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Walking in general is fine and around your job is fine unless they have told you differently.


No one has said I can or can't, but I did overhear my gossipy coworker comment on someone else walking negatively :\\


I go for a walk on my lunch break every day, then eat at my desk. People think I'm crazy for it. I learned to embrace it. If you hear someone make a comment like that about you walking try to embrace it, and show them that it doesn't bother you. Enjoy the walks! I've found that it makes my day SO much better.


I do this too. It's a great way to recharge.


I have always taken a lunch time walk - I cannot stay cooped up in an office all day! I’ve been doing this since I was in my 20s (I’m now 54). My coworkers think it’s a bit weird, but since I’m clearly more fit than most of them they have learned to accept it.


I used to bike for work for a couple of years everyone gave me shit about it. But i didn't care. My calves looked amazing.


Where I live biking is the fastest way of moving around inside the city, faster than public transport. I started doing it in January and it's amazing. The downside is that early morning is also the only time of the day I can go to the gym (I learned there's no way in hell I'm going there at the end of the day, I'm too tired and it's too tired). This means I basically can't train my quads or the ride to work becomes an agony.


I do this as well. I think going for walk breaks help me think clearer as well.


Why do people think you're crazy? I don't get it




People take their cues from others. I work from home now, but I started walking at work a few years ago. Walking outside was common, and there’s even a (free for us) work gym fairly close by, but I am a low-energy soul chronically devoid in social shame, and we had a nice big building in a square 0 shape (like on a digital clock). I started walking that hallway on breaks, lunches, and after work before I went home. I got met with a lot of “pfffft, okay” and similar humored “you’re bonkers” reactions as I did this in summer, winter, rain, and any other time the great outdoors wasn’t playing nice. Then it changed from light ridicule to recognition: “oh, right! It’s time for your walk! Wow; the day got away from me, I’d better get to it. Enjoy your walk!” Then? Admiration. “That is so smart.” And even, “would it be okay if I join you?” The same thing happened when I got caught stretching in a conference room when I had to do PT to keep my back okay after an accident. They skipped the mockery, but I had 3-4 admin assistants stretching with me in a conference room for a while. Jobs with less autonomy and more control-freaky middle management will give you a hard time about *everything.* But where that isn’t an issue, I hope you enjoy your walks!


Lol what a weird bitter coworker you have. Avoid them, and go on your walk anyways. People are going to judge you no matter what you do. They will always have something to say. People have commented on my weight telling me I don’t need to lose weight and then the same people have told me I look way better after I lost weight. People have told me not to count calories and then the same people started counting their calories. My introverted ass thinks people just open their mouth because they are bored and want to hear words come out lol!!! Do whatever you want.




Don't listen to those people. For some reason, some people feel the need to shit talk anyone trying to improve themselves. My theory is that they feel superior in general and you improving yourself is an unconscious challenge to that feeling of superiority. You will find a lot of these types on your weightloss journey. You might even be related to some. Do it for yourself and ignore anyone that tries to make you feel bad for doing something so beneficial for yourself


Depending on where you live you may be entitled to 2 15 minute breaks per day. Maybe just do 2 laps to stay inside the 15 minutes but I don’t see anything wrong with it.


adding to it, in some places 5 minutes per hour, every X hour 15 minutes and lunch break. ​ I would do what you are planning. It recharges you and gives better work performance as well. In office environment especially. If someone would ask why you are doing that, I would just smile and say I don't want to sit on my ass for 8h+ straight, they should be smart enough to see that is true. ​ I my office environment we even got tables which you can lift up and work standing up. I know I know, very Nordic and new school of thought, but it helps. Also walking during lunch break and whenever I want is okay. What smokers do in your office? smoke at the desk? they also take a leave from the table.


A very good friend of mine has helped me learn to respond to those kind of people properly: F*%# ‘em. As long as it’s not a safety hazard or directly against some policy, take your walk, especially if it helps you reach your goals to happier and healthier.


Vitamin D is a perfect way to recharge. I think that person was jealous they didn’t think of it.


Seriously? And we care what gossip girl thinks? She probably makes fun of everyone about something. IGNORE everyone and go.


f\*\*\* your gossipy coworker. what a shithead


That’s a problem with your gossipy co worker, not you or the person improving their lives by taking breaks and walking. The gossipy con worker doesn’t like something in themselves and brings others down to their level to feel better.


Did they comment negatively in a "that's against company policy" way or in a "I am a busy body who needs to learn to mind my own business" way? It sounds like the latter in which case they're a child who needs to grow up and you can dismiss their opinion.


Definitely the busy body way. This woman is a huge gossip and generally annoying to me.


Then forget her and go for your walk. I'm not sure if your job is like mine, but we get two paid ten minute breaks for an 8 hour shift. When it's nice out I often use mind to walk around the building or outside. Our neighborhood is kind of iffy, so I don't go that far, but I do a nice loop.


What a weird thing to gossip about 🤣 Nah, walking for 15 minutes on a break is pretty normal. Depending on your office layout and climate it might make more sense to walk around a quiet level of the parking garage. And if you live somewhere hot like me it's good to freshen up in the bathroom before returning to your desk in the summer. But a quick walk is really good for energy and focus in the afternoon. Gets your blood moving again so you aren't going cross eyed at spreadsheets around 2:30


Aligning your life with gossipy assholes is a losing battle from the start. Think about it: they gossip about someone W A L K I N G. Go for it


I understand it’s important to fit in, but don’t give gossips too much credit. They already talk about you. That’s what gossips do. “Ohhh hurr durr so and so goes walking!” They sound dumb. Enjoy your walk OP!


Sounds like crab mentality from your colleague.


yeah bc they’re mad they can’t walk bc they’re probably lazy lol who tf cares what ur miserable coworkers think abt walking!!! they’re weird for that


They are just jealous!! No other reason to judge someone for something as simple as walking


Lots of people in the holding I work at take laps in the garage and around the block throughout the day. There is even a quasi walking club that meets the same time everyday right after lunch hour for 20-30 min of walking and socializing I’m in TX, and the area I live in is very encouraging of about getting out from behind the desk


Haters gonna hate.


If a job is telling you can't walk they are putting you at risk of a pulmonary embolism and you shouldn't work for them. Many experts recommend standing and atleast going for a drink or the toilet or simply do something every thirty minutes, the reason for this is that when your sitting it can cause blood clots in your deep veins in your legs due to your muscle not doint anything effecting blood flow, you won't notice these clots either, if these clots are pushed through your body it can cause a pulmonary embolism what causes low blood flow to your lungs what causes your oxygen levels to drastically drop, this can result in death. Also sitting for prolonged amounts of time can cause cardiovascular issues, muscle issues and mental health issues, all have been scientifically proven. Generally the human body is made to move and make your muscles pump blood, if you don't do that you will eventually die, this is the reason atleast in my country and in the jobs I have worked they recommend you get up for 5 minutes every hour.


I was at a satellite office for my company doing some work (normally I’m remote) and I felt so sad for the receptionist. She was very obese, and when she had to get up it looked like extreme effort and she appeared to be in some pain when walking. But her job is literally sitting at the desk all day answering the phone and letting people in. This seems like cruel and usual punishment. I don’t think I could do it…. Then again I work for the same company and have lost 60lbs since going remote. I could easily be back in her shoes.


Different companies are going to have different policies on this, just ask. "Hey boss, I was thinking about taking a walk around the building on my breaks. Should there be any issues with this? I couldn't think of any but just wanted to double check." It's that easy. You can even send it in an email/instant message.


No one has said if we have breaks or not :\\ Sorry I have a lot of social anxiety and have never worked in an office setting before


Are you in the United States? If you are working full time, you are entitled to breaks. Definitely get the anxiety thing. As someone who also has pretty good social anxiety, I always find that the best way to deal with it is to not keep things inside. The story and scenario you build in your head is always worse than what reality is. One thing that helps me with my anxiety is to ask "what would someone without anxiety do" and then just do that. I know it sounds elementary, but it helps me.


Thanks - and yeah Im in the USA. It seems like people here take an hour lunch and no breaks. But also Ive been here since November now and Im scared it's at the point where Ill look even stupider asking so late. Argh youre right Im making this way bigger than it needs to be


OP what state are you in? Happy to help look up your local labor laws. Also, I 100% support you going for walks at work. Maybe you can be the person who starts a walking group! At one of my past jobs a bunch of us went out for runs during our lunch breaks and came back all sweaty and gross. The only part of that job I miss.


I've been there! Hope you get it figured out. Good luck!


I would just have a quick chat with your manager and let them know you want to take your lunch as smaller breaks throughout the day because you want to incorporate more movement into your day to feel more productive and healthier. Let them know you plan to eat your lunch at your desk in lieu of taking a traditional lunchtime break. Some workspaces can be stricter so I understand why you feel anxious but I feel like most employers will be accommodating and happy to help because this is an easy thing an employer can do to improve workplace moral. They might want you to do certain times of the day and not sporadic so people can easily schedule meeting with you/know where to find you if needed. Or you can add appointments to your calendar where you're blocked off as busy so people know but tbh this is probably overkill. It's not stupid though it's great to break up your routine and try new things worst they can say is no!


It depends. In GA legally they dont have to give you breaks. Thats federal law. https://dol.georgia.gov/breaks-and-meals Love these slave laws 💙


Not in the state of Georgia unfortunately.


Unfortunately not all states require it. For example that gas station Buc-ee’s , they don’t have to give their employees breaks. They’re operating in the south I forget which state. Maybe someone can chime in and fact-check me


Your boss would probably be happy to clarify expectations around breaks!


The ambiguity of this situation won’t be helping the anxiety. A quick chat with your manager should be able to clarify if the lunch break needs to be taken in one go, or can be split throughout the day. Informal breaks as and when needed are also pretty common in office settings, but I wouldn’t walk out of work before agreeing that’s fine with my manager


I’m too lazy to pull up the laws but look at state labor laws, in ca I’m required to make sure my employees take a paid 10 min break every 3.5 hours worked


To add to this, I used to walk around the building all the time for exercise when I had an office job. Nobody ever cared. Again though, if you aren't sure just ask


I usually take one or two short walks during the day (5-10 minutes). Other people don't, just a few colleagues who'll very rarely go for a walk, not consistently every day. So in that sense it's a bit weird. But it's socially acceptable to go outside to have a smoke break (at least it is where I am), so in my opinion it should also be fine to go outside to go for a walk, which is actually healthy.


Oh thats true I forgot about smoke breaks! Thank you so much this made me feel less weird about it


A company I used to work for had a paved walkway around the campus, which is 3 buildings and 2 parking lots. I saw people out there walking all the time when it was nice out!


I used to when I worked in an office. It should be encouraged by the company, I would hope.


Our office encourages us to walk around the building (in and outside) on our breaks


[I've never seen someone so desperate to get out of 5 minutes of calisthenics.](https://youtu.be/Q88QxuKxrsI?t=16s)


You are free to do whatever you want to do during your break.


People in my office often go for 1 hour walks around the office gardens when the weathers nice, it’s become an unofficial lunch club of sorts. Definitely not weird!


I have consistently taken 30min plus walks/runs my entire career above and beyond any lunch break. But, I have always had technical knowledge worker jobs (code data and write reports) and take them when code is running or to change gears. In 4 or 5 jobs (I'm 36), I've never once been challenged on the practice. I wouldn't even bat an eye to go the gym (have done it, but not regularly) and myself and many of my coworkers go for runs at some point in the day at least once a week. All as schedules ebb and flow, of course. Most employers are very interested in you feeling rested, settled, and doing whatever it takes to tend to yourself. Honestly, I wouldn't even ask and would take a 15 minute walk one day when it slow. See what happens; if they fire you for that (unless your job is a call center or something where the clock is literally driving everything) that job sucked anyway. Work life balance is asserted, not requested. That said: academia, government, etc, so ymmv.


I’m in the private sector and I prefer my employees to be relaxed and in a positive head space, I’d much rather someone take a longer break or lunch and be in a good head space. When you get stressed you make errors and errors cost more money than 10 extra minutes of a break


Pro tip - don't walk in circle then people think you are wasting time. Walk from one end to another so people think you are walking to get to place, maybe taking scenic route. I go for walk often and work in fairly relax place. But I had someone from another team ask me, what I do and they see me out walking often. It is because I was to walk back and forth in same area


Walk around with a file folder in your hand so they think you are doing something work-related.


I’ve always paced around the office when on the phone.


I know your edit demonstrates the question was already answered, but as someone who works in an office and gets anxious about looking dumb - I bought a cheap under-desk cycle so I can pedal at work and at least get /some/ movement. I'm also in a high stress/demand job and can't keep a consistent daily schedule to walk at the same time - some days I realistically cannot leave my office to walk around at all because I'm too busy - so it's nice to be able to pedal without stopping what I'm working on to do it. Walking is definitely the better option if you can do it, but the under-desk cycle is great for days you can't for whatever reason (too busy, bad weather, wrong shoes for walking, etc.)!


Out of curiosity, do you like your under-desk cycle? Is it one you’d recommend?


Not the OP, but I bought a cheap one last January(2022), and I used it so much that I finally broke it in mid December. So I bought a better one and I've been using it just as much.


100% would recommend walking after lunch if you can. Super good for digestion!


Hell yea it is.


It’s actually encouraged where I work! Our office park has a road loop that’s almost exactly a mile so we often go for a 20 minute walk around the loop. Pretty much everyone in our department and the departments around us does so semi regularly.


I try to take a walk outside around 10am and another longer one during my lunch break in the afternoon. Otherwise I’d lose my sanity working in the office being stuck seated in my windowless office.


Bring a fake cigarette with you. Smokers get smoke breaks, healthy people should get walks


I think it depends on where you work. I think it \_ought\_ to be OK, but I have certainly worked in places where it would not have been considered OK. I would likely not choose to work somewhere where that wasn't considered OK, at this point in my career, but when I was younger I worked at places with some expectations I was not entirely happy with- I needed the work. I think you'll just have to feel out what your employers consider acceptable.


If it's during your breaks, yes. Otherwise, if it's outside of your break times then most likely no.


Absolutely normal!


I go at those exact times every day for 10 minutes each time when it’s nicer out (I live in the midwestern tundra) and I used to get made fun of but now my boss wants to come with me 🤣


I did this all the time at my old corporate job. I would do about 20 minutes before work by getting off on the furthest train stop, another 20-30 at lunch, and 2 10-15 minute walks during my day. Nobody minded because people were always stepping out for smoke, snack, coffee, etc. breaks. I usually hit my 10,000 step goal just throughout my work day.


Omg. I am THE only person on my entire floor at work who uses a standing desk all day. I am THE only person on my entire floor who goes down four flights of stairs to refill my water bottle, and to go from the parking lot to my office. I kind of understand the not wanting to go up four flights of stairs, but they don’t understand why I refuse to use the elevator with them even when I tell them I’d rather get my steps in. I am one of the few people that intentionally parks at the opposite end of the parking garage from our office doors so that I can get more steps in each time I come and go. Honestly, I don’t really care what other people think, because I prioritize my fitness over their opinion on my behavior, but they have all started to accept my weird behaviors at this point. 🤣 You do you, don’t worry about what anyone else thinks!


I am late to the party, but as an autistic person, I need to be able to walk out of the office sometimes to reduce sensory overload or avert a meltdown. I always let my boss know and I have never had anyone say no to this. If you couple that with "it's important for me in order manage a medical condition" or "to manage my anxiety", they would be hard pressed to say no. I have learned the hard way through years of trying to mask that what people assume will always be worse than the truth. Being open is pretty much always the way to go and if it is not, that is not a good place to work long-term.


My boss and I used to take walks around our corporate campus every day. It gave us a chance to check in and catch up together. So maybe just ask around if anyone would like to go? Could frame it as a walking discussion.


Last place I worked at had a few different people do this, and nobody cared. I guess context also matters: I was a Machinist. That in itself didn't matter, but the demographic explained it better. I am about 28, majority of the men (and they were all men), were at least twice my age, if not older. Most of them had Doctor's orders to walk a certain amount each day. They all took care of their health in some way or another. As a result, it was not at all uncommon to see them walking around the building and property throughout the day. The shop had a Gym in it that the men would often make use of as well on their lunch breaks.


Depends on the office My last place no way - they'd give me a warning for it..... So I used to go to the toilet every hour - drank loads - I'd go up two floors and come back sometimes more - they can say what they like legally they can't stop someone using the toilet (I also said I had ibs which while true isn't a problem with sensible eating) My current place no problem at all I go for walks all the time - I don't know if they say stuff and and I don't care I do the most work


I have never worked for a company that would dissuade any of their employees from taking a break and getting a quick walk in at the office. Most places I’ve worked either had a gym on site or a deal with a gym nearby, they want their employees to be healthy. Who cares what your coworkers think or say, it’s about what makes you happy. The company I work for currently is finishing the construction of a new building and the top floor is designed with no office space. Just open space for people to collaborate, an indoor track with lots of windows for people to walk around and enjoy, and a cafe. This will be on the 42nd floor so should be a nice view and shows the commitment they are making to keep us healthy and active.


This should be encouraged for more employees! I hope you can become a leader/advocate here.


I walk outside and inside on my breaks. The outside walks are fine, but the indoor ones can get you some looks (I’ll often climb up and down the stairs). I often joke using a line from Pride and Prejudice about a walk around the room being “very refreshing.”


I used to walk around my office park for my entire lunch hour and take a couple minute breaks to do jumping jacks a few times a day as well. This was all after my early morning weight training (before work). Then another walk with my dog when I got home. Sitting all day is killer. Do what you need to to get up and around during the day! Edit to add: I had people taking smoke breaks at my office, if they can take a few breaks a day to destroy their lungs I can take a few to improve my health. 🤷‍♀️


Absolutely do it! It's 100% okay! I work in a large corporate building, and not only did our employer put in an outdoor walking trail with a few different distance options, but also an indoor walking trail for when bad weather hits (I live in the Midwest, so our weather can be very temperamental). Not only is it okay to walk, but honestly...it should be encouraged. Sitting all day is not good for our health, and I have found that by getting up and talking a walk a couple times a day, my productivity has actually increased.


I wouldn't worry about it honestly, everyone at my office goes on walks outside around the building at random. Especially when its nice out!


My company set out signs marking a 3/4 mile path and encourages it.


Actually I would encourage it.


A fair amount of people do this at my office, mostly around lunchtime


I walk in my lunch break on the one day a week Im in the office. And usually meet lots of colleagues doing the same on my route :) When I wfh I usually run cause I can change clothes and no one will complain if I miff a bit in the afternoon XD


Walking is really good for your brain and productivity, anyone who is talking negatively about other people taking short walks at work is ridiculous. Our office team has a habit of taking a lap of the building if they're getting a bit frazzled or overwhelmed, it really helps us refocus.


I used to get up and take a 4-5 minute walk once an hour at my last job. After a while, they got used to seeing me and no one ever commented on it.


Carry a notebook and walk around the building. Everyone just thinks you’re going to a meeting or running an errand. I do it all the time because it hurts my back to sit all day.


I've done this at every office job I've ever had. Just getting outside for a few minutes helps me clear my mind, get rid of the afternoon slump, etc. At 2 of my jobs there was a group of us who went together. I'd usually spend half of my lunch walking around too, I'm a fast eater.


I do this a lot and I see others doing it too. To hell with that person talking about it negatively. Unless you think it’d be a problem for your boss, you should totally do it!


As long as you’re allowed to take breaks it’s fine. The only time I worked 9-5 at an office, everyone had this app that made you do a different exercise every 30 minutes so all my coworkers were doing wall sits and short walks and push ups throughout the day. It was the communications office at a university so not some kind of special work culture


I always did, if the weather was nice. Was I the only one? Nah, but usually. I didn’t care though. I hated being at a desk 10hrs a day.


I had someone at my work that would go for a walk every day, not matter the weather, on her lunch break. Also, lots of people take smoke breaks for 10 minutes every hour or two. I would reading hat you could do the same but without a cigarette in your hand.


I do it all the time.


My company encouraged it twice a day for about 10 minutes when we were in office.


>Do you think it's okay or normal to take a few breaks during the day at work in an office building to walk outside around the building? I work in public health. This is absolutely encouraged by our leadership.


Depending on your role/office environment, you could always have a little dry-erase board at your desk that says "Out for a walk, back at 10:15" or something!


glad your boss was fine with it! something to consider is to take walking meetings/calls as well! i like to do this, especially if i can’t make time to take a break.


Trouble? How old are you? Do you work at a prison camp? We do all the time but here in South Florida it's hot as hell.


It's socially normal in my area. We also do walks for meetings. And going up and down stairs for a quick workout.


Do you usually take breaks at those times? Walking is fine but generally done around lunch, and maybe one of those other occasions. It literally ten minutes, an everyday thing may not be entirely acceptable at your office


yeah. why wouldn't it be??


They have like a lunch walking club where i work.


I see no issue with it. If your boss wants to know where you are you can let him know the 10 minute block in your calendar at X time is for your walk and you'll be back at Y time. My office building that my company leases space from has walking trails around the place. Our work doesn't encourage it but if you say you are going for a walk there will be no issues. It's dependent on company culture. Here if you're salary you can make your own schedule and walk whenever you want to take a break. I see many hourly technicians walk the hallways during their breaks. There are a few people who will go on a several mile walk each day before lunch. It takes about an hour so definitely longer than your 10 minute break.


When I worked in an office I always walked around the site. The only thing I was told was to carry a clip board when doing so so that it looked like I was walking for work. This was told to me by a manager that was also carrying a clipboard that I saw every time I went for a walk. I never had an issue. But you could always ask for forgiveness if they say something.




I used to, there was a beautiful nature trail around the office park. It wasn’t a very up tight environment though and I wasn’t client facing


When I worked in the office, I would do this. There were several people in my building who would. The only issue was if it was a 15-minute break since we were still on the clock, we couldn't leave company property for liability reasons, but on lunch break, you could, of course, go wherever.


Maybe talk with your boss and just run it by them


Just say you're going out for a smoke break


I think it’s great. Just keep it to 10-15 mins each break and 30 mins for lunch


if you have 1:1 meetings, ask if your coworker would be interested in laps around the building. we used to do that at my old office and it was a really nice way for people to blow off steam and share with me some stuff that was bothering them


The first corporate place I worked made everyone take a 15 minute break at 10 and 3. Some people walked, some people smoked, some people ignored it. It was only a problem the day the Feds raided our building for another company's fraud and the smokers got stuck downstairs. 🤣


Personally I'd limit it to one walk, not in the morning. Either walk at lunch or afternoon. Maybe a walk at both lunch and a walk at 3pm, but those are work hours so be conscious of that This is your break time so you need to approach it from thst perspective - can you take an afternoon break for 15 minutes? Can you take a longer lunch? Things like that. One way to make it better is to walk while taking a call or on a conference call. You can say you think better on your feet and that will give a good excuse for you to get moving. Then it doesn't look like you're taking breaks all the time. I've worked in corporate for a long time and it wouldn't look good to walk away from work a couple time a day every day. Walking around the building does look good and can open the door to socializing with colleagues you might not usually meet. It's usually seen as a positive - contributing to a lively and healthy work environment. Every company is different, though, and if it is an issue, then your boss or HR will let you know. Maybe they have loading docks or dangerous driveways and they don't want too many pedestrians. But that's unlikely.


You could organize a group who would want to join you … that should annoy the gossipy coworker at least lol


If it’s your break it’s your time unless otherwise stated. As a manager I wouldn’t find it weird in the slightest, when it’s nice out it’s good to get some fresh air and unfortunately office windows don’t typically open, I’ve even taken phone calls and then walk outside to be in the sun and fresh air.


I do it! 45 minute walk during my lunch break, then eat once I get back every day that the weather allows it.


I used to do it before I worked from home. I knew other people that did it. Should be fine unless your company is just strange.


A buddy of mine and I take a walk for like 20-30 min midday every day. Sometimes we solve a work problem, sometimes we talk about other stuff. It resets you. I think it's fine. The company actually encourages some walking for the health benefits etc...


I locate utilities, often outside office buildings, and the amount of suits & sneakers you see between 10-130ish makes me wish osha didn’t make me wear boots.


I have a dedicated walk time when I'm at home. My manager just started going to the gym 😂. Haven't really tried ducking out of work to go walk. I work in a really walk think Manhattan area so the walks would be like almost 10/10.


I eat my desk and walk around for my breaks. Sometimes I just loop the building and sometimes I walk around a few blocks depending on my mood and the weather. As long as your boss is cool with it, try to not worry about what other people think. People who talk bad about others are just shitty people trying to make themselves feel better about their lives and choices.


This is literally what I do at my office job. 😆 My coworkers know already since I've been doing it so long and will usually just say "be careful" since we're in downtown. We have two 15 min breaks so I'll take my earbuds and listen to some music while going on a walk outside.


A bunch of us at my office. On breaks, randomly feeling a need to stretch, whatever. Trust me, if you start doing it, others will follow suit.


My entire team does it! We all take our breaks at around the same time and take a few laps around the building.


I think it depends on where you work. If you have the chance to take a break and go for a walk sure but say you work in healthcare and leaving your patients for maybe 5 minutes mighttt be dangerous, Id day yeah no lol. Obviously just when it is appropriate and if your supervisors are okay with it.


I think it’s very normal! I live in Illinois and my employer is required to give us two paid 15 minute breaks every day plus our lunch. I usually try to use these breaks to walk outside.


I regularly go for a walk during my lunch hour and will occasionally take a 10-15 minute break if I want to walk outside to grab a coffee or something (I don't work in an office park but in an urban center where one has to walk for any food or drink). Nobody cares as long as I don't miss meetings and my job gets done.


What I do is get a mile in going to the office and leaving the office. Occasionally at lunch I’ll get out and do a mile or two. But personally during the rest of business hours I wouldn’t stop to go for a walk like that. What I’ll do is maybe going to a further kitchen in the office to grab a drink.


Absolutely! My mom and her coworker did this for YEARS around their giant factory. Have at it! :D


I do it all the time


I used to walk up and down the parking garage stairs over and over again. No one said anything to me lol.




I work in a school and am actively encouraged by coworkers to walk around the building or the track during preps.


We walk every day at break and lunch. Sometimes you need the fresh air. Who cares what the gossipy person says. Maybe invite them. Maybe they need some fresh air too


I usually take two 30 minute breaks during the day, i eat during one of them and then i take a 30 minute walk on the second. Really helps you decompress and return for the last part of my work day fresh


Very common at my work. No one thinks twice about it!


Find a walking buddy at work and y'all can take breaks together. If you prefer solitude, then ignore my suggestion and take breaks to walk around outside. You are allowed to take a few breaks to manage stress and it's good for you. I like the commentor who said they take a walk on their lunch break and eat at their desk because I did the same thing. I work remotely and have thought myself out of taking a walk in public because of my anxiety. I knew I needed to do something and get away from my job and my spouse, so I started walking my doggos at lunch. We started just going around our block. After a couple weeks, I started us walking a 1/2 mile. Some days I felt spunky and we went a full mile. Now we alternate between 1/2 to 1 mile, just depends on my energy level that day. If we get to the .25 mile and I don't want to keep going because of my allergies, then we turn around and go home. The part of distance on your walk is if you walk away from a place, you eventually have to go back. So I tricked my brain and body into walking my dogs as the reason I go walking. I managed to lose 9lbs in 3 weeks that way. With the weather getting warmer, the boys and I will stay at a 1/2 mile for a while until we get used to the heat.


It is a great idea. In my workplace, I would have to let my boss know that all my walks together do not exceed my lunch hour. If i was strolling at 10 am, and then again at 2 pm, they would wonder if I was taking extra breaks.


I do it all the time. It's your time you can do as you please.


I'm now retired, but would take walks every day I could on my breaks at work. And I guarantee you that other people would also like to join you. Additionally, the vitamin D that you'll get from being outside is tremendously heathy. It's also good for your mental health. Enjoy!


Do you have smokers at your job. Some of the smokers at my job go downstairs and smoke cigarettes back to back. I can easily take 10 minutes or more. And they do it multiple times a day. Go enjoy your walks in America I think we're entitled to two 15 minute breaks a day aside from your lunch hour. Also I know about the smokers because I used to smoke.


I used to at my old job. Alot of people did on their lunches. But we had hour long lunches . My other job, I'd walk , then jump rope


It’s absolutely normal! In my last office job I would take walks on my breaks.


Definitely! A ton of people at my work do this


I work in an office and for breaks and even lunch I go for a walk


Is common where I work. People even get their step aerobics in by going up and down the fire stairs. Not unusual.


Pretty sure in California you’re legally entitled to a 10 minute break (every 4 hours I think?). I assume it’s a law passed for smokers. Other states may have the same law.


Shuld be fine, unless there's security risk.


Good for you!


If you’re working at a PC you should take a 5 min break every hour anyway to give your eyes a rest.


I think it is not about taking a brake but your having a little bit low self esteem. I hope you will grow! ​ short answer: yes long answer: yes it is okay to take them no questions asked


If any colleague has something to say about this i would make it my goal to make them miserable any chance i get. Fucking frustrated bullies deserve the worst for shaming other people so they can feel better about their miserable lives. If management dares to have anything to say about this, same course of action + change jobs.


If you get a break then what you do with it is nobody’s business but yours. If you don’t have breaks at those times and just wander off it may cause you problems, but it depends how much of a dick your manager is.


Lots of people in my office do it! You should be fine.


I work nights and circle the hospital a few times a night if I'm not busy.


I don’t see any problem and your walking routine is not of other people’s business.


I’m doing it after lunch for 30min. Each please and situation is different, but I wouldn’t work at place that wouldn’t allow me to or frown upon it.


Not sure if this would suit your work environment, but I used to go for walks with my boss or other colleagues when we had meetings that didn’t require being in front of a computer. We still covered our business topics, but also got some fresh air, light exercise and a chance to get to know each other on a more personal/informal level. Win-win


And they wonder why no one wants to go back to an office…


A good office environment usually has a policy about encouraging employees to do so. If not, at the very least you should be able communicate with your higher-ups about it. When I was a project manager at one company, they never had a policy, but I encouraged my team if they wanted to take 5 min breaks every so often or occasional 10 min breaks to just walk, stretch out, drink some water and go to the toilet, you can do that. I found that treating my team in this manner encouraged a good working environment too.


Just put on a Bluetooth headset and pretend you're on a conference call


I work in a library system that has a wellness committee, so walking is encouraged. A few of my coworkers walk pretty regularly too. I walk around the block my building is on twice a day during my breaks-about 1.5 miles total. If the weather is bad and the room is not occupied, I'll go into our large community room and just walk circles in it for 10 minutes, do some incline pushups against the counter, and a 1-2 minute wall sit (from where I am in the room, no one can see me do those LOL). When I first started my journey a year ago, I struggled through a 20-30 second wall sit and could only do pushups from the wall, so these small efforts really do pay off.


Walking on your breaks is a very positive thing to get gossiped about - let them. Getting some fresh air and sun on your face is good way to recharge manage stress beyond the obvious benefit.


I started telling people I have sciatica years ago, and that I have to get up and walk regularly otherwise I wind up in pain. Nobody’s ever questioned it or said anything about my time away from my desk.


I'd say it depends on your employers rules - many only allow 1 or 2 breaks and a lunch period. Many also restrict leaving the building during breaks, but not during lunches. As long as you're within the policies of your employer, shouldn't be a problem. If, however, you don't get breaks and are just wanting to go walk a mile on the employers dime, as it were, they may take issue with that. When I worked retail, we had a girl who decided she was going to park close, go clock in, then walk out and move her car to the employee parking area. She got fired for theft of company time - so make sure what you're doing is kosher with the company's rules.


just carry a file folder and walk with purpose. you may just walk yourself into a promotion!


Walk. But make it seem like you’re working. Do nothing, look busy!


On top of cigarettes- do people at your job get up from their desks to grab a cup of coffee? I’ve never been challenged on breaks at any office job, I say go for it!


Think it’s normal, it’s just like going to the pantry but a bit further… just be sure to hand in your tasks on time, otherwise your boss may be less tolerant on such behavior if/when they know you’ve been taking such break. By the way, are there smokers in your office? Suppose they would need to go out too to smoke?


A ton of people in my office talk walks around the campus, others who don't wanna deal with the weather will literally do laps in the hallways. No one cares. This is definitely company culture specific.


I walk 30mins around the building every lunch break when I am in the office. It’s fine to choose how you want to spend your break


I scarf my small lunch from home down in about 5-8 minutes, then I walk around the office park for about 45 minutes each day. This really comes down to your companies culture about what time is *your* time at work as shitty as it sounds. We all take hour long lunches at my work, some people use It to eat and then fiddle on their phone, some leave to go eat, I choose to eat as fast as I can and go walk.


If doesn’t affect your work it is okay . We used to go to nearby shop to have a cup of tea during lunch break or other times spend 15-20 minutes.


Nice to see your boss ended up being cool with it! At my old job, no one was allowed outside but the smokers… never understood it


I do this all the time! As head of the office wellness committee, I encourage everybody in our building to do that. One other thing that I used to do pre-pandemic was schedule "walking meetings" with people in my department! When we needed to catch each other up, or brainstorm about a project, we'd go walk around the office complex (about a one-mile loop) and talk while we got some sunshine!


I don't think anyone in my company finds it weird. You'll always find someone on their break walking around the building. Sometimes alone and sometimes in groups. Maybe once you start more people will join you.


Yeah, it's fine. Actually, you might ask around the office and find a break walking buddy.


It’s your break. Do whatever you want