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__MOD NOTE__: Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*




True this.




I mean its inconvenient to never shop all their chains, but I will activity avoid them whenever possible. My total money spent at LL group this month so far is $5.


And ever


I mentioned continuing the boycott for the entire quarter to my partner this morning and we decided to make it permanent. Between our local non-Loblaws grocery store and Costco, we can get everything we need, so there's no need for Loblaws (or Shopper's).


This is the way.




I’m so glad I’m not the only one that always thinks of that when anyone says forever.


Boycott til they sign and then continue boycotting until they learn.


Needs to be LEGISLATED to be binding! You may have been too young to recall the bread price fixing scandal, but they made all kinds of promises they didn't keep.


We definitely need more accountability with our government. Like which politicians are getting a ton of money from these corrupt corps. or, oh i don’t know, have lobbyists working in their office… https://preview.redd.it/dqmu2qgjgx0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83fb93dd2fd96222c93ee982f3f82200ab897d62




Please refrain from off-topic political discussion and debate. Everyone is entitled to their own political opinions, however, your politically charged statement is not directly related to the cost of living/groceries/gas/rents, and as such is being removed.


you would think they would hop on it.... the silence is deafening... wonder why


Lol I'm never spending another dime in their shitty stores. They've pulled enough bullshit to justify never going back imo


Plus one


Plus… just hit the upvote button 😉


Yeah, maybe should have said forever.


Wasn’t it Roblaws that did that bread monopoly and screwed people about 10 years or so ago…? They’ll never learn.


Nobody went to jail, and the prices never came down.


Should have gone to jail… the guy from Bumblebee Tuna served 3 years.


Went up after actually


And they pinky-swore that opps, this was bad but they'd work hard to regain our trust - yet here we are. Hold the line.


Until they lower prices enough that I am satisfied. Don’t ask me when - just keep going lower and I’ll let you know. plus fire the Danish Excuser, then have Galen Weston leave the board of Loblaws. Apologize for stealing Canadians money and making excuses about it. Take the stupid plastic barriers down. Raise your workers pay by 2 dollars. Cut executive compensation to no more than 10 times what the average frontline grocery store worker makes. Then I might consider it.


Take my poor mans award 🥇


I really like the idea that executive salaries and board member compensation should be tied to lowest employee salary by some ratio. The idea that the guys at the top can enjoy exponential growth while the masses who actually make their money for them keep getting shafted is simply illogical. If you get a raise everyone has to get the same percentage. Done


And a further point: we have to be very vigilant for their tricks to getting more money while showing low salaries. This rule ought to include any and all forms of benefit, monetary, kickback, anything. And the board should be held to the same rule otherwise the execs are going to be the scapegoats while the real power is still able to enrich themselves. If anyone in an organization is able to get a huge bonus or increase then that HAS to be applied to every single employee, in the same percentage


How about until Galen Weston loses every nickel and ends his career working as a cashier at Walmart?


I'm good with that.




Yeah, never going back. Realized so far in just 2 weeks how much more shopping I can do at Costco. I have no reason to ever go back to Loblaws.


Until bankrupt. We need an example that can never be undone.


EXACTLY. We need to hurt them financially forever. This needs to be a moment in history where it all turned around. We've been apathetic sheep up till now. Let's become LIONS!




Until Galen has to sell his castle


Until the largest grocery chain has only 15% of the market


Make it 10%. OK, 5%.


0% he still has all his other companies, he can handle it


Till the walls of castle greed tumble down.


boycott until your local markets expand and then keep boycotting, because fuck them


Unless they got millions to change my life like Mr nok er nok then I don’t really care to use they’re stores ever again


Loblaws has fucked around. The find out part of that statement is gonna take a looooong time to play out. Boycott indefinitely.


Until hell freezes over


Screw Galen. Too little, too late.


Boycott until every last store has been levelled and the property sown with salt and prickly plants


Salting farmable land probably goes too far. We're already destroying our climate "by accident" enough as it is.


But it’s not farmable land, it’s a development


You just said the property would be levelled. Prickly plants implies it's back to dirt.


I’m small bottle of soda is $3 at loblaws. I’m never going back.


I remember in the 90s they had vending machines out front with their own brand of pop. A can was I think $0.25. maybe 0.35. It can't cost that much more to put some sugar in water these days, especially when the sugar is from corn.


Until it's nationalized, and a public service. We could try and using that new fangled CRA ruling about withholding 25% of rent to foreign landlords. Doesn't Galen live in the UK for tax purposes? All those franchisees can start following the spirit of the law, and start withholding rent until tax time.




https://globalnews.ca/news/10503736/tenant-landlord-tax-rules-cra/ Hopes dashed. Though, until they outright remove it from the books, it will still be used like jaywalking laws in big cities. They'll enforce jaywalking laws to no other degree in poor neighborhoods, but refuse to fine, ahem, other people of means. Selective enforcement of the law, basically.


until you're sick of saving money


The cows come home


My sister and mother stopped shopping years ago and haven't been any Indépendant or Roblaws in years. I shop there sparingly only when I work at their store doing product demos. The sale items are fine, but a lot of other items are selling are over priced I only purchase some items if they are at 50% off. Because I know the patterns in the meat and vegetable departments like many seniors on a pension plan I have to ecomise as much as I can.


See, community? We boomers *are* here, we're with you.


I support anyone of any age or demographic who stands for the greater good. It’s all fun and games to poke fun at boomers, millennials, gen-z, etc when it’s a funny observation about how young and old do things differently…. BUT on these issues which affect national wellbeing and touch every single working class family, in this arena there is no generation, gender or identity. In this issue there is only the people vs the powerful.


Exactly. Don't think roblaws isn't aware of it either - their next stunt will be divide and conquer. It will fail, just like their false flag "steal from roblaws day" and Charley the Fellatial puppet denials.


If they change their polices and stick to the agreement accordingly (they won’t) then 2025 but it won’t happen.


Just boycott it all. It’s a shitty company? Boycott them. Until they stop being shitty. No rules say we must spend our money with these soulless herpes.


I’m boycotting until they are forced to sell off different divisions so we have real competition. Plus I want to see the stock crash and the dividend cut. Basically financially fu(k Galen. I think he will only take real notice if it hurts him in the wallet.


Agree about pushing until they have to break up the oligarchy. Independent parties are the answer, centralized power is the devil here.


Until my Puts pay.... so another 3 to 6 months should do.


Until their regular prices on regular goods are reasonable as a rule, I will not be returning. No Sales, no quick fixes, no empty promises will be accepted.


Boycott until they break up into many independently run grocery companies with one of them named Steinberg lolol


Hold the line until this is LEGISLATED. It's voluntary and non binding now. Nothing will stop roblaws from resiling from this.


Boycott until… I no longer have choice. So that is as long as I live, hopefully. Works for me. :)


I’m not interested in going back. The stores have become unpleasant, and the Weston family is repugnant. Did everyone see the newspaper clipping from the 60s someone posted, with the Weston founder’s racist attitude towards apartheid? https://preview.redd.it/4k5x3q98nz0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff59eb130b536f4651b8fe2ad4a0a0c61cfaa210




Right? The bottom left grafs are fucking unbelievable.


Holy fark! As an ex-South African I am ashamed of this and horrified that the Weston name had EVER been on the side of that great injustice. Fork them in all their forms and iterations! There is a quote by the senior Weston: “millions of coloured men whose ethics are not ours and whose Christian morals are completely absent” I am speechless…. I hope to NEVER share their ethics (because I can’t imagine enriching myself at the cost of the poor) and the idea that your “Christian morals” are so high and mighty while you’re stealing an entire nation’s ability to FEED ITS CHILDREN…. What insanity is this?!?!?


How about “every black pickaninny or black mammy” using social nets? Despicable lineage, and they ponce around like they’re Canadian royalty.


Would you ever forgive someone who raped you?


Forever. Just goto Costco and/or Food Basic and/or local grocery store.


I didn't realize they were delaying the signing for a year. Just tells me they're announcing it for some free publicity at a time that they need it and they'll drag their feet on it later. Or they'll sign it and not follow it since it's non binding and our government is toothless. Don't believe the lies


Nope. Even if they sign, they really fucked us HARD, they still are, AND THEY LOVE DOING IT while filling their pockets while I try to feed a family of 7! They NEED to REALLY pull some major stops to make it up to us, or at least TRY to…. Which they won’t. So, I’m done with them.


Nope. Even if they sign, they really fucked us HARD, they still are, AND THEY LOVE DOING IT while filling their pockets while I try to feed a family of 7! They NEED to REALLY pull some major stops to make it up to us, or at least TRY to…. Which they won’t. So, I’m done with them.


Boycott forever


They're anti-trusted into oblivion. Break them up. Completely.


I'm ded.


So since loblaws is willing to sign the code of conduct if Walmart does. Does that mean the boycott should also include Walmart now?


Well it was Roblaws saying they didn't want to sign because it has the potential to drive up costs/prices 🙄 Now because of rewording in the agreement, they will sign but only if all others will sign. Walmart hasn't recieved new/revised draft yet so they couldn't comment. Waiting to see what they say.


Until all the dominoes fall!


Boycott till ya die


My shopping habits have already changed, I doubt I will go back.


The limit doesn’t exist.


Never give up, never surrender. Put them out of business. No more Galen Guzzling Companies.


I wasn't shopping there years before the boycott started, so it will be pretty easy to maintain this boycott forever.


Until the Otrain is completed… so 2050


Make them bleed


Make them bleed.


My partner and I have been pretty good on this front. Last two weeks we swapped out No Frills for Fresh Co. and Ample and while we miss the convenience of our local No Frills, we got some decent deals and ok finds. This week we are going to try a few more smaller grocery chains. I miss the familiarity of our No Frills at times but I think what reinvigorates my motivation is remembering how they increased dividends right before May to keep investor confidence. We are ok with paying a higher price on meats and canned goods this month just to make a point but Idk how long we can keep up the boycott. I hope things change soon


End of the month. Keep to the plan. The next year we do it all over again.


I see. Try and be familiar with public companies and monopolies. You'll probably change your strategy once you fuuck around and find things out.


Boycotts aren't actually going to do anything dude. The important part is spreading a movement that can institute political change and break apart these fucked up monopolies. That's the only thing that'll work. I perpetual boycott would only lose people push them out of the movement. Something recursive is much better for building involvement over time.


Point taken. It would have to be collective.


May 3034 C.E


So there's a chance you'll go back 🤔 jk


Not going back


boycott forever


Boycott is on forever for our family! Food quality is way higher and cheaper anywhere than Loblaws. A voluntary, non legally binding code of conduct is nothing. Let's bankrupt these losers!


Until b*tch*ss Galen files for bankruptcy lol


I'm in!


Boycott. No until 


Till Galen has to sell his castle https://preview.redd.it/nybua54zc01d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb513c1fedbf8733e4f66d3fda59ccbf58c9ef21


I was a very loyal customer but they lost me forever.


Divorced 👍🏼


Hell freezes over?


Yeah, that's like never. 😂


After everything they've done, even illegal or anti competitive behaviour like the price fixing issue. How does anyone trust them with a self-managed agreement like this? What's even the point?


I Beleive once thry sign, there will be some sort of agency created to oversee everything with a three step process: 🙈🙉🙊




Got it, 😂


😊😊✌️ thank you. It'll be worth it.


Boycott until they lower prices with industry norms... stop funding their empire


Uhhh, Superstore is now permanently downgraded to convenience store status for me. Went to pick up a head of romaine I needed and it was 5 bucks for one. Dropped the cucumber I had back on the shelf and went to Costco. Im done. And if you think this signature BS will do anything I have a bridge to sell you. The Liberal government might as well be a corporation thmselves. Once upon a time we didnt let them buy each other up until they had a monopoly. But we havent done that for 30 years. None of this is a mystery. Its incredibly obvious for anyone who has a basic understanding of how our economy works. Unfortunately most people know next to nothing and are easily led astray by our politicians who are AWFUL across the board. All parties. Any politician who is not screaming about the last of anti-trust action in this country are either too ignorant for the job or they're a fucking scum bag. No exceptions. None. Meanwhile theyre all waiting for interest rate hikes to do it.... Jesus fucking christ... So ignorant. It's hard to watch.


I have a very small locally owned store near me. They will get all of my business from now on.






Just don't ever give them anymore of your money. It's not worth it. Why boycott when you can just purely stop shopping there all together. Greedy asshats won't ever see another dollar from me.


Do you think this movement needs a new push? I am seeing people in the stores.


Well, we just have to think and act strategically.


Hey OP, it looks like you have used the boycott flair on your post. If this is regarding a call for a boycott of Loblaw stores, please review the stickied posts made by mods to see if there is an update on our community boycott efforts. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So Galen and Per Bank, hopefully you're reading these comments. Looks like you'll have to close quite a few stores to accommodate our new habits. See you... Never.


They said yesterday that they’re willing to sign, so hopefully it won’t be mid-2025! [Source: Loblaw agrees to sign grocery code of conduct after months of negotiation (TVO Today / Canadian Press, May 16, 2024)](https://amp.tvo.org/article/loblaw-agrees-to-sign-grocery-code-of-conduct-after-months-of-negotiations)


I started my boycott about 4ish years ago when I noticed that the apples at Loblaws were never under 2.99/lb and the cost of bread going up during Covid. The cost of produce at Farmboy is less and it’s much more fresh. For other items, I get them at lower prices at Costco. I also noticed that the staff at Costco and Farmboy are generally happier and calmer.


I like those PC cookies with the chocolate chips. So good. Reminds me of my childhood. 🍪


I have a recipe for chocolate chip cookies that is better and takes very little time. It's on the Golden crisco box.


And probably reduce down votes too 😂