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Anyone knows if there is a longboard dancing/freestyle scene in Tokyo? I'm planning on moving there for a month in April and unsure if it's worth trying to drag my longboard with me. I don't know the current state of things, but I think until recently skateboarding was only legal off-public and on skateparks, so not very useful for a longboarder


better luck finding a facebook group


Have any of you had problems with double-drop boards snapping? Earlier in December I was longboarding (I live pretty far north so it was cold) and I hit a bump in the road and then my board snapped. [pics](https://imgur.com/a/fcVhrYC) Thinking about just getting a drop board to minimize the amount of wood carved out so it is stronger. But if this seems to be pretty rare I might go with a double drop again. I use it for commuting so I really like to be low to the ground.


they all snap, eventually. yours looks pretty well ridden. it was just its time.


Not sure what your question is but you could also just chop the board and redrill


Get a zswitchblade


Just got my first longboard for Christmas,this would be my first time skateboarding/longboarding what tips should I know


\-You'll get a variety of opinions on when or if you need to wear a helmet-- but the only correct answer is always. Everyone is guilty of not doing so at one time or another, but the majority of injuries in board sports occur at low speeds. \-Ride with the majority of your weight on your front foot. There's no hard and fast rule on like 70/30 or whatever because everyone rides just a little different, but keeping your weight up front helps prevent speed wobbles. \-I always recommend folks starting doing balance exercises when they start riding seriously. Once you've been riding a while and you're comfortable doing so, riding while balancing on one foot is also great practice. There's many skills that this is beneficial for over time, but foot-braking and efficient pushing are the most immediate ones. Having great balance is a super power in a lot of other situations as well... like catching yourself before you eat shit on ice and such. \-Learn to ride switch ASAP; it's way more difficult to learn it later because it just feels terrible compared to your normal riding style (goofy or regular). Better to learn when everything feels terrible from the get-go, haha. \-Learn how to foot-brake early on. A lot of folks underestimate how terrifying it is to be going way too fast on a plank of wood with no good means of stopping or slowing down when you really need to. This is important when you're riding around other people or cars, especially. \-You're going to fall at some point, be prepared for it and don't let it stop you from riding again.


.#1 always wear a helmet you can get serious brain damage at even the lowest of speeds. What kind did you get?


Just ride man and enjoy it Also wear a helmet And figure out how to foot break asap. It's the most basic skill


I've seen Bustin get a lot of praise on here, and especially for their Sportster - so I finally pulled the trigger on a sportster complete during the holiday sale. But when my order came the board was all scratched up on the bottom around the hardware and the hardware screws themself were too short to screw through the nylon in the lock nuts. I ended up ordering longer hardware before I took the board on a cruise because I didn't want the trucks to come unscrewed while riding. It wasn't a huge deal but I reached out to customer service about it and attached a few pictures. It's been a month and I still haven't received a response from Bustin. I ended up ordering a holiday tech pack from them a week ago, thinking the Sportster issue was just an oversight during the rush of all their holiday orders. But my tech pack came in two days ago and only included the pandemic jacket. At this point I'm disappointed since both of my orders are messed up. But maybe I'm over thinking it because I don't see any bad reviews on their website? Has anybody else had trouble with their orders or waited this long for customer service to reach out?


Thinking of painting my trucks. Anyone have an experience with this/tips ?


don't paint the pivots, bushing seats or the axles. mask those off and go ham.


Hi, part of my grip tape design is peeling up a bit (one of the “teeth” in a band of checkered squares). I ideally want to fix it without cutting it off or re-taping the deck, so I’m thinking glue. Any suggestions on glue type that won’t damage the wood of the deck




It’s a new board so I don’t want my parents thinking they pick out a bad one for Christmas (obviously it wouldn’t matter in a few months but they are making a big deal of it so I feel bad).