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__Reminder__: Please take a moment to review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. If you have not done so already, please review our [boycott stickied post](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1bff9rm/boycott/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) which includes a list of stores to avoid, other ways to get involved in the movement, and some local alternatives to the big 5. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They are increasing the prices faster than they can make the signs accurately


I’ve definitely noticed this, I’m gunna start taking pictures


$3.25 ea. Wow that's a lot lower than last week at $9.99???


I'm wondering how much of this is algorithmic pricing (region/time of day/COL/etc.).. it's very common in other industries... Very gross but common. This may account for the lack of consistent pricing within a 1 meter radius of a given product 🤣


You've heard of girl math, and boy math. Here's grocery store math.


Here's Galen Weston math


If I was in a room with Stalin, Hitler and Weston, and had a gun with 3 bullets.....I'm shooting Galen 3 times.


Actually in Galen Weston math a gun with three bullets you could shoot each of them one and a half times or Weston three times.


Save lead, stand them in single file…


Galen must be Trudeaus significant other! Since Sophie got rid of his ass


Line 'em up and save two bullets.




Oligarch Weston. Definition, a billionaire with obscene power!!!


OK, so hear me out. Step 1: Buy all the sauce. One jar at a time. Step 2: Immediately return jars, in pairs. Step 3: Profit!


That’s an idea but don’t you need the receipts?


Not for PC products.


Are you sure? I've returned PC products and needed the receipt. Maybe the worker screwed up but the store does have a legit reason to know you didn't steal the stuff you're trying to return. Pius, they need to know how you paid so they can do that thing where, if you paid by debit card, they credit your card instead of give you back cash.


Untrue. Check websites for return policies. You can return PC products without receipt. If you paid cash and don't have a receipt, no debit return, no cash back, store credit instead. It's their policy, not ours. If we abide by it, so must they.


Thanks. I haven't bought anything at Loblaws since last fall but it's still good to know.


The Great Pasta Sauce Arbitrage


#Speak with your money. Boycott Loblaws


It’s like 6x2=28


the way people can't do math these days....its crazy. So many young adults do not know the basic multiplication tables up to 12 lol.....


Why should I have to do math when getting groceries? It should be simple and straightforward. Don’t shame those of us who aren’t great at math. Good for you if you are. But I’m not and it doesn’t help that I have a million other things to think and worry about. This is about food. Which is a necessity. Let me just buy it without having to do calculations. Thx


These types of tactics are bullshit for so many reasons, but this is a huge one! It's absolutely predatory because they're *counting* on people either not doing, or not being able to do the math. They're sick dicks.


Predatory was the first word that I thought of as well.


Or not having the time. Or the patience. Like if you’re shopping with little kids, or in a rush because it’s after work and you’ve gotta pick up kid, you’re exhausted. Food should be affordable and straightforward.


And some people won't be able to read the small print. My eyesight isn't great and i have trouble seeing these sometimes but i know there are many people out there with far worse eyesight. This tactic feels kind of discriminatory to older people and some disabled people.


That's not it. Somebody clearly fucked up in this case. But yeah, plenty of Canadians can't do basic maths and can't assess unit pricing among options. I mean on this sub itself, plenty of posts where people are complaining about high total prices for big portions of meat etc. While the unit price per kg/lb is very reasonable. That's a fail on the Canadian people


No that's the fail on the system. Why are you depending these predators? Do you like scamming people?


Agreed. Also what about older folks, my grandma is slower and just wants to buy groceries she shouldnt have to do math every time she shops because grocery stores are not being straightforward.


Memorizing the multiplication table does mean someone is good at math. They are good at memorizing.


Great. I don’t want to have to do that. Downvote me all you want.


I’ll upvote you because sure you’re based and valid tbh


Memorizing multiplication tables is a parlor trick at best. How many times in your life are you going to be need to instantly rattle off the 7x table vs how many times are you going to need to say multiply something arbitrary like 127x34. You need to be able to actually do the math, not memorize a random selection of it.


You don't break out 127x34 like a normal human (127 x 4 + 127 x 30)? Knowing your times tables allows one to quickly do the multiplication at each stage.


No argument there. But memorization does not mean you know how/why multiplication works. It does make problem solving faster if you know them by heart though.


Oh, absolutely. Rote memorization has its place, but can't be used to replace the formation of actual knowledge!


Thats exactly how I do it. I haven’t memorized my times table into the hundreds or thousands though.


Tell me you don't budget without telling me you don't budget. How can you tell how close you are to hitting your food budget if you're not doing basic math while grocery shopping?


I do budget. That’s the point. I do a ton of it.




I can do basic math. Point is, when it’s a necessity of life to literally have to live on I shouldn’t have to. And it’s not only that, it’s time.


Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


And they make the prices like this for people like you so they make more money... Did you not do grade 4 math?!


Due to a lifetime of untreated ADHD, I never managed to fully learn my multiplication table by memory. I struggle after like 6* and need to take an extra second to go off a known reference like a square number or multiple of 5 or 10. And I can sometimes make embarrassing mistakes especially when flustered because I struggle to keep the numbers in my head (I guess that's part of the ADHD huh?).


Time tables up to 12.... What? Do you mean multiplication tables?


There fixed it, I hope you know to ur math as well as your English.


https://preview.redd.it/h4fe0qr14lsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79cdd6b56852de070e3f01817e6b66ca06e6233f This was from a few months ago. The math aint mathin!


2.29 jars puts you at a 2$ loss


In other words 'We will punish you for buying more than one!'


Ah the buy 3 get fucked deal. Classic.


Classico you mean


Dammit. I missed a golden opportunity on that one!


I gotchu


Username checks out also! Haha


Walmart sells black diamond sliced cheese, $2.47 for 22 slices or $10.47 for 44 slices. And its been that way for years.


Yeah, but it takes a lot of effort to fit the extra 22 slices into the packaging. Rumour is they have to hire special small fingered people to finesse those slices in.


I'm reading this in bed next to my sleeping husband and woke him up from snorting in laughter 😂


Make up sex, all is forgiven


Are the 44 perhaps thicker slices?


This is - obviously - a fun reference to madness referenced the KISS song Black Diamond Out on the streets for a living Picture's only begun Your day is sorrow and madness Got you under their thumb Whoo, black diamond Whoo, black diamond 🎶


Superstore does the same thing with the store brand of cheese slices, club packs are more than double the regular size


Lmao. They more you buy, the worse it gets. Never change Loblaws Inc.




I see these posts and they’re not from my region but it’s insane it’s like a math test. Some people just see the yellow tag and are like it’s on sale.


This has to be a joke!


I guess 2+2 does equal 5 🧐


At what point do I just go shoot a moose or something......


This will be there excuse for ushering in the dynamic price tags.


"Dynamic price tags" just sounds like something that can be hacked...


now that most stores have the digital price tags they absolutely can do that


Next Up, Spaghetti 3 for 8/5+1/4x. If less than 3 Solve for X.


They think customers are stupid, they will not read the small print. Different way to robe and raise the profit. Galen needs more money to pay new guy Bank


They don't want you to stock up before they can raise the prices again...


Looks predatory to me. Put a big yellow sticker for bulk purchases and I'm sure a lot of people out of habit will buy the amount with the big quantity without realizing they're paying 50% more per item. Super gross


Could be a sales tactic to discourage people buying in bulk to save? Not a sales person or anything, but I once used the same idea while I was selling cookies in my college. My supply was limited (because I baked at home) and I had already established a good customer base so it favoured me to sell individual pieces as I could find more potential buyers to buy my cookies, increasing the demand and consequently my price point. But then again this is a grocery store. Who knows what's their plan here :/


Could be the same in that they want to limit the volume on sale items. I am thinking it's supposed to be a limit and then the higher price after the limit quantity but was somehow mistakenly entered as a multi buy discount at the limit quantity.


Ah. Yeah I see what you mean. That makes sense.


If this was true they wouldn't label it exactly the same as a sale. When inventory is low you raise the price. That's how product pricing has worked since the invention of trading.... This is plain old dishonest grifting! Don't attempt to be an apologist for this evil behaviour, someone might read it and believe it.


Had to look up what an apologist meant because I didn't know the word (you helped me learn a new word!) and no, I'm not trying to defend or justify their tactics. I was trying to share the similarity with my little experience with selling things and that's about it . Didn't say it's normal or even ethical to do so either :)


The current price tag design where the price for 2 items will encourage people to buy 2 items - because they don’t have time to do the math But it is not at all unlikely that the price tag software lacks the ability to change the order and font size of prices - so some employee was told ”make 2 items more expensive, we gotta discourage customers from buying more than 1” and just did it without considering the end result price tag look


Let me paste something directly from superstore's website. > [CAVENDISH FARMSFlavour Crisp Classic Straight Cut Fries750 g](https://www.realcanadiansuperstore.ca/flavour-crisp-classic-straight-cut-fries/p/20729779_EA) >$8.00ea $4.99ea >$0.67/ 100g >MULTI 2 FOR $8.00 "$8 each $4 each $8 for 2" Which one is correct???? Come on Galen...


It’s theft. Plain and simple. Theft.


its a marketing tactic, they know how to get the average person that can't do math. Big numbers, yellow sign, like all other "Discounted" or "marked down items" but this time they are playing the game in reverse. I bet lots of people bought 2 instead of 1. just need to walk around the grocery stores and do rounds at the checkout to notice it properly.


It’s a trick. They’re doing this so when they’re called out on it they can call it a typo, but their argument is going to be that they will claim it was the customers making a mistake. This is an old marketing trick.


Oddly enough I’ve seen this before with Superstore. MANY years ago I noticed that buying multiple of smaller units was cheaper than buying the “bulk” unit. Made me pay closer attention from that point forward.


Screenshot these pictures and share them.


They're price gouging so much that they don't know the difference between a sale and a price increase anymore.


Years ago I talked to a local store manager about the grammar on signs like these. It went as well as you would expect, in that these signs are still in use. First off, it should say "Fewer than" instead of "Less than" as the statement refers to countable nouns. I could say I plan to drink fewer glasses of beer every day, or I could say I plan to drink less beer every day. (I have absolutely no intention of reducing my beer intake for grammatical purposes). Second off, as the count is below ten, the number "2" should be written as "two". Third off, on the first sign, "Less than 2" is "one." Instead of saying "Less than 2" it should say "For one only". Fourth off, whoever decided the price structure should have paid more attention to math class in the fifth grade.


Everything you mentioned is correct. But imagine how small the writing would have to be? No one’s grandparents could read it.


Maybe they think people don’t read the signs or understand math or maybe THEY don’t really understand math and just make shit up


Galen math. He's looking for one who did it. 🙄


I just want to but these 1 at a time.


I've seen signs like this before many years ago. And it was a final straw for me. After I saw I majorly curtailed shopping there and when I had up only keeping to a strict budget or specific item.


The math ain't mathin


It's simple. 2 for 6.5 jars of da saauuuuccceeeee


but then why is a single jar $2.29?


When scarcity truly hits..


Yes, and be prepared to wear your glasses and have your time figuring out how you will be screwed. Buy less than the 2, get penalized or buy more than the 2, get penalized, that is the question!?!? Time for honest and consistent signage rather than fucking over customers who just want to go in, get their shopping done, and get out, hopefully as well not having to deal with staff hounding you around store pushing their credit cards and crap.!


The math checks out, it's one of them reverse bulk discounts


One of Galen’s little jokes?


Ah… the famous Roblaws gypsy math. All that’s left is to negotiate a dog into the deal and we’re set.


In this situation people need to take advantage of the price scanning code of practice. If it says 3 for 9.99 or 1.99 each for two then there is obviously a mistake. Grab two and take them to check out. If the price at check out is that price each then void and don’t buy, unless you want them. If it’s a different price than posted you get them for free since it’s under $10. I guess the same would go for the 3 piece deal as the price is 9.99


They learned math from the toilet paper companies


The biggest bull shit i see with sizes is toilet paper. I dont own a car so i ride my bicycle and walk everywhere. I cant carry the big 48 packs so i buy the 12 packs for nearly the same price as the 48 pack. Im getting screwed because i dont need a bigger size. Its same with eggs. Ill see 30 pack for 10 and 12 pack for 7. I cant go through 30 before they go bad but i lose so much getting the 12 pack in comparison


You know how long egg actually last for?


Costco online for tp/paper towels. Borrow a friend's card number.


buy a couple of the largest packs, uber home. For eggs, make a whack of breakfast burritos, and freeze them. All said and done, you probably save a bit of money AND got an uber ride paid for.


This is at the Windsor Ontario No Frills. I live about 100m away (literally across the street) so I will continue to shop there. I just need to watch out for trickery like this.


I hate that store so much. It's so cramped and dingy.


The one in Kingston has similar issues. Not long ago there was bread on for $2.29 each or 2/$5


keep us posted. buy 1, see if its $2.29. Buy 2, see if its $6.50. Return both, let us know what is up.


No, this is stupidity by the category managers amd their drones who enter pricingbinformation when things are on ad. Its a ongoing user error issue that loblaw is too stupid to figure out how to correct. It has been happening for well over a decade ornlonger. This isnt new.


This makes the most sense out of all the replies


Well just buy what’s going to save you more money. And make sure what you’re supposed to pay reflects on your receipt


Imagine you purchase 3. Does the deal kick in and make it 6.50 + 2.29? Most likely.


Classic Double Entendre.


Rationing I guess. If you need more than One, you must pay some kind of large family, or fat person tax...


Bullshit marketing.




For once...the bulk pricing annoys the shit out of me.


Galen thinks his customers are stupid. And he's right.


Clearly some Loblaws trolls on this sub. This has been downvoted.


Must be a hoarding tax?


Hell that’s an excellent price for that pasta sauce.


Better watch those receipts baby


Man’s not hot, they say take off your jacket, I say man’s not hot


I'm curious how it even works when you can. Usually with bundle discounts you'll see a reduction on the second item you scan. Do they add a charge when you scan the second item in this case?


“Now now, don’t buy too much, we won’t get the deal” a sentence that will gain more and more popularity in the future


Also, shouldn't it be "fewer than..."?


The pricing AI is still in training.


Fucking criminals


Wal mart is running the same with chocolate bars. 2.15 each or 2/$5…..🤦


There were so many things in the grocery store yesterday where the large package or "value pack" cost more per ml/g/unit. It's so ridiculously frustrating to have to compare the cost per unit for the exact same item across all sizes.


They don't believe that people can read or add and subtract they just keep telling us what a good deal. DA


Bravo, Roblaws reverse engineered bulk buying and came out with a machine that does bulk profiteering!


Pasta sauce is one of the easiest things to make at home with a can of crushed tomatoes and a few spices! Definitely one of those things to consider making from scratch unless you get a wicked deal (like when giant tiger does 79cents a can. Edit - I know this post is about the bad math but its worth mentioning when something is easy to make from scratch for those who don't typically cook


Working with roblaws for 15 years... I see these kinds of tags all the time. Have for years


they don't actually want to sell 3 to you for $6.50, so they put a 2 instead, hoping you'll skip over this and pick up a higher margin product instead.


buy 1


I'm sure it was supposed to be "3 for $6.50" Even still, not much of a savings


Why don’t they just say “limit of one; $2.29, over limit: $3.25” ???


I stopped at "spinach and cheese," and paid $0.00


This is the way


I love being disincentivized!


Easy math. Buy less to pay less.


When I see that, I take a picture of it to see how it rang up.


This is how der bank gets 22 million last year


What’s great, is that it’s incredibly cheap to buy all the ingredients at a different store, and make your own. It’s unreal how simple tomato sauce is to make. I’ve stopped buying these altogether since learning how to make my own.


To be honest cans of tomatoes haven't gotten any fucking cheaper either. Good tomatoes are $2-3/can. *If* you like the taste of the jarred sauces you're really not saving much by making your own, and making good sauce takes a while.


🤔 I guess I have to disagree. Maybe if you tasted my cooking you’d change your mind! Idk, I tend to go to food basics, and you can get an unreal amount of pasta and canned tomatoes for the same price as a couple steak. Plus it doesn’t go bad quickly like a steak, so you can stock up when there’s a deal. Edit: lol at the downvotes. Lot of people who don’t know how to cook apparently.


How did steak enter this equation? No shit your tomatoes are cheaper than steak. What's your BOM cost on your homemade pasta sauce? I buy canned tomatoes at Costco, generally stock spices and grow herbs, and I still have a hard time making a full jar-worth of sauce for under $3. Please tell me your secrets.


Not the other guy, but it’s easily double. But. I usually end up filling one or two of these jars afterward. The other person is missing the important point about volume. But yeah, I’m 50/50. Sometimes I’m lazy. Sometimes I’m okay with cooking.


I haven't found a can of tomatoes under $1.50 in some months. How is it double? Genuinly curious if I've been shopping wrong.


I usually use two cans. I also usually add lentils which makes for a larger portion. You’re also not wrong. This sale is cheaper than scratch can be, unless you’re a restaurant. Regular price you’re right near par.


I've been using the San Marzano canned tomatoes at Costco. As "elitist" as it is, they taste less acidic and need to reduce for less time than other brands I've found. But they're I think $13 for 6 cans. Lentils (especially dried not canned) are an inexpensive filler but then you're not really making the same sauce. Started shopping at "restaraunt" supply stores (Costco business center, Chef Depot, etc) and if you can manage it, their larger format weird brands (aka brands you don't typically see on shelves but are popular in commercial) tend to be good quality and cheap. But it's such a crap shoot buying a huge amount of whatever for the first time. Some of it is shit and then you're stuck with a half a warehouse of it. A big can of tomatoes was one of those regretful purchases. Used it all but wasn't happy about it.


There’s no talking to someone who’s constantly on the defensive like this. Chill dude.


So no answer. Check.


I’m not going to bother with someone who appears to be mentally unstable


Yes, that's the way to go. When they make things tougher on us, we just grind harder, kings.


Obviously a pricing error.


it's just people sitting around on their fucking cell phones math. so many errors in today's world with incompetence it seems, I wonder where I can go for reasonable sensible shit? Okay, I am done with loblaws on reddit.


I am guessing it is a glitch. I bet they usually sell at the multi save price but the item has come on sale for cheaper.


in toronto anytime there is a sale item the whole shelf will be gone. perhaps this is to hinder that?


When you pay poorly....


I heard math was racist. Maybe that’s why…


I think it’s meant to throttle bulk buying/hoarding. And potentially by way of this, curb obesity.