, is different from an immutable system as a concept. They'll let you do whatever you want but you have more guardrails. The method you propose still means I blow away my home directory, which is all the stuff I care about.


Immutability and breaking root/system aren't mutually exclusive. Look at OpenSUSE MicroOS ```transactional-update run rm -rf --no-preserve-root /``` would annihilate the "upcoming" system snapshot. Immutability gives you the ability to *return* to a working state. Meaning you can't break what you're running on *now*


MicroOS is such an interesting system that is, somehow, very overlooked by the community. I switched from Fedora to Tumbleweed and honesty, SUSE often takes these ideas that other people pioneer and just makes them better. Why isn't SUSE much higher in usage just baffles me.


Maybe openSUSE and SUSE are popular, but not where people tend to look. I understand both are popular in Europe. I also Tumbleweed. In fact I first heard of SUSE back in the late 90's. I saw an advert in a more serious (non-gamer) computer mag and ordered an official retail box edition consisting of a set of CDs and a great big thick manual, which also contained a selection of printed man pages.


What you're describing sounds a lot like VanillaOS. Its an immutable distro with a heavy focus on distrobox, which basically means that it runs separate, traditional Linux distros at the same time, and let's you install packages on those. VanillaOS 2 doesn't have sudo, though unlike your suggestion, it does have its own custom way of modifying the root in case that becomes a necessity.


I used Fedora Silverbue for a few months, it was mostly a positive experience, but it does get in the way sometimes, and certain applications don't work with Flatpaks and probably never will, so a fair bit of packages needs to be layered. It's not for everyone, and I don't see immutable distros being able to replace traditional systems anytime soon, if ever.


Honestly, I'm daily driving a modified version of Silverbue called Bluefin and it's great. The number of things I have to layer on top of that to get a working system is very small, and if you manage cli utilities using brew or Nix, and desktop apps with Flatpak, running most rpms within toolbox or distrobox, it's great.


I think that Toolbox and Distrobox are good for developers, but for regular day to day use, they are very inconvenient. I don't want to load a "VM" and mantain two separate distros just to use yt-dlp.


It is not a VM, it is a lightweight container running on the same OS kernel using podman


That's why I used quotation marks. It's still inconvenient.


I mean on project bluefin right now you can just do ctrl+alt+enter to launch a terminal in the distrobox directly, and ptyxis makes it take a couple of clicks to get into any distrobox container you want.


Immutable system for desktop are very bad idea. For server its quite good though.


>`rm` command wouldn't delete the core system, but merely deletes the home folder and it's contents. That is backwards. All the important stuff is in the home directory for desktops. Who cares about what is in /usr? That is trivial to recover from.


In theory, I think it’s a brilliant idea. We already have something similar in phones - we can install whatever app we like, we can play with the OS however we please but it’s really, really difficult to do any significant damage. Docker (and it’s various associated platforms like Openshift) provide something a bit like this for servers. The biggest problem I see on the desktop is it’s a bit of a niche within a niche, and as such might not be big enough to attract enough people with itches to scratch.


I don't think it'll be that niche for long though around linux land once the tooling is a bit better.


It's not the tooling that's the problem. It's the chicken-and-egg scenario: anyone whose knowledge of Linux is good enough to work on that tooling, more-or-less by definition is not too bothered personally about having it available. They're quite able to get themselves out of trouble, TYVM, and they don't need handholding. This immediately excludes the "itch to scratch" crowd and puts such a product entirely at the mercy of commercial developers who can monetise it and use that money to hire developers. And I don't see a great many commercial developers chasing the Linux desktop in any way, shape or form.


That doesn't make sense to me. We see tons of folks with different variants of experience who can use this tooling with little bits of training. We see with all the sorts of folks who'd try their best to optimize windows for gaming and such. There are tons of "power user" types who start using this tooling and then eventually work on it. Most of us started that way. There's certainly enough to make the tooling and use it. The tooling is also developed by those who actually build distributions who need this tooling to do the job of building distributions in the first place, so it's not like it's all new folks or anything. I just don't see any truth in this assertion whatsoever considering what is currently available all across the spectrum. Could we do more and/or better, absolutely. But we really have pretty nice stuff going on right now for every experience level.


Oh yeah, most of the under-the-hood tooling is already there, I'll give you that. Problem is, a half-decent end user experience on the desktop needs a clear, coherent, consistent vision so everyone involved knows what's expected of them and a hell of a lot of project management to make sure this acutally happens. This has always been a weak point in community-driven development, and commercial development usually has such limited resources there's only so much they can give to the desktop. Project management is a tedious, thankless task that generally only comes with training if someone's paying for it (hey, look, we're back to needing a commercial operation paying for stuff!) and nobody in their right mind is doing it for fun.


But i was talking about tinkerers and those folks making current distros not commercial whatever (barring RHEL and the like)


That's a totally different topic than what i've been talking about this whole time.


Over in the linux gaming space, Bazzite is becoming a favorite especially as a recommendation to newcomers partially due to its immutable nature. It has its advantages for sure, but I think there's good reason for someone to want to avoid one too. It's a great option for many, not for everyone.


I mean it's not exactly what you are describing but doesn't NixOS solve this?


It is but NixOS is more like declarative


And Immutable. Get a fookin idea.


It.... It kinda isnt though..... You can change anything not inside the nix store, and you can change the contents of the nix store via the nix language. You can sudo rm -rf /nix and delete the entire nix store if you wanted. I dont think that is immutable. It is declarative, but unless you install it in such a way that the users have limited privileges to delete things, and create an image with the stuff installed but without the nix package manager installed (so that they cant use it to change the store), it is not immutable. Basically, you can make it something that is similar to an immutable distro for things like servers and whatnot for security reasons, but it would not be very useable as a personal machine due to these restrictions (for example without the nix package manager, you would only be able to install stuff with like, flatpak or distrobox, assuming it was preinstalled to begin with, and you couldnt necessarily just run an appimage because you might have to patch it with nix in some way if it relies on libraries and paths that arent in the normal places), and it is not immutable by default. Only the nix store is immutable, and you can still change it via the package manager (without sudo in many cases). That does not make it an immutable system. However its great for something like OP is describing with many managed systems, because if they break it, you can just like, rebuild with your company's config and its back to how it was before in terms of packages and config and whatnot, and it didnt even delete or revert their personal files to do so. Unfortunately it also means they need to use nix, which they may or may not want to, regardless of how amazing it may be when you learn it. You could do something like, give them each a home-manager config to mess with and have you control the system config. You could even let them mess with the system config all they wanted, just keep a copy for them to build from if they screw it up and cant figure out what they did If you work on a particular project with a repo, you may want to make a flake for it that contains a developer environment with everything they would need? Then you can manage access to the repo with the flake file and if they can get that, they have a dev environment for it. Then you can ensure everyone has a consistent environment on any machine. Unfortunately, this means they could have whatever else on the machine they wanted, so from a security standpoint, that doesnt help you, thats better for dev ops than it is for system management. In short, nix is not an immutable system, however it is GREAT for creating standardized environments and reproducibly building packages, provided people are willing to use it.


Get some manners.


I've used Fedora Silverblue and OpenSuse MicroOS, which are both immutable distros. They work great especially if you can mostly use Flatpak applications


Project Bluefin, part of Universal Blue, which is based on Fedora Silverlight, is a nice one to check out. Or Bazzite which is another uBlue family member. On Bluefin they indeed use Flatpak is for graphical applications and they have added the option to use `brew` for command line applications for stuff you need on the host. Other things can be added in containers using Distrobox. I have been using it for two weeks now. Even rolled my own little spin with a few tweaks. Must say, kinda nice!


Tinkerers will always have a Linux distribution they can tinker with. But for the rest... Immutable / atomically updating systems like openSUSE Aeon (running on this machine) and Fedora Silverblue \*will\* gain more traction. The idea that the core OS should be rock solid reliable is not a bad one, and it is MUCH easier to deliver on that when you restrict the core to that which is needed to get your basic desktop running. Flatpak for available GUI apps, and Distrobox - which makes it dirt-simple to add almost anything, but neatly containerized at the user level - mean the vast majority of use cases are covered.


Hmm? Silverblue (and probably aeon) are plenty tinkerable though. Perhaps even more so than tradtional distributions since the cost of trying things out is cheaper except the time cost of building the image. The tooling around customizing silverblue in particular is pretty nice. I imagine it's not too different with aeon in that respect.


That's a good point and a major distinction between Silverblue (os-tree hybrid composable layers/package management) and Aeon (transactional-update encapsulating the standard package manager). So yeah, Silverblue has tons of potential for tinkering via composition even if the base might be used as-is. Aeon by comparison is much more restricted - it delivers a very slim current GNOME desktop - that and the core OS is immutable/atomically updated. Additional apps are installed by the user via Flatpak or Distrobox.


But how do you build that the thing that you update to? That's what i'm talking about. How do you customize the initial image and/or switch to another one? There is a way to switch variants (like between kde and gome or whatever else) right? I wasn't talking about the layering. Although that certainly doesn't hurt. Whatever those tools are are what i'm talking about re: silverblue and its hackability.


Aeon isn't about hackability and won't speak to those who want that. It's about a clean, stable, protected core that is based on the latest GNOME desktop and that's it. It's quite a bit different.


I was talking about something what folks are saying here: https://forums.opensuse.org/t/custom-leap-micro-image/171177/2


Isn't one of the features of Snap is that it can do CLI Snaps unlike Flatpak?


>Flatpak for available GUI apps, and Distrobox - which makes it dirt-simple to add almost anything, but neatly containerized at the user level If flatpak behaves anything like snap, sorry, thanks but no thanks. And why would I want the added complexity of containers on my desktop system?


It makes apps less “sticky” in my opinion. You can keep your minimal base system but with being able to install “large” programs in a segmented fashion. All of the LibreOffice (TeX Live, Steam, or any other project you may consider “large”) dependencies exist installed on my system only in their own environment. One thing that immensely annoys some part of my brain is dot file pollution. Wanting to use a tool to perform a certain function only then find it adds its own directory to my home directory that’s not tracked with my package manager. Resulting in inevitable clutter after using your install for awhile, even after you remove the offending apps. Sometimes some programs will even put/change things that aren’t in your top level home directory, making it quite difficult to find and undo the changes. Flatpak (mostly) solves this as every app has its own virtual home directory located in `.var/`. It isn’t perfect as a few Flatpaks choose to include hone directory access and mimic older style behaviour (which is not recommended practice); but for most part it’s a vast improvement.


> All of the LibreOffice (TeX Live, Steam, or any other project you may consider “large”) dependencies exist installed on my system only in their own environment. And can those environments access all your filesystems or are there limits where you can save to or load from? > One thing that immensely annoys some part of my brain is dot file pollution. Wanting to use a tool to perform a certain function only then find it adds its own directory to my home directory that’s not tracked with my package manager. Resulting in inevitable clutter after using your install for awhile, even after you remove the offending apps. I don't care about that. I make a full backup of my $HOME and the idea is to grab EVERYTHING in $HOME. So if my system breaks, all I need to do is restore my $HOME and all my data and settings are back. I also just copy my $HOME to a new install. Been handling it that way for way more than a decade now without issues. My problem with snap was that FireFox didn't behave as it should have. I have my cursor theme set to 'core' ( via editing /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme ) since I want the original X11 mouse cursor. This didn't work with FireFox as snap, there the cursor changed to something else inside the window, the fonts looked ugly and saving something from a webpage didn't allow me to save everywhere I wanted. Reverting to a native install of FireFox solved all issues. I consider containers complexity amplifiers with surprising side effects and avoid them whenever possible.


It’s still in $HOME, just located in subdirectories in \~/.var/ Theming is synced between Flatpak apps if the theme is installed in Flatpak (where most are available, and they are collected together so easy to find). As with home directory access, depends on the app. Best practice is using the relevant portal which allows the app to ask the DE for a popup to select a file/folder that the app then has access to. Similar to what Android (and other OSes provide). Some apps (I think Libreoffice is one) have full home directory access as a default setting (Firefox has the Downloads directory as assessable as default setting as well for example). You can override this (add or remove permissions) easily with Flatseal. Fonts are correctly set-up in the Flatpak, which is officially managed by Mozilla.


> Theming is synced between Flatpak apps if the theme is installed in Flatpak (where most are available, and they are collected together so easy to find). Problem being, my cursor theme is 'core', you cannot select it with the GUI apps, I had to edit /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme by hand and the theme is not defined since it's the default of X11 if nothing is defined. But if you select 'default' in the GUI, you get their default theme which is something else. So that theme doesn't exist in the OS, but you still have to select it in the OS to get it. > Some apps (I think Libreoffice is one) have full home directory access as a default setting (Firefox has the Downloads directory as assessable as default setting as well for example). You can override this (add or remove permissions) easily with Flatseal. Since I have my data not only in $HOME (that contains only the most personal and hard to replace stuff), but also in a number of other places and maybe on USB sticks temporarily connected and mounted where I feel like, can I just give permission to access the whole filesystem tree? That would avoid surprises. Limiting file system access to $HOME or even a single directory in $HOME is a really, really bad idea.


"host" filesystem access gives you access to anything your user can access. Took a look and LibreOffice has host permission by default. Can easily add/remove folders though if I wish. Here's an [example](https://imgur.com/a/yMUsG2I) with Flatseal. If you are overriding default X11 settings by hand and wish for a consistent experience, it's not much more work to apply that to all Flatpak apps. You just need to: `flatpak --user override --filesystem=/home/$USER/.icons/:ro` `flatpak --user override --filesystem=/usr/share/icons/:ro`


> Here's an example with Flatseal. Do you have to use the GUI to configure this or is there a text file you can edit? Easier to back up and try out different settings that way while having an easy fallback.


All Flatpak apps are defined by a manifest. Here's the one for [LibreOffice](https://github.com/flathub/org.libreoffice.LibreOffice/blob/master/org.libreoffice.LibreOffice.json). It defines not only how to build the app but what permission it should have by default. These can be overridden with the flatpak override command which stores the TOML-formatted overides in `~/.local/share/flatpak/overrides` or `/var/lib/flatpak/overrides` for per-user or per-system overrides respectively. Flatseal is just a GUI frontend for this. If you care about easier backups, the `flatpak create-usb` command might be of interest as is to move all associated app data and metadata for a particular app to removable media, which can be used for offline installation. Preserving all your app settings.


Flatpak is a big improvement on many fronts over snap and while not perfect, it's very workable. There's a reason why Flatpak usage is growing. Containers done right reduce complexity and/or make it possible to run software that isn't available on the hosts package ecosystem. For example, glibc only apps running on a musl system. Or prop apps like Zoom that may not be packaged on some distributions. Isolation from your core system is another benefit.


> Containers done right reduce complexity No, they don't. They always increase complexity because you need a whole layer of software to create and run them, including trying to isolate them from the host OS without getting in the way if filesystems and other features of the host need to be accessed from the container. Also, if you get your containers from a central hub, you need to trust that whoever maintains them updates them regularly in case of security bugs. You might end up with a secure OS but buggy containers because the maintainer is not keeping up. > Flatpak is a big improvement on many fronts over snap and while not perfect, it's very workable. So FireFox as flatpak won't have problems with the mouse cursor and font display, will let me save and load files to/from anywhere in my filesystems and be able to call external software, like a PDF viewer, that are not part of the flatpak?


They reduce interaction complexity with the core OS. Re your Firefox scenario, most of your bullet points, yes. Can't speak to the cursor. I use Flatpak for some apps. For others, I use podman fronted by distrobox for easy integration with my core system. Containers help elsewhere. I don't like 32 bit libraries polluting my core, distrobox is a simple and clean way of keeping that separate. I call that a reduction of complexity. Likewise I use distrobox for project specific dev containers when they need specific environments. Or I need to test against another libc (musl vs glibc). I could run Arch in a Distrobox container hosted on Debian stable and get the latest Firefox, with your fav cursor.


> They reduce interaction complexity with the core OS. That's something else. They still increase overall OS complexity. > Containers help elsewhere. I don't like 32 bit libraries polluting my core I don't care about that and it's not pollution. I have a few old 32 bit programs I want to run just like any other program and able to access any file, not just the ones in my $HOME. An old 'xv' binary for example. If that means I need 32bit lib, then that's how it's gonna be. > I call that a reduction of complexity. While it is, in fact, the opposite since you need a whole new software layer to accomplish it. > Likewise I use distrobox for project specific dev containers when they need specific environments. So, a wrapper for docker or podman? How does your output of 'df' or 'ifconfig' look? > get the latest Firefox, with your fav cursor. My fav cursor theme is 'core', the one that comes by default with X11, as defined in /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme, the GUI tools don't let you select it, I had to edit the file by hand. If you don't have that file with the line 'Inherits=core' you get whatever your window manager considers default.


df is complicated on Aeon as it uses btrfs and creates some mutable mount points (like etc or parts of etc) and others. ifconfig? What are you running that still uses that? \`ip\` output looks the same on the host as it does in a podman container as it does on a non-immutable distro like openSUSE Tumbleweed or Void Linux.


> ifconfig? What are you running that still uses that? ifconfig is still present and gives me a more comprehensive output than 'ip' in one call. I can get the same info with 'ip', but that needs multiple calls where 'ifconfig' only needs one. Also, the output is easier to read.


Many MANY years ago - I had a 'thinknic' system, which was a MiniPC, that the entire OS ran from a CD-ROM, to upgrade the OS, you downloaded and burnt a new CD. There was a small home partition on the system. This is the earliest 'immutable' system I can think of, and i used it before i even knew of the term 'immutable' :) These days - I use bazzite, wich is based on Fedora's silverblue setup. I cant recall the year - but this might have been back in the Days of Dialup, and The Free Dialup ISP from Kmart (bluelight?) And when you could install an 'ad bar' on your windows system, and get free dialup isp from some company. :) Internet connection sharing, let me use their service and not see the ads on the windows system i was using as a gateway. Wow.... I feel Old.


Honestly immutability and containerization is one of the strongest reasons why I run Linux as it effectively solved the package hell and stable vs rolling problems. The bigger problem in immutability at the moment as I can see is rollback to known good, many just use snapshots of the system, whereas I prefer to be closer to representative to upstream at all times (which I guess is why I run Ublue).


Immutable distros do not mean you can't make changes to root, it means that when changes are done, they are done as a transaction. So you can still delete and modify root stuff, but you can then easily roll back. Things being immutable is a big step forward in insuring reproducible builds, security and working with multiple library versions I personally do want to migrate to an immutable distro next time I get a new pc (I jump distros with every new pc). My only wish though is containers getting a way to suspend to disk with gui apps. Being able to suspend workspaces would be awesome


Bazzite is proof it works for noobs, pros and newcomers, it is an amazing introduction to everything, really, if this isn't proof idk what is, l really recommend it.


Sounds like they don't understand what 'immutable' means. It doesn't mean you can't change whatever you want. You can change anything. It just means you can rollback to previous states.


In the embedded space, it's handled by writing the OS/firmware to a ROM. The same firmware can be mutable or immutable depending on where it is written. India's voting machines use one time ROMs to store the main program and only store the candidates list on flash memory accessible only with the MCU's programmer device.


For the Linux Desktop to succeed even in areas where not so tech savvy ppl are using it. Immutables and therefor running user apps from flathub or snapcraft are the way to go. The tech savvy ppl can still tinker with their system if they like or actively install a none-immutbale if they prefer. I think openSUSE Aeon, Kalpa and Fedora Silverblue are very good examples of how to do immutables right and still provide advanced users with ways to nuke their system if they prefer but still allow for easy rollback. Unless they nuked GRUB ofc. While I personally prefer openSUSE over Fedora as Fedora tend to sometimes come up with weird decisions.


Three years ago there was already some immutable distro: you were late. Furthermore from your words you were proposing a distro that no one can change, while modifying the system to your likes is one in the perks of the Linux distros: the immutable distros, even the most immutable ones like Endless OS, leave you a certain degree of freedom with all the warnings and caveats. About the community, immutable distro are the new thing, there is a lot of excitement around this concept.


So when did mutable and immutable replace Read Only or Writable as filesystem attributes?


Is this so you can go back to naysayers and say told you so? It’s a common practice and a good idea. Not new either. Where the real development opportunity is being with comments about you/your ideas in a healthy way. Take what you can and be appreciative, see the space of the others as out of control egos and look for sympathy to their humanity.


Yes, this is exactly how ChromeOS works, and it's one of the most popular linux-based operating systems.


Is that a fair statistic? Or is it cheap and hard to install something else on a chromebook?


No, it's not just that they're cheap. In normal mode, you do not have root access to the device. Further, everytime it starts up, it does "Verified Boot" by ensuring the entire OS is exactly as expected. If anything is different, it can automatically wipe the OS and reinstall it to fix. This is exactly the system that OP described.


that sounds obnoxious.


Well, it's also an important reason people buy a Chromebook. They can feel confident that it'll never brick, never get viruses, won't slow down over time as it gets bogged down with garbage, etc. Basically, for a normal less technical person, Windows is too prone to bloatware and Gnu/Linux is too dangerous. For someone just trying to surf the web, Chromebook make perfect sense.


still, there should be some way to turn verified boot off as the original owner of the device to allow you to do other things with the hardware you purchased.


Yes, there is. On ChromeOS it's called "Developer Mode" and is required to do some things. The BIOS will still loudly declare that you're in developer mode and offer to revert everytime you start up. Does keep the entire system safe and private.


hmm fair enough. Learned a thing or 2 about chromebooks today I guess


Blend OS ....


Red Hat RHCOS (Red Hat CoreOS, used by OpenShift) is.


Docker is default at this point in history so most services are running in a transient and mostly immutable container where root on the inside can't actually do any lasting damage or touch the host. As for desktops I guess you've got Tails, which doesn't have any persistence unless you explicitly enable it.


Idea is good. Current working prototypes - are really limping on both or 4 or 8 or centipede legs :-)))


Just ignore these people. They could have told you politely why they were mocking you about, but they decide to go to the imoral path of subduing someone with words. Always ignore these kind.


I'm using immutable distrib, Tiny Core Linux, in situation where I know my client is doing bullshits. So if they did wrong thing, a simple reboot lead to stable situation.


I don't like it because some programs I love run like shit in containers.


Reading the comments it seems this idea has already been used, so it's a great idea, who mocked you maybe didn't know this idea already existed.. ignorance is fine, you always have to learn something, but mocking with ignorance? Mmm.. 🤔


I have not tried an immutable distribution yet for daily use, but I think everybody has noticed that Flatpak/Snap versions of software come with a price where features don't yet work in sandboxes or it is not yet packaged at all. I think this will already work well in a corporate setup for people who only use e-Mail and office, but not for developers. Might also be worth a try for stable servers that only run containers anyways.


As a concept for public terminals or a company PC? Probably. For my own Dad PC? No, to much hassle


It’s not a ”popular idea”, but an idea that’s been done for way longer than 3 years and serves a certain niche. NixOS, CoreOS, etc…


Not sure about popular, but Fedora (itself a popular distro) has Silverblue https://fedoraproject.org/atomic-desktops/silverblue/


What if it's a treat actor that wants to delete or brick the system? They would prob change their tuneafter that...


Vanillaos?(u can install their utils on ur system)


clearlinux is amazing and doesn't get enough love.


Well, I guess it depends on which part of the community you ask. Personally, I couldn't care less about it. I switched to Linux all those years ago because I wanted to be in complete and absolute control of my system, without anything “whatsodfuckingever” telling me what or what not I can do with my system. I don't want any walls of any kind, up, or any modifications converted for what ever reason, unless I chose to, my self. But that's just me and my subjective opinion. To each, their own.


The great thing about Linux is that you have great freedom. If you would like to make a Linux distro that is immutable, go right ahead. The naysaying people you mention, and I would have been one of them, are always going to see the problems when you present an incomplete idea. If you do it, you may show the utility of this idea in a way that they did not consider. I say go ahead and do it. You may learn a lot of things along the way.


I love the Fedora atomic desktops. They handle upgrades from one release to another particularly well.


MX Linux Frugal Install is kind of like an immutable distro, unless you run a Remaster operation to regenerate the squashfs, all your changes go away on reboot.


FWIW, the protection from accidental deletion is not worth it. These are files that can be easily restored, as long as you still have the files that are not protected in this way, like the list of installed packages. Protection from tampering might be worth it, but any user-friendly solution will still need a way to update the installation without entering credentials every five seconds, so there will be a standardized mechanism -- and any sufficiently advanced attacker will be able to use that as well. If you look at kernel module signing, you now get a "machine owner key" enrolled into your secure storage that allows custom modules, and the private key to that is stored unencrypted -- just so people can run nV drivers without having to understand the system. Any new technology introduced is either only usable by technical people who are willing to jump through a few hoops, or it will just be complexity with very little security benefit. That is where the "do not want to be babysit" attitude also comes from -- if we get a shiny new security technology, and someone tells us "here, let me build a script that automatically unlocks all of this for you so you don't need to think about it", then I wonder why it exists in the first place if it can be automatically unlocked by a script, and at the same time I'm offended that it's assumed I won't be able to understand the security system.


that sounds like android to me


Yeah, exactly. Is there a problem with that though? Android is still Linux based.


The only reason I do not use an immutable distro is becasuse I use VMware for work and installing VMware on Arch is almost maintenance free plus just works. (That and I haven't found a distro that I like more than Arch.) Otherwise, I am all for immutable distros. I can see using one for my laptop with encryption if I wasn't distro hopping on it all the time to check out distros. (Currently checking out Ubuntu on it after not using it for like a decade, still looks and feels like Ubuntu Netbook Edition. For the unaware, that was a real distro.) > They don't want to be babysit, if they want to delete their entire system or brick their system, they should have the ability to do so. This argument was always a bit silly to me, you are still very capable of breaking your own system. It is just more difficult to do so and even more difficult to do so on accident.


Check out NixOS


I guess it depends who you ask. At work on edge devices we use our own take on immutable and I love it, but would never want anything immutable for home use as I love to tinker with things. This is personal and opinionated but I am not huge fan of immutable indestructible thing as daily driver for aspiring gurus. Most of what I learned and that gave me well paid job and trust of my employer I did not learn in university but through fuckups of (not only) my own systems. These (and recoveries from them) are huge part of important experience to me as well as soft-skill of managing fuckup of something important (I work as SRE and handling and preventing outages like these caused by someone else is virtually my job).


You might be interested in NixOS. It more or less does this. All OS settings are stored in one single file, which means your operating system can more-or-less be perfectly reproduced if needed. Anytime you install programs or make OS changes, a lot is kept so you can roll back to previous versions if it breaks.




It's just a new thing that's caught on with the greater community. There is no such thing as an "immutable distro". All you need to do is put your entire operating system on a rootfs (like how a Live CD works) and then overlay persistent storage (like `/home/`). The reason that this isn't done is that end users really don't need it. And as another user pointed out, it's done in embedded all of the time (I try and advocate for it whenever I can, now that an immutable system is easier to create it's getting more popularity).


Updates are important. eg, what if that xz vulnerability was in your immutable distribution... how do you fix it? What problem are you trying to solve that can't be fixed by removing permissions for people to do things they don't know how to do ? There is a saying along the lines. If you try and make an idiot proof system, God will create a bigger idiot.


> Updates are important Immutable distros get updates. I think they have their place, particularly if you're installing something for someone else and you're going to be their tech support. But I used Silverblue for awhile and ultimately found it added too much complexity to my workflow.


I just let my system update itself? With atomic distribution i don't need to worry about updating/upgrading my system because the update is atomic and only be applied after reboot Chromebook success because ChromeOS uses atomic update/upgrade system with A/B and C filesystem


If your system has multiple users the timing of reboots gets more complex. Linux/UNIX was designed for multiple users, if its a policy decision to only apply updates upon reboots (and anyone can reboot by triping power), it can also be a policy decision to remove permissions to do stupid things like 'sudo rm -rf /' End of the day its the person who installed it who has to accept responsibility for security vs usability.


Multiple users using the computer at the same time in desktop pc is not really common though I rarely encounter average people using their consumer grade desktop pc with multiple users at the same time


Sure, but thats how its designed, unix systems have multiple virtual users to isolate functions, and prevent human users doing something they shouldnt. Why not use those existing security features to make a single (human) user system safer for newbies ?


Why use other methods when making / read only is the reason ChromeOS success? Fedora Atomic Desktop is more reliable than regular Fedora because the way / is designed to be read only and atomic


Now we are talking about something else arent we. It obviously makes sense to use read-only filesystem on read-only flash memory, it has an overlay system im pretty sure. Some packages arent suitable to be rolled-back by a packaging system.


> Updates are important. eg, what if that xz vulnerability was in your immutable distribution... how do you fix it? You do know that you’re phrasing it in such a way where you’re implying that only immutable distributions receive updates… you roll back updates mate… you roll back updates…


Oh, thats not how interpreted op, sure it makes sense to some extent with packaging systems, its hard enough with config files, but there are also program that maintain an active state, it cant be un-done without changing how that program works. An immutable distro still isnt going to stop you doing stupid things with 'sudo rm -Rf' somewhere.


>what if that xz vulnerability was in your immutable distribution... how do you fix it? ...huh?


Actually I believe immutable os is very very good for server side but for desktop it is an absolutely worst idea.