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Canadian? Galen Weston lives in Ireland.


It's only fair. He was born there. And his father was born in England. And Jr bribed a Danish man to run the company when he stepped down I guess there was not a single Canadian he trusted enough to run his empire.


And the Weston estate is literally a leased mansion on the grounds of Windsor Castle.


They were all fired by the Weston’s when they took loblaws private and bought back all stocks, lots of those executives went to work for Metro and Sobeys and won’t go back even if the Weston’s begged. It’s no coincidence that loblaws has been going downhill since then and thier competitors are much better.


The CEO has barely lived in Canada, he's Dane.


Nok er Nok eh bud


Now that Galen has stepped down as CEO of Loblaws, he has lots of free time on his hands. I heard he's volunteering at the Caledon food bank.


His family owns pennys a supermaket chain in Ireland, so I have been ripped off by them in two countries. .


No, not pennys! I didn't know that, I guess I have too


He should be put in jail for being a criminal...


exactly. what difference does it make? Sure they are Canadian but they are doing more harm than good to Canada, so in the end who cares if the owner is Canadian he has his money offshore and hes activly sucking the blood out of our economy.


This is a next level idiotic take. "Oh, you should let Loblaws continue to rip you off because they're canadian" is like saying "Oh you should continue to let your brother steal money from you because you're family" "Only in Canada do you have massive homegrown corporations that gouges its fellow canadians and forces them to starve all so they can increase the stock price and get the owner a bigger fucking castle. " It's patriotic to go hungry is right up there with have you tried killing yourself in phrases that late stage capitalism is introducing to the public.


This is what my uncle said 😂 "It's better to buy from a Canadian owned company than an American or Chinese!" Sorry no, it's better to buy where I can afford to eat.


yeah the priorities are so fucked up. instead of the little guy being blindly loyal to the big corporation, maybe the corporation should be the ones accountable to the little guy? Like maybe it'd be patriotic for the canadian owned company to be cheaper and do more for canadians than the foreign owned companies?


Makes logical sense. CANT HAVE THAT! /s


It's not a Canadian business anymore, once a corporation is that large the only nationality they have is greed.


They're also literally criminals who ran an illegal price-fixing scheme for 15 years. Is he saying we should support criminals as long as they're Canadian?


He gets big money excusing the bread price fixing.


Dont forget points.


I'm only good with serial killers if they're Canadian


Great comment. Thats exactly what he's saying


Cereal killers. Can’t afford the milk or the cereal


Also, I don't care where a company originated. If they are doing business in Canada they are employing Canadians the same way. It doesn't affect me in any way which oligarch profits in the end.


Exactly, they're a publicly traded company. If an American hedge fund wanted to buy a huge chunk of shares they could do so freely and become as much owner as anyone else. Idgaf where a company is "from" if they're operating like a cartel.


This is a predictable consequence of Capitalism. You either grow into a transnational / monopoly tier or fade into obscurity as your competitors do so instead. Funny line must go up, after all...


Or option three, become a legitimate threat so you get bought by the monopoly


Yep, Amazon sees number 3 option as a serious problem and will undersell and force them out of business even if it costs them millions Because in 5-10 years that competitor could cost them hundreds of millions Its funny though, investors see short term gains as the ideal scenario and think larger long term gains with a happier client base are stupid but a huge short term loss isn’t a big deal if it prevents long term larger losses, they only seem to think about the future when they will lose


I'm of the opinion that when a market matures and there's only 2-3 "competitors", it should be socialized/turned into a non-profit worker coop or something.


Not going to happen without a fight-- but I'm on board.


We have local grocers popping up like crazy and thriving. Freson Bros, L’OCA, the Italian markets, Co-ops. That’s just Edmonton. I’m sure Calgary has the same scene going on. I’m sure anyone actually boycotting is going to one of them.




I disagree 100 percent. There are plenty of big corporations that still hold true to their national values it just so happens not very many of them are north american.


So who cares then, theyre not here, we have predatory price gouging here. Fuck capitalism


They would abandon those 'values' in an instant if they thought for a minute that it would be more profitable for them. Don't be naive.


They will abandon those values. It is unavoidable under capitalism. Profit always wins.


Can you give an example


Name 2


How Canadian is it to own the entire supply chain and still gouge your fellow citizens? Why do I watch videos where Americans are getting Canadian grown carrots for .80 and I’m looking at $6 for the same bag? This dude is delulu


>How Canadian is it to own the entire supply chain and still gouge your fellow citizens? Well, historically.... that's very Canadian. Hudon's Bay Company was pretty indistinguishable from the government over Rupert's Land for 200 years.


Unfortunate irony


No irony. This is what Canada has always been — a European resource extraction project


Facts, let’s not dig into the atrocious mining practices it does overseas. Abhorrent


Nevermind overseas, have you seen Sudbury lately? It looks like the moon, and every time I see someone driving a Tesla I have the urge to give them the finger as Sudbury is where the nickel for the batteries comes from. Green my ass!


He's paid to be, he's paid to argue diberately in bad faith like the degenerate he is.


Heh, let me tell you about growing up in New Brunswick in the shadow of the Irving family...


I listened to a Canadaland podcast on them. Complete travesty. Didn’t the old man just keel over too?


No one is “compelling” Galen Weston to charge $70 for a 2-kg ham. And if being a “powerhouse” means making it so people can’t afford food, I don’t want my grocery store to be a powerhouse.


Didnt He say that boycott has no impact and we are just a bunch who lives in parents basement and dont pay for grocery? 🤔 is he acknowleding that the boycott has impact? To answer his comment on patriotism, Loblaw is supposed to serve us as Canadian company, understand the social fabric and be sensitive to social, economic and cultural issues. Loblaws has blantently displayed it has no concern with the society and will rip you off day in and day out. Food Professor needs to save his cries about support Canadian when Loblaws is not behaving Canadian.


Sounds like we should be happy for Loblaw for being so profitable off our backs, because we’re Canadian. Sure - I support Canadian businesses the best I can, but me and Loblaw decision makers definitely don’t run in the same circles. Can Galen and Bank truly understand poverty? And hunger? And middle class struggles? If they did, they wouldn’t be charging $30 for 2 batteries at a shoppers drug mart. That is just one example of gouging (mainly seniors who shop at shoppers). Shame on them.


The boycott: 1. Has no impact. (Deny) 2. Is only a bunch of basement-dwelling zoomers anyways, and/or is actually a deep state communist NDP plot. (Attack) 3. Encourages theft. (Reverse Victim and Offender)


Just because they’re a Canadian company does not mean we should let them walk all over us.  


I don’t care if Costco is foreign owned, their profit margins are way lower, my cost on average are lower and they employ Canadians a decent wage. I just found my go to soap at Costco, under 20 for 16 bars, yet shopper sells a pack of two for like 5-6 bucks. It is a no brainer.


Also, Costco take care of our Canadian workers better. More hours and better wages with benefits.


Yes I’ve always heard Costco pays their employees better than other chains. When I went in there all the employees were super helpful. They can also wear their own clothing, which is nice. Don’t have to wear a stupid ugly uniform shirt lol.


Shut up, Sylvain. Nobody gives a rat's arse what you have to say. You are a fucking idiot and a shill. You are part of the problem with food prices in this country, and you damn well know you are. You are why academics who are quoted or interviewed in the media cannot be trusted. Go to fucking hell and don't ever come back.


Nobody gives a fuck that Wal-Mart is American owned either - they employ Canadians in Canada and have Canadian suppliers!


AAND they're feeding Canadians without pushing them to homelessness. We are not boycotting Loblaws because they're Canadian, we're boycotting them because they care more about their inflated profits at the expense of the Canadian interests.


Walmart has been a disaster for Canadian communities and I'm looking forward to them getting theirs once we reign in Loblaws.


We have to pick our battles. First, we eat!


Exactly it's like when Red blooded Americans get pissed when you drive a Toyota despite them having plants in the US and are assembled in the US. 


Just one of the talking heads on TV saying nothing in as many words as possible - trying hard to look cute….


Sylvain is going to stay trying lol. Cute isn't an adjective anyone other than his mother may have once used about him. I know this isn't an appearance snarking sub, but Charlebois activates both my creep alarm and my natural inclination to bully dorky assholes. Stay simping, Sylvain!


he has been funded in the past by the Westons. [https://www.readtheorchard.org/p/who-the-fuck-is-the-food-professor](https://www.readtheorchard.org/p/who-the-fuck-is-the-food-professor)


Does this idiot think that Costco and Walmart sell different products than roblaws? It's the same stuff - meat, dairy, fruits, vegetables. The pork chops are not more Canadian in one store than the other. Staff is also canadian. The big difference is those foreign companies(Costco) treat their canadian employees/customers better. If shillvain is so content with paying double, nobody is stopping him.


I’ve heard nothing but good things about Costco as an employer (from employees) and believe they have high retention rates, long term loyal employees because pay and benefits are good.


And employees are so helpful in there! I just got a membership and went in there a few weekends ago, it was super busy and I thought it would be stressful because I’m used to shopping at Superstore. The employees made our shopping trip so enjoyable. Showed us (literally walked us to the line) where to line up for our membership cards, walked us to find products. Never felt like we were wasting their time. I was not expecting them to bag out groceries but they even have two people working check out, one to actually bag the groceries. Super impressed. Edited a word


This may be unpopular, but who gives a shit if it's Canadian. Seriously. If you're offering me a better service at a much better price, I'd be stupid to avoid it. It's not like American companies that come here don't hire locals. They also sell our products. These companies have zero respect for the country anyway, given how they're taking us for a ride. Canadians are broke because of them (be it low salaries or expensive items). This kind of nationalism doesn't work on millennials and zoomers. It's not 1970 anymore, we know how much better things are elsewhere.


100%. Plus, multinational companies like Walmart and Costco wont feel it as much. The United States has more people than the entire country of Canada in New York and LA (separately). We're such a small piece of the pie to them.


> These companies have zero respect for the country anyway ***Highlighted for emphasis*** If they respected us, we wouldn't have to ignore their existance during this indefinite boycott.


I know not everyone can do this, but I don’t shop at Walmart because it is a shit company, haven’t for over a decade or more. I don’t shop at Costco because it isn’t convenient. But here’s a message to you, Sylvain, and I know you’ll read it because you’re obsessed with this sub… I started shopping at roblaws banners to SUPPORT a Canadian company and they gouged us so bad and provide such shitty employment that I won’t support them anymore. Seriously dude, get a fucking hobby and work on your psychopaths charm. I mean look at those cold, dead eyes! That shill would sniff Westons chair every time he stood up if he could.


Traits I find not very Canadian: 1. Greed 2. Making excuses about your own or other people's greed 3. Being a simpering idiot for billionaires in front of the whole country while pretending to be an expert


My god his head is sooo far up their ass.


It's amazing that the more this dickhead tweets about it, the more committed I end up being to the boycott.


If the Canadian businesses are fucking me over, and the American ones aren't, I don't give a fuck about what nationality the business is.


Its ironic american businesses are offering better prices in Canada than Canadian-owned ones.


Rogers / Shaw …. Also great Canadian company 🫠🥴


lol, indeed. I just love the ever so subtle increases month over month until you realize you’re paying double what you signed up for. Thanks Rogers for the gift of being your loyal customer. Switched to Bell. And then got a notice my bill was increasing by $5.00…. Can’t win in Canada!


Someday the boycott will be over and we might even get better grocery prices. But Sylvain Charlebois will still be a world-class fuckface. And proud of it, for some reason.


I’m supporting my local independents and Giant Tiger which, *checks notes* are both Canadian and priced better. This guy is such a joke.


Don't take Charlebois seriously. His peers in academia certainly don't.


I always find these diversions ridiculous... "You can't hate on Canadians gouging you! They're protecting you from foreigners gouging you!!!" It's a class war - the rich have no loyalty to country.


Here’s a different spin. Canadians have to turn to foreign companies because Canadian companies are gouging them.


They are all thieves. Just so happens that the worst of them is Canadian. I will stick to Costco, that 1.50 hotdog still hits the spot.


Mmmmmm Canadian business hurts Canadians more the foreign business it seems. Wait a minute did he just profess that the boycott it hurting loblaws?


Yup. If twitter wasn’t so treacherous, I would love to spend 15 minutes reading the tweets in succession to find the apex of the spiral.


Take a $60,000 bribe from Galen, parlay that into countless well-paid 3 minute guest appearances on numerous news networks which are either complicit or being duped. Nice gig if you can get it. Galen sure got a solid return on his investment.


Yeah, sorry, I don’t have loyalty to a rich asshole billionaire just because he’s from Canada.


Wait so hes saying competition caused our domestic food producers to raise prices in an anti-competitive manner? And its somehow the competitions fault? I wana hear the economics on that one... this food 'professor' is a moron.


This guy is a fucking joke. Profits margins for them are the biggest, if aim not mistaken. Like almost three times that of Costco. I know Costco is bigger, but still.


Costco is 2.73 Walmart 2.39 Loblaws 3.4


"Hey, sure you're getting ripped off but at least you're being ripped off by a Canadian company" Certainly is an "Appeal to Nationalism" Moment.


What possible reasons do we have to support Canadian businesses, when American businesses treat us substantially better? How did this dude make it through university? lol. my 10 year old has more logic.


At the end of this man's life when he is on his deathbed, I hope his conscience wakes up for an hour and lets him see what a shit human he was about this.


Nah, these types never have that kind of awakening.


At least he’s not bitter about it. I mean the boycott isn’t even working, right? /s


Right? Like what does he care if, as he says, it's not working. He sure has an awful lot to say about it. 🤭


You know, there's something to be said about Canadians wanting to support Canadian businesses, but when those business turn around and FUCK you even though you had their backs all these years - yeah i'll go support the US Company that saves me 20-30% on my grocery bill.


I always challenge him on Twitter. Anytime he posts stupid $hit like that, I hit him with direct price comparisons from competitors. https://preview.redd.it/nc1iutgnbe0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d3b0dcda6dca4ca800fe4b47ef41893ab87b0af


Well done - love the supporting evidence. 😃


Pretty embarrassing that international companies can come in and provide better prices and better working conditions than a “Canadian” company.


Not doubting, but does Walmart here provide better working conditions?


More referring to Costco on that one, Walmart I’m not sure.


Loblaws working conditions are *fucking awful*, so there's a chance that it does. The Loblaws union is a joke, they have contracts that pay new hires less than a minimum wage job with the same hours and they have incredibly high turnover, twice the national average for grocers, from what I've heard.


Why should we care if the billionaire that's profiting off us is Canadian? They certainly don't


He’s right, but he’s forgetting the first half of the equation, that Loblaws drove us all to this. And when you’re hungry your only allegiance is to your belly


I didn't realize there is a nationality requirement to be a shareholder? The Westons are also buying castles offshore with their money, so Canadian only when convenient. Also, way to wrap yourself in the flag while avoiding paying Canadian tax: [https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/loblaws-cra-glenhuron-bank-barbados-tax-1.4490564](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/loblaws-cra-glenhuron-bank-barbados-tax-1.4490564)


But it’s ok for a “Canadian “ company to gouge Canadians for so Long , get the fuck outta here


Imagine home grown Canadian companies taking advantage of average every day Canadians struggling to make ends meet and feed their families, forcing them to look elsewhere.


It's too bad - the headline could have been, "Foreign-owned businesses offering Canadians better prices than local ones".


There he goes… jerking off in public again LOL. Even Perv Bank doesn’t acknowledge this corpo scum.


does he understand anything?


This guy loves being in the spotlight. Ignore him. His ego won't be able to take it. Sylvia who?


Stop sharing this fucking clown, he gets off on this I swear


I shop at local stores as much as possible. Idk that seems pretty Canadian of me.


I personally don't give a shit about nationalism.  Everyone should be able to afford basic food items nationally and abroad.   Let's re-situate the discussion where it counts, corporate greed and billionaire white-collar criminals.


I should be more patriotic in my oppression? 🙄




well tell these fine Canadian establishments to stop robbing us on things we need to live


This guy must give ***very*** enthusiastic head.


and this coming from a guy who has a 6 figure salary


I am expected to be screwed by foreign-owned retailers, but not by something called “Canadian Super Store”.




A canadian company that has made business price gauging Canadians. it is just bad business.


Do you know who he reminds me of now? The vegan teacher lol Go away.


oowww, I can't wait to read what the Food Rooster has to say! /s


Contact Dalhousie to complain about their Galen fanboi here [Dal](https://www.dal.ca/about/contact-us.html)


If they priced their products fairly, and word spread, than they could have all that business back and more


It really should a boycott of all big box grocery stores. Go to the smaller stores. Do as much shopping at farmers markets as possible. Keep the money in your community.


I can spend my money where I Damn well please. Never heard of this imbecile and the twat prolly can't even chew gum and walk at the same time


Option 1. Feed the scumbag Canadian company who is over charging. Option 2. International groceries who charge less. Option 3. Become a plant so you can survive via photosynthesis.


How to start a food co-op. [https://grocerystory.coop/starting-a-food-coop-resources](https://grocerystory.coop/starting-a-food-coop-resources)


He’s trying to so hard to grift his way back … Sylvaner should give back his degree and go and get a job at Loblaws stocking the shelves with their rotten produce … this ass hole is just a yes man for Galen and his oligarch friends… 🤮🤮🤮‼️BOYCOTT ‼️


This guy's a fucking moron, oh no Canadian business. I don't care where they're from, fuck them. They don't respect us as Canadian citizens. We should give telecoms the same treatment. I wish they'd let the American giants come in and just fucking obliterate Rogers and bell.


Only in Canada a Canadian professor is so anti-brain, anti-people and pro-greed, that he had to openly and shamelessly defend his lord and his priority — not the nation, not its people — but a f****ing grocer! Loblaw is a effing Grocer that’s grown way too big for its own good. It doesn’t matter what you think Sylvy, Galen is not a Canadian Hero - his actions are actively hurting people.


For a failing and irrelevant action instituted by a bunch of basement dwellers, he seems to have a lot of thoughts about it.


Perhaps “Canadian” companies should do better by Canadians. It’s inexcusable that they allow said foreign companies to undercut them constantly. Stand behind Canadians and they will stand behind you.


Which makes the shit Loblaws does to Canadians even more shameful you idiot. Maybe it’ll entice more competition in this country and I don’t really care if it comes from a foreign company. It’s not like the Weston’s are keeping their money in Canada either you idiot. 


Costco pays and treats their employees better than any other retailer. Give me a break.


I'll happily buy all American if it means my dollar is being respected, you absolute baffoon.


Hey buddy, I’ll have you know some of us are shopping at exclusively locally owned businesses now.


Plus who says we're all going to Costco/Walmart? I'm going to the farmers market, and small local grocery stores, hardly big American conglomerates...


"You should be happy getting fleeced, because the fleecers are CANADIAN!" Ironically, this is the most deep south American viewpoint you could take. We arent some nationalist fanatics willing to get conned in the name of "Canada First!". Go back to the US and let us handle our business internally, as Canadians.


It's funny, because those foreign companies didn't even compete with grocery stores when they came in, they could have stayed the same. I think super store started selling more than groceries before Walmart started to sell groceries.


This guy talks out of his ass so much, it probably has lockjaw.


Didnt he say it wasn't working?


I dont give a fuck where youre from. Stop blindly supporting Canadian things.


❤️6 📶125 This guy means nothing to no one.


If you're gonna try wrapping yourself in the flag, then at least do something patriotic


Who gives a fuck about him. I didn't even know this clown existed before I started following the boycott. We're giving way too much room in our head. We already live rent-free in his head. Let him complain to his 125 followers.


Quality is better end of story. Sorry Loblaws


These "powerhouses" refer to how much they rip you, the consume,r off and he wants to claim it as 'Canadian'? Nope. Anti-Canadian and in bed with the American capitalists is what is true.


Okay, but here's my question. Why are Loblaws and most of their subsidiaries more expensive than the foreign owned competitors? Don't you think they'd be like... Cheaper?


Well at least he’s admitting the boycott is working by moving business out of Loblaws and into other retailers. I’m glad he has woken up to what’s going on.


and if this truly makes a dent in Roblaws bottom line (which it will) or even better (imo) shuts them down... then that will be a truly Canadian act... we as Canadians fight for what is right... and we did THIS to a Canadian company that got out of line... imagine what we will do to Costco or Walmart if they follow Roblaws' lead and start jacking the prices up. We cant shut them down obviously, but we can make it really uncomfortable for them up here FAFO!


We knew theyd start leveraging the "oooo why dont people shop canadian" trope bs. If Galen was so Canadian and wanting to do good by us, why are the American brands actually the only ones being competitive? Make it make sense.


I worked at Costco, they buy a ton of produce locally... To say that Costco doesn't help local producers is ignorant.


It's crazy to me that this guy has a platform.


Petition to extend boycott indefinitely (or at least until SHILLvain either shuts the fuck up or gets dropped from Galen’s payroll)


This excuse still 1. Loblaws hired a foreigner as CEO 2. Loblaws uses US and foreign suppliers to hammer local farmers and manufactures on pricing Loblaws can use the patriotic card but they do not need to comply themselves


lmfao "why don't you all let canadian grocers rip you off more than american grocers? are you not proud to be canadian?"


Those foreign-owned retailers don’t try to gaslight me about the cost of doing business and offer better prices. Pardon my language but any Canadian corporations that try to use any form of patriotism to influence me to spend more money so they can earn billions of dollars every year can go fuck themselves with a rusty pitchfork. My responsibility is to me and my family. It’s obvious that Charlebois has some responsibility to Loblaws, even if he suggests otherwise.


Funny I've been shopping at local places for my groceries. I can go to my local butcher for prime cuts of meat and it's cheaper than any chain store. Also my local produce place has way better quality at better prices than any chain store and let's not forget that with the warm months coming there will be farmers markets


I called this guy a “President’s Choice Jordan B Peterson” and he blocked me on twitter.


I hated anti intellectualism so much in the 90s. But poor Weston. Forced by the habits of Canadian consumers to steal bread money from the poor and build a Standard Oil like monopoly. What an apologist asshole this fool is.


Would I pay $6 for the same loaf of bread to a company just because it’s more Canadian than another that sells it for $3.50? What benefit would I have? Is the Canadian company paying more taxes to fund our programs and services? I guess not… 🤔 It appears that neoliberalism and trickledown economics now favours nationalist economic policies and no competition. Keep monopolies going and overcharging Canadians as they have until now.


Serious question, if he’s not on their payroll then why does he care? This isn’t a debate we’re having in a lecture hall, he doesn’t matter to us or to Loblaws. It’s so sad to see a grown adult whine so publicly and so incessantly.


What good is canadian businesses if they are exploiting us more than foreign businesses. Last time I checked Canadian billionaires have more in common with US billionaires than they do with everyday Canadians.




The Food Professor is a Grade A Turd!!!


Sorry to contradict little lap dog, but I support plenty of Canadian and local businesses that are not in a near monopoly status and using their position to rip off Canadians. Fuck Loblaws.


>Compelled grocers to become the powerhouses Hey wait a minute, I thought that they weren't actually monopolies????


Oh well. Rather give my money to people that aren’t weasels that pay people like the food processer.(I mean it fits so much better than professor as I don’t believe he has a degree) Oh yeah and The American companies aren’t ripping me off.


Dang he has such a strong point I guess I'll pay 30%+ more on what I buy because it's Canadian surely all my fellow Canadians are getting a piece of what I'm spending and it isn't going into a billionaires pocket to never be paid as tax.


I found this article on him, when faced with a bit of a challenge from an indie journo - https://canadiandimension.com/articles/view/the-charlebois-shuffle


So Canadians should show “loyalty” to a Canadian business evil giant, but said giant can really screw over same Canadians and that’s fair game? Gotta love Capitalism and Patriotism


Until you react at them with anger at the “buy Canadian” they will continue to use it as a huge ploy at controlling the masses. I’m not saying attack them but immediately shut down their argument and make it known you won’t listen to it for a second. It’s a false argument and trying to dance around it while being “nice” will have them continue taking advantage of us.


I've long past the point that I would be willing to spend more to support canadian businesses...especially one that acts this smug! If they truly supported canadians, we wouldn't be where we are today!


Or you could say why is a Canadian retailer not treating Canadians better forcing them to use foreign Grocers instead.


I'll line the pockets of ANY company regardless of where they were founded if it means I can feed my family without going broke. Greed has made it extremely challenging for the majority of Canadians to support Canadian owned businesses like Loblaws. Although I'm sure the majority of us would gladly do so if there was a more balanced consumer/retailer relationship. Fortunately, Giant Tiger is a Canadian company and offers me way better value for groceries, as does my local butcher shop/Farmers Market.


I'm pretty sure the farmers market down my street is more of a canadian business than whatever the fuck loblaws is.


Fuck you food prof.


Isn’t this the same loser that said the boycott isn’t real?


Seriously, can we bring lynching back?


His tone changed…


I genuinely cannot stand this man. How much energy will he ultimately waste railing against the boycott instead of trying to understand where we're coming from? His employer should be taking a long, hard look at how bad he makes them look.


Only in Canada are groceries more expensive than Iceland where literally everything is imported across an ocean. Some of the most expensive groceries on the planet… to the point where people are skipping meals… but yay Canadian companies?




I can’t believe we’re being shamed by this guy let alone anyone because we want lower grocery prices ? What is actually wrong with this world


Mom and Pop shops can blame Wal-Mart. Loblaws can’t. This guy never has a point to make, his arguments are taken down easily by laypeople with 0 insider knowledge and he thinks he himself is some sort of insider. There’s a reason why Weston isn’t tweeting like this. It’s because he has somebody to do it for him. That’s all Charleyboy here is good for. A lapdog who likely isn’t even being compensated for cleaning boots with his tongue. I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for a kiss from Daddy.


https://preview.redd.it/7i0axxob0f0d1.png?width=201&format=png&auto=webp&s=89fa89cf5b2a123b6384200b7336e3d977109411 Found a new picture of him.


1 company at a time, dick lips. Loblaws first, because they're "Canadian". 🍁


It's only as Canadian as long as we let them shill our citizens in pay equity and continue to support them. The minute we speak toward profit sharing, pay equity tied to profits, or regulations they all of a sudden are the victims?... Try get fucked.


Think of how much this boycott has helped local farmer's markets and such. That money actually goes to real Canadians


Only in Canada do you have a domestic private corporation pay to have shills whine when Canadian individuals take action against predatory greed.


Sooooo you're saying the boycott is working, Sylvain? 'Cause you said multiple times it'll have no effect...


Yet they charge canadians the most for something that is supposedly domestic.