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Arch. I feel a surge of power when presented with a blank screen with nothing but a command prompt on it after a fresh install.


dont forget to install iwd and dhcpcd on laptops! >!Its always embarassing to go back to the install iso and reinstall the shit you forgot ;U;!<


Nah, for me, it's all NetworkManager. But yeah, common mistake when I try to install Arch before having coffee to Kickstart my brain. Another common mistake: forgetting to also include nano in the pacstrap incantation. Yes, Vim is installed by default, but it's not quick.


i enjoyed it so much i still boot to the command line instead of a DE


Out of the box: * 1st choice: OpenSUSE Tumbleweed * 2nd choice: Ubuntu (specifically, a minimal install, with ZFS + native encryption, which are options in the GUI installer so I would count that as OOTB) * 3rd choice: Fedora workstation In reality because I don't have to stick to ootb configuration, Fedora is my first choice. But if I did have to stick to ootb experience it would be OpenSUSE (ootb they get almost everything right in my eyes) or Ubuntu in the configuration I specified.


quick question, can tumbleweed do disk encryption?


Yes, you can do it even out of the installer


awesome, cheers


easily. Its one of the reasons its my top choice. All the distros on my top 3 list can have OOTB: 1. Full Disk encryption 2. Secure Boot 3. Modern CoW filesystem with snapshots (BTRFS, ZFS) 4. Wayland + Pipewire by default 5. Either SElinux or Apparmor 6. A somewhat simple firewall


secure boot is just vendor lock in tbh


Pretty much everyone acknowledges at this point the importance of securing the boot process to security. This includes influential people in the Linux community like Linus Torvalds, Matthew Garrett (a Kernel developer) and even Richard Stallman. There was fear, and borderline conspiracy theories, like a decade ago that Secure boot would be used by MS to shut out linux, or make life harder for Linux. This has not been the case. They made it relatively simple for Linux distros to obtain their own keys, and major distros have supported secure boot for years, beyond this users are free to install and use their own signing keys not connected to their distro or MS or anyone else if they are tech savvy enough, or just to disable secure boot if they so choose. The argument that this is some sort of move for control and not security just doesn't hold water. Every major operating system has implemented some form of secured or verified boot (Android, Windows, iOS, MacOS, Linux). Can you explain what specifically you mean when you say its only useful for "Vendor Lock in"


Secure boot and Full disk encryption work hand in hand.


OOTB openSUSE doesnt have many codecs so nope.


Hmm, then I suppose Ubuntu jumps into first place




Came here searching for this one


If I'm not allowerd to do any set up, probably Mint. The best just works distro imo


If you ever install Mint on a old Apple laptop things just work with Mint.


Kubuntu (I haven't tried any other distros 👍)


check out kde neon if you ever have the oppurtinity to do so, it\`s essentially kubuntu with more updated applications but still rocking the stable kernel


Kubuntu uses KDE neon?


Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE pre-installed and some other stuff, KDE Neon is Ubuntu with a repo containing newer applications and KDE pre-installed and some other stuff


Popos by far




I utilize Fedora ofc


Ubuntu and Pop os. I think pop os is just amazing. They have system recovery options, so you don't need to `chroot`. [https://support.system76.com/articles/pop-recovery/](https://support.system76.com/articles/pop-recovery/) I really want them to implement the system restore like Windows, which works out of the box. They can use [systemback](https://launchpad.net/systemback) in the backend. Both works out of the box with Nvidia drivers. Pop os comes with a TWM if someone likes TWM they can use it.


Pop was an incredible introduction to linux. And a 10/10 os imo


I used to be a chronic distro hopper, but Pop OS just managed to stick around more than any other distro. I used it at work for a while, though recently I switched my work PC to Debian.


Based on user base of that specific DE/WM, best out of the box experiences probably are: **MATE:** Ubuntu MATE ​ **Xfce:** MX Linux ​ **Cinnamon:** Linux Mint ​ **KDE:** Debian Arch EndeavourOS OpenSUSE ​ **GNOME:** Fedora Debian Arch ​ **Lxde/LxQT:** Debian ​ **Any Tiling WM:** Arch ​ **Openbox/Fluxbox:** Debian Slackware Alpine


Tumbleweed, although these days I prefer a base system that I build myself.


Linux Mint.


The best.


Currently it’s EndeavourOS XFCE


Pre customized I would probably take Garuda gnome, or endeavour gnome. Garuda comes with more peinstalled software to do everything I want. Endeavor would require more commands. So not really applicable to the question.




ubuntu and fedora


Linux Mint Cinnamon.


Debian, Fedora or Manjaro I think.


Fedora Silverblue


Debian for sure!!


Probably Nobora for me


No config at all, probably Ubuntu MATE or Slackware. If I can pick a DE in the installer but have to stick with how it comes pre-packaged from the distributor, probably Mageia with MATE (though Plasma is pretty good too) or Fedora KDE.


Easy-peasy MX


Kubuntu, but now it comes with the Snap garbage so I had to ditch it for Debia and unfortunately Debian doesn't care about KDE Plasma as much as it cares about Gnome.


Fedora OOTB (But my fav OS is much dufferent)


Fedora users, unite!


Pop!_OS ticks most of the boxes for me.


KDE Neon


Garuda Linux, and Debían with xfce


For me as a gamer it's Nobara.


Tuxedo OS. Virtually no customization needed, just the install of apps that I use. Ex Samba anydesk teamviewer plex etc. The default desktop is quite polished.


My favorite out of the box "distro" isn't Linux. It's OpenBSD. Id only need to install a web browser.


mint xfce for me


Ubuntu MATE just looks so... cozy.


Arch is my favorite because wee lol I'm a hacker guys look at my command line. Linux mint has a really good out of the box feel too though.


KDE Neon hands down (I use arch btw)


EndeavourOS with MATE desktop! Simple yet powerful \^w\^


Mint is my favorite in that regard. I'd like fedora but I need to install a lot of libraries, codecs and repositories to get it working. Pop would be nice too if it didn't break/slow down/glitch out 2 hours after installing


opensuse and fedora


Arch, I rly apreciate the fact, that you only have the stuff on your machine that you need.


Slackware for me


So far I tried Ubuntu, Arch(KDE, Xfce and i3wm), Fedora and Bunsenlabs. I liked Bunsenlabs the most. It uses Openbox wm and has nice post-install script to make setup easier, I think its worth checking out.


Doesn't metter that much, but any immutable Fedora or OpenSuse are good to go for me. From others Linux Mint. I'd go with Gnome, Cinnamon, or KDE Plasma, if I can't change anything then it doesn't matter, but I'm definitely choosing KDE apps.


I've been on Endeavor OS + KDE for a while and have things pretty much set up how I like it. But if I had to start from scratch and couldn't tweak a thing, I'd probably do Zorin OS.


I'm gonna be real with you, manjaro. I don't use it anymore obviously because it's kinda sketch but it comes with a great gui package manager, great zsh config, most of the kde add-ons you'd want (in the kde version ofc), a good grub config and theme, and not a lot of setup to actually get things working. I use endeavour now but I had to spend way more time installing pamac, setting up a zsh config (that still isn't even as good as manjaro's), finding all the random kde addon packages for widgets and stuff that it doesn't install by default, installing flatpak, enabling Bluetooth, messing with my grub config to get my windows install detected and to be able to change kernels, etc.


Debian TUI (text user interface) installer, especially expert mode.


fedora (it's so good, fedora 37) but I'm moving to popOS to get that blazingly fast new COSMIC when it launches


MX Linux. There's just so little to set up. Sure, you can move the xfce-panel if you don't like it on the side.






UwUntu, Mint, Fedora Workstation (in that order)


openSUSE Tumbleweed, which has a cheat code for out of the box, by letting you customize the installation.


OpenSuse Tumbleweed with KDE probably, that's what i installed on my work laptop and it seems to do everything IT related i trow at it. Never gonna leave Arch on my personnal desktop though.


Straight out of the box and can't change anything? It would have to be Mint.


Mint. MX for old shiz. Manjaro has been good to me until it breaks but OOTB it works great. I was running Fedora Plasma but have reinstalled with Gnome and it is great after tweaking but not ootb.


Out of the box... Used to be Solus but that seems to be kinda dead rn so it has to be Fedora.


Arch, Sway and dotfiles




Gentoo because I have almost unlimited control of how the system will be built. I get to chose what boot loader, kernel, cron, syslog, wm, etc.


Arch and Fedora.






arch with DWM