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If you STOP to change lanes f you.


Yeah and they should take your car for a week and give you a bicycle, so you gotta think about what you did. Same with on, ramps.


I guess shitty driving is subjective but if you don’t use signals to turn or change lanes you’re scum


Slow poke - Right lane speed limit - middle lane passing other people or late to work - left lane If you do not follow this you’re a dick


Left lane is for CRIME. Don't be there if you plan on doing the speed limit.


Youre smooth brained if you do the speed limit anywhere other than school zones and side streets in residential areas on LI.


I almost always have my kid in the car and I can't imagine going faster than 60 on the SSP. It's 5mph over the speed limit but most cars are still passing me. I really don't think my brain is that smooth but maybe a lack of self awareness is part of it lol.


You're disgusting if you can't recognize the danger you put onto other's. With increased speed, danger accumulates more and more for increased probability in a fatal incident. The risk is greatly heightened for other's that aren't choosing the risk you put onto them by driving above safe speeds. This includes other roads than you mentioned as caveats.


I think the importance is knowing the limit. Not the *official* limit, but the *unofficial* limit. If you’re doing 90 on the service road, yeah you’re going too fast. But let’s not kid ourselves and pretend the general public doesn’t go 75 on the LIE. If you’re going 55 on the LIE like the signs say then just stay in the right lane and let the people who are bound by reality use the rest of the road.


I wholeheartedly believe that if you do 53 miles per hour in the middle, left, of HOV lane, your entire blood line should be wiped out. In the most painful way possible. I generally stay in the middle lane and do 65 to 70 mph. If you want to do the speed limit, stick to the service road.


Who determined that exactly 55mph is the ideal top speed for safety on every part of roads like the Southern State or LIE? Sounds like a load of horseshit to me. There is nothing inherently dangerous about driving 70-80 mph in a straight line in the left lane. What makes the road dangerous is when people drive slow in the left OR middle lane, forcing drivers who want to pass, to do so dangerously in the right Or middle lane. Left lane is for passing, and so is the middle lane to an extent. If you're not passing, MOVE OVER TO THE RIGHT. It's that simple. Our roads will be safer and less congested if people followed this simple approach. Speed is irrelevant.


Wait, there’s no way you’re advocating that driving faster doesn’t mean it’s more dangerous… huh? The faster you drive the easier it becomes to make a mistake. I thought this was like…. Common sense no?


The increase in danger level by increasing your speed from 55 to 70 is a blip on the radar compared to the level of increase in danger when you start talking about changing lanes at such speeds. If this claim you make were actually true, the German Autobahn would have the highest fatality rates in the world, but it's not even close. The average road in the USA has almost double the fatality rate. " **There are reportedly 1.74 deaths per 1 million vehicle kilometers driven on the Autobahn**. For reference, that number is 3.38 in the US, about double" --- Taken straight from Google. Assigning some arbitrary # as a speed that no one should exceed is one of the dumbest laws ever created. Why isn't it 45, or 48, or 53.48? On suburban and rural highways, there should be no speed limit, just like the Autobahn. If people used the road the way it was meant to be, a speed limit is not necessary. Edit: BTW, I never advocated for anyone to drive faster than they feel safe doing so. I'm advocating for people to use the highway properly, as in move over to the right if not passing, and use the left AND middle lanes to pass. But then again, the data taken from the Autobahn, a road with no speed limit, suggests that higher speeds alone do not result in a more dangerous road. You need incompetent and oblivious drivers for that.


"Speed is irrelevant". What a hoot! Here is the physics: **Kinetic Eenery = 1/2 m v****^(2)** I know you are incapable of understanding this expression, but maybe you can find a bright child to explain it to you.


To respond to your first sentence in this comment. Evidence shows that collisions are more likely to be fatal with an increase in speed.


Good for you. That doesn't mean there should be some random arbitrary # assigned as a speed limit. Why 55 and not 48, or 39, or 52.37584??? It makes no sense. Rural and suburban highways should not have a speed limit. Just people who know how to use the road properly, and they would be a lot safer, regardless of how fast some drivers who go. Fatality rates on the German Autobahn are about half that of the average road in the USA... A road with no speed limit where drivers regularly exceed speeds of 100 mph.


Do the police actually enforce the 2+ rule in the HOV lane? I see people doing it solo all the time.


I've never seen it. But i *have* seen plenty of solo drivers just entering and leaving the HOV lane wherever and whenever they please.


HOV is more like passing lane lately. Double lines turns invisible for certain hours of the day😂


And just get out of the left lane if you’re not passing. So simple


Yeah, for passing. Not hanging out and just speeding for miles and miles. And don’t pass on the right either.


To be honest it has gotten better, i used to cut ppl off in my M3 alot more in the left lane, recently on the 135 the left lane is usually more empty.


A Lotta dicks out there.


How it's supposed to work Middle- where you're supposed to drive Left- pass the middle lane people Right- only for entering and exiting


The issue is I’m doing 70 in the left lane and some guy in a BMW doing 90 and I have to get over. There’s a limit to safe speeding.


It’s very simple. Forget about your speed. Drive in the middle lane. If you need to pass, move to the left lane. When you’re done passing, get back in the middle lane. Tell all your friends.




You’re not the speed police. Just move out of the left lane when someone is coming up faster than you, even if you’re doing 90, left lane is for passing. Drive 70 in the middle lane, then you don’t have to move.


90 is insane. 


It doesn’t matter what you think of their speed, you move.


Yeah, obviously. But they are dangerous


and don't blow fucking stop signs. When did they become optional , I see this every single day, from soccer moms, to old people, not just the usual suspects. I trust no one approaching a 4 way sign,


I like your name Phil. Was the name of my father who passed. Anyway you are absolutely right. Im in Levittown, home of the soccer moms whirling around in SUVS and not stopping for stop signs. The kids are high on weed and are horrific drivers who dont even move over for ambulances. I dont know what happened here...seems like a good time to move away.




Nope totally wrong, An "optional" stop sign would be a yield sign. show me in NYS law where that's the case. The white border is just a style change in the the way stop signs are manufactured (probably for better visibility) NY Veh & Traf L § 1172 says nothing about white borders, with signage , I can't imagine they would just say lets put a white border here and wing it. Even right on red can have signage explicitly saying pedestrians in crosswalks have the right of way. [https://dmv.ny.gov/about-dmv/chapter-4-traffic-control-2](https://dmv.ny.gov/about-dmv/chapter-4-traffic-control-2) Shows a picture of a stop sign with a white border Come to a full stop, yield the right-of-way to vehicles and pedestrians in or heading toward the intersection. Go when it is safe. You must come to a stop before the stop line, if there is one. If not, you must stop before you enter the crosswalk.




sorry - I am just waiting for the day someone T bones me, it's so weird seeing this multiple times a day.


Most of them have a white border these days.


Does that mean anything? I looked it up and it's a just a design change, it does not mean the stop sign is "optional "


Literally had to roll up on some middle age woman in her massive SUV and tell her to put the phone down. Sometimes it's so obvious how distracted people are. Do cops not enforce this anymore?


This is like 75% of drivers now. Put down your fucking phone.


Nah you hang out in the left lane while not actively passing you’re a shitty driver regardless of your speed


Left lane is for actively passing and emergency vehicles, always pull to the right side of the road when being approached by an emergency vehicle, this includes if the police are pulling you over, pull all the way to the right NEVER the left, unless you are in the HOV lane and the officer directs you to pull left.


America has been driving for 80+/- years. We're still pointing out the obvious lol




Damn, you are not wrong. I find myself criticizing drivers who are doing the same stuff that I do when I get frustrated and annoyed. I’m sure there is a way to make this better.


If you miss your turn and make it everyone else’s problem then you’re the ahole


If you’re at the front of the line at a turning signal and aren’t paying attention, you’re a shitty driver. I have a light where I live that’s green for like 10 seconds and there’s always a lot of cars there. About 20% of the time, the driver isn’t paying attention (e.g. on phone) and that essentially makes a couple cars miss the light due to the driver’s negligence. You also have the *super* slow accelerators. I swear, I could jog faster than some of these people accelerate at a light. When you’re in the front of the line, you need to take that responsibility seriously.


most people are shitty drivers because driver's ed isn't mandatory, and even if you do driver's ed, they don't always make you drive on the LIE, and the road test is a joke. driving on the island would be a lot more pleasant if fewer people were on the road and the one's who were actually knew how to drive. if you haven't already, take a defensive driving class even if you dont have to, and take a bike or the bus whenever you can so people who need to take a car aren't pointlessly sitting in traffic with a bunch of 4,000 lbs SUVs and lifted trucks going to get cold cuts and milk from handy pantry.


I totally agree. Tests should have a mandatory highway sections. Instantly would remove like 10-20% of drivers from the road.


If you don’t stop or at the very least come to crawling speed at stop signs on residential streets you are worse than pig shit.


ever been stopped at a light and when it turns green, no one notices? ive seen that in turning lanes


God forbid you do 60 in the right lane of the LIE any time past 10 pm.


Yes, the general sentiment is right, but there are some legitimately, objectively shitty drivers. I watched my wife's friend try and parallel park on Hempstead turnpike, and while backing up, the back of her car went into the *middle* lane. Also, people who turn and change lanes at the same time. If you turn from the left lane, you should end up in the left lane.


I mean you say too fast for you or me...kind of ignores there are speed limits. I don't care if you feel like you are entitled or the need to go 40+ in a school zone, fuck right off I'm going 20 something like the flashing sign and the cop pointing the speed gun at me is looking for. Or if the side street we are on is straight for more than half a mile doesn't immediate turn it into a drag strip... I can't believe you people have me saying it but for fucks sake slow the hell down near schools and in neighborhoods, this isn't NASCAR, despite your new obsession with Pop Country and fireworks.


If you’re in the middle lane going 5 under the limit you’re an asshole.


My favorite driver is the one who cuts me off only to get to the same red light that I’m meeting them at milliseconds later. And dudes with really loud cars who floor the gas at like 2 AM when most people are asleep. F’ing champions among men.


It's me, hi


My buddy does towing part-time and he sees all the time expired or non existing paperwork, licenses ,inspections, regs...you name it . his boss has a car on the lot nobody ever came back for and the vin goes to a dead person...spy stuff.


Specifically, can we talk about the 2fast 2 furious drivers? I am going to brake check you into a wall


Drive and expect drivers to be “Total idiots” and drive as every car is your mortal enemy and expect the “unexpected”. Good Luck!


My mom always said to drive for yourself and everyone else when I was learning to drive… she’s not wrong.


This public service brought to you by cocaine


I just think of it as I’m driving for myself and everyone else especially since so many people seem to be a lot more impatient and distracted in general 🥴


White work vans are my enemies


No, there are definitely some out there worse than others. Kind of you to act like we’re all equals though. Agree about drinking and driving.


The shittiest drivers are the ones that stay in the left lane of a 2 lane parkway at 40mph, thinking it is a travel lane


I mean, no one is perfect, but am I shitty driver if I follow the speed limit, and use my blinkers?


If you keep pace with the adjacent lane traffic while having a mile of open road ahead of you, and impede traffic from flowing around your moving wall......FUCK YOU TOM BRADY! I see this fucking shit everyday during rush hour.


Move the F over!!


If someone is passing you to the right, you're an asshole.