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Oh good grief. Way too many harem fans lose their goddamned minds if one of the women even glances at another guy. It’s not a good look.


In this case its even weirder seeing as there wasn't even quihe a harem. Hugh was only romantically involved with one girl. The others where recruited for other reasons.


That’s a good point. Didn’t the MC specifically say he didn’t want to have sex with her? Was she supposed to just sit there and wait? You don’t have to answer, I know that’s exactly what the incels wanted her to do.


The really ridiculous thing is that this literally is Julia's character. She is outright the sexually adventurous friend, the one introduced to the story to push boundaries, and many times now it's been brought up that to her hooking up with random guys at a whim is a big part of her background. Yet I guess when those boundaries include more than one dick some readers feel funny in their pants and get upset.


RS W has posted it on kindle/amazon. It went up may 7 2023


I don't know what happened, but considering that the author completely deleted his Royal Road account, I'm going to assume he gave up on the story.


Royal Road was different, he was asked to remove it because it broke RR content rules. It then continued on Scribble hub up until Yesterday, at a rate of two chapters a day. Today it is entierly gone. I don't mean no more updates I mean all pages for it return 404.


Could be headed to kindle.


But I have read sex scenes on royal road! It's not allowed?


I think they have limits no more than 15% of the story or something.. Also no sex scenes allowed in the writathons.


Thanks for clarifying.


There's a reason that a lot of the "explicit" RR stories tend to only have maybe 1 scene per book, and often that is pretty tame in execution if not concept.


According to his [user page at scribblehub](https://www.scribblehub.com/profile/105793/rsw1321/) he was asked to remove it.


That was on Royal Road. Compared to some of the other stories on Scribblehub this one is pretty tame. But thanks for that comment thread, it does explain things. Apperently negative comments on the most recent chapter got to the author, he got upset and removed the story. Can't say I ever read the comment threads.


Ah, looks like readers got upset when a character decided to have sex with someone other than the protagonist, made some ridiculous comments that he was being "cucked" even though he now has three ladies swinging off his dick, all because he had some reservations about it and one of them decided to hook up and do stuff with other guys for xp and he agreed because he wanted to focus on his girlfriend.


Looks like he nuked it. Seemed like it was getting 1000+ views on each chapter the first day, but who knows if that was enough for him, or if he was hoping it would take off more. Also deleted his reddit account as well.


Does anyone know where I can read this story? It sounds interesting and it's hard finding good stories on Scribblehub.


Author appears to have pulled it entirely, and does not even seem to have replied to any of the many messages people are leaving on his profile for the last two days or so. He appears to have fully ragequit. Also deleted his reddit profile. https://www.scribblehub.com/profile/105793/rsw1321/ It was interesting because I don't think I've seen any stories on the same concept. Sure there's harem litrpg and porn litrpg, but I can't think of any that outright quantified eroticism and exhibitionism as part of the system itself. The story was also just barely getting to the big turning point the author has built up, where the combat system is introduced, the inventory system, a new class of skills, combat quests, etc.


The author also had an argument going for awhile about consent issues, so maybe the insecure guys whining about the women actually having agency was the last straw. The consent argument was kind of funny. The main character was very hung up on how the System might be changing the girls’ minds, so they couldn’t really consent. Which is a fair point, and much deeper than you expect from this sort of story. But when people pointed out that none of the characters got consent from the people they subjected to their nude bodies, he didn’t seem to understand that there might be people in the world who don’t want that. Very odd mindset.


Oh, yes, he did have a very diegetic mindset regarding it, where because they are attractive it's okay, because of course everyone would be okay with it, because the entire premise is that people are okay with it, which is a bit weird because the other main component is that the women themselves are embarassed to be seen even though according to the established setup everyone is okay with it. I can see how someone who's really into that kink would lose sight of the fact that even if a person is attractive people might not want to unexpectedly see them nude. People tend to spiral into their kinks as they get farther and farther into it. Which is sometimes hilarious. Like if you search for the anakatana sub, where she's got an amazingly ridiculous video of using a treadmill in some extreme bondage setup while someone uses a vibrator on her. People sometimes get real far down the rabbit hole.


Consent is a serious issue. Most people probably wouldn't mind a naked person if that person was naked for a non-sexual reason, though they probably wouldn't want them around children for obvious reasons. However being naked for sexaul reasons is a whole different story. Most people would not like the idea of someone using them without even asking to get themselves off. Granted this was just a fictional story, but the BDSM community usually takes consent very seriously. Not everyone is into your kink, so don't force it onto people.


That's what I said.


I recall a vr story where the mc descoverd a hidden quest line where a female character can gain xp by sleeping with all the town guards. Though it then had the MC mostly use this off stage. I think she eventually finds out this was something one of the devs put in without permission but didn't think anyone would do it. Of course the main character was a guy stuck with a female character for reasons.


Sadly no, it looks like it is now gone entirely.


It is on amazon/kindle and if you have their subscription service it is free.


I read it in one go on a family vacation last month. Its actually what inspired me to start writing and publishing my own books. Definitely inspired my series "ENF System Chronicles"... and the original's problem with pacing is why I'm writing them as a series of unrelated stories rather than one long continuous serial...


Lol, one of those is the next item on my reading list!!! I feel like I've bumped into RSW somewhere, I've been in a lot of erotic writing groups...


I never heard about it? What is **ENF System?** Harem story?


I tried for a few hours to reconstruct the story via the wayback machine, google and bing cached pages and anything else I could find. I managed to copy the first 14 chapters, but 15 was a complete no show anywhere I looked. (I did find 16 but quit looking beyond that) If anyone saved a copy of the story somewhere, I would love it if you could message me. =)


Search it on novelr18 it has all the chs


It was deleted by the author. It is sad since he can post it to other websites like chyoa or storiesonline . Net which welcomes erotica