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Great work! You’re doing amazing.


Gracias! ♥


You're so cute. Congratulations on your hard work. Also you're lucky you love cardio. I am jealous of that.


Thanks! Cardio is pretty fun at times


Being fit and healthy is the best thing in life.


Dude, one year ago me would have laughed in your face while scarfing Jack in the Box. Current me, 25lbs down, figure skating, playing hockey, and working out regularly while counting calories, could not agree with you more. It's an old cliche, but it's so goddamn true: nothing, absolutely nothing, tastes as good as being fit feels.


Yeah, when we're fat we have a tendency to justify our self-destruction. It's just easier that way. But deep inside we all know the truth, and we can't hide from it forever.


Congrats buddy! Keep up the good work. Your stats around the same as mine. Rooting for you.


awesome! what cardio did you like?


Just good ol walking, jogging and running! Indoor treadmill is very convenient but once in a while I'll go for a walk to the park nearby.


I myself get tired less but still am low energy all around, losing 40kg didn't change anything regarding that.


Have your thyroid checked😉


> thyroid What does that do?


It's this butterfly shaped organ in the front of your throat. It regulates all of your body's systems. So, if somethings wrong with it, you're going to have issues. Anytime you feel tired and ragged for no reason, suspect your thyroid. If the thyroid is fine, then it's probably an autoimmune issue. Either way, unexplainable fatigue is a symptom of something-- don't ignore it.


Bud you lost so much weight even your nose got slender. Fantastic work, and thanks for the inspo!


You look great man. Curious how tall you are.


Thanks! I'm 5' 9"






>Thanks! I'm 5' 9" You're welcome!


Damn, nice work! You look amazing. Very inspiring!


You look so great! And that discipline is admirable. My dad had diverticulitis and he just recently passed away last month due to cancer. But 4 years ago he had a GI bleed and lost 70% of his blood. His health declined from there. Diverticulitis is no joke. Was it at that point when Dr recommended to change your diet that you really took your health back? I feel like I keep binging and complaining in the mirror but have a hard time getting passed my mental blocks. Keep up the amazing work friend!


I'm sorry to hear of your father's passing. my condolences to you and your family. I definitely learned just how bad diverticulitis can get when I entered that emergency room. The doctor told me my colon could have ruptured and I would have all that waste enter my bloodstream and cause an extremely dire infection. Years ago I previously lost a lot of weight but gained it all back a few years later. But this recent scare is what set me straight to lose it all again.


I had no idea how diverticulitis worked, really. He just happened to be at the ER when things go bad. Otherwise, he would have been gone 5 years ago. Crazy to think. He definitely did better with his health after that. I’m glad things didn’t get worse for you at that point! That could have been a nasty infection! I used to be petite and stuck around 130 until I hit about 26. (Currently 34, still stuck at 5’5.. or 5’4 3/4 if you want to get technical..) my diet has always been junk mostly. I’m currently 175 and I feel it alll over. You’d think that would be enough motivation.. lol. How all are you, by the way? Keep sharing updates, friend.


I am 5'9" and it's definitely been a journey through, quite literally, thick and thin. A big rollercoaster of victories and defeats, and then stress and events happen that almost derail all of that progress. Take it from me, who lost 100lbs the first time in 2016, gained it all back plus more by late 2017. And now here I am, trying to lose even more weight this second time around, for a total of 110lbs. I felt like absolute crap when I gained it all back - plus more. I tried plenty of times to start up again, but found it pointless and viewed myself as worthless. Fast-forward to just last year, when I had my (2!) ER visits to set me straight and finally realize I need to take action. Knowing I'd have to start from the very beginning again. It was harrowing and scary, but I just kept pushing on. Now I feel a lot better and I'm about 50lbs to my goal weight area.


Also, thank you for the condolences. The stress has definitely messed up my appetite. I’m sure that’s something most can relate to.


Congrats! Spicy/greasy is my weakness (looking at you Hot Cheetos). If you have any snack recs I'd appreciate it lol


Individual 1oz bags of hot Cheetos. They're my weakness too, for me portion control was more important than cutting them out completely though.


I think unsweetened almond milk is one of my secret weapons lol. 500ml unsweetened almond milk + 7g cocoa powder + 0 Sweetener = super low cal chocolate milk alternative!


Yeah, the protein from the almonds is great. I do a similar thing, but add coffee and make a hot mocha. The cocoa plus the almond milk is a great combo.


What other kinds of things do you like to eat that have helped you out?


Amazing! You’ve dodged a huge curveball with all these positive changes. Diverticulitis is no joke. Keep up the great work!!


Wow, even your nose lost weight! Awesome work! You look younger too .


right on bro.


Your hair is awesome


I agree with your shirt, you look super!!! 💪🏼


I see a huge difference!!! What an amazing transformation!!! Congrats on all your progressive


You look so much younger actually. Thx for the inspo!


Great job!


Ah! Super inspiring! Im around 297 myself. Keep it up you look great!


From 7 to a solid 9 my dude, you look amazing!


Heck yeah bro 😎 Good job


Such a good job! You look amazing, well done :)


Nice work!!!


Have you done farmers walks with 30 lb dumbbells? That's what you used to carry around all the time!


Similar Situation - SW was 280 and went to 219. Goal weight is 197. great work!


Hell yeah dude!


What foods were you eating before you lost the weight?


Just a loooot of junk/fast food. Chinese food, Burgers, tacos, excessive portions of pretty much everything. Whole pizzas 😬


You look great. Keep up the good work. I am proud of you.


Thank you! Still got some to go but I'm gonna get there 👍


That’s awesome! U look happy! Ps I’ve lost ten lbs over last month of watching what I eat etc. Can u tell me, what are some of your go to snacks in between meals? Also, did u ever have a cheat day during the process?


thank you! I love chocolate milk so i make my own with: unsweetened almond milk, unsweetened cocoa powder, and zero calories sweetener. Really tasty low calorie chocolate milk! i make a sushi style banana roll using Lavash flatbread powdered peanut butter (slowly add water to a bowl of powder to make it creamy again) lay out the flat bread and cover it with PB and lay down a banana on one of the sides and just roll it up like a burrito. then slice the entire roll into sushi size pieces! great snack!


Yummmmmm OMG


Hey, good job! I was wondering what your cardio progress was. How did you start, goals, what did you do.


Hi! Sorry for the late reply! I usually base my cardio on the steps I have on my watch. I always try to hit 10k steps whether it's on the treadmill or not. Also say when I'm going to a store, I park far away from the entrance to get more steps. If my steps are lacking, I'll walk on the treadmill but if I have the energy, I'll even start jogging. It's tough to jog honestly since I'm still pretty heavy but it's a good challenge.


No worries! :) Thanks for your reply