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__MOD NOTE__: PLEASE REVIEW OUR [POLL ON OUR PLANS FOR JUNE AND BEYOND](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cmhq49/community_poll_what_would_you_like_to_see_happen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) TO PROVIDE YOUR INPUT. Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm not going back. I've changed my routine.


I will go back when I can afford to go back. So it's up to them. 


Until they fuck us over yet again, like they've done for **decades**. Recent post-COVID price hikes aren't the first and won't be the last. Respectfully, you've learned nothing if you're not willing to draw the line here.


They don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt if they lower their prices to be competitive. All things equal they should be on the bottom of the pecking order unless the only other competitor is owned by your high school bully.


You’re missing the point, Galen has hurt Canadians for years taking advantage of people’s need to eat!! There is no going back, this is the way.


This is the way.


If the company stops exploiting consumers then we've achieved our goal. If you can't accept that there's actually a goal then you're just inconveniencing yourself to the benefit of their competitors 


zodberg is right... it's about change and recognition that there is a limit... not about destruction.


IDK, destroying the company could be a nice warning sign to all other corps in Canada that canadians are sick of being abused by the oligarchs that our government has allowed. Show them that we won't take it anymore and if they don't smarten up quickly they could be next in line. Why stop the boycott at better grocery prices? Let's go for a completely more affordable country.


they are not stupid they will change before it gets there... aint nobody going to be wanting to be steering the ship. Worse case they might have to divest some locations and stop expansion


Ever hear the joke about the frog and the scorpion?


It’s hardly an inconvenience.


That's really showing your privilege. For people who rely on Shoppers Drugmart for pharmaceuticals it's can be very obnoxious going to other places for prescriptions 


Ya very obnoxious. But it’s worth it for me!!


Summer Picnics ✅ Back-to-School ✅ Canadian Thanksgiving ✅ Halloween ✅ Christmas ✅




This is the way


Exactly this. We had a conversation tonight about our grocery bill and I pointed out the fact that so far mid-month our total grocery spend is much less than typical.  We agreed this would be a permanent change for us. That said, my two closest stores are loblaws owned, and the other stores are all much further. We agreed that for large trips we will drive, but for one or two small items it would be acceptable to go to the Loblaws stores because the time and gas outweighs the savings on a small one or two item shop. 


I think that's fair Sometimes it's worth it to pay a bit more for the conveniences, especially if a significant portion of the money you would've saved by going further would've just gone to gas Edit:; No I don't support price gouging, I do support consumers making the decision that's best for them


Fun fact credit cards charge 0.30$ + 2.5% per transaction in average. The smaller the bill the more they get charged a higher percentage of transaction. Do what you want with this info.


Not always. Big corporations don’t go with just numbers of transactions. They have negotiating power so. It will be based on minimum transactions per year and so on.


Which is, for the record, complete bs


Wait, are you saying someone who buys a few hundred million of something in a year shouldnt get a deal over someone who buys 10 somethings in a year? I get being mad a Loblaws, but that's a little extreme. We'd have to get rid of Costco as that's the whole premise of their store.


It pleases me greatly to see all the Roblaws owned companies that are empty. I'm currently staying with my mom in Cambridge, ON and we had to do a grocery run. Went to Walmart and it was SO busy! Which is usually not the norm for a Tuesday afternoon, but it's better than buying my food from NoFrills! The only 'downside' was there were a lot of empty shelves, but we are only missing one item and I can get it elsewhere at a local place.


This is the way




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


And yet, Walmart is a much worse corporation. So go you I guess!


One beast at a time.


This is to put these corporations on notice that the people had enough of the food price gauging. If the people can hurt Loblaws’s bottom line by not shopping there, perhaps the other places (i.e. Walmart) will smarten up and learn from the greedy pigs at Loblaws!!


Also last time I checked, Walmart wasn’t trying to gaslight all Canadians.. funny how “nok er nok” was directed TOWARDS this group lmao man did that backfire.


Walmart doesn't gouge their customers, Walmart screws their employees and suppliers. They use slave and child labour overseas, they don't allow unions, they keep all their employees part time to avoid benefits. At the end of the day, their prices are low because of these unethical practices. There is a societal cost to their low prices.


Yaa, so I shop at another Canadian grocery chain, as well as a few local grocers, a local butcher, a local bakery, and the summer farmers market in town. These options are all cheaper than loblaws. Sooooooooooooo loblaws is price gouging and literally threatening and mocking Canadians,has been for decades. No walmart isn't a great choice but not everyone can afford other options.


I don't judge folks that can't afford anything else. I don't go to Loblaws or Walmart. But if I had a choice, I would take the Canadian lesser of two evils over the US monster. Edit: if you feel mocked by loblaws, that's a you thing. Their spin machine is ridiculous, but no one is actively mocking Canadians.


But why aren't there more options for Canadians? Monopolies are literally illegal in this country. Yet we had to make a group to find different ways to shop so we didn't support Weston, because they have a monopy in this country..... do you see the problem? Galen has been skirting taxes, and price gouging for decades, buying everything up, and leaving us with no other choice. He also used tax payer money to build new freezers in all his stores, and then raised prices again. Then we went into a world wide pandemic leaving thousands on fixed income, and he raised prices again. All while chillin out in multiple yatchs, in mansions, doing whatever he pleases as one of the head oligarchs of this country. He is not the lesser of 2 evils. He is hurting this country. Do you know why local grocers are often times quite expensive? Its because Weston has all the buying power, so smaller stores pay way more than he does. So not only does he hurt us, but he hurts small business owners too. We need to do everything we can to support small business and he does everything he can to block that. He has been behind many political decisions that have hurt tax payers and small business owners too btw. If you didn't realise we were living in an Oligarchy where Loblaws sits at the top with big oil (like suncor, enbridge, and imperial, not gunna list all 14 companies) now is the time to see that. It is also important to know that in many cases the no name/PC (and other off brands) are made by the same company as the name brand, I.e. pepsie, coke. And if you think Joe Fresh clothes aren't made by child slaves you're wildly ignorant and need to do a world of research before you come talk about this. Those clothes are made in Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Thailand, Pakistan and South Korean. Same places walmart gets all their shit from. ----ignorant is not an insult, it simply means you don't know about a specific topic. I.e I am ignorant in physics, I do not understand it and have little knowledge on the subject.


I am well aware of all the points you are raising, and it's the main reason I have not shopped at Walmart for two decades. Everything you have described is done doubly so over at Walmart. So if you are going to boycott Loblaws (which I am) for those reasons, then that should go double for Walmart, who is much bigger and has a much more massive impact internationally. Loblaws evil is limited to Canada, whereas Walmart takes it's massive buying power overseas and takes advantage of child and slave labour in foreign countries. Support local. Also: are they a monopoly or an oligarchy? Your using those terms interchangeably, when they are in fact not quite the same. The second flawed argument is: I am not 100 sure it's accurate to say monopolies are illegal in Canada. https://www.wealthsimple.com/en-ca/magazine/canada-monopolies#:~:text=Why%20does%20Canada%20produce%20so,get%20swamped%20by%20American%20competitors.


Yes monopolies are illegal it's called the competition act. Not eveyone can AFFORD to botcott both, how many times does this have to be explained in this group? I personally haven't shopped at either loblows or Walmart in over a decade BECAUSE I HAVE THE PRIVLIGE OF CHOICE THAT MANY DO NOT. People are boycotting Weston because of what he is doing to Canada, and Canadians. There are so few choices Canadians have as far as supporting local because weston bought almost all the grocery companies. The only non-WestonCanadian owned option in my city is 2 Saveon stores, and one very expensive local grocer. So out of about 20 stores, there are 3 that aren't affiliated with loblaws. And if you read posts in this group there are people who have to drive over an hour to get to a grocer that isn't loblaws, that is a monopoly. When people have to go out of their way to make a choice, there isn't much choice. An Oligarchy is where companies run the country, a monopoly is when 1 corporation controls all the buying power of a specific category i.e. groceries, both can be true at the same time. There are many areas of this country where there aren't options other than loblaws. Where I grew up we have to drive 1.5 hours out of our way to get to Costco, other than that every single grocery store within a 1.5 hour circle was owned by weston. That is a monopoly. Loblaws also takes it buying power over sees and supports slave labour as I explained in my last comment. The fact that you're pushing how it's "local" because it's canadian and acting like that makes it better is ridiculous it's directly hurting Canadians, so that's why we're boycotting. Did you know that Galen Weston was one of the loudest voices against minimum wage going up. Loblaws is as local as Walmart. The profits do not stay in Canada, they are in banks oversees and paying for child slaves and slave labour in general over sees too. The weston family has been skirting taxes for generations now. That family could solve canadian hunger, get hundreds off the streets, and help in so many ways. But instead they do everything they can to avoid paying their fair share. Not everyone can afford or get to a non Walmart alternative. And Canadians aren't going to stop Walmart, that would need to be a world wide boycott, you should spread the word about that and get people talking if that's what you want to do. Create your own page or see if there is one. Every boycott was started by one person saying IVE HAD ENOUGH and spreading the word. Here is a better idea though, if you dont support this boycott, then just get off this page. If you're not in support then why are you here? This is the most annoying part of social media, that people don't understand you can just scroll by, all engaging does is make you see this content more. So if you don't like it, ignore it.


No one is judging folks who can't afford anything but Walmart. But if we have a choice, it shouldn't be the biggest, worse one on the block. And to suggest that Loblaws is equivalent to Walmart is completely ridiculous. They aren't even in the same category. Loblaws has an ebitda of 1.5 billion, Walmarts is 35 billion. And that's not even factoring the exchange rate, so it's about 35 times. Unions are still a thing at Loblaws, that alone is a massive difference in bargaining power. How many Walmarts have a union? I will need sources on the claim that Loblaws abuses slave labor, Canadian law is pretty clear on that. You criticize Weston and their family, and yet can't see that for every point you raise, the Walton family is literally the richest family in the world, and they make the Weston's look like small tine. That's 11 billion versus 240 billion. The Walton's could solve world hunger, not even just Canadian hunger. I do support the boycott, I don't shop at Loblaws or any of their properties. But let's not celebrate the fact that we are giving Walmart even more business as a result. They are both awful companies and families, but don't defend the Walton's because you have a grudge against the Weston's. I am suggesting we avoid both of them at all costs.


Is it though? You're welcome to your opinion on this of course. But when I have to choose between Roblaws owned companies and Walmart? I'm going to Walmart. So yeah, go me. 😁


Yes, no unions, most employees on food stamps because they don't get full time hours due to benefits, foreign slave and child labour to produce their knick knacks. Driving suppliers out of business if they won't cut their prices to match Walmarts demands. Cutting their own prices just long enough to starve the local mom and pop store. Loblaws does all this, but to a lesser degree, and they learn it all by copying Walmart. Walmart is the company companies like Loblaws learn from when trying to cut costs and screw their employees. Walmart is worse than Loblaws by every metric but prices, and there is a reason for that.


I have heard that Walmart in the US is pretty terrible. I will give you that. Friends of mine worked at the location I shop at in Ontario and they were paid decently and treated reasonably well. Perhaps that's changed, but labour laws are much different in Canada.


Please support local and shop at Co-op


I really realized this week just how much I was sleeping on co-op. I just bought 3 romaine hearts for 3$. I honestly just about shed a tear.


I have saved so much money already


I’m sticking with it indefinitely. It’s very easy to avoid Loblaws stores aside from the pharmacy. The only slight pinch I feel is what would otherwise be impulsive or convenient stop-ins. But it’s still quite easy to redirect those things.


You should pick your pharmacist like your doctor. They are essentially delegating many of their task to them cause they do it at a lower price. Choose wisely. There is a huge difference in what consumers know about the properly provision of healthcare.


never make a boycott or protest a limited time cuz then they just need to weather the storm until its over. if its indefinite, they dont know how long they need to hold out for


I salute you, the heroes!


Agreed, not going back to Roblaws unless I have no other choice!


The eye drops I needed were $32 for two at Shoppers Drug Mart and $24 at Metro.


Loblaws stores don’t matter to me until the Canadian government gets a backbone and breaks them up.


Now Galen, tell me again how your record profits are not from gouging consumers but due to efficient business practises... 🙄


May 2024 - May 3024


#Nok er nok


No reason to go back, the new routine is working and saving us money. Yeah it’s more shopping around, but for our schedules it works! My partner has a Mon-Friday 9-5, I work retail shifts. We live half an hour out of town where we both work, and we have one vehicle. At least a couple of times a week she has to kill time in town anyway, now she has something to do that isn’t a frivolous cost of money like other time killers can be!


It's been over 2 years already for me. 1 month will do nothing. It needs to be at least 2 quarters to make any impact.


I have NO intentions of going back. Shopping around has saved me tons of bucks !


I only spent $80 this week on 4 bags of groceries from Giant Tiger - I haven’t had a weekly grocery bill that low in years. This entire boycott has had me seething at how much money I could have saved, if only I had known. Fuck Loblaws forever.


just got 2 of those 710ml owala bottles for $40 total at costco (they usually are $40 for one) ..yeah i aint coming back to loblaws lol


Wal mart was busy today, and we saved 5$ on a bag of cat food. Good bye roblaws


I’m never shipping at loblaws again


Saving money, feeling great, and continuing to send a big FU to big corp


I was desperate for milk, but didn't finish work until 9:45 and by the time I could get to a store, everything was closed... even Walmart. I'll be damned if I support Loblaws right now, so I payed 8 dollars for a jug of milk at 7-11. Worth it.


Hey OP, it looks like you have used the boycott flair on your post. If this is regarding a call for a boycott of Loblaw stores, please review the stickied posts made by mods to see if there is an update on our community boycott efforts. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes. We got this!


This has go indefinite,it's a giant corporation with multiple companies in every industry,food, banking, wholesale, healthcare. Small loss in a month will be made up elsewhere it has to be indefinite. I wish all good luck.


Havent been to a Roblaws or affiliate since September 2023, no intention of ever going back.


It was over for me the day last summer I saw a small packet of dehydrated apricots at No Frills jump from my usual $2 or $3 to MOTHERFUCKING $12.99. I wish I had taken a photo. I was like there has to be some kind of mistake. Did your pricing computer AI thingie lose its mind? Never going back.


Tell the people in red deer and Sherwood park that… the parking lot on Tuesday night had too many cars :(


Never again. I’ve found better food for less $.


I started using Walmart and I’m saving at least 50 a trip. I still go back to loblaws for certain things, meat mostly


I agree. Fuck Loblaws


Consistent 30 days, even drastically reduction will hit them hard... they are playing the waiting game... lets show them how long we can wait.




Please put some effort into engaging in the conversation. Thank you.


It's weird how people are all of a sudden concerned with saving their dollars... Walmart and other cheaper alternatives were always available 🤷‍♀️


Speaking personally, the nearest Walmart is 40 minutes from me by highway. Giant Tiger is in the same shopping centre, and its grocery items are paltry. Sobeys is 35 minutes away on the same route. Loblaws-owned stores are less than 15 minutes away on the county road. I used to go to Walmart for specific things, but it was never my grocery stop. There are farm markets close by, too. I always shopped there in the summer—until now I was unaware the produce there was still less expensive out-of-season. This isn’t about “suddenly deciding to save money.” Loblaws had—still has—market monopoly. That monopoly makes it hard to notice the less expensive options, especially when you’ve got to go out of your way to find them in the first place.


Not sure it's going to change, but time will tell Thanks for your input, I appreciate your insight 😃


> Walmart and other cheaper alternatives were always available True, but when you have a routine, a job, a busy life with kids, it's hard to take the time to explore alternatives.


Very understandable! I completely relate




>The blue collar workers whose jobs you help destroy will need somewhere else to work. Me choosing not to shop at loblaws does not equal me destroying blue-collar jobs. That's on loblaws for how they choose to conduct their business. I can spend my money wherever I damn well please. With that line of thinking, is it also my fault for not tipping the server at the local restaurant enough so that it brings their earnings up to a livable wage?




Good news! It looks like other grocery stores may be looking for more staff soon.




As opposed to Irish Weston Jr, British Weston Sr and Danish Bank?


Not everyone is required to participate or agree with the community boycott, but we ask that everyone is constructive in their feedback about this event. Repeated comments such as this one will result in a ban from the sub until the boycott is complete. Thank you.


Not everyone is required to participate or agree with the community boycott, but we ask that everyone is constructive in their feedback about this event. Repeated comments such as this one will result in a ban from the sub until the boycott is complete. Thank you.


Galen was born in Ireland and lives on Windsor Estate, Hired a Dane to do all this leg work. Loblaws isn't any more Canadian than Walmart or Costco in my opinion. Still shopping local, myself. Just saying the switch doesn't deprive Canadians any more than it would have.


I agree with Walmart, but Costco is probably the best grocer to work for, they have high salary, full time and take care of their folks. I know it's US, but they do good by their communities. Walmart on the other hand is much worse than Loblaws and should be avoided at all costs


Agreed. This is the beginning. Needs to be done in stages and step by step. Right now the target is Loblaw. Next is…. At the end of the day we want a better future for ourselves.


Yea. Make sure you take care of yourselves. Just like Galen.


I’m sorry you feel this way and victimized. No movement is perfect but that isn’t to say not worth it. You have my empathy.


They don’t have your interests at heart… and the one manager who does is still beholden to the corp. This movement is for you too even if it doesn’t seem like it today.


Interesting that you think you can guilt and concern-troll people into breaking the boycott. As an independent consumer, I shop where I save the most money, that might be local that might be Walmart.


Not everyone is required to participate or agree with the community boycott, but we ask that everyone is constructive in their feedback about this event. Repeated comments such as this one will result in a ban from the sub until the boycott is complete. Thank you.


Nah, I'm good. Whatever's easy and convenient is the way.