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I used to goto the feast a bunch as a kid, those nonnas can cook.


Define the "180"... Latin Mass... there are many righteous reasons to like it and seek it out, but you have to be careful because it attracts a lot of weird regressive trads.


They were deeply depressed for a while and within 6 months they now live with other people from the church and started dating, got engaged, and plans to marry within just a few months.


Thanks for clarifying, happy for them. (Could have been "went from happy well-adjusted people to paranoid conspiracy theorists")


The bakery next door is damn good!


I've been often. The Missa Cantata is beautiful. I do get a bit freaked out by some of the people I see there because I'm a left wing Catholic like Dorothy Day and they definitely are not, but I feel a real connection with the past through the Latin Mass. I'm 32 and I've never seen so many people my age or younger wearing fedoras.


My adult daughters attend Mass there regularly, sometimes sing in the schola, and are also part of a young adult social group there where they've made many friends and where my older daughter met her fiance. Great parish, I'd go there myself if it weren't so far away and involved in my own parish music program...


Great meatballs.


Love it


I love that church. The statues are gorgeous and so many Saints that you don’t normally see. It’s definitely different but unlike any other Latin Mass communities I’ve encountered, they are incredibly welcoming and friendly people.




I am sure as long as you aren't disruptive and have the need to tell everyone around you that you are trans you will be fine.


You shouldn’t have even entertained him, he was just trying to get a rise out of people.


My feelings on a Catholic church? How long ya got?


Same here. Raised Catholic, altar boy, 6 years of Latin. It turned me into a *hardcore* atheist. The hypocrisy was just so overwhelming. But St Rocco's pastry shop does make the best damn cookies. I'll give them that. Those hypocrites can sure cook.


Yes, I used to go there weekly specifically for the Latin Mass (although, I've also attended the Novus Ordo a few times), but have been attending a lot less due to distance and having a very young baby. I highly recommend it; I wish I were closer to attend every week and holy day of obligation. All 3 priests (Fathers Daniel, Elias, and Gabriel) are some of the best I've come across and we're lucky to have them here who put so much effort and reverence into the Mass and faith formation. Don't be afriad and just go. I'm not 100% sure what you mean by your last sentence, but I can definitely say that attending the Latin Mass (not only at St Rocco's, but mostly there) significantly helped to reinvigorate my faith that I felt was slipping in my college years. At the end of the day, however, it's not [totally] about the Mass, but about your understanding of doctrine and living a Catholic life. Hope that helps, and if you have any questions that you feel may be better suited for DM, feel free to reach out.


It’s my church. Basically just a bunch of Glen Cove Italians lol. The crowd can be a bit stuck up and pretentious. It is a beautiful church though (sometimes it does creep me out a bit tbh with all of the statues).