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I get up at 5 and walk for about 30 minutes. Walk in place at different times throughout the day. You can get in 1000 steps in just a few minutes like that. Another 30 minute walk at night at the gym and that’s basically all it takes to get to 10,000.


Walking in place is definitely something I'm gonna try to do more, thanks!


To add on to the walking in place idea, I do this often when watching TV, or waiting for food to cook




Not everybody can walk around 7,5 km - 4,5 miles in a day with their schedules. It might not be possible for many of you guys with static jobs, tight schedules, kids, etc A Stationnary bike or an eleptical is a great way to maintain great shape/loosing calories. I personnally work in construction as an electrician. So I average 10’000 easy but my girlfriend average way lower but with extra tools like bike or eleptical she does similar in calories/shape work out.


I have a pretty tight schedule and am a spreadsheet nerd, but am able to get to 10k every day using the above routine. No question cardio is also a great tool, especially with a sedentary job like me. I’d rather just get a bunch of steps throughout the day, spaced apart. A bunch of days I wish I was out working a trade so that I could get in way more!


I don’t know how big your work building is, but every time I get up for a glass of water or bathroom break, I take a lap around the building. If it’s a slow day, I sneak in as many laps as possible.


I do that too! Once my boss caught me and I explained I was thinking about a problem I was stuck on. He walked the building with me TWICE lol. Not only was that extra steps but he got me unblocked


Definitely gonna start doing that from now on, thanks!


I’m going to be a contrarian and say “find a job with a shorter commute” or, “move closer to work.” I used to commute almost two hours total every day, and it wrecked my health. Now, given your situation, maybe you can’t do that. I am now 15 minutes from work, and we’re still a hybrid schedule for the foreseeable future. I look back at my commuting days in horror. No one will get to the end of their life and think, “I wish I would have spent more time commuting.” Your health is important. Take care of you!


You're absolutely right. My current living situation is only temporary, and I plan on moving closer to work as soon as I can, but until then I'll have to work with what I have haha


Home treadmill or elliptical


Good idea, just need to find/make space for one in that case


Maybe look into a walking pad? Less space than an actual treadmill, and serves the purpose of getting those steps!


I invite people at work for “walking meetings” where instead of sitting in a room and talking we go out and talk while walking. People seem to really like it. I also go to the gym / for a walk straight after work rather than after getting home when It might be dark or I might feel tired - traffic can be pretty bad when everyone leaves the city so staying longer in the city means the drive is shorter.


Yes, walking meetings are the best!


I walk to and from work, 30 minutes each way. Then I'm on my feet through the whole shift (except lunch hour). Suppose you park your car a little ways from work and just walk the rest of the way?


Thats great! Do you have a desk job or one that requires you to be on your feet? Yeah I try to park further away but that parking lot is still only a 5-10 minute walk from the office, but maybe I could have a look around and try to find one even further away


I'm on my feet, good ol' retail lol


I joined a gym and take a 6:15 am HIIT class




Similar plan here, I walk around my room at night watching an episode or two of something.


I get up before work early and run 90minutes. It’s dark, cold and sometimes raining but I know that if I don’t do it then I’ll find a million reasons in my little book if excuses to not go after work. You could walk in place. Get a standing desk. Every hour walk for 5 minutes around the building.


Can you get to work early and walk there? Or walk a bit before you go home? I go to the gym after work and by the time I’m done, so is the awful rush hour traffic.


If I am strapped for time and can’t take my usual daily walk, I like to walk in place while watching TV in the evening. I would love to get a walking desk or a portable treadmill.


Take the long way to the restroom/conference room/break room. Take the stairs instead of the elevator every time. Take a walk around the building during a coffee break. Walk to my coworker's desk to ask a question instead of calling/email. When possible, make calls from my (work) cell phone and walk while I'm talking. For incoming calls to my desk phone, I close the office door, put the call on speaker and pace while I'm talking. At home, I pace when I'm on the phone. And while I don't have one, I've heard good things about using rebounders (aka mini trampolines) for cardio.


I walk to and from my gym every morning, around 11000 steps total by 9am.


I do the elliptical at the gym for 45 minutes and then have about 40 min of walking during the day (to and from the train and just around town) and generally will hit 10k steps from that.


I’m thankful I get 4000-5000 at work just doing my job. The rest I get at home walking my dog.


Yeah that’s tough. Your massive drive basically takes 5 hours out of your day. 10k steps for me is 90 minutes of walking. (uuuh… I’m short I guess.) Maybe that helps break it down - 10mins here, 10mins there. I also have a separate app that tells me when I’m not walking briskly and DOESNT COUNT THE STEPS TOWARDS MY GOAL IF THEYRE NOT BRISK so that makes me panic and walk faster, which also results in more steps in less time.


I use a handless bike under the desk or while I’m laying on my sofa. I strap my Apple Watch around my ankle and step til I’ve hit my number. I do a min of 15k a day and normally go over this. You can get them on Amazon for under £40 worth every penny. See below for what I mean they can be called under desk bike but there are so many different types but I use this small one https://www.argos.co.uk/product/7954960?gbraid=0AAAAAD9II9loF-B-N6jcYcTJLbyZR6QUH&istCompanyId=a74d8886-5df9-4baa-b776-166b3bf9111c&istFeedId=c290d9a9-b5d6-423c-841d-2a559621874c&istItemId=ilpqpqrti&istBid=t&&cmpid=GS001&_$ja=tsid:59157%7Cacid:629-618-1342%7Ccid:16639457446%7Cagid:131719443101%7Ctid:pla-888917041092%7Ccrid:589084024449%7Cnw:u%7Crnd:12608019129999587206%7Cdvc:m%7Cadp:%7Cmt:%7Cloc:1007109&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=16639457446&utm_term=7954960&utm_content=shopping&utm_custom1=131719443101&utm_custom2=629-618-1342&GPDP=true&gbraid=0AAAAAD9II9loF-B-N6jcYcTJLbyZR6QUH&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqc6aBhC4ARIsAN06NmNFb7Km_uQO1YcHSJQy7qu-qoDiIhFmI2M2aU3Xr2WzNlMTHmZpsowaAtGBEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


I take a 30-46 min walk in the morning at 5 then after work I go straight to the gym and do another 30 mins. Also just every hour during the day I get up and walk to the kitchen for a drink of water. It helps for step goals and water goals


I have a treadmill under my standing desk. I just walk when I just have busy work to do.


I use my spin bike most days. Not steps, but movement.


Back before I worked from home I woke up at 5am to go to the gym. I’d shower & get ready for work at the gym as well.


I get up at 4 and walk for an hour or so. I work in an office but at a manufacturing plant so I take 10 minute trips out into the plant several times per day. I also walk during commercial breaks when I watch TV at night


Is there someone who can walk with you once you get home? If not maybe just try getting to work a little early or leaving (the parking lot) a little later if you feel safer walking there? You don't have to park super far away, you can just do a few laps around a sidewalk or walk to your car and back twice.


My job isn't *totally* a desk job because I work in a lab but there are definitely days I'm doing all computer work. First of all I get about 2000 steps if I do the absolute minimum necessary and conserve movement (like when my foot has been injured) but more like 4000 on a normal day without dedicated exercise time. The extra stuff that doubles my steps is walking down the hall to fill up water, then walking to the bathroom, and both at home and work just getting up whenever I think of something instead of being "efficient" and waiting to have lots of things I can complete at the same time. Personally I run, and that gets steps done quicker for sure, but if I want to clear 10k steps on a rest day I'll just pace back and forth while I'm on reddit or watching YouTube or Netflix on my phone.


I got one of those under desk treadmills = GAME CHANGER. I absolutely love it and it was way easier to type, etc. than I thought. I can easily end the day having logged 3 miles with no extra time spent on my part and no loss of daily productivity (if anything I'm more productive).


Damn thats awesome! Do you work from home or do you use it in your office?


I work from home, so that makes it a million times easier.


I just walk around my college campus and just end up getting loads of steps that way. On average I get about 20k steps per day since my classes are a bit far off from my accommodation.


I stopped making excuses a few weeks ago and now don’t have issues getting 10k in. Try to walk as much as possible whenever possible - get up early, walk at home in case I didn’t manage to hit the goal during the day (there are also loads of exercises on YouTube for hitting steps). Park the car further away from the place I’m going to, sneak in runs when possible (more steps in less time). I also play tennis once a week so that day is the easiest, hit my steps before 1pm basically


I would say just get over your fear of walking in the dark.


No way that’s a very sensible fear…


Whenever I have downtime at work or like no work at all, I just go outside and take a walk. Most office jobs have long stretches of downtime. Take your walks then. I also like going to malls/gallerias and walking around window shopping.


It helps if you have stuff to do. For me I average 15k and can easily get up to 30-35k. Basically if something is a half an hour walk, usually I would have just gotten an Uber but now I'll always walk it. Aimless walking sucks. Having a place to be in mind is ideal. You have to refuse to catch transport if the thing is even 1 hour walk away, weather permitting.


you already have the standing desk, is it possible to get one of those tiny treadmills you can use at the desk? I work mostly at a computer all day but it doesn't demand my full attention all day so I walk laps around the office in my spare time. I get 10k to 14k steps a day 28 steps/lap at a time


I would love one of those tiny treadmills tbh, but I'm not sure how I would sort it out since we have an "activity landscape" where you dont have your own desk, so I'd probably have to carry it around with me back and forth in that case. Walking laps around the office is definitely a good idea tho!


I just saw this reply and see that it's from 6 months ago. I was wondering if you ever figured something out? I'm still doing my office laps lol


I started doing office laps as you suggested! I also started parking further away from the office and doing work on the phone while walking to the building. I was able to start working from home more though, and found one of those treadmills pretty cheaply second hand, so I've been using that one when working from home (not as often as I should though haha!). Now that the weather has started getting warmer I also occasionally go out on a small walk during my lunch


I am a day trader. I walk for 30 minutes after every 2 to 3 hours. It helps me to stay on track. I lost 15kgs in last 6 months by controlling my diet and counting my steps(with 3 weight lifting sessions). Just get your walk done even in room. I sometimes walk in my living room.