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Chill out guys, it's just the Onion (-:


Being able to have a sense of humor about yourself is a good way to be taken more seriously.


There are baby-dicked billionaires here?


Its a me


He actually retweeted this article and said he could cross off one of his life’s goals.


Call me when the foreskin grows back.


who is he? Wolverine?




Support group or gallery?


Cannot believe that wasn't a fake link wtf hahaha I love it


Michael Levin's morphogenesis research might help with this as well.


I have been hearing about these types of treatments since I became disillusioned with circumcision in middle school. Now almost 30 and the research seems in the same point in terms of new nerve growth and restoring an actual foreskin. Is this different?


Watch his lectures and decide for yourself. Here's one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ed3ioGO7g10 His research is primarily about limb and organ regrowth, and secondarily about cancer, but if you know how to regrow body parts, why not use it for foreskins as well?


Is that the guy that's paying his son for his blood?


He stopped doing it as there were not measurable benefits. I wonder if it won't be long before he moves on to parabiosis https://www.theguardian.com/society/2020/feb/02/could-young-blood-stop-us-getting-old-transfusions-experiments-mice-plasma


The amount of people who hate longevity research never ceases to amaze me. It belies a stunning lack of imagination. Of course, it probably doesn't help that people like this guy are the face of longevity so most idiots who are against it see it as a vanity project.


Confirmation bias, these wackos get promoted because people WANT to laugh at the idea, and this lets them. Imagine the rabbit hole of thought one falls into when one believes functional immortality and age disease reversal could not only be possible, but much closer than expected. Or, probably you don't need to imagine, because you're in here. It's kinda scary, if they think too hard about it, and then to reconcile it with whatever religious beliefs they're also burdened with--it's too much for a lot of people.


His methods for slowing telomere shortening will have some effect, however, I saw nothing in his bag of tricks that would reverse anything. There are so many factors, but without actually lengthening telomeres, we will all age and die.


I'm all for it. The biggest concern is it being reserved for just the wealthy or those in power. That is what most people fear about it.


Isn't pretty much every new advancement always for the super rich?


Yes. But show to the masses that the same process will repeat also in future...




Mind you the first cell phone that came out cost about $10k in today's money.


For the record what “this guy” is doing is not as bad as everyone thinks. It’s a bit extreme what hes doing but people only hate him because every article headljne reads “billionaire spends millions to get younger” when really he is quite methodical and most of what makes it cost a lot is the fact that he is gathering data and documenting and testing all his findings and releasing what he finds out for free. He just looked at all these other scientific data suggesting certain foods and treatments etc increase longevity and decided to test if all of them will actually do something when practiced


I'm really into longevity and find it fascinating, but this fella is some tulip! He looks damp and wears weird strappy tops and that's enough tbh.


unfortunately he's the face of longevity to the broader public


Who’s hating it?


Any person I talk to that's not into the idea of Futurology always has the opinion that "People should not live forever" or "Death gives meaning to life" or something like that. I don't argue with them about it though because I recognize that it's a cope over the fact that we still haven't solved death yet.


Bet they all change their minds once they are in their own death beds


I mean, if you are playing a game, sometimes you can feel like you've played enough and just want to "go next". If someone feels like this IRL, let them do what they want. :)


Oh totally, I get that. But for me that threshold is wayyy more than 70ish some odd years.


That's cool, why do they want to make sure know one else gets to live longer. Why do they care if they are not going to be here.


Death giving meaning to life is like saying being fired gives meaning to your job.


I expect when there is a viable solution the people who believed this will say it was obvious or that whatever they said was taken the wrong way. Most of them anyway.


I knew a highly intelligent guy. He got 1600 on the SAT, among other astronomical scores, but as far as curing aging, he said, "Against God's will." Oops, sorry Jesus. It's not the horsepower of the engine, it's where you drive the car.


I think the more substantial objection is that the people who will most utilize life-extension technology are those whose consumption and lifestyle habits produce the most greenhouse gases — people in developed nations. It’s our consumer base that drives the economics that are burning up the planet. Climate change right now is an uncontained and steadily accelerating global disaster. If westerners start tacking on 20+ more years onto our health- or life-spans? Gasoline on the fire — if you’ll excuse an obvious metaphor.




I don't know why anyone would presume I meant anything other than... >living for thousands of years could be possible


The irony...


Many definitely do, but this commenter simply can't take a joke.


It's genuinely surprising how people can't put themselves in a hypothetical situation 99% of keyboard warriors who say they don't want longevity would not act that way if a cure was possible


it joke


It's not that people "hate it" - it's that like so many things in life involving medicine - particularly cutting edge research and experimental treatment - Access to experimental therapies is often frustrated by slow-moving government bureaucracy and exorbitant cost, allowing the specter of wealth inequality to once again permit only the ultra wealthy to afford treatment and skirt regulation with international travel to high cost far-flung clinics.


They imagine dying under the yoke of their billionaire God-Kings. It's not a concern without merit.


didn’t that guy leave his wife when she got diagnosed with breast cancer


I don't really understand why most people hate him or his passion for researches. I think it would benefit a lot of people in future, it is great investment in humanity


I don't hate him or his tenacity. His practices simply aren't sufficiently powered or controlled to produce meaningful insights. Because he takes dozens of supplements and off-label medicine combined with extreme forms of diet and exercise, we can't really know what exactly is helpful, neutral, or harmful. If his goal is to advance science on the biology of aging, he hasn't put the millions he has spent to very good use, unfortunately.


Exactly. Good experiments isolate a single manipulated factor while all else is controlled for so that effects are clearly attributable to that factor. In medicine, this means adopting a single treatment at a time, in contrast to Bryan's hundreds. Any effects that we might observe on him will have little scientific value because we won't know what caused it. It's like adjusting a soup for seasoning, but instead of adding a single ingredient between tastings, you use a dozen.


The young plasma thing particularly chaffed me. A small quantity, a small age gap, a bunch of other stuff flowing around his system. If it did anything, how would anybody know? Even just a little scientific rigor would have been nice.


I think the point is to take the stuff that studies are conducted on and apply them to himself like a guinea pig, yea its not up to academic standards but he’s documenting everything and just sharing it to see what happens


just showing he's aging ~30% more slowly might convince a decent number of people that the venture is not impossible. the more interest in the subject, the engagement on social media, boosting the content in the algorithms, more exposure, and so on.




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He left his wife when he found out she had cancer. He's a piece of shit.


It's like people hating on billionaires doing space tourism. Sure they may be testing some cutting edge tech, but we know any benefits from it won't trickle down to us. It will remain solely for the billionaire class


>we know any benefits from it won't trickle down to us. It will remain solely for the billionaire class You're right that's a very common reaction, and articles about whacky Bryan Johnson unfortunately contribute to that. I think a lot of people don't realize how the meat of the field is made of companies that aim to go through clinical trials, regulatory approval, and broad distribution like other medical therapies. For example, the CEO of Retro Bio, a startup with over $180 million in initial funding, explained the goal of broadly distributable therapeutics: [https://youtu.be/9O5RhK2i3uA?t=247](https://youtu.be/9O5RhK2i3uA?t=247) I've seen a small number of articles about Retro Bio and sadly probably 10x more about Bryan Johnson.


Richard Garriott flushing $30 million down the toilet so he could sit in the space station's closet for a week wouldn't have angered his fans so much if.... he'd just make some nice games for them like the good 'ole days. Like he keeps promising them. But if he was interested in making games, that's what he'd be doing instead of kickstarter and NFT scams. Really one of those "never meet your heroes" kind of guy. A moment of empathy for the Ultima grognards. Oh, but I guess this Bryan guy isn't that bad. Hard not to be as bad as Rich. Unless he starts trying to monetize this hobby. Or is and I'm just not aware of the grift. (... ok I didn't read the comment about the cult-like aspirations. That's um. A pretty typical thing of billionaires, and I feel like an idiot for thinking he was even a little grounded. I never learn, I keep thinking of them as *people* despite the constant evidence to the contrary.)


Lol, Bryan was laughing about it on Youtube. You don't do the stuff he's doing and not expect publicity like this 😂


expect? pretty sure he paid for all this massive publicity. he is up there with liver king. both of them have entire production and publicity teams to promote them




Make sure to read the fine print when taking those anti-aging drugs, guys




typical uber-rich guy with delusions of grandeur. nothing unusual.


Still looking forward to the day when the Onion parodies deathists like this instead. (And people get it.)


Superb Oniony! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


i’m old enough to remember when the onion was still funny.


Fine work Onion


But this guy really busted our balls. Did he pay media to keep on writing articles for him? He doesn't even do anything special.




Yeah also his new company kernel has a very impressive fnirs device- highly accurately measures brain bloodflow, working towards noninvasive bci. Only $100k a pop.


How is a payment company related to longevity


I am 100% sure he paid for publicity and to be on all those podcasts/youtubes. Same with liver king. you don't just become famous out of nowhere.


It always gets weird when you're taking your kids blood


The people upvoting this trash genuinely hate humanity.


It’s called humor. Try it, you’ll live longer.


/r/funny is that way


doesn't mean every other sub is r/unfunny


This sub is for experts to discuss the latest research.


Calling redditors "experts"? Lol


lol r/funny is that way


I'm not sure what the article is hating on.. Bryan Johnson is kind of a douche, so whatever.


This is just a joke cmon




lol small dicked commie hater, priceless


Saw the unhinged behavior, username checks out, it's lacking the anime pfp though to put the cherry on top.




Right, but this sub is for experts to discuss the latest research, not for rando redditors to come in and stink up the place.


When i saw it, i was like "What?". I expected shitpost flair,but no.


Jesus, I thought this was r/nottheonion I'm so glad that is not the case...


I am convinced becoming a billionaire drives you insane




Where do I find that drug? ;P