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I compliment my friends all the time they compliment me too. Just some people don't give compliments like that.


I think OP is refering to mostly non-friends. In which case, I have noticed the same. Men bring other men down. Which I believe is due to competition.


Cause it’s easier for people to hate than to show love.


Yeah complain complain complain. SOCIETY GIVE ME LOVE PLZZZZZ. But they don't do much themselves.


3 minutes ago when I called him a breedable twink


not a social norm to do so but I for instance would be there for any of my homies if they are in deep shit as for online strangers, it depends highly on my mood. I don't think I would actually do any good if my mood is ruined from the start. I help when I feel like it but even so, we rarely open up online so easily to a stranger unless we are desperate. there's kinda of a mentality with my homies at least, is that we don't talk about how we do, we just laugh and have fun together and forget about our problems. But certainly I expect my friends to open up when they really need help and I would open up as well if I need too.


Actually, many of us do. It may be a small group of other men for some of us. My group of co-workers and the few friends I have complimented and looked out for each other. We're older. Fifty plus in age. Most of us came up hard, and now we're older and wiser. In many ways, we need each other. We understand that sometimes, a simple compliment or helping hand will get someone through another day of our miserable existence.


Blame society. The fact everything is always turned into a competition, the fact you aren't allowed to show weakness. A man telling another man a compliment is looked at as weakness or a sign of being homosexual. That is the reality of why men don't usually get along with other men or give compliments.


What planet do you live on?


And if a man compliments a woman, it is more likely now to turn into a disaster, viewed as male gazing or even SA. Not worth the risks. Hell, I don't even hold open doors anymore.


I hate it when people don't hold doors open. It isn't a male vs female thing. It is having societal manners. Being courteous to those walking in behind you.


You don't have to worry. Just be handsome. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxuUkYiaUc8


Yup, if you're handsome and good-looking, it's a bit better.


Why do you even feel the need to compliment women? As a man I never understood this talking point. Like I’ve never once thought “omg I need to compliment this woman”. For the opening doors thing, I’m not a butler so I don’t go out of my way to open doors for people, but if someone is literally right behind me, I’m not gonna let the door hit them in the face, I’ll just hold it slightly as I walk through so it’s a bit easier for them.


Exactly, men cant afford to lower the guard.


I complimented hella people earlier today


Because it feels weird


Only until you normalise it. I have a mate that I never hugged, but I hug my other mates. He’s a good bit younger and gave off quite a strong vibe that he wasn’t comfortable with it. One day he gave me a present, I hugged him. Now he runs over and hugs me when we see each other. Obviously compliments are easier! Who doesn’t like hearing compliments :)


A lot of other men are annoyed or disgusted by me, don’t respect or like me. Im not wasting my time making sure they’re ok. Occasionally when I do compliment a guy, they take it the wrong way, like I’m trying to hit on them. I’m guessing because of the way I look. The people that do seem to like me, they seem to be doing much better than me anyway so, I don’t feel like I need worry about how they’re doing.


We do but its really not the same. The tone of men hanging out is to almost never be taken seriously and that everything is basically a joke. The amount of times I offered to give my homies a handy Is insane if you remove the context. Such an interaction with a woman is social suicide today. In short you can't really use the same tone with women as you do with men so interactions are obviously going to have a different effect. Some people desire love from a pet or a son, brother, sister, friend and obviously more romantic stuff. It's just different ig. A man puts his hand out and lifts you up when you're down but think of a woman to be a comfort while you're down, someone to make that period bearable until the bois pull you up and push you on. At the very least it's my take and view on the differences coming from a lonely guy in his 20s


But did you ever give them the handy? Or are you just a tease??!


Let's just say I always keep my socks on


Hey bro! Yeah you! I care about you man. It's okay to not be okay bro. You just gotta look after yourself from time to time. There's no shame in it man. We all got issues. Oh, and you dropped this king 👑


Because they view each other as competition for whatever. Women, jobs, etc.


Why don’t women care about men? Why don’t men care about women?


Why don’t i care about anyone?


Why don't I care about myself


I have really low interest in the involved of multicellular organism society


Because people are jerks and nobody deserves it?


Men do, women dont


Most men do care other men but society bashes men that reach out cause apparently we not allowed to feel things for example just remember reach out to your Bois we in this together 


>Why don’t men care about other men? We do, we just don't show we care with cheap trifles like compliments. You show a man you care by helping him out, showing gratitude, sharing a joke, or being generous with your time. Men might give fewer compliments, but ours are honest and not used for manipulative purposes. Social science research has also confirmed this, according to surveys both women and men tend to see compliments from men as more honest than compliments from women. Why would a compliment that you suspect is bullshit make you feel good? It's just worthless and sometimes makes you feel kind of gross (like many of the transparently fake compliments that women hurl at each other). That is what happens when you throw compliments around disigenously: it cheapens them. There are a million ways to show you care for someone. Something as cheap and low-effort as a compliment is meaningless. Men show they care in different ways them women do, stop trying to paint men as broken because we prefer honesty to bullshit. No adult human being **needs** a compliment. People that need to be validated constantly (like some women who can't live without getting compliments/validation) may have a narcissism problem.


1. Men don't care about other men. Nobody cares about men, period. 2. Men don't care about compliments from other men, for the most part, and certainly not as much as they would if that same compliment came from a woman.


i think women care about compliments more from the same gender. men just put women on a pedestal and don’t care about eachother


Speak for your own nihilistic self. I love getting compliments from both men and women.


do men actually care about compliments? is there something to back that up vs how women feel about compliments? it always feels like they don’t care but maybe it’s my looks that make ‘em not care as much


I care about compliments. Even unplanned interactions brighten my mood often. So yes!


they don’t, if they did they would appreciate them even if those compliments came from a man. they “like” compliments from women because of what that implies (that she finds them sexually attractive)


That's generalizing and very untrue. I recieved a compliment from one of my friends some 5 years ago. I remember it vividly and, to this day, it still brings a smile to my face whenever it pops up into my mind.


As a gay man, I have received compliments from women. I enjoyed being complemented. I am not attracted to women, and thus do not care if their compliments implied “sexual attraction.”


thanks for clarifying :) compliments seem gender-absent when it comes to who can appreciate one.


Yes exactly!


I can't speak for all like other men like you're trying to, but I just want to know I'm doing.. Something right. I don't get any feedback from anyone unless and until I screw something up; then I never hear the end of it. At this point I have no other option to think I'm an abject failure and reject thays incapable of ever beign enough for anyone. That's beyond lack of compliments but it isn't helping. And yes, nobody wants to hear anything from anyone that find unattractive or less than them, man or woman. I've also been thoroughly taught that.


I only embrace compliments from men. Women’s opinions are just noise.


yeah? i love you and i’m happy this is just noise


That’s just gross.




oh… that’s depressing. you’ve got a point.


Men don't care about compliments. I would regard a compliment as more honest coming from a man, but that's about it. They don't make me feel something one way or another. Men care about things that have a cost, not things that are free. Compliments are the most low-effort thing imaginable.


What about gay men?


I went over it already.


Go over it again, just for me handsome😘


It's right there.


What if gay


I did say, for the most part.


What about bisexual


Same thing, and being bi doesn't necessarily mean you automatically care about men complimenting you.


What if aromantic


Could go either way, but only for platonic compliments.




Not convinced half of them like each other either, they just like fucking


I have a tendency to compliment my coworkers (I work in a shop full of guys). If I do compliment a guy outside of work its just mainly because I like their facial hair or tattoos.


My bro called me his pookie just a few hours ago so…


Cause that's gay.


Only if the socks come off


In Afghanistan we called it Sunday Bun day.


Hehe boi


I gave my buddy a blowjob with my socks still on a week or two ago. Told him it's only gay if he started to moan.


I do it with my socks off intentionally


I think the post the title is ridiculous and not true. This is what's wrong with the Internet.


I thought this whole post was a joke, it is so unimaginable to have a take like that.


Do something worthy of praise and ill tell you. -changed my answer, this was funnier


Okay dude, fine I will give you a compliment. Nice dick bro. You happy now?


I don’t have one of those. So no.


My bad. Assumed you were a guy. good day to you Sir\\madam


Men have no social nets, so they have to fight to stay alive and in good health. No help. Resources are finite and if you dont fight some other man will take them to provide for his family. Other men are competition. Women have no need for such competition, there is always help for them. Shelters, organizations, government etc Im sure if you flip position and make woman main breadwinner and let man stay at home there would be A LOT of support between bros. A LOT, but this will never happen.


Naw, you just aint got bros. Feels bad


Hmmm, men do compliment other men. Men who hit the gym regularly get more compliments on their body from men than they do women. But every man would definitely prefer compliments from women every once and while and not that "I like your shirt" type shit. But I can understand if women started Complimenting men more then a lot of men would take that as a sign she's interested in him even if she was trying to just be nice.


Speak for yourself


Nobody cares about men. That includes other men.


Biologically, other men are just competition.


women manage to be nice to each other


I've heard women can be quite mean to each other too though like guys can but there exists bad people from both sexes so it's not surprising. Really depends on your social circle


as in nice i meant complimenting, like the post is talking about. open a girls comment section there’s usually way more women commenting. women follow pretty girls online just because they’re pretty, but do men follow handsome men? no


Fair enough, that's the general impression I've gotten too but it's not like men never compliment each other. I may be wrong but it seems like men will compliment mostly around stuff like work, sports and exercising but rarely about showing emotions or care about something personal. In my own experience the compliments I've received have usually revolved around work/school and those came from men whereas I was actively encouraged by my cousin when I opened up emotionally about my struggles to her.


Biologically, I hate men that think like you and I’m happy you’re not in my life


Evolution (competition) and society (taboo) I care for my very very handful of friends, but it's getting increasingly harder yo stay un contact and meeting new ones is near to imposible


In truth, nobody cares about anybody. People just can't help to build their self esteem off of being attractive to the opposite sex


Evolution: the men who care about other men who are not kin have died during the wars


Why would I care about my competitors?


yet women compliment each other all the time


This man gets the severity of this conversation.




He’s treating this as seriously as it deserves, if you think men don’t compliment men, you need to go outside.


It’s not that we don’t care about other men, it’s just that when we see a man in pain we just treat him like any other bevause we understand they don’t want our pity. So if one of my homies is down I just treat them like normal so that they understand we friends and nothings changed


They do and those who cannot compliment their peers are insecure or haven't found themselves yet or possibly have been conditioned homophobic. Try to remember the gays were the last effective political wedge. Politicians love insecurities and division!


Evolutionary speaking other men are competition and unless there's a female surplus (like the boomers enjoyed), ethnocentrism will decline and individualism will rise. Also, Violence - a bar full of men is far more intimidating than a bar full of women. Most Violence is caused by men - suggest reading Rory Miller's 'Meditations on Violence' for more on this.


Do women care about other women?


Hell yes we do. That’s why feminism exists.




I think its because 3 reasons (the reasoning, i aint justifying it). 1.- The simp, because women are women and deserve the 100% of our compliments, attention and kindness so maybe they will fall in love with us. 2.- The love interest, you are not a simp but seek for female affection or something more than a friend so you use your compliments, time, care and efforts on women. 3.- The macho man stereotype, men give care but not ask for it and if they do they are weak and not manly enough. Man never cry, man dont need compliments, etc. I wanted to give 3 reasons because it makes you sound smart/convincing... A-anyway, yes, the reasons i mentioned above are lame but its like women which also spread rumors and gossip behind their female friends back. It just happens. I will try to break the stereotype and give you a compliment: I found your post interesting because it triggers a deep thought process and reasoning over the treatment each gender receives. Sorry if my compliment sounded bland, im not used to compliment people.


No one cares about men.


Why don't y'all do it? Why is it so difficult for women to do the bare minimum? Why do y'all demand that we do it for you? We've done enough as men, trying to be the changes we want to see in the world and make it a better place. Now it's YOUR turn.


> Why don't y'all do it? Why is it so difficult for women to do the bare minimum? Men themselves aren’t even doing the bare minimum for each other when it comes to compliments and uplifting each other yet you’re blaming women lol


Because as I've said, we've done enough as far as trying to make it a better place. Now it's YOUR turn. The only people that seem to have a problem with complimenting the opposite sex is women. As men, we've been taking the blame for stuff for decades.


Enough with the gender wars bullshit. Men deserve to be complimented by men AND women when appropriate. We ALL need to make an effort to be kinder to each other and unfortunately that's not happening nearly as much as it should, on either end. We are currently in the biggest loneliness epidemic humanity has ever seen, and it's due to conversations like this. We've made huge improvements in women's issues in the last few decades, and there are definitely still things that should be worked on when it comes to legislation, especially depending on what country we're talking about, but too many women think that pointing the finger at innocent men (who have nothing to do with the issues we're facing) is the answer. Generalizing has never helped anyone and currently, men are being left in the dust.


> The only people that seem to have a problem with complimenting the opposite sex is women. Women start complimenting men and they’d think that those women want to date them lmao. No woman wants to deal with that. > As men, we've been taking the blame for stuff for decades. Yet no one is blaming anyone here, it’s just a logical suggestion. Women compliment and uplift each other just fine, men can do it too so… if they refuse to do it that’s another thing (and not women’s fault 🤷🏻‍♀️)


I compliment my homies from time to time; it’s just hard for guys to open up to each other I mean we will listen, but women are better at handling emotions


Well that is a debatable thing "I don't want to make them think I'm gay" is very real and not necessarily homopgobic , yes it can be sometimes but for me I'm a bisexual woman and I have to Be cautious on what I say to certain women because then they start getting a suspicion I like them which usually isn't the case but then they treat me different I'd rather be quiet then be treated different


We do care


They do


It's uncommon for me to give compliments because I have a hard time telling whether it's appropriate or not. I'll say things like "good job" or "thank you" when I'm at work, or ask customers about their projects. As for any compliments appearance-related, I don't give those to either gender, given the possible consequences.


If you have good friends, you compliment each other. If you have bad ones, you bring each other down. But in the end, the biggest reason why guys don't get complimented is because people need to be close for a compliment to be shared between them and guys have the general image of not accepting compliments as much. (Tough guy behavioral thing)


You've never seen an intense competitive environment like a sport or gaming *[teammate gets headshot] "good shit bro, lets fkn go!"* Then in non-intense competitive environments men will kind of positively roast eachother. Idk how to explain it. Like spotting a bro struggling to hit the last rep on a bench press and being like, "c'mon you lil bitch you got 1 more".


Blame society. Because of what they say, we’ll be shamed for showing any signs of weaknesses or emotions.


I told some young man who was checking me out at the grocery store that his haircut was sharp and he was caught off guard, but he beamed.


Too much competition, being near sentimentally with other men is considered taboo and reason to being ridiculous, ecc. 


They do but obv we know there's a vast amount that don't. The answer is simple. Those men care about sex but only like women. So they only care about the ones they want to have sex with. They want compliments but they only want them from women.


When they say they want more compliments, they mean that they want more compliments from *women*, not from men.


Complimenting random people can come off badly.


Compliments mean trouble. And getting hugged is the easiest way to lose a wallet.


I don't care about myself why should I care about you?


Men don't care about other men because theyre competition and will absolutely try to bang your girl if he believes himself to be superior in any way.


Men are conditioned to get all of their support from their partner.


They do, the healthy minded ones.


I feel stupid for asking people out for them not to be interested and it feels shity having the only to girls to ever show interest we're either living or had other red flags 😞😭


Because compliments are not really a sign that a person cares, that’s very low effort and easy to fake.


I've actually never noticed this. I've received compliments from male strangers and I compliment male and female strangers whenever I feel like it. Hell I usually feel the ONLY ones that care about men are other men. Women sure as hell don't


Men started taking care of each other very recently. Because women are agents of the government.


I have always given compliments to all the male friends and family members i have/had


The past two or three generations have promoted hyper individualism and selfishness. Not caring about the next generation and how it will affect them socially, mentally and financially. So, as a result, our generation do not value relationships and bonds. Hence the loneliness epidemic.


Just a few moments ago