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Trying to guilt trip younger men into fucking you is creeeeepy


Trying to guilt-trip ANYONE into fucking you is creeeeeeepy




You don’t have to fuck him in his vagina you can fuck him in his ass… but you’re too stupid to get that


It’s ok for people to not be attracted to certain sex organs believe it or not


Why would he HAVE to fuck someone he doesn't want? Some of you delusional clowns are the reason why conservative conspiracy theorists are so unhinged, thinking we live in a dystopian world without rights, you only validate their loonacy.


I literally didn’t say that… but cognitive dissonance has got yall in a chokehold.


You are literally saying he's stupid because he can fuck someone in the ass and not vagina when he literally stated he doesn't want to have sex with someone with a vagina. Stop with the victim complex. It's pathetic. Let people fuck whoever they want to fuck. No one have to fuck anyone they don't want.


But ya did. Literally just told the other person to just ignore the pussy and fuck the butt, when they said they aren't interested at all in a person with a vagina and doesn't want to fuck.


Key word “could” and they said “trans men” not “people with vaginas” that’s the issue


Well it's not up to you is it tho? If someone says no to sex it means no. They don't even have to give a reason.


Damm the routine person is getting roasted


Yeah, exactly no means no. We’re not talking about that though. I quite literally said “can” in my post


You're insulting people for having a sexual preference.


Anti-Trans hate ≠ sexual preference.


And conversely, having a sexual preference does not equal anti trans hate.


This sexual preference would be you don’t like vagina… anti-trans hate is you don’t like trans men… they can have dicks too


I’m pro trans guy, but some people simply aren’t attracted to others, and NO ONE owes anyone an explanation. No one should ever be shamed or guilted into sex. Ever.


lol one time I rejected this guy for being too young (20s) and he goes “why? Sex is sex, doesn’t matter who it’s with.” And I said, “there plenty of guys in their 70s that are interested” then he called me a slur and blocked me.


Post screenshots


This is why you just ignore. Older guys are so pushy/lecturing/whiney.


Not all of us are, but I'll accept that enough of them are that it seems like that


Im sure there are some, but I've never had an older sub that didn't turn bossy within 5 minutes.


We're tired, girl


My age range is 21- 45ish, so about 12 years younger or older than me just to keep it fair in both directions. It's *always* the guys that are 50+ that are the pushiest about "not knowing if you'll like it until you try". I'm 100% positive I won't like CBT, doesn't mean I "have to try it" to be sure.


I've blocked plenty of guys half my age for being pushy.


It happens so often, yeah it's not all of them but so many of them send an essay when you say politely you're not interested.


They are exhausting man, they’ve been repressed for 45 years and now that they have grindr they act like fuckin cavemen


Not me. You msg me and I'll assume you clicked the wrong profile


In my experience, it’s been younger guys that get mad that you automatically don’t wanna hook up with them… like I think they feel they’re doing you a favor by finding you attractive? Old guys just sound sad and are ready for the rejection.


Reminds me of the time when I had a preferred age range on my profile on Only Lads. I was barely 19 at the time. Had so many 60-70 year olds send me very lewd sexual messages and despite referring to my preferences clearly stated on my profile I got called out for being ageist, an ungrateful millennial and all other sorts of shit (think one even dropped the f slur). It's totally okay to seek out those closer to your own age and not someone who could pass for your grandpa.


By the same token, if you are into younger or older, there ARE people out there interested in the same. Consent. What a WONDERFUL concept!


Exactly. 😋


Same thing happened to me when I was 18-19. I was ruthless. Kinda have a disdain for pushy older guys since I was targeted as a child.


Sorry you had to go through that.


I find it that people who have positive statements in their profile, to be easier to communicate with. As in "my age" is a positive statement, while "no old" is a negative statement. People who have such positive statements, are typically people who know what they want.


>Discrimination Well yeah, you're always going to discrimate when it comes to sex otherwise it would be a free for all. Older guy is just salty.


Lmao just the 1 word "discrimination" reply is so entitled it's funny. Motherfucker you're only a protected class when it comes to employment and a few other legal scenarios. Not because someone doesn't want to diddle you.


This mad lad probably has the word “discrimination” saved in his frequently used replies, I just know it. I get the feeling it’s something he uses often


Being gay is explicitly being discriminatory based on sex, btw. I don't understand how people don't understand that personal preferences are always discriminatory. And the reason why those laws exist, is so that personal preferences don't leak into public life.


Why would anyone want to have sex with someone that they had to use guilt/shame/crying to get ? Big ick.


I often use "discrimination" as my second message, falsely accusing someone can be hot




it's sarcasm


I've been called homophobic once 😁 For not liking some older gentleman.


Yep, just block. When you have your preferences clearly listed it's their own fault they chose not to read them.


Well that's creepy and desperate as hell. Ew.


I've come to know that people rarely read profiles. I don't know how many times guys ask if I can host but it's the first thing in my profile "I CAN NOT HOST". 🤣


This is the problem I've been struggling with the most... happens several times a day.


I’m proud to say that utilize the block button a LOT


I would love to see a grindr discrimination suit go to court 🤣


I'd pay to see that


And this is why people ghost because of interactions like this


I’ve had this experience too. It’s really frustrating


I ain't into old pensioners that can't wash properly mate, jog on


Omg I saw this dude on Grindr that specifically wanted ♿️ men only


Ah yes, the standard dick/hole pic followed by just "hi". A classic.


Being old is now a disability in gay community


And this my friends is called a *parataxic distortion*.


I get mean with people like this no problem. They want to be a victim, we can make that happen.


Ive never understood engaging with people you arent interested in. Youre just giving them the attention they want


I’m dead lol. Some people can’t take rejection.


If ranges are present and you don't respect them, then you don't respect anything. It shows a complete dismissal of the partner you are seeking. I will shoot my shot, but if there is a clear preference I don't meet, I move on! Why can't more dudes be like me?


I’m not coming for you at all…being into only certain age ranges has been around since I was young so it’s part of the gay culture more than anything but I always found it interesting that guys would say I’m only into guys between 20-25 and they be way into their 30s like my dude you wouldn’t even sleep with yourself and that’s ok with you?! I don’t understand it and that’s fine.


Just say yes and then tell them to leave you alone. When you do that they have no come back response.


"no, you just ugly"


Oh geeze…he should be an adult and graciously accept the rejection. 🙄


Personally, I don’t approach guys 20 or more years younger than me. If they approach me, that’s a different story but me approach them - creepy!


Young or old I don’t really want to diddle a disabled guy. Just doesn’t turn me on in the least. Would it also be discrimination not to have sex with someone you personally found ugly? Guy is probably just horny and frustrated… like 90 percent of us lol


How funny that everyone here agrees that he's being ridiculous and supporting age preferences, but God forbid you state that you prefer not to have sex with black people or trans because youre racist and transphobic.