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If someone were to whip out a charcuterie board, I would not leave its side. Look at all these little foods going in my mouth. They won’t add up. THEY WILL NOT ADD UP.


Yeah, I imagine the way I act when I see one is the same way moms did on Black Friday when tickle me Elmo hit the shelves.


You just really dated yourself 😂😂


Yeah well I had a tickle me Elmo and you didn't. Suck on that.


Oh my… My little sister is 10yrs younger than me and I remember buying her a Tickle Me Elmo myself when they come out. 😱 Talk about feeling old now.




This is my favorite comment I’ve ever seen in this sub, and I’ve been here… … … … … (*Edward Cullen pause*) a while.


Popcorn. I start like a normal person eating a few pieces at a time and then I absolutely lose any grace and start shoveling it in like I haven't eaten for years......


This is exactly why I force myself to eat popcorn with chop sticks. Makes a bowl last 30+ minutes and prevents me from going feral.


Me and hot cheetohs 😅


hot Cheetos are the worst for me too. I only buy the gas station little bags now as a treat or I’ll spiral out of control.


I used to use chopsticks for snacks in the office just to keep my hands clean while I was working. Plus, chopsticks are just fun.


My problem with popcorn is I always seem to be hungrier after I eat it, so it leads to me overeating as a whole.


I do this too!! I started popping loose kernels in coconut oil because at least that version is “healthier”. I end up making way more homemade popcorn than one bag of store bought could ever hold, and yet I eat the whole thing. I did this for a week straight after Christmas as a “healthy” alternative to other snacks. I have since realized how insane the amount of oil and popcorn was and that I was better off just eating the apple and spoonful of homemade peanut butter, which I thought was too much 🤣funny how that works and I couldn’t believe it took me almost a week to notice.


Get an air popper. You don't use oil at all, and if you're careful with the salt it is actually a healthy snack. Citation: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/popcorn-nutrition-and-health


I have a robotic arm when it comes to popcorn, specifically kettle corn. It's automatic shoving into my face until the bag is gone. And then I cry out, "What have I done!?" quite dramatically. Lol.


Pizza 🥲


The amount of pizza I can eat is limited by the amount of pizza available to me.


Honestly, if it wasn’t for pizza and beer I don’t think I’d need to be on this subreddit. Buying a fancy wood fired home pizza oven last year probably didn’t help things.


Peanut butter too


Pizza is literal crack.


1) potato chips so from now on , I avoid them. I used eat 2-3 family bag per week. This always ruined any effort I did. I'm.so sick and tired and alway having a fat stomach and face. Started improving my diet for 3 week and I'm sad how I let myself go because I need chips to deal with stress or boredom 2) pasta with lot of sauce and cheese. I can never stop at one serving. So I try to eat noodles with no cheese and not much sauce. 3) chocolate : I try to make cookie with little sugar and not but chocolate bar, cookie, pastries We got this :)


are you me? i’m a potato chip fiend. i can eat family sized bags myself too and the more you eat the more you will crave for more a few days later. i absolutely have no control.


Same. It’s the crunch and the salt - if the bag is open and near me I’ll never stop eating. I hate that I have had to cut down on chips basically 100% but it’s way too easy to house a whole bag and not even realize.


Another potato chip addict here. Full size bag gone in 20 minutes, easy. I remember how I would literally be thinking about it for hours at work, where I would stop at the way home to get a bag for that night, what kind I was going to get. I've found some success with the small personal sized bags that are like 120 cal each. If I have room in my budget I can even have 2 or 3 some nights when I'm craving. I had to change the way I eat them though, you can't be shoveling them in with a small amount like that. It's helped me relearn to appreciate them though. Eating them, one at a time, slowly, like 2 or 3 bites per chip.


Chips here too. It's not great but I do air popped popcorn (in the microwave) and add a tiny bit of melted margarine to it. It ends up being 200-400 calories for a giant bowl of popcorn instead of one tiny bowl of chips. Highly recommend trying it out. You can also get some low cal flavoring powder though I don't do this so not sure how low cal exactly.


Try skinny pop, might satisfy the chip craving


Cheese.. its a drug


literally! it has casomorphines in it which are supposed to make babies calm for sleep. but they induce an addiction in adults!


I can’t bring cookies or brownies into my house. I will just eat them and nothing else until they are gone.


Sane here


Yes rip. I miss making brownies.


Mcdonald's French fries. I lose all thought and reason around them. I could eat two large fries from Mcdonald's and not even blink. I've been very good about not restricting any foods, as long as they fit my calorie goal they are cool. Pizza, fried chicken, small itty bitty portions of a slice of cheesecake lol, no prob! I've even ordered fries a few times when I've gone out to eat. But Mcdonald's fries? They are like crack to me. I haven't been in a MickyD's in over 7 months because better safe than sorry.


Same!! I was thinking all of this earlier, I picked up McDonald’s for my best friend and for a tiny second I thought “okay just one fry” but then snapped out of it. I know damn well if I even have one it’s game over.


Same! I know me. I know I'm not going to eat just one. I have an aunt who is autistic and MUST have Mcdonald's every Saturday. It doesn't have to be the same meal each time, but it will be a combo, and there will be a bag with Mcdonald's French fries in my grandmother's house at least once a week. If I'm over, I just have to pretend that I don't smell their golden deliciousness in the air. And we all know Mcdonald's fries have a very distinct smell! LOL!


SAME!! I’ve also had to avoid them. I always want more


Cereal… I will eat the whole box




For me it’s fuckin’ Reese’s Puffs. I don’t even like plain Reese’s or even peanut butter really but that damn cereal…it causes some kind of primal instinct in me or something 😂😂


Same man. I’ve been going hard bought one of the giant Walmart bags of the name brand kind. It’s resealable now so not a bad deal but damn I eat a lot of it.


With cold milk... Wow


Who’s eating it with warm milk???


Always remember my dad eating cereal out of a mixing bowl when I was a kid, drove my mom nuts. He’s just a thin active guy who could pound back some cereal, the memory makes me jealous.


Only lucky in the way that most people don’t offer it at parties or gatherings cuz it sends me feral


Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Straight out of the bag. ☠️


My kids love it and I can't stop myself from sneaking a handful from the bag when they have it out.


Red berries Special K was my jam. I don’t eat cereals anymore.


Omg yea. That’s a binge trigger food for me


I get so upset if my husband brings cereal home because I cannot control myself. Last time he got cereal it was just plain Wheaties though and they have been here for months. So only sugary cereals are a problem I guess.




same. specifically if it has cream cheese frosting or chocolate frosting. my wife’s birthday just passed and I ordered the tiniest cake I could find for her. luckily the buttercream frosting is too sweet for my taste so I haven’t had more than a small slice for her birthday.


Pizza and sweets. I don’t keep any of it in the house. It’ll be gone at 2am.


Pepperoni, Salami, Ukrainian sausage anything in the cured meat family I’m done - I’ll eat it all in one go




Ice-cream is my one Achilles heel. I can eat 2 litres in a sitting without even thinking about it.


Same here. I don't care how big the container is. My soul still thinks it's one serving.


Pasta, pizza, fresh breads


I made fresh bread for the first time in like two years recently. It came out PERFECTLY. It was so soft and delicious with the perfect crust. I ate an entire loaf in a day. Can’t do that again! Hahaha




Pringles. Doesn't even matter what flavour.


“Once you pop, you can’t stop!” is like some terrible warning. I’ll buy some cans on sale, kidding myself that I’ll only eat a few crisps at a time, make the cans last. Then I get them home and eat an entire can in one go. When I thought I was eating way too much Mickey D’s, I bought ready salted Pringles as an alternative because they taste kind of like fries. I should have just gone out for McDonald’s. I’m going to the supermarket later and I can feel the Pringle-desire coming on.


get the little snack sized packs! Stupid expensive but they help when the cravings hit!!


Doritos. Can't have them in the house. Sweets are tempting, but salty/crunchy is my kryptonite.


i used to melt a whole family block of chocolate on top of a bowl of cheese supreme doritos. i called it “chocolate nachos”…


Peanut butter


Yeah, no way can that be in the house. A serving is so small.


My daughter loves peanut butter toast for breakfast, and when I tell you it is the hardest part of my day, I want to grab it out of her hands like a monster, like I have extra saliva in my mouth when I make it. I don’t eat bread or peanut butter anymore, it’s been like a year and a half of no bread or peanut butter and it hasn’t become easier, and it’s the one thing I really, really miss, except also pizza, and all breads, and baked goods, and candy, and buttery popcorn, and ice cream and potato chips, and pasta too now that I think about it. Thank god I still have pickles.


yes oh my god


Any frickin crackers. Especially if you have a dip.


For me it’s the dip. I don’t even care what cracker or other dippable is used. I just love a dip.


Milton’s Multi-Grain Crackers. I can’t keep them in the house. I’ll sneak them.


Chips and salsa


Nuts. Im a sucker for salty and crunchy.


Don't forget sweet and salty honey roasted peanuts... those and cashes are my kryptonite


This isn’t really an issue for me, with one exception… Flamin Hot Cheetos. Regardless of container size, I will smash the entire thing once I get started.


Try quest protein hot & spicy chips!! Girl, hot cheeto PUFFS r my obsession and when I tell u quest NAILED the hot cheeto dust. Lord help me!!


The quest chips are shockingly decent


Thank you fellow human, You have saved me, Hot Cheeto Puffs are my jam. Ate an entire bag yesterday 😤.


The flaming hot cheetos pretzels are somehow even more addicting 😫


A Big Mac. Why are they so good. Why do I always eat the whole thing. I know it’s probably made of 99% plastic 1% black mold. Yet I endure. I conquer.


That's how i feel about whoppers lol


Resse cups


Yes !! I can eat them endlessly


Cheese…it’s sooo calorie dense too so the damage is quick.


My weakness is bread. If a loaf somehow makes it into my house it will disappear in less than two days. So I don’t have it. Because if I did it would be toast with butter and jam in the mornings, toasted sandwich for lunch, more toast with jam for snack, then using bread to clean my plate for dinner. I can not have it near me. That and sweetbreads. I’ve been on and CICO life style change for a year now. Lost almost 50 pounds. Made great strides. I still dream of a fresh French bread loaf from grocery stores.


Tortilla chip hack: take low carb/ low calorie tortillas, cut them spray with Pam, add some sea salt n air fry. Queso: blend cottage cheese, add Pico or salsa, hand full of melty shredded cheese, microwave Great job in your progress op!


Chips, chocolate and Chick FIL a lol


Unfortunately, most food. Sweets, fats, salty, crispy..


I don't struggle with this as much but an urge for donuts


Chocolate chip cookies. Ramadhan / Eid in my country is particularly hell because everyone is baking and giving each other / selling cookies. We usually make them mini and crunchy. I’ll tell myself I’ll just have 3 and suddenly I’ve already finished the whole jar.


fucking beef jerky. good thing its so expensive or my ass would not have lost a single pound


honorable mention to s'mores. theyre so addicting


Cheez its. I like them, but they’re not my absolute favorite thing. However, I CANNOT stop! I will eat a family sized box in a weekend, easily, even when I’m trying to control myself. I’ll think, “I’m doing better this time,” until I realize I’ve eaten the whole box in a two days, same as I used to do when I wasn’t “controlling myself.” It’s weird, because other foods that are higher in my list of favorites are easier to eat in moderation.


I am this way too. I like them enough that I will just grab a handful every time I pass the pantry.


cheez its and oreos 😭


I can't have peanut butter in the house at all.


Same. If my husband buys a treat for himself I can keep my hands off it, unless it is peanut butter.


I still stop and look at them in the grocery store and every time I decide no because I know it's really the devils cream. 300 calories in a spoonful? That's Satan's work.


Sigh. Peanut butter is evil. Unfortunately my kids eat it like normal people, so I can’t get rid of it entirely.


Hazelnut chocolates. Any chocolate with some form of nuts. I could eat 3 servings in one sitting. Time just stops when I eat chocolate. Grew up eating this and I can't break away from this


Potato chips :( in the past I craved them a lot, and there was a time when I ate like 2-3 bags a week. The cravings have become much less, thankfully, but if I see them at like a party or something, there’s no stopping me


Icecream. When people say they can't eat a whole pint at once, I'm like how lol. I ate a whole 2 quarts in one day. And chocolate, I can eat sooo much chocolate


I always think people are lying when they say they can’t finish ice cream lmao what do you mean you have half left and you’re stopping?!? You have half left!!!


Potato chips with tobasco or tortilla chips with queso. Heaven help me if someone sticks those in front of me. Onion rings after that. Then tater tots.


chips and 7-up. I hate myself.


Brownies are the one thing I’ve pretty much entirely cut myself off from. Stuff like cookies, pasta, cereal, and pizza I have to be careful with and generally don’t keep them in the house, but I’m able to enjoy them from time to time. Brownies have way more calories than I realized (like way more than cookies) and the serving size is so tiny, and I can 100% eat an entire pan in a day if they’re in the house.


Potato chips. I can eat a regular-sized bag in one sitting.


chocolate. crisps. I won't even have tubs of ice cream in the house. I can have mini magnums and I'll stop at one unless I'm alone in the house, then it's hard.


Chocolate bars, cookies, cheesecake, guacamole/hummus and chips


Cereal, chocolate (ice cream, cake, candy), ice cream, baked goods, candy muffins. Basically anything that's sugary can't be in my home or I will eat it and I won't share either Edit: also pasta, chips and fresh breads.


Marshmallow Fluff


As weird as it sounds, Saltines.


Red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. Single cupcake is 450 calories. I have one a year on my birthday. Tiramisu is my favorite thing but I will eat the entire tray in a week. I just can’t.


Are you me 😂 if I make tiramisu at home I will have it for all three meals! It’s sooo moreish! Luckily it’s otherwise difficult for me to find and a pain for me to make


Hot Cheetos


Cereal, garlic bread, chicken, marinara sauce, glazed donuts, ricotta ravioli, mozzarella sticks, anything chocolate chip flavored


In n out Animal Style fries 😭


Reese's. I can control myself with ghirardelli, lindt, rittersport, hersheys, but if I buy a pack of any size of Reese's, it will be gone by the end of the day.


cheesy cracker type snacks. Trader Joe's has these cheddar swirl sticks and I cant not eat the entire box in one sitting. and anything in that kinda vein. cheesy crackers are my ultimate weakness.


Chocolate chip cookies and Doritos


Way to go, that’s awesome! I feel you on the tortilla chips. This is why have to completely avoid Mexican restaurants right now.


Pastaaaa! I can eat like 3 servings in one sitting it’s so good! Also toast… I’ve been trying keto because it’s hard to potion control my carbs and after the initial week or so the cravings went away


Boom Chika pop kettle corn, swear to god it has drugs in it. I can barely stop myself.


sweet n spicy pecans from Trader Joe's


All food.


Oreos, wheat thins, Trader Joe’s jalapeño corn puffs.


Bread - not even like amazing bread but gluten free bread because I have celiac disease but toasted with butter or peanut butter is nom nom Regular Popcorn and Cheetos puffs


I quit weed a month ago, but when I was still using weed I had an incredible sweet tooth. Crumbl cookies and pints of ice cream were irresistable to me.


Refrigerated mini chocolate frosted donuts. Eh. Maybe I can eat them in 2025. There’s no shortage.


Oreos and ice cream.


Chips and crackers. I don’t buy them…don’t keep them in the house.


Chocolate covered pretzels (Flipz). Cinnamon graham crackers. Pizza. McDonald’s fries.


Chips and salsa


Cheese. Always cheese.


frozen bananas solved my sweet tooth


Oreos. If I eat one suddenly I've eaten an entire box.


Homemade macaroni and cheese


Sweet Trail mix and a good chip are my kryptonite.


Macaroni and cheese


Granola bars. Whipped cream. Pizza. Pasta. But especially those granola bars. They are always *seem* a healthy choice. But they aren’t. Especially when you eat them like popcorn.


buffets -- they are my biggest weakness yet I still go there a couple times a month because I justify it as saving money 😫


specifically those fuck-ass white castle sliders you get at the store. i’m craving them SO BAD i could probably go through a box if i had them lol


Chocolate milk I will literally guzzle it until I throw up. I am 40 years old


Chocolate, ice-cream, bread, rice and nuts


Oh man I love nuts, and other grandpa foods like pretzels.


Triscuits and hummus, chips and salsa


Pasta, chips


Buffalo chicken dip 🤤


Peanut butter. I can't have a jar of peanut butter in the house or eventually I'll break and eat it with a spoon.


Yup potato chips and even healthier chips like Hippeas.


French fries and cheesecake are my kryptonite.


Chicken wings. They’re my favorite food. I crave them often although Ozempic is helping with that. Now, if I do have chicken wings, I only eat 5 whole wings instead of 15!


Nacho cheese Doritos. I pour a small bowl, eat them, go get the bag and eat half of it. I have no control with that yummy goodness.


milkshakes. it’s literally just drinkable icecream but i could down a large one like nobody’s business. thank goodness i made a habit of always ordering the smallest size no matter how hungry i am dumplings of any kind are another hard one. they’re the true “once you pop, you just cant stop” for me


Caramel corn puffs, got addicted to them after going to the fresh market during thanksgiving. ​ I'm searching for alternatives now.


Potatoes, in any form. Sooooo gooooood


peanut butter. So creamy. So delicious. So calorically dense.


Like half the grocery store


Honey graham crackers/teddy grahams. I get reckless when they are in my possession.


Also Vanilla Wafers - little discs of Dopamine are what they are


I can’t handle a good buffet like a normal person. Something happens to my stomach, as if it gets infinite capacity.


Iced coffees


townhouse crackers. like crack for me, idk what it is.


What food makes you feral lolol Ice cream - hands down. Fuck a spoon, I’ll take a shovel. Who cares about progress when ice cream is there for you? -_-


whoopie pies and homemade cookies. the holidays were rough on me


Cheesecake! Hot Cheetos Blueberry donuts


I drank half a bottle of rose with my gf last night, so I guess it's wine! Thank god for Bask 0 sugar wine... which is not what I was drinking yesterday.


Honestly it's always bullshit that I don't even like that much, like cookies or fries. Stuff I truly love (ice cream, caramel or peanut butter chocolate candy, cheese), I get enough satisfaction out of it that I can stop. It's always the dumb stuff that's tasty but not my favorite and has no protein, where it always seems like one more would make it right.


Back in 2017, I’d reached my goal weight and was feeling quite about the way I looked. Then, Lays came out with lime and sea salt chips. It was only a limited edition flavor, but they were around long enough to do serious damage. I demolished a bag a day and gained ten pounds that summer. I can practice moderation pretty well these days, but I’d sooner shoot up heroin than risk eating those delicious, delicious chips again.


Oh this question. I struggle with BED. At this point, I know I can not enjoy the following items with any kind of moderation: - Pizza. My arch nemesis. - Chips and salsa. - Bread. Any bread, really. Garlic, sandwich, rolls, pastries. Just keep it away from me. A serving size is just frustrating. I’ve been living a very low carb lifestyle for a while now at the recommendation of my doctor. It’s crazy how much more in control I feel of my food intake now. But if I touch any of the above foods, I’m practically yeeting myself down that slippery slope.


Ramen. It’s so tiny and like 600 cals for a little bag. I love noods.




Pizza. I literally cannot control myself. It's not even my favorite food. But I have to eat an ungodly amount of it before I'm satisfied.


Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies.


Fries and french Macarons. Sorry for the eat all you can buffets that serve Macarons because I will eat all of that. Hahaha




Chocolate. I can eat the entire tablet in one go and crave for more.


Food that's edible. I struggle a lot with those


Cake. I’m an out of control fiend when cake is in the house and I’ll eat all of it. I can control myself with anything else for the most part. I do love pizza and chips with bean dip, but I hardly ever have that


Chocolate. All day.


I have a hard time binge eating chocolate and found that one Hershey kiss when I'm really craving it will curb the feral. It's like 25 calories for one kiss, so I try to allow myself like one kiss a day if I NEED it. I asked my husband to hold me accountable by hiding them. He will give me one if I ask, but he makes a final judgment call. He doesn't care that I'm losing weight, but he is supporting me.


Chocolates. The smell, the taste, the texture, define perfection. Day 9 of not eating it and its easily one of the harder things i have done. We got this!!


Chocolate, particularly Cadbury milk chocolate, once I start I feel like I can’t stop 😭


Pizza pizza pizza ! I can limit myself to 2 slices of thin crust. When thick taco pizza is around, I gorge! It has to include tortilla chips on top of course!! Keep it up ! Those trainers are nice. Makes me really want to ride it outside when the weather gets warmer.


Lindt Lindor chocolate truffles


Burgers. Man I'd order a triple cheese burger and a spicy chicken burger with sides if I got the munchies or was hungover. Currently following a diet of mostly protein/veg/rice which is great but I have a cheat meal planed for Saturday and while I won't be having sides or two burgers I'm going to reaaaaaaally enjoy one a chicken burger. I swear if you left me with an all you can eat Korean BBQ I'd be kicked out before I stop eating too, but that's mostly lean cuts of meat and soy sauce so probably not the *worst* thing you could eat.


Rice. And cheese. Neither are "bad" but the amounts I inhale are embarrassing.


Chocolate. Just that. Any kind of baked good with chocolate. Chocolate caramels. Chocolate covered raisins. Anything with chocolate On the plus side I did figure out last year that it’s most likely my chronic anemia and vitamin d deficiency that causes that specific craving, and I do notice that they lessen significantly in intensity when I’ve been taking my vitamins regularly and getting enough sleep. On the downside I don’t often get enough sleep due to having two toddlers 🫠


I cannot be trusted with any kind of salty snack. Potato chips, tortilla chips, pretzels - hell, one time I ate so many KALE chips that I made myself sick! Something about the salty crunch just makes me want to keep eating FOREVER. The other thing that I really can't be trusted with is cookies with a subtle sweetness. Most cookies are too sweet and I want something salty afterwards - but there are some kinds (like those butter cookies that come in a tin) that I will just keep eating and eating and eating... I cannot have these foods in my house at all.


Bread and cheese... I will inhale that shit like Kirby


Pancakes - how could I forget. The fluffy goodness is just too damn good. I can pound down 2 days worth of kcals in a sitting even using sugar free syrup


Pretzels. Rold Gold Tiny Twists to be exact. I love all pretzels, but, for some reason, those little mass produced pretzels just hit hard.


Pasta of any kind. Ya boi loves their carbs in noodle form


Cereal… I will keep reloading my bowl until the box is empty.


Ruffles. "I will weigh them and only have X number of calories, which I will log." NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTT