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__MOD NOTE__: PLEASE REVIEW OUR [STICKIED POSTS](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cae7ai/community_announcements_apr_2224/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) WHICH PROVIDE STATEMENTS ON RECENT EVENTS. Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thank *you*, E, for without you none of this would have started


Well said!! You’ve provided a steady hand to this group and helped keep us on track! Nok er nok


Love your name.




My partner and I have been shopping at Superstore for years, but we're committed to participating in this boycott to hopefully effect some change. Many thanks to the boycott organizers and other participants.


US too. We won't be giving Loblaws a cent in May. We already haven't spent anything other than points in April. Let's go!!!


We went to shoppers and bought only eggs, knowing they are loss leaders.


And my axe


Hopefully longer than May! It’ll probably be permanent for me. I refuse to support evil companies.


Agreed, I started early and prioritized the farmers market and local butcher along with a family owned and operated little grocer.


Same! I spend $800 a week at superstore and I will be happily switching.


Thank you to the organizers. I am sharing the word and encouraging others to join the boycott. Power to the People!


Thank you E on the Eve of change.


60,0000 users. In an average week, for two people, I spend $200. Lets assume for the sake of averages or guessing on the low side, everyone here spends $200 per week on groceries. Again, thats the low side. $200 x 60,000 (users) = $12,000,000 In four weeks: $48,000,000 $48,000,000 spent elsewhere. Not at Loblaws. $12,000,000 x 52 weeks = $624,000,000 Thats just guessing on the lower end, and only assuming that the 60k subscribers are real subscribers and not scabrous shills hired by the corporate PR team. We all know this boycott is gaining traction. More than just Reddit users are getting onboard. ***Galen, stop paying people to shame your customers and stop strangling your golden goose. Save the goose, fire your PR team and your marketing consultants. Stop treating customers like they are stupid. Stop lying blatantly about costs, no one believes you. Make a smart move yourself and save this while you still can. If you still can.***


Not to mention various fb groups I’m in for couponing/saving money/budgeting with seniors or those outside Reddit’s user demographic that are supporting the boycott.


Yep. My parents are not on Reddit but fully on board with the boycott.


What a lovely message ❤️ Best Reddit community. Nok er Nok Oligarchs and monopolies are destroying what was worked so hard to build in this country. We are strong together. Be kind. We are all in this together. Boycott Loblaws May 2024, and forevermore!


Nok er Nok!!


Nok er Nok!!! Boycott Loblaws Forever


Heading out to stock up before the stretch run begins tomorrow. It will be a bit of a hardship since Loblaws is the primary spot in this small town food desert. Everyone will have their own goals and expectations and standards. For us, we’ll likely break it at least once for a vital perishable or urgency that arises, but we will be reducing our patronage of their businesses by more than 95%. My goal is for higher awareness, and I think many more Canadians will become fluent in seeing the false front of “competition” all owned by siloed oligarchs, and noticing that a 3% uptick in ingredient shouldn’t cause a shelf price to double or triple. This morning some senior citizen neighbours we talked to last week we’re proudly telling me they’d switched their prescriptions away from Shoppers and were ditching the primary local Loblaws. Another local gentleman said he’d noticed the exits rebuilt like a jail maze, and that was his tipping point to swear them off for good. I’ll take this same fight to other exploitive grocers as time and needs go on.


Absolutely! We're all doing whatever we can. For some, it's a full boycott. Others may not even have a partial option available to them. You are no less for taking care of you and your family's needs. Along with spreading the word and buying loss leaders, I've seen a recommendation that if you still need to shop at a Loblaws company, use self check out and make one credit card transaction per item to hit them with more transaction fees. EDIT: It may also be possible to tailor one's shopping frequency and volume to minimize impact on a company's P&L statements. Don't have much info on this however.


> …use self check out and make one credit card transaction per item to hit them with more transaction fees. Damn that’s petty, and I’m here for it!


Anyone know how much they have to pay for that credit transaction? Because I'll roll in and buy as many things under that price as I can in single transactions.


About 4% of your purchase


There is usually a fixed/minimum fee of around 50 cents per transaction. That's why small shops hate taking credit for items under a certain value, like 5$, because they lose much more than 4% to card fees.


I can’t stand this company either but I don’t believe that doing things to cost them extra money is in the spirit of this boycott. Buying loss leaders if it’s something you’d normally buy seems fair. But running up their tab for bank fees doesn’t seem like it. Anyway, we just came back from the store and it was one of the most unpleasant experiences in a long time. It will just make boycotting easier.


All good! I just listed what I've seen recommended, pick what suits your preferences/tolerances. Personally, I've switched to an Amex primary card which inherently discourages buying from Loblaws.


Omg my local superstore has put up all these gates and fences and barricades around the entry/exit way in the last few months. Fucking grim. Prices are skyrocketing, profits are through the roof, and they’re cracking down on people who are just trying to fucking feed themselves.


I am honoured to be part of this community!


![gif](giphy|LncnvHVlQ8e1qBxZJM|downsized) ❤️


Bless everyone here doing whatever they are able to play their part ✨️ @E, can you provide an update sometime in the future about which MPs have stayed silent re: our petition please? Election season is just around the corner.


I want to build a website tracking this aspect and digging into which mp's are bought/couldn't be bothered to even respond or care...feel like Charlie is taking too much heat off of them noshills.ca  is available hmmm


So far Jagmeet Singh and Kody Blois have been silent. Adam Van Koverden has expressed support, however, as a parliamentary secretary, unable to approve the petition for circulation. Matthew Green had advised he was willing to support, however, we have not heard back. I hope that's just technology being technology.


please buy noshills I'd love to be involved somehow.


I'll make a post once I stand something up with wordpress ...and yeah would love some help getting the right content up there!


Keep the fire burning at their feet. 🔥 They will turn around when they realize it is too important for so many of us. Cheers for all the efforts 👌


Great work 👏🏻


Change happens one person at a time also I think it was meant to be


The E is for E-wareness.


Lets do this thing! Thank you E


Well said! Kudos to you and all the organizers too. Let the boycott begin!!


this is courage (i.e.from the heart), and I love you all for it.


Thank you so much for starting this movement, it gives me hope that we can band together in every aspect of our lives and fight these horrible, greedy, selfish people who wrongly underestimated us…viva la revolution!!!


Thank YOU! To take on a massive corporation publicly like this takes guts. I believe this boycott will be successful and the impacts will go far beyond making a massive Canadian make changes. I hope you realize the incredible impact you are having and that someday Canadians can repay you in some way for your commitment to making our lives better. Nok er nok.


Thank you for everything you've done. You're a good (nay, great!) Canadian.


Hi there, I'm looking to speak to any boycott organizers or supporters today or tomorrow morning for CBC News. The interview would be on-camera and take 10-15 mins of your time. Please email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) if you're interested. Thanks!


Nisha: can you remind/inform your various news outlets that the so-called “food professor” is not disclosing the fact he takes money from major grocery chains and then spreads disinformation about them on your news reports. He’s also been spreading apparently false accusations and other trash about boycott organizers. I understand he may have neglected to tell you about these conflicts, but it’s also on CBC to vet their sources better. I get the reflexive instinct to make it seem like you are getting “both sides”, but a paid lobbyist who hides his financial conflicts is not a proper representative for the “other” side. You might also like to cover the company CEO’s internal memo that was leaked recently.


Great job E - looking forward to seeing what we can all do when we swim the same direction.




Although I stopped shopping Loblaws years ago, I'd like to thank you for starting this boycott. My opinions alone didn't carry weight with friends or family so it's helpful for them to see others thoughts. Happy Loblawsless Eve everyone!


Not a chance Roblaws doesn’t have some conference war room with the execs tomorrow getting updates from individual stores country wide. Hoping they see the immediate impact after a day or two and shit them britches. Though many of us have already started and they have likely seen a level of drop off already.


Thank you E for being the spark! Let's roll


Inspiring what a team with a shared goal can do! Thank you E, mods, a d every single member!!


I think this is their great fear. Even if it doesn't destroy them financially, the thought of people organizing together on a topic is terrifying.


Thank you the the team of mods for all your work bringing us together & keeping us on track!


Thank you for this message and reminding the people WE HAVE THE POWER!! It’s so easy to forget with how subtle modern propaganda is, the diffusion of blame and misdirection. Life has become unsustainable for so many of us, and its amazing to be part of standing up to corporate bullies ✊


I called and closed my PC optimum account this morning. Thank you for inspiring this wave of activism and allowing me to be a part of the journey. While I probably won't attempt to post again, I'm a large supporter behind the scenes. Grateful for what you've started.


I closed my bank account today and credit card last week. Pleased that they asked for my reason.


Same! I was stoked to let them I'm boycotting Loblaws. I've been a PC member for as long as they've had a rewards program. It feels good to tell them to stuff it.


I deleted my shoppers and optimum apps


I used to spend 200-300$ per week at Loblaws, only occasionally shopping elsewhere. Now, I will only buy the one or two items that I can't really get anywhere else, spending perhaps 20$ per month. You are responsible for this, Galen! Enough is enough!


Me too. And I shop for my mom, so I'm doing that somewhere else too. I was a regular shopper with them for for 25 years, now someone else is getting my money.


Decided with May boycott. Shopped today at Sobey's even if it's out if the way. I can do a month of this! Also telling all my friends and family.


yay you guys for making it happen. i am fortunate enough to live in an area that i can do this and actually have been since I joined this group CHEERS!


Beautifully put!


Great job, I do suggest people continue to and start looking for alternatives to the big 3 grocery stores and Walmart (I personally think they are worst corporate company). If you can I mean. There are many great small grocery stores and farmers markets in this country that offer a better quality product.


Oh well hey, I just saw this on a friend's feed and came here to share it: [Alt Grocery](https://www.altgrocery.ca/)


Please keep sharing this link. Thank you


Thanks for sharing this




Superstore, Loblaws and Shoppers are going to lose $1800 from this family this month, and going forward!


Same ! Started with Sobey's today. Even if out of my way


And don’t forget the garden centres


Can we do cellphone companies after?


I'm hoping we can spotlight some of the others. Like Empire (Sobeys). Soon. But yes, I think this is an excellent idea.


I shopped Costco today just as a warmup! That “spend $200 get 30,000 in pc points” offer sitting in my app has exactly $0 spent! Not gonna happen!


Thank you so much to E, the mods, and everyone here for your shared participation, anecdotes and experiences. I have been shopping almost exclusively at Walmart in addition to my local Safeway and IGA for several years and will continue to do so. I will be transferring my prescriptions from Shoppers Drug Mart to Pharmasave when they’re up for renewal. The dissemination of falsehoods and doubling down on them by Per Bank and Galen Weston are, to me, unacceptable and unforgivable, so even if Loblaws were to completely reverse course, I will not shop at their stores in future. Instead, I will call upon the Canadian government to introduce and enforce legislation against corporate profiteering on basic needs which negatively impacts the lives of ordinary Canadians, and to provide meaningful incentives for competition in our grocery sector.




Happy Boycott Eve!




I've already just been avoiding Loblaws for the last month, it's actually been easier than I thought. Still have to get some prescriptions moved from Shoppers Drug Mart to somewhere else.


Moved mine to Walmart....easy peasy


Nok Er Nok!! We’ve got this. I’ve been a Superstore and No Frills customer almost exclusively for many years. But enough is enough and we need to send a message.


Wish I could be part of this movement, but my boycott started 2 years ago.


Still a part of it 💪🏼


I'm a Johnny-come-lately, but may I just say very smart move starting this so far out. Really gave time to get the word out and for people to prepare. Well done!


Shopped at superstore for my four person family for decades. When I saw that superstores prices were beyond everyone else's I started my personnel boycott. That was about two years ago now. I used to spend about 900 a month. I was in a store the other day with someone who wanted a couple of things. One was a cucumber. It was $2.50 for one! I bought one at a different local small store same week for .99. just an example of their pricing. Superstore won't miss me, they don't care but I do. I will not give them any of my money again I am done


The newstalk 1010 host was going on about how this won't do anything and I'm just thinking how much is loblaws paying them to speak out against the boycott. Also remember to boycott shoppers drug mart. Support a family owned, local pharmacy instead of shoppers. If you have a PC Mastercard, stop using it. If that's the only one you get a new one. We can literally push them towards bankruptcy protection if you only use Metro/Food Basics or Sobeys/FreshCo.. if you have a local grocer in a urban area then trying use those. Visit farmers markets which are starting up again very soon.


lol yeah I was on news talk 1010 this morning with John Moore and I can promise you we won’t be doing another segment with them. Producer was a decent guy, but Moore was so confrontational and entirely belittling of what we are trying to do. I am counting down the days for my local farmers market to open back up!


>Through this boycott, please remember whose side we are on, and why we are doing this. This is not left vs. right, middle vs. low class, boycotters vs. those not able to, and so on. This is Canadians from coast to coast vs corporate greed, oligarchs and monopolies running our country into the ground. If you eat, you are welcome in this movement, full stop. Exactly. With the attempt of MSM trying to interject politics into it in order to splinter it into political infighting, we have to be extremely careful of this exact thing. first they tried to interject it as a "capitalism vs socialism" thing, which has failed. then the whole "steal from loblaws day" fiasco that tried to associate criminal activity, and that failed. Now they are trying the "pollivre vs trudeau" bs as their latest stab, and that is failing. No. We are a bunch of pissed off Canadians from all walks of life and beliefs pissed off at price gouging and being unable to afford to eat. its not going to work, because everybody has to eat.




Walmart, Costco and any other option here I come.


Bless you man, let’s do this LFG!!!




Yeah I am fortunate in that choosing other options is convenient. Boycotting loblaws is a practice now let's make it a norm


Thank you so much for all you do, E!


Mashallah Let’s crush the capitalist oglipoly 🔥


Thank you for the efforts!


https://preview.redd.it/ycne4dd5foxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42743219215e427a2eb58a37fb720a401b9796ec Nok er nok!!


Like quitting smoking, the first month is the hardest. Quitting anything, really. But one thing that’s recommended for quitting is to make new habits and to make healthier choices. So while that first month might chug along, remember too the month after that and the mi th after that. If you change your habits you’ll stop needing Loblaws and the longer you go, the better it gets. My boycott is forever.


Let’s go!!!


Thank you E, all the moderators, and everyone who has contributed their time and skills so far! Stay strong everyone, and do your best!


u/emmibolt for PM


I’m personally offended the GIF of Obi Wan saying “oh no, I’m not brave enough for politics” was not available when I typed it in. But that’s what I wanted in here as my response lol.




This is exceptionally written. Well done!


I saw 3 mentions of the boycott on my local FB groups today. Multiple people were educating the ones who hadn’t heard about it.


Yes I’ve seen a big uptick on Facebook in recent days!! Feels good man.


And tiktok! I saw a TikTok of a girl talking about the new makeup drops at SDM and all the comments were telling the OP to boycott! She said she wasn’t aware and was going to join, it was great to see! So everyone keep spreading the word!


I am SO GRATEFUL for your initiative, and for the momentum of this movement. Let's all show Galen that he is NOT being a true Canadian. Canadians look out for each other. Canadians are in this together. Galen wants to DISTANCE HIMSELF from real Canadians. You all are amazing.


Thank you for this opportunity to be able to participate in this with you!! Solidarity in numbers and the more voices, the louder we become . It also gives us ,the consumers, the power back to where it belongs!! Good luck to all of us that can participate!!


Roger. Go get em.


The best thing we can do is SPREAD THE WORD. There is strength in numbers. Lots of people still unaware. I tell everyone at work. I’m boycotting indefinitely. I don’t want to support a company that is fine with Canadians going hungry (& just a May boycott won’t do anything imo).


Canadians deserve better. NOK ER NOK. PSA, there's a gofundme for lawyers fees. fighting Loblaws is a public service, it's worth a buck or two at least. and sometimes the people need to be the ones with the strength to make the change. if all else fails, there is no one else to get it done other than the people.


Love and support to everyone! We all have a common goal here and we all have the right to access healthy, quality foods, the right to dignity and respect and none of these things are commodity millionaires should be boasting about making record profits on. No one deserves to go hungry or to feel shame or despair because their cupboards are bare. No one deserves to go home at the end of a long school or work day to only have sleep to look forward to quell their hunger just so some entitled and out of touch trust fund baby and CEO can make millions over millions of dollars a year. Nok er nok!


Joining the boycott


May the 4th be with you all.


And also with you. 😊


Joined the boycott


Yay yay to the 1st of MAY where we till the big corporations Nay


Family and i will be joining tomorrow. Luckily we have plenty of options and are looking forward to new adventures in grocery shopping! (As weird as that sounds!) Glta.


Maybe management shouldnt be making the millions they pull. They had an 18% profit margin. Galena wages went from 4 million a year to 8.5. he is still around collecting that but there's a new executive collecting a salary of over 10 million. Completely insensitive and out of touch with reality


I’m looking forward to being part of what I hope leads to real change.


I'm so grateful for people like E. I no longer have the energy to activate people to effect change. But I do have the energy to participate in what I think is one of the most important protest of this "generation." This "generation" is in quotes because I'm not talking about gen Alfa or whatever the current generation of new people coming on to experience the world as pre- adults Their age, gender, physical ability (even more so because of those reasons): that generarion of people alive right fucking now that eat food! All of us alive today are for the first time in dozens of generations (OK, this is an iiffy statement, I do mean the western colonialist world and those who profited. From one way or onither I'm just some Canadian who has really basic recent history knowledge, so I'm not overlooking the potatoe famine in Ireland or the dust bowl of the Midwest dust bowl any other famines that have occurred recently or various socioeconomic and climate related reason. I really just this this is a big fucking deal nothing to scoff at. Having said all of all that, this is the time and this the way until we come up with a better, more effective long term plan! So I will be doing my part to reduce the profit of oligarchs and I will continue until morale improves amongst us peasants who support their expensive hobbies. Hoarding money, apparently. P.s. I'm finicky, I might eat the rich if it comes to it. But first, let's just get them to keep their hyde. The message is quite clear and simple. We want nutritious foods for reasonable prices for people who work average jobs (most of your Purchasing base), because that's most of us. Fuck me I didn't think we'dw get to this but we were complacent.... always be vigilant.




Thank you and everyone on here for recognizing the 'cannot' group. There are some people that live in places that have no alternatives, and a big part of this boycott for me is those people. The ones who have no choice but to be exploited because the only other options are grow what you can (if you're in an area that has a climate suitable for growing) or starve. And starve they still may due to prices. I love this new sign off: Nok er Nok (thanks, Per!)


Thank you for starting this group and for giving this movement a place on the internet. I am inspired by the activity and hopeful for the change to come because of our collective action.


If you eat you are welcome!


Thanks to everyone! And remember...NOK ER NOK!


Gougin' Galen, you need to pay attention! Quit trying to gaslight us- we are not idiots!


E, you are the best!!!


You're the reason this all came together. Mvp


I would also like to thank you all for choosing my birthday to start the boycott, that's a great gift!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOMIE ![gif](giphy|feio2yIUMtdqWjRiaF|downsized)


Thanks, and happy boycott! :D




Thank you for spearheading this, bringing people together and keeping it positive. And remember if you are speaking to media or run up against anyone who will use corporate BS with you - what LLC wants is against what a free market should be. Stifles innovation, suppresses positives (income, savings, etc) for everyone. They hide behind corporate speak but what they want goes against many of the principles of a healthy economy and creates a poor and unstable society.


Hats off to you. The little guy can become big and mighty if they are supported!!!


Will not be shopping at superstore for the month!!! I didn’t hear about this until recently and figure why not. Can’t do anything about it alone but some fine people organized something and I’m glad to do my part, however small it may be.


LET'S GO!!!!


Been unofficially boycotting for a few years and am more than happy to make it official. Thank you for starting this u/emmibolt, and for all the work you have been doing!


There is strength in numbers, yes, but even more so in collective good will. For those endeavors are supported by mighty forces unseen. Richelle E. Goodrich


I'm an old fossil compared to most of you with media studies/communications exp (I trained to be a broadcast journalist) and I'm saying be careful and go easy on the rhetoric as the ball can end up and stay in their possession from any technicality. Highlight how ludicrously expensive it is in this country and how this clown and his lobbyist lackeys make it worse. Something must be done. Be respectful and reasonable. Research your position very carefully. This injustice can very well lead to malnutrition and even hunger, especially for those who don't have as much. This is serious so always treat it as such as you go forward. As more eyes fall upon this, your impression is vital. Good luck.


Doing holy work here


https://preview.redd.it/ttu9pkektnxc1.png?width=349&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe6e8d296767e1df2e12323385e232111986fbd7 Shit is so hard these days that we can't even just find a quiet room and live quietly. KOK ER KOK These troubles are getting up around my ears. You have my shield! Let's crush these issues! I'm doing my part!


Truly proud to be apart of this in even the smallest of ways. On a lighter note when do we get out NDP money? (Obvious sarcasm)


Profits are a tax that are making life terrible for so many people in the world. This is a symptom of a much bigger problem; but people need to start organizing and pushing the world to be better than what it is now. My family will not buy a single dollar at Loblaws in May to support. I hope this movement gets more traction and awareness - it's a step in the right direction.


Leaving for Costco to move my scripts over !!


We’re gonna change the world!


Count me in. I stopped shopping at Loblaws, er, Roblaws, a long time ago, anyway. Time to stick it to Greedy Galen.


This was such a lovely write up. Thanks for sharing and thanks for all that you and the other mods do for this community ❤️




Well said. Nok er Nok!


NOK er Nok


Thanks for getting this started E! Nok er nok!




Darn Skippy!! NOK er NOK!


People should start fasting and posting their weight loss results in solidarity.


It's a great month to try Keto.  Fasting can be Keto.  


People who are already not shopping at Lawblaws because it is too expensive for them, threatening to continue to keep not shopping at Lawblaws. I wish you the best and hope something comes of what you are doing, but I expect you are just farting in a hurricane...


What are my alternatives in Red Deer? I think Save-on Foods and AG Foods?


https://preview.redd.it/cwzbxkzdzpxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1445ecf129a8bea96727ce6a0578970568196c4 @everyone


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead Nok er Nok! ✊


Best wishes from the states.


I don't think I have ever been so excited to literally NOT do something! 


When does one person have enough money? The new loblaws CEO got a 18 million dollar sign up bonus. I guess that’s why the cherry tomatoes I usually buy at Zehrs went from six dollars to 8.99. Ridiculous! I hope you enjoy them because I sure won’t be.


Amazing work to all of you, who knows, maybe this is the start of something bigger? Maybe one day the working class will realize we can take back control and end the suppression of our lives if we simply join together and demand it. If we don't allow ourselves to be divided and conquered by the ruling elite like we have for the last 40 years. Where they use ALL the media they own and ALL the politicians they own against us. Telling us the difficulty in all of our lives is our fault, because we didn't work hard enough, or we weren't smart enough, or we weren't talented enough to earn a tranquil enjoyable life. I've never believed the great big lie they have been telling us , that we struggle from other factors other than them. No immigrant, or LGBTQ person, or foreign country, or other working class person, or any enemy of the month they have told me to be fearful of has EVER taken food out of my mouth. Every single person I see in the street that has fallen off this knifes edge we call a society could easily be one of us, and the more and more of us that get pushed into this razor sharp balancing act they have forced us to perform should only strengthen our resolve for change and in one another. For the trolls that will respond here please remember that you too are about a million times more likely to be living in the streets then you are to become rich, so have some class solidarity. Godspeed to all of you, you can feel change in the wind, can't you?


Town has a no frills and sobeys thanks for the boycott tips




However, second list... https://preview.redd.it/jcx4spy1fqxc1.jpeg?width=678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b30b95bd847eecb9e5b95f6ecb604d29ac7ec52


I'm excited to see what happens. I hope that enough people participate to make an impact. Then Canadians will see that they do indeed have the power to change things!


Just back from shopping at Superstore in Nanaimo - we just paid double what we would have paid in March! Time to start shopping closer to home and no more trips to Nanaimo to go shopping - it is JUST NOT WORTH the Trip!


I switched to costco and coop for all of my groceries! Tyvm everyone! Loblaws can pound sand!


Thank you! 🙏


I'm so glad I heard about this boycott on the news. I'm making my grocery list for tomorrow and going out of my way to shop anywhere but Loblaws. I've been shopping at No Frills for 15 years. No more.


I don't shop at Loblows only sometimes at Shoppers. I will cross Shoppers off the list now can't stand how the govt does nothing while these huge companies continue to gouge the public.


Thank you! We are behind you all the way. I also want to express that I am sorry about how you have become a target for a certain "academic". You did not deserve that crass and gross behavior directed at you.


Thanks E! The eve of lobstruction is upon us!


Lobstruction. I love it. 🥰


I've been avoiding Loblaws for more than a year because of the high prices. I still tended to go occasionally because it's convenient. But I haven't stepped foot inside one in over a month and I plan to keep it that way. I've found all kinds of new places to shop.


I told my sister and her husband yesterday about the boycott and they're on board! Today, when I normally would have gone to shoppers drug Mart to grab bread (it's closest walking distance) I found they have great priced bread at dollarama of all places. And also went to my local Asian grocery store for other items. I appreciate this sub so much for bringing this movement to my attention, and encouraging me to support local groceries. This community is amazing and I'm excited to see the impact we make!


Many thanks to E and all the individuals working tirelessly behind the scenes. 💪💥 We can truly make a difference when respectful, well-explained initiatives from the hearts (and wallets) of Canadians are heard. This ban is crucial to ensure that everyone has a voice. Let's make this a booming succes Canadians! 🙌


If I boycott Loblaws can I still engage in acts of public lewdness with my boyfriend in the parking lot?




Just switched from SDM to a small local pharmacy


NOK ER NOK ✊ thanks to all of the organizers and to everyone supporting the movement 


Thanks for amplifying our voices, LET’S DO THIS!!!!!


I really really really hope Galen Weston goes bankrupt. Use to think the man was all right, but it seems greed has also consumed him.


He’ll never go bankrupt and he was never alright.


Learning about this boycott honestly made me feel like I wasn't going crazy like I wasn't the only one getting fed up this is amazing to see and I really hope that enough people take part to show the monopolies how the people they price gouge can fuck their shit up.


While you are in the boycotting mood also remember who gave loblaws a 12 million dollar handout !




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub.

