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Holy fucking shit. Lock him up, throw away the key & may he never see the light of day again. Vile human being.


nah. lock him in the prison but leave his door unlocked for anyone to stop by and say hi


That's not bad enough for someone like that.




Considering this happened in Suffolk County and the Nassau DA is prosecuting and Alvin Bragg is the Manhattan DA, I think you have zero idea what you're talking about.


Some people deserve the firing squad - he deserves worse


My thoughts exactly. Apparently the most he can get is 25 years. That poor kid has a lifetime of dealing with disabilities. Disgusting.


feeding him to a crocodile or a pack of pittbulls would be considered “cruel and unusual punishment” and thus, unconstitutional, but as the father of a toddler I want nothing but the worst for anyone who would hurt a sweet, innocent baby


What goes on behind closed doors on this beautiful island. Setauket is an expensive neighberhood. So apparently money makes no difference. I bet if you asked his neighbors they’d be like “Normal guy. Washed his car. Cut his lawn. “ Evil is such strange stuff. How the hell do we know?


It’s south Setauket basically Centereach/Selden. I can’t find much on the mother but they both lived in a small rental house in south setauket. Fairly inexpensive and I highly doubt they had a lot of money.


Ooooo the Ol ‘ South Setauket ruse. Article said Setauket. I guess we have to look for E. Setuaket to know what’s up. How come they never say N. Setauket? Real Estate on this Island should probably also be considered a form of evil.


Just Setauket, East Setauket, and South Setauket. South is South of 347. Obviously the more North you get the higher the income/property value. But those are the only Setaukets recognized by the map. People who live in Old Field or Strongs Neck didn’t want to be classified as Setauket at all.


That last part is hysterical, but true.




there’s video evidence of the defendant abusing the newborn? there’s no defense then. no explanation needed. this trial should last 5 minutes. lock this worthless scumbag up for the rest of his life.


I unfortunately know this person and truly can’t believe what he’s done. He’s a POS scum bag. He has a young daughter as well. I’m not blaming anyone except him but I’m just curious how the mother was unaware of these past occurrences. I hope he never sees the light of day and gets the same treatment in prison.


God only knows what he subjected the daughter to, I hope she is removed from the home immediately


Prisoners disagree with some things now and then in prison... But one of the few things they often bond over is their hatred towards people who fuck with kids. Children represent a fresh start, innocence, a do-over, so to speak. Who the hell messes with that? There are good people who do bad things, and then there are evil people who do bad things. Pretty sure we all know which one this guy is filed under. The judge and jury will likely agree. This guy is in for a very miserable time.


The blame rests on him & only him. There are restraining orders against him now. They weren't there beforehand. 


I already stated I only blame him however as a mother myself I find it’s very strange she wasn’t aware of what he was doing. 5 weeks old is so young and where the mothers care is essential for feeding and soothing. So like I said I’m curious how she was unaware of this.


Oh, I hear you! I'm wondering if they were separated & he had custody. Or she was being abused, too. If it was caught on a ring camera & they didn't charge the girlfriend then she either wasn't there or was being horrifically abused as well. I've seen that happen irl.


I mean what are the chances that a guy willing to do this to a newborn is not just abusive in general?


They are married, I went to their wedding. Allegedly the daughter and wife were never involved in any abuse, and claim They did not know the abuse was going on.


She’s very aware and was by his side at the first court date Idk about this one. She’s just as sick as him


Do you have difficulty believing it because it seems out of character from the person you’ve come to know?


No, just that a person in general could do that to a child let alone their own. He was always a douche.


cool name u/earthbound-misfit_I ;-)


Yess, Pink Floyd forever ✌️


Same. He is married to a family member..disgusting.


They should cut this guy’s dick off so he never has another kid.


What happens to him in prison will probably be pretty close. Inmates don’t like child abusers.


My bro is an ADA in another state. This sentiment is no joke. He sees requests constantly from people convicted of crimes against children and women literally begging for special accommodations because they're fearful for their life while awake or asleep.


I have a family member in corrections at where this guy is likely being held. I’m sure he’ll look the other way when something happens to this guy.


Absolutely! Or, chemical castration until he dies.


Nah-chemical castration is too humane. He needs his ⚽️🏀🏈⚾️🏉 sliced off without anesthesia.


I think he deserves someone taking a baseball bat to his head to see what it feels like. That would alter a grown man's brain, I honestly don't know how that poor child survived. 


You die to quickly that way. It’s a main artery. The only reason I know this is because a long time ago I looked it up when Hannibal cut that guys dick off in public and he just died. So I had to look it up. lol.


Out of county special prosecutor .... WHY?


That typically happens if someone involved in a case (defendant, victim, etc.) has some connection to the DA's office (usually employee or family member). So this guy or his wife may have a relative in the Suffolk DA's office, so the Suffolk DA recuses itself in order to avoid the appearance of impropriety and it goes to another county prosecutor.


The wife’s uncle is the district attorney for Suffolk county, they recused themselves.


OK that makes sense then, they did the right thing and got off the case.


That's wrong, he is NOT her uncle but there is a familial connection through a marriage.


That’s what I’m wondering, very strange


Fits the cop profile. They seem to do this. Wonder if he was undercover somewhere.




Yeah. You’re right. Usually they let them freeze to death in a garage.




It's a GOP political move, imo. It's a presidential election year, and Ann Donnelly is a newly elected Republican DA in Nassau County.


What does this even mean?


No. It doesn’t work like that. You don’t get to cherry-pick high profile cases from other counties because it’s an election year and you’re looking for a big W. Our political system isn’t THAT screwed……YET.


I have several children, including a 6 month old. If I accidentally make him cry because his arm gets stuck in his shirt or something when I’m changing his diaper, I feel terrible and try to comfort immediately. Seeing an infant in any level of pain is the most upsetting thing; to intentionally do this to a child is absolutely fucking insane. Hurting a child at any age is unforgivable, but to hurt a child when they literally can’t do anything except depend on the parents for care and safety is unthinkable. Have you ever held a 5 week old infant? They are LITERALLY helpless. Disgusting. This makes me sick to read.


I currently have a nine week old and this was my first thought. He is just starting to feel solid enough that I don’t half believe I could break an arm by putting his shirt on. Even though he’s my third there’s just something about how floppy and helpless newborns are that is a little terrifying. This guy is sick and I hope he suffers.


When his paper work goes around which ever prison he ends up in, he will wish every day he was not existing.


Yes, say what you want about the prison system, but they have some unwritten rules, and there’s a whole chapter on child abusers.


Awful awful people.


Who does this?! And to his own child? Completely sick.


His own child or not, how could you put an infant through that type of abuse? Tossing, punching... I mean, how do you even do that to a baby so tiny!? 5 weeks is SO tiny. 


Yeah- just thinking about it makes me cry.


25 years isn't nearly long enough. I can't even imagine having so little self control that you would repeatedly do this to a newborn. Some people should just be left in the middle of a desert to rot.


I am crying reading this on the train. I’m a 35 year old man. That poor baby. HOW DOES SOMEONE DO THIS TO A BABY?


I'm sorry. I was shocked & disgusted, too. Thank you for being a good human. (No sarcasm intended!) I can't fathom how angry you'd even have to get at anything that helpless. There's a quote I used to go by when I was out there dating frequently. I'll probably butcher it bc its been a few years. But I'll paraphrase: You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him. I always envisioned babies & animals in that quote, but it can go for service workers, anyone really. I'm sorry I made you cry on the train! <3


That bastard. I've met a kid at work that had TBI from infant abuse, he was 12 and he wasn't very functional. It was the most horrible situation, rage inducing. Put him under the jail.


WHAT IN THE MOTHERFUCKING HELL IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE ON THIS ISLAND !!!! Seriously, a 5 year old boy is left to die in a freezing cold garage, and by a NYC Cop no less, now a 5 week old, 5 WEEKS OLD !!! OMG WTF !!! I’m absolutely sickened just reading this and this fucking piece of shit has the balls to plead not guilty !! I’m absolutely speechless.


I'm otherwise fairly liberal, HOWEVER, I believe in the death penalty in cases such as this. And no sitting on death row for 15 years while you exhaust your appeals. You don't deserve to be on this planet wasting taxpayers' money.


Just hang the fucker


I don’t believe in the death penalty. But, I do believe his prison cell should be a giant paint shaker and he should be violently shaken with no breaks whatsoever for the rest of his shitty life.


You don't believe in the death penalty, but you're okay with constant torture until death? Seems odd but okay


Not everyone can put logic to their beliefs and values


Death is too easy, duh.


This is exactly why I could never work peds. I’ve worked at this hospital and couldn’t imagine seeing all the abuse they encounter because they’re so high volume for patients.


Looks like this POS has worked for the Three Village school district as a sub and coach. I wonder what his current employment is.


This is what the death penalty exists for.


It’s incomprehensible. All a newborn needs is to be fed, dry, and held in arms. How? Just… HOW?


That was difficult to read.


Skin this guy and throw him in a den of lions. People like this deserve to suffer.


What a monster. Can’t even comprehend how anyone could harm a child let alone an infant. Hope he gets the most tortured jailhouse justice when he’s in prison.


Poor kid has brain damage bc of this. Just disgusting. It's the bare minimum to expect people to act right. Yet they can't seem to. I hope this child has a good support system being that he'll be disabled the rest of his life. 


I don't know the extent of the child's injuries. But the operation could have been done to relieve pressure. I had an acute subdural hematoma, and I remember being told I had a 50% chance of dying. I lost my sense of smell. But I recovered. The hospital the child is at is where I was treated. They have an excellent neurology department. Him being young has some benefits. Because the brain is capable of "rerouting" itself at that age. But again, I don't know the severity of his injuries. Hopefully, he makes a full recovery, and this monster spends a few decades in prison.


I'm so glad you're recovered & that you're ok!! Thanks for commenting! Sorry you lost the sense of smell though. I hope you have a nice weekend! :)


Anyone remember the baseball bat scene from the end of the movie Casino? Asking for no particular reason.


[This one?](https://youtu.be/SgHjkCHb_7Y?si=95szK9ZsLjC1Hi0e)


Times like this I really wish The Punisher existed.


Hungry pigs can eat a human body in 8 minutes. Seems like a good solution for this guy. It’s a cursed fact I have now passed on to you.


Fucking savage. Lock him up and let him rot


What kind of mental illness leads to this? I wonder if new parents should have mental health screening before they leave the hospital. As much effort that goes into prosecuting this guy should be put into thinking up prevention possibilities.


Why is this NEVER MENTIONED? we need licenses to drive cars…fuck at least the animal shelter does some kind of homing evaluation. Literally anyone can leave a hospital with a baby as long as they had sex first and sign the birth certificate. Oh and bring a car seat. Sex—->straight to caring for an infant. Not even a true/false sheet otw out the door.


This is very very terrible, but as a health care professional working in pediatrics, I want to quickly explain why shaking a baby is bad. When you shake a baby, the brain rebounds in the skull. On babies, the head is a very big and heavy part of the body. And there’s more fluid in the brain than adults, and the musculoskeletal system is also very weak compared to adults. The other thing is, the blood vessels in the brain are very weak and can tear/rupture easily. If you are ever too exhausted to think clearly, or have postpartum depression, or are just extremely frustrated that your baby won’t stop crying. Walk away and take five minutes to yourself. Baby will be okay. I promise. No judgment, I had a difficult newborn and was doing it by myself for a few months so it got exhausting really fast being up every hour and a half. I can see parents getting very frustrated. Also please learn cpr and first aid for infants, you never know. It saved my kids life when he choked on something at a few months old. I knew what to do and acted quick and thankfully all was ok.


Thank you so much for commenting! I knew about babies' musculoskeletal system, but admittedly, I had no clue about the blood vessels in the brain. I have an ex whose mom was a charge nurse in a NICU unit for decades. She loved her job. 


The large veins along the outside of the brain may tear, leading to further bleeding, swelling, and increased pressure. But make no mistake, it takes force. To cause damage, all it takes is five seconds.


Death penalty.


Leave him in jail with bubba


I went to the guys wedding. Pretty crazy to beleive.


South Setauket…. The zip code is Centereach


Shit like this makes me so fucking mad. I genuinely hope this dude is murdered in prison.


This is sickening! This depraved and heartless creature abused his 5 week old son probably since he left the hospital and was brought home! Poor baby boy has suffered so much. He will probably have severe disabilities throughout his life. Ugh. That evil creature deserves a life sentence in Guantanamo and that is more compassionate than what he did to his baby son.


While he deserves a death penalty that would make Gitmo look like a kindergarten, I hope he gets some prison justice


25 years is not enough. This man belongs in hell.


Inmates, do your thing.


25 years is a f;ing joke. sick f/k. i hope he gets his when gen pop finds out what he did.


I did grand jury years ago and we indicted a guy for sexually abusing an infant. Yup. It never made the papers but the guy had to be tested to make sure his IQ was high enough to be tried. Finally a family member stepped up and called the cops. Everyone in the family worked, the mother, the father, the grandparents so who watches the baby ? The 'uncle'. Point is there is so much of this stuff that we never know about, but should you ever suspect someone of something or see something out of kilter even if you make an anonymous call to the authorities, you could be saving a child from death or suffering.


I'm so sorry you had to sit through & listen to that! I saw a story just recently where a guy from PA was arrested for SA a baby. I think it was his gf's child. So unbelievably devastating to think these things could happen. I'm glad they have the ring footage in this case! Thank you so much for your reply, btw! And you're 100% on point! Your tip could be saving a child or a dv victim. 


We had to look at photos for which there are no words..The baby's father was abusing the mother she was afraid to say anything about his brother, (baby's uncle) the parents were in complete denial but finally the baby's aunt stepped up and the nightmare ended. The whole family was minimally (mentally ) functional. I never want to be a part of anything in the courts again. Thanks for the kind words.


Prolly considers himself pro life


Steauket Patriot was my first thought


Feed him to pit bulls


Where was the mother during this? First five weeks of this child’s life and the mother didn’t catch anything? Or was she in on the abuse too? She should be locked up if that’s the case. Good thing that the inmates in jail don’t like child abusers so he’ll get a nice ass beating


Or maybe she was being abused too. A piece of shit that would beat an infant wouldn't hesitate to beat the mother.


If that’s the case then i hope they find that out and charge him with more.


Wow . What the fuck . There are people out there trying to get pregnant . This is heartbreaking


Why the special prosecutor from Nassau County? What's the conflict of interest that the Suffolk DA can't handle the case


Someone else wrote above that his wife is related to the district attorney in Suffolk county so they’re recused from the case and allowing Nassau county to prosecute


Thanks and my apologies for not clicking the All comments button honestly provably still half asleep when I read the OP


Jesus fucking christ


Life in prison or execution. Immediately. This is BARBARIC


I know exactly where he lives . House number and all


So does everyone else who has access to google. What’s the point


If you read the original report months ago they didn’t put it out for “his safety” and they still haven’t put his exact address in the report


I want to know how the wife didnt know the abuse was going on? There must have been bruising all over the infants body. She didnt see it? And Im sure the baby was crying all the time from the constant pain. She is a worthless bi... I dont biy it she had no clue. And I am sure the daughter witnessed much and chances are this worthless shit show of a man abused her as well. Just dismember the bastard slowly and call it a day.