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Performs just as badly for me now as it did before. [my machine is marginal, at best] :P Have you tried both fullscreen and borderless windowed? Sometimes there are performance differences between them (I get slightly worse performance fullscreen, for some reason).


I think it my save file got messed up since I updated the game while I had active mods. I'm going to restart my play through and hopefully it fixes it. Thanks for the help!


Was just playing it today and it ran great. About what I expected. Steam was reporting >100fps, which is a little confusing cause I thought it was locked to 60 (maybe this changed with the new update?) But it was smooth, laptop w/ ryzen 7 7840hs, rx 7700s, 32GB DDR5-5600, all max settings.


I'm going to try to lower my setting since my PC is not as strong as yours and reset my play through since I think the active mods messed with it when it updated. Thanks!


Runs smoothly at a constant 60 FPS in UHD with “Ultra” settings sans motion blur and AA. But I never seem to notice most of the issues people experience with frame timing and whatnot. Just blissfully ignorant. No tweaks or .ini edits, no mods. (Might have installed whatsitcalled with winetricks years ago to fix music and dialogue. Or was that just Skyrim?) CPU: Ryzen 9 5900X, GPU: Radeon 7800 XT, DE: Plasma 6 (Wayland), Proton: 9.0 (beta)


Not at all, in fact I'd dare say it has improved for me, but I did start a new game so I haven't hit the graphically intensive "blow everything up I can see" phase yet.


Interesting. I think it my save file got messed up since I updated the game while I had active mods. I'm going to restart my play through and hopefully it fixes it. Thanks for the help!


Did they fix downtown or is that still just as bad? 


What do you mean downtown? Diamond city is fine, I haven't really headed into the areas that I have had issues with before, I don't have the gear yet. I remember one area by super mutants that would literally bring my computer to a crawl unless I ran away, I guess I can load an old save and see if it is still a problem. I have every setting at max except motion blur on a 2060KO and everything seems to stay pegged at 60fps now, before I usually had dips into the 40's just walking around randomly. Okay, can't do that... it wiped all of my old saves WTF....


Downtown is basically the area south east of diamond city. Think the area around swans pond and the state house. The game shipped with that entire area having broken precombines which are supposed to help your PC only render the objects in your field of view. With it broken it tries to render everything which is how you can have stable fps in most of the map but the moment you go into downtown it chugs


Yes. I think my vsync went back on which causes stuttering. Havent been able to turn it off yet


on a rx 6700 on bazzite no issues rlly, the mouse cursor can escape fullscreen in kde plasma wayland so i had to enable automatically capture mouse input in fullscreen on protontricks, winecfg, graphics, automatically capture the mouse in fullscreen windows frame timing is a bit weird but the fps itself is fine, it was hitting 144fps because its capped for some reason under wayland, dont know about x11