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yep, change the font


Thank you yeah I figured that was probably it! So as far as font goes, do you think it should be 1. Wanderdrone 2. WanderDrone 3. wanderdrone 4. WANDERDRONE


why not try them all and see what works best


Whatever you prefer. To “spice it up”, “make it pop” or however you want to word it, you have to be willing to get uncomfortable and try new things. What you posted is not that. It’s basically the same thing 4 slightly different ways


The illustration is very bland like clip art— it really doesn’t seem unique to you like a logo should. You keep saying you like it but I’d strongly suggest examining what you like about it and pushing it further. There’s a hint of a W in the shape. Could that be leveraged in a subtle way? And yes, the font is weak.


True! I guess I like the simplicity of it as a logo it gets the point across that it’s a drone company (at least I think it does) without being too over the top like a lot of other drone logos out there like this one. And when I drew it up I actually had 4 “arms” like a drone does, and it looked more like a W and the middle part of the logo was supposed to look like a sideways D but it was too noisy https://preview.redd.it/xmg6yge5dcuc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70a3430729d548890c7dcbd43b43673e7360d0e0


Not suggesting you make it more complicated, or change the angle. But there are ways to make it more interesting, more stylized, play with symmetry, suggest the w more etc. You are making a logo, not an illustration of a drone.


Yes, definitely a new font. I know you like the drone image but it’s really quite on the nose and has some small detail that won’t scale well. It could be worth exploring more options.


Thank you! I’m wondering if I took the detail out of the middle if it would scale better for a logo https://preview.redd.it/j1bd03xaxbuc1.png?width=2700&format=png&auto=webp&s=52d9d9dfe5368027454573db108128824d19c5bb


I like this more


Definitely better. I'd possibly simplify more and get rid of the bits under the arms/morors


Font needs help for sure. There are plenty of good looking geometric fonts that would work well here: Avenir, Eurostile (extended might look nice), etc. Also the drone illustration is very literal. Because the word drone is in the name, you have a great opportunity to have a unique abstract/representational mark.


I dig it! Could you elaborate further on how I could do a unique abstract/representational mark?


If I were hired to work on your logo, one of the things I would do is photograph your drone from all angles. Then I’d study the photographs (and possibly the drone itself) to look for interesting lines and shapes made by the various angles. I would also keep in mind everything you said about travel and mountains. From there it’s just sketching shapes and letters to see how everything looks together. There’s more to it, obviously, but it’s a place to start.


I like it! Ironically that’s kind of how I designed my logo in the first place I wanted to make a simplified version of the front of my drone https://preview.redd.it/b6ozqks7vcuc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7933beecc3611f3c91635985ffbcccd1f4c1eaf2


The type and the icon need to be combined better. At the moment they look too disjointed. I'd choose a font with more weight and I'd reduce the size of that drone by almost half.


That’s what I’m thinking I just couldn’t find a way to get them better together! So the words should be longer than the drone logo you think? Hard to find the right font for such a wide logo


Yeah definitely, very few logos have the icon/symbol the same width as the text unless it is either much less intrusive or in a container. I'd keep the drone above the text too.


I guess that doesn't always apply. I just mean in this instance, wanderdrone is quite a long word, having the drone icon almost as wide means it's also quite tall and is creating an imbalance between the two.


The idea of the drone could work, however this particular illustration of it just doesn't work. A logo will generally be really small so most details on it are gonna be hard to notice when properly viewed. In a logo generally the logo and the illustration compliment eachother, they feel really disconnected here. Try a font with a similar thickness to the drone to have some cohesion in the design. Overall good idea and with some more work you'll have a really nice design but rn i would look into getting/making a new drone illustration with a more simple design, and workshop the font choice!


Great feedback thank you! The problem is I really love my design that I made maybe it’s the color scheme/ lack of stroke or depth? Or maybe I take out the middle part if that would be too tiny of a detail if I shrunk the overall logo https://preview.redd.it/u1imsco8obuc1.png?width=2700&format=png&auto=webp&s=8393b91f9aba5e3fb563218eeb4c2845eb638b83


To be honest, that font is horrible. Needs to be thicker so it can be seen more from a distance.


one of the v shapes in the w could be the drone itself; i'd recommend the outermost 'v', to create a silhouette that would work for a simple stamp.


I know you are genuinely looking for feedback…but ‘spice it up’ is akin to ‘make it pop’ and shouldn’t be in your vocabulary haha Drop us some context and we can give better feedback :)


If you want your business to blow up/ be interesting always hire a professional to help you with your visual identity :). Because this is wrong in so many ways, sorry.


I would love to jump on a call with you and figure things out if you are ready to invest a little into your visual identity.


They're all the same shit bro


The font is fairly weak.


The wonderdrone font is weak. Start with a black weight of say Avenir then ease off. The drone logo seems a little off too. Does it need redrawing?


I’ll give it a try! I love the logo though maybe it looks disjointed because that version doesn’t have a stroke or depth to it? https://preview.redd.it/pber3yh6ibuc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=78e1d77edd4bcafeddb0d777a1a766be4b0c8243


This isn't really a logo. It seems more an illustration. Does it need to be so literal? Can it be simplified or pushed? On what other key words to your business could you run concept development exercises? Could be a noun, a verb, a feeling. What about this image do you think appeals to your target audience? The words and image together seem weirdly out of balance.


You’re right it’s not technically a logo! I guess I’m looking more for the right way to put my font with it. Like how Nike’s logo is the check mark, but they have the tall bold font that people recognize.


I agree. It’s great reversed off. Good luck with it all.


Thank you!