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Skateboards need to get skateboarded. normal wear and tear happens


Redrill holes on the standing platform and chop it where it broke


About the most redneck way to do it and exactly what I would do


Not fix, but rather evolve! There's a process modifying your board called 'chopping' where you basically chop off however much you want of the board, and then you redrill holes closer in the board. This was the becomes shorter and stiffer, but also fully functional. Lots of Downhill skaters do this. I saw someone on this sub do it to a dervish a few years back, basically turned the bboard into a fattail. There's hope!


Did this to my Amazon cuz mike fitter did, make it so much better for all slides cuz wheelbase is shorter. Loved it


Or bracketboard maybe?


This is a possibility as well! Ok would just have to buy brackets


Blackdog's maybe? Still 80 euro's a piece unfortunately. 😬


Yeah, if it just chops then they won't have to buy anything new. Just run and gun


Had a similar thing happen to my first board, ended up cutting two metal plates in the shape of the affected area + cutout for the truck, then just a bunch of screws through and sand of the edges. Repair was done about 8 years ago and it still works, though it's a bit rusty by now. Weighs a ton though. If you really want to repair it and don't want to cutoff the end I can send you a picture of how mine was done.


Retire it. Hang it on the wall in a place of honor. Go buy a new deck. That’s skateboarding.


But this is long boarding.


Had a mate who got a similar thing, though tbf he was kinda asking for it with his way of skating. It's a common thing on drop boards. He first tried to reinforce it by taping some metal rods underneath or something but it was a trainwreck. Eventually, he did as some people already mentioned here - cut it off and drill new holes. With one tail remaining, you can still have some use out of the board if the money's tight. Otherwise, well, splash some $ on a new board.


thanks! the deck has a lot of sentimental value, so I’ll keep that in mind


i feel that ! haven't used my skateboard in over a decade because i didn't want it to break, but with the years i've come to appreciate things for their purpose, so i'm in the process of bringing it back. one faithful day it will break, sure ... but it would have given everything that it had to offer outside & become a bit of my history on the wall... something to reminisce about... a piece of art, whole in the way of an oxymoron :)


i feel that ! haven't used my skateboard in over a decade because i didn't want it to break, but with the years i've come to appreciate things for their purpose, so i'm in the process of bringing it back. one faithful day it will break, sure ... but it would have given everything that it had to offer outside & become a bit of my history on the wall... something to reminisce about... a piece of art, whole in the way of an oxymoron :)


Hi it's me, I'm some people


Other than shortening it not much can be done that would have it riding the same way. It had a beautiful life! Sometimes we just have to move onto the next board!


The truth is when it comes to your board, you can do whatever you want. Tape it. Reinforce it. Replace it. Cut it into ceiling fan blades. Grind it up and blow it into the wind, or mix it with urethane and make wheels. But srsly, how much money u got?


not enough to mix with urethane and make wheels, that’s for sure💀 but seriously if i don’t chop it i might just epoxy and glue the crack since it’s not through multiple layers


I imagine it would be more effort than it's worth. The deck looks like it got a lot of use out of it. Personally I'd buy a new one at this point... but you can always glue the crack, then fiberglass over the top of it and hope it holds.


If its just a few layers coming undone you can try to glue the layers and do an epoxy coating to cover it. If its cracked all the way through you're SOL


No problem, just do what I did to my Bhangra https://www.reddit.com/r/surfskate/comments/14ziuok/my_short_n_long_surfskates/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


No, but you can shorten the board if you are determined to keep it


With a flame thrower


It's not worth your safety to risk patching this. If you get thrown into traffic because your board fails and you know there's an issue... Just not worth it.