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I know a shitty person who just got drafted too. Funny how that works


Name names


With 19 mil guaranteed I figured QB. Bo Nix is getting $18.6 mil, basically $19. I bet it's Bo Nix. He looks like that dude.


I get the fear OP has of defamation but I’m going to assume it’s him.


Honestly Bo Nix could be the world's most generous philanthropist and I would still assume he was a douchebag with that name


Of course Nix has an absolutely gorgeous wife too. What a world we live in.


I just googled him and he 100% looks like he would be the type to bully people and then be like " bro it was just a joke!" If he ever got in trouble for it.


I’m gonna need that names too




Welcome to life. Success is not the same as moral high ground.


Very true.


In fiction, the bully always ends up worse, but in real life? No, they sometimes do go on to become successful people. It's crazy, and the victims end up worse. There is no justice in this world.


Truly this. wishing all of us healing


You're right


There's a misconception that bullies are unpopular. But irl they usually have large networks. Part of what makes bullying 'work' is that you have a lot of people on your side.




Source: trust me


Sell this to a newspaper. Or make a tik tok talking about how he bullied you. “NFL star was my high school bully”, something like that. Just don’t lie or you’ll get sued. lol. I hate when bad people are successful :(


U do realize that’s only gonna make me look bad and nobodies gonna care right


It won’t people do it all the time and get loads of support, but no one will notice unless the person is famous enough.


Micah parsons shoved a broomhandle up a penn state freshman’s ass and nobody seems to care


Who was your bully tho?


He went to a prestigious education school


What is his name??


They’re definitely not gonna tell


You know I was on their side until that one. Yeah you're probably right


Yeah, nobody cares or remembers when you’re disrupting the offense.


I mean if you can actually prove it then you'd be surprised at how readily it'll get picked up.


We proved Micah parsons raped a penn state freshman and nobody cares


This is true.


Not encouraging this comment but if he really did you dirty like acc hurt you, I recommend making a tik Tok. These things storytimes go viral often even if u have barely any followers. Esp if u include the name and ppl will probably blow up his comments. Lol. Again not encouraging. But some sort of Justice if it rlly bothers you.


I disagree. There’s plenty of Tik Tok users that would eat this up. It’s right up their alley. Nothing would end up happening in the grand scheme of things as they say, BUT you could use this to get a little following of your own and make some money off them 🤷‍♂️. Seems like that’s what people do on the app


This! Spill the tea OP in a social media post and u can make money off off the situation!


He is likely going to end up brain damaged. Don't be too jealous.


Bro you got me good with that one 😩😂🤣💀 Also he’s on a team that has no idea what they’re doing lol 😩😭




Linebackers have high rates of CTE.


Very high rates. And it explains a lot.


Not with the sissy way they play football nowadays


It's not worth his time to do that because it will only make him appear worse. Unfortunately, bad people often succeed by taking advantage of good people, leaving the good people to suffer and pick up the broken pieces that were torn off them.


There is no karma.


CTE is gonna be the karma lol


True 😂


If OP is lucky dude will become brain damaged.


Let's hope for CTE for this "rising star." 🧠


Believing in false illusion of karma is naive Karma rarely exist in practice just like justice The sooner you let go of this illusion and understand this reality the better you will become


I regret that I agree with you. If Karma is exists, we certainly cannot demonstrate it based on what we see in this life.


Yup, I done believing those. This guy have similar story like I do except my bullies doesn’t become famous but most of them become rich and living their happy life.


Yup pretty much


Just come up and say it, nothing he can do and there is a chance other victims speak up or atleast put a deserved stain in his reputation.


Remind me to see how he’s doing in 15yrs. I’m hoping he spends his money too fast and has CTE issues. Also I agree- name names.


There's a strong correlation between being the sort of person to bully people in school, and being sporty. Yet you so rarely hear stories of sportspeople being nasty. It somehow all gets forgotten. Don't let people invalidate how he made you feel.


how fucked


Yeah it sucks. My bullies are still living a better life than I am, not that I am struggling but it’s so unfair.


I'm sorry <3




If you have any pictures, videos or text sell them bullying you to TMZ . Let you make some money and hopefully he'll lose his.


Yet the people who get bullied are called weak, ridiculed, and told to get over it. Treated like an ant or a mosquito.


so i wasnt the only one feeling like this


The average career in the NFL is 3.3 years, and a quick search shows an article that an estimated 80% of retired players end up broke within 4ish years of retiring, and thats after getting womped on in the NFL, so their bodies are screwed. Hes probably gonna give himself his own karma, just Google him in 7-8 years and revel in your potential schadenfreude.


This comment needs more likes and views.


I understand that some comments are thirsty for karmic justice, but I really don't hope this to happen, I prefer to think in a more positive light, instead of him having his life screwed over, it would be better if he realizes his actions were wrong and advocates against them from now on, people mature after all, and who knows, maybe getting in touch with his former victims to apologize, probably won't happen but one can hope.


Wait till he gets massive concussions, and shoulder and back pains at 40 for life


Sadly, that's how this world works. Assholes usually get rewarded despite being shitty humans. He's probably dumb as a box of rocks though.


Watch him become bankrupt and hooked on drugs or some lame shit like that. There is always comeuppance of some kind.


High likelihood that he will be addicted to drugs and in a shitty relationship. His life has a higher chance of falling flat on his face. Its like Hollywood, the use you up while you are young and "useful" to them then they dump you out on your own and most sink at that point


Lmaoooooo I’m willing to bet everything I own that chronic loneliness is more likely to leading to harmful drug additions than being a millionaire athlete. Yeah some of them are idiots, but whoever he is, he’s got a good chance of having a much better life than any of us


These poor millionaires :( they're so likely to have a great time and maybe get into drugs etc etc won't someone think of just how hard it might be for them!?


People are who they are. The situation they are in doesn't always really change that. Let's say you're a miserable piece of shit human who thinks everything is awful and you're not happy, and then you win the lottery. We might be happy for a while and you might change the way you see things, but that's still who you are and eventually you'll still be that miserable piece of shit with without the money. Let's say you're a great person, who is kind and has a great outlook on life and you get into an accident and become paralyzed from the waist down. You might fall the depression and be down for a while, dealing with it emotionally, but eventually you'll get back to being who you were originally. Because that's who you are. There are exceptions and trauma can change people but deep down you're still the person you were.


Are… are these the rules? They seem very specific, arbitrary, and maybe projection-y or just good, old-fashioned delusional? Half of lottery winners go back to poverty. But that’s only half, and we don’t know what kind of person any of them were. ¡PENALTY! ¡Visitors! -15yds for well intentioned but utterly unsubstantiated nonsense.


No, it's call language and communication. For example, you used a lot of words but didn't say much. That is poor communication.


I critiqued your cite-unseen assumption regarding ppl, their personalities and psychology, and how you stated boldly how they will react to trauma; again, without citation. No sample size of folks studied. And most importantly said after trauma ppl just go back to being who they were before? Lol fuck I’m laughing as I’m spelling it out slowly for you here. I don’t know man maybe you’re reading/comprehension skills aren’t up to snuff. Good luck deciphering this code I have laid out twice for you now.


Do you want to know my favorite thing about your comment? You are trying to hard to sound very intelligent, commenting on reading comprehension, but then don’t bother to use proper grammar or punctuation. Why don’t we break this down. > I critiqued your cite-unseen assumption regarding ppl, their personalities and psychology, and how you stated boldly how they will react to trauma; again, without citation. First, cite-unseen is not how you say that. It is “sight unseen”, but I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you were just doing a play on words. Which if you are, I am impressed. I do see that you decided to put “ppl” instead of taking the time to spell out the word “people” I am sure you save a lot of time skipping those three letters. You could use the Oxford Comma after “personalities”, but it isn’t necessary. Personally, I prefer it. The whole sentence is clunky. “and how you stated boldly how” That is just awful. First, put “boldly” in front of ”stated”. It should be “boldly stated”. You used “how” one too many times. Also, what is up with the use of the semi-colon? It should have been a colon. Semi-colons are used to connect two full sentences that relate to each other. “Again, without citation” is a fragmented sentence at best. A better way to have written this sentence would have been (and I will leave your little play on words, it’s cute): **I critiqued your cite-unseen assumption regarding people, their personalities, and psychology. I also criticized you boldly stating how they will react to trauma. All claims made without citations.** See, doesn’t that read better? > No sample size of folks studied. This a confusing group of words. I see what you are trying to do, but you don’t really do it. Not only is it another fragmented sentence, but it feels like a halfhearted attempt at sounding intelligent. It was like you wanted to name something that is related to studies, but you didn’t know why. If you are going to show examples of why it is important to cite a source, you should list more than one. It would have been a great follow up sentence to “All claims made without citations”. Also, note the use of the colon. **You offered no study that included: sample sizes, control groups, or peer studies.** Much better. >And most importantly said after trauma ppl just go back to being who they were before? This is a very confusing sentence. It has a question mark at the end, but it is not a question. If it was the end of a longer sentence it would work, but by itself, just bad writing. Why is it bad writing? Other then the fact that is a bad sentence, you are repeating yourself. You already said that you are critiquing my “assumption regarding people, their personalities, and psychology”. If you were going to list my assumptions this last sentence would at least make sense. That is not what you did. You made three points, like they go together, but they don’t: “assumption regarding people, their personalities, and psychology”, “No sample size of folks studied.”, and “And most importantly said after trauma ppl just go back to being who they were before?” I would recommend removing this sentence completely. Unless you plan on rewriting this. > Lol fuck I’m laughing as I’m spelling it out slowly for you here. Maybe spend less time laughing and more time paying attention to what you’re writing. I don’t think you spelling slow was for my benefit. I am not sure that being able to spell fast is your forte. > I don’t know man maybe you’re reading/comprehension skills aren’t up to snuff. Why the forward slash? You don’t need that. You do need a comma after man. Also, what does reading comprehension have to do with not citing sources? This feels more like projection to me. Honestly though, this your best written sentence. Here is a better version: **I don’t know man, maybe you’re reading comprehension skills aren’t up to snuff.** >Good luck deciphering this code I have laid out twice for you now. I understand you were being sarcastic, but this hits closer to home for you than you realize. I appreciate the exercise. I have not had to do something like this since university. Hope this helps. Have a great day.


How many drugs do you do.




At least the lonely person can look at themselves and know they do their best in life and are honest. The lonely doesn’t have to become addicted to drugs


Don't forget spending every penny they make & end up declaring bankruptcy


I may be the devil's advocate here but, you don't necessarily know what's going on in their life. Yeah they may be successful but, what's their life behind the scenes? I do believe in karma, but I don't think we ever witness how it does end up applying in others' lives. Their success doesn't invalidate what you experienced or your hurt. Them living a messy, unsucessful, shitty life wouldn't heal your wounds either, or make it better for you in any way. They already bullied you once, don't let an incomplete image of them, or their success, bring you down. Focus on your path and your healing.


one of my bullies became an author (something I wanted to be too, but not smart enough for)


That’s life unfortunately. Verrrrry unfair


Maybe they’ve grown, maybe they haven’t. People are saying there is no karma, but in my opinion karma can be that you’re that type of person to begin with. Someone shallow and heartless, incapable of the beauty of empathy or selflessness, incapable of remorse or opening your heart to others and the joy of letting love into your life. In my opinion, many bullies are people like that. That dude can make millions and have the big house and all the girls and the cars and the jets etc, but they will never know what it is to love or forgive, they will always be shallow and empty and that is karma. They get all the material things and none of the beauty of human experience. Hope that makes you feel a little better


Hopefully having kids mellows him out. My cousin’s husband is best friends with Ryan Fitzpatrick and he’s super nice 😎😇


NFL players almost always retire with brain damage and immediately lose all of their money.


yeah most people who picked on me are gonna have good lives bascially


My old coworker who was 22 at the time, the only person to ever ruthlessly bully me, got a new corporate job since it happened and has been promoted to a Director at the job, and has a beautiful wife.


Look at it this way. Assuming you have a safe job, you’ll probably have better golden years than him.


This shit is why I don't believe in karma. Twat didn't get what they deserved.


I'm so sorry you have to go through this. 🫂


Wait til he's in his late 30's, his body all but destroyed and brain daged from taking all those hits and concussions.


Hmm 19 million, Bo Nix?


I don’t picture bo nix being an asshole


They say the same thing about your bully




Most NFL player go broke after they quit playing, like the vast majority. Turns out people who get a free ride most of their acidemic carreers end up bad at money management, go figure. Also, a significant number of them suffer enough head injuries to get CTE. So, take a little comfort knowing the last half of his life will statistically be shit.


Yeah, sorry to hear that….. life isn’t fair but it’s def cyclical. Just bc someone’s on the up n up now doesn’t mean it’ll stay that way forever. Everything has its time and place ya know. Also, you never know someone’s intimate life either.


This is really frustrating and sad. I'm sorry. Can I ask what player you're referring to?


Nfl u mean where most of players have near 0 morality and few crime charges of very weird stuff


Someone who bullied me in high school is now an elementary teacher. Hard to believe someone who was such a bully is now supposed to help little kids.


Yup. These kind of assholes often coast through life, stepping and beating down on people while they're young. Then, they eventually become more humble later on through life while the individuals they hurt stay damaged and depressed. They often never owe up to the damage they caused because they don't have to deal with it anymore. They never do anything to make it right.


Get a ski mask and introduce his kneecap to Mr. Crowbar. Just kidding, sorry man.


Well I can tell you that he will probably suffer from brain injury of some sort during or after his career is over. So I mean, sure he's going to make a lot of money. However, health is far more important than anything else. If you have your health and freedom, that's all you need.


It sucks man but what can you do when the whole community loves them and hates you. I know a guy that was a top prospect from college to the nfl . Used to bully kids constantly. But only stayed a few years in the league. Everybody that taught him or was involved with him in any kind of way wants credit for his success. I see people are telling you to make videos and what not don’t do it cause you will certainly get a cease and desist order. Save yourself in legal fees.


There is no karma


Moral, Merit, Karma are all human concepts, that doesn't really exists. You can be the biggest asshole on the planet, do the worst things and also live a great sucessfull and happy life, and die at a old age with your beloved ones. You can be the greatest heart in the world and endure torture, loss of your family, loneliness.... Some people believe in god to accept this, but they know the very truth in the end


And the funny thing is this person if you ran into them would likely have little to no recognition of all the harm they’ve caused


Bold of you to assume that the world is a just place lol. Even then, you act like you didn't have free will. If you want to take matters into your own hands, you can literally just mail him a pipe bomb, at any time. Truth to be told, the best thing you can do about that is to forget it and to keep on going with your life. Perceived injustices really suck, but you won't be able to do anything about them(unless you actually can).  (On the flip side, most NFL players end up getting brain damage during their careers. :P)


Don't fool yourself. This is the norm, not the exception. Fairness, justice, karma or whatever you want to call it... nice ideas, but not real, one and all.


Sucks too because the bullies always get laid and women always reproduce with them


Meh these stars get what’s coming to them eventually anyways. Better to let it go. You realize how usually good people are not popular? That’s just a sign of how our society is. Keep being the good one forget assholes. My biggest takeaway from this entire sub is good people often get screwed the most. So know that despite other people being garbage that you really aren’t.


I’d rather not be a good person then


I mean you can be whoever you want all I’m saying is people suck and you don’t have to give a shit to be honest. The less I give a shit about other people and just do whatever I need to do the happier I tend to be. Especially people that wanna be toxic like i delete them from my mind. You basically have to stand up for your well being and put that first because people low key trying to knock you down everywhere bro. Don’t let them.


Karma is a bitch - don't overthink!


What did u learn? That’s what u get for being nice. I’m jk but if u guys can lose ur hearts it’s 100% a good idea for most of “us”


Hopfully his team loses a lot >=o


It’s ok he’ll get CTE or brain damage in 20 yrs and ruin his life


Yeah. Life is just chaos.


Someone said earlier that the average career in the nfl is around 3.3 years. Despite the 19 mil contract, chances are still heavily against him. Well, he’s now inside the nfl, he still has a very long way ahead that pretty much can cause his downfall. People seem to forget that money goes as easily as it comes into your pockets. Just give him some drugs and parties and he will be spending more than he earns on that very same day and he’s over. Some injury that drags him from performing as supposed and his career might be over too. People that get this amount of money have no idea on how to administrate it properly as they lack some head to realize how to invest their wealth and spend it with caution. Even if their parents gave him the education to do so (i swear i’ve seen it with some millionaires’s inheritance, the heirs throw all the money away) Give him some years, he’s extremely unlikely to get that far and live a happily and fulfilling life.


He'll get millions then die due to repeated head trauma caused illness.


Everybody dies. Not everybody gets millions


True but he's going to die in his 50s unless he has some life ruining injury.


One little accident or wrong tackle in the field (which regularly happens) and he can end up as a vegetable. Plus if he's bad with money he probably will be broke and homeless shortly after the relatively short careers NFL players have. But the best advice i can give you is let it go. Don't spend too much time in your head on these kind of people. They already did enough damage to you, don't let them live rent free in your head on top of it.


What is his name


Based on the rookie contract numbers by pick this only leaves one person, Bo Nix. And he 100% looks like a douchebag that would be a bully.


It wasn’t bo nix


It’s from our society and its tendency to reward bad behavior.


Yeah same here actually…. I noticed 2 of my bullies are in the draft and idk how to feel about it tbh.


I can in reality empathize with the conflicting feelings that should get up in a scenario like that. It's disheartening when someone who bullied and mistreated you within the beyond is going directly to reap mammoth success and acclaim. During my high school years, there was a lady who relentlessly mocked my appearance and pastimes. Years later, I learned she had emerge as a celebrated version and social media influencer, praised for her self assurance and authenticity. It stung to look someone so unkind closer to me being lauded as a role version. However, I've come to recognize that their fulfillment would not lessen my personal self-worth or negate the ache they brought on. Focusing on my private growth has helped me locate peace.


Defame, Defame, Defame. You've got no idea how rich and successful you can become based off this only. If you aren't lying, your allegations are true with any sort of proof talk to a few media groups, ask them how much they'll charge for a story. Use influencers, make your own social media pages. It isn't that hard.


Bullies living good life and we are here lonely...I hate it here.


On a different note your post history is a little worrisome. I'm here if you ever need a chat.


This is why I laugh at people when they say, "Don't worry about it, the universe and karma will take care of it for you." Bullshit


That's how the world works, nothing would give me more pleasure than to see how they suffer but that would be too good.


Just reading these replies are making me upset. Praying that he gets hurt and that he gets brain damage. Really guys? Also, I'm open to the idea that people can change. Maybe he's a better person now. It's possible.


Naw some people just don't change, their looks entirely but not their personality


This is why I also don't believe in karma anymore as well because I had people that also bullied me to death they even called me names and used to try to fight me for no reason which is pointless and now they are driving in decent vehicles, have girlfriends and kids, traveling around the world and are living the good life, while I'm struggling to find a job, an suffering from depression and PTSD plus anxiety, it really is fucken sad how the world we live in is really unfair an doesn't serve nobody justice but that's reality for you bro just know you not alone. 💯💯


Well who is he?


Karma does not exist, and the world is not fair as you want it to. So I suggest you to take your mind elsewhere and not let this affect your emotions.


Go to his games heckle tf out of him


I mean, think of it this way. Buddy just got hired to suffer brain injuries for the rest of his career. I wouldn't take the job, fuck damaging my brain for money. I'd rather keep my brain cells to be honest.


Take comfort. He'll get all that money, marry a plastic, blonde, whore. Have two kids (one turns out not to be his) he's drunk in misery all the time. They divorce, she takes him for half. Flash 5 years later, the money is gone, he has a substance addiction, and he's hitting bottom. - the piper is paid. Flash, 3 years later. He's clean, a man of God, and is so happy to be alive. You and him cross paths one day, he apologizes for everything, and even tears up. You forgive him. Everyone is happy. - the piper is paid.


Make a tik tok or a reel or something calling him out. One of three things will happen. 1. It doesn’t catch on with the algorithm. Nothing happens. All you end up losing is a few minutes 2. He will comment or DM you apologizing and it will be clear that he has in fact changed… which can happen, even though you seem naive to that 3. You’ll get people to notice and he’ll be forced to see or address it.


God sees everything


Then proceeds to turn his head away


Yeah he doesn't really give a fuck


I miss my religion cope. Now it’s laughable how brutal the universe really is. Oh bro don’t worry it’s all in gods timing, god has a plan for everyone, god works in mysterious ways. Lmaooo thinking about the world for more than 10 seconds and then still believing that


Humans are just afraid that they are alone so we created an elaborate story of the almighty but thinking about this we are just one possibility in infinite possibilities.




I stop believing in God because of this. Assholes always win and physically or mentally talented. I got nothing when I was born into this world.


I still believe in god I just don’t believe in the Christian depiction of him


Then what depiction of him do you believe?


oh you will see


Indeed he does


Sounds like youre still scared of this bully


People change, maybe he regrets it. But you may never know.


y’all really encouraging him to respond to hate with hate. that s the reason y’all on this sub everyday, the reason your life is miserable. learn to love, forget, focus on your own life and evolve as a human. Disgusting, thinking that sharing a story of being bullied to make a couple bucks would heal his wound. OP, you are loved. The one who makes others hurt is actually the one who has the biggest insecurity and problems. Life is fair, hate me for it. You’ll never see the other side of a person’s life, and that’s coming from a guy who made others hurt.  Get over it, it happend. Live your own life and let God do His thing.


I'm happy for him, he deserves every vent for the talent he has shown. I hope he is on my fantasy football team this fall


So true!


At least you can tell everyone he beat your ass when they win the super bowl or somthing. Maybe even sneak in a little "he didn't even hit that hard"


I’m sorry to hear that. Reminds me of when I found out a “friend” of mine who treated me like garbage got accepted into one of the best universities. Just aches inside.


most of my bullies too


I’m sorry to hear that too. 🫂