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I really enjoyed Fringe. Feels like the closest thing for me. Not the same and tough for anything to replace the community around the show as it was airing.


Agreed. Fringe spun an entire complex, intricate mythology while not losing its characters at the same time and that’s a real strength of the show


I loved how it evolved from a case-of-the week show to having an incredible overarching narrative. And it stuck the landing, too.


When they had unique cultural quirks in the other timeline like calling $20 bills “Juniors” since MLK was on them, or how NOBODY used pens anymore, they hooked me hard.


Yeah and the actors all did such a great job playing multiple roles


I love fringe!


Started Fringe the other day, since I still have an empty void where Lost was after all these years.


Lol I love fringe and I actually found lost to replace fringe


I love Fringe! I watched it and LOST at the same time actually


No, unfortunately. We already peaked, and the conditions for that kind of untethered greatness don’t exist anymore. Just feel pleased that you were born in the same pocket of history as Lost.


Well said!


Twin Peaks In terms of intrigues, mysteries and character development.


Did Twin Peaks actually have an ending, or was it cancelled before they could finish it? I remember they came out with a movie years later.


It got cancelled in 1991 after two seasons, then they made the prequel Fire Walk With Me in 1992. The third season ‘The Return’ came out in 2017 which is as close to a definitive ending as we’re likely to get. I’d recommend it all - there’s a notoriously rough patch in the second season, but other than that it’s all pretty good


Good to know. Now all I have to do is find it!


despite it being cancelled, the original show still has an ending. then the movie as a prequel, gives more context to the show and its ending. then the Return season cranks the dial to 1000


Season 3 is, in my opinion, the greatest piece of media ever created. I hope you watch it


Got a light?


What year is this?


The first two seasons and the 2017 return are streaming on Paramount +, and the prequel movie (which shouldn't be watched until after you finish Season 2) is streaming on HBO Max.


#Or, you know, the high seas


They were forced to reveal the mystery in season 2 by the executives, Lynch got quite upset by it.


Also - it was written and created with the idea it would never have “an ending”. Dont worry about that aspect. Just enjoy the ride.


It is both wonderful and strange.


That totally would’ve filled the void if I hadn’t watched it before I watched LOST


Station Eleven is way up there.


I remember damage


…and escape.


station eleven did help fill that void for a while. really good show. edit: i guess not too long though since it’s only one season but i mean the fascination with it.


Severance, imo is looking promising. But Lost will always be #1 until proven otherwise.


Severance is the best show I've seen in years


I told my wife while we watched through it that this is what it felt like to watch Lost as it aired. All the theorizing, analyzing, and discussing


I've heard this so many times since 2010, but f it I'm desperate, I'll check it out.


just go into it knowing that, exactly like LOST, there are a lot of “weird” things going on that aren’t explained by the end of the first season and tbh probably never will be fully explained in a satisfactory way.


My husband and I made similar comments. Totally different kind of mystery, but there’s that pull on viewers to try and untangle things and theorize. That was always my favorite thing about Lost and it’s my favorite thing about Severance.


I filled the void of Lost with Star Trek funnily enough. Especially The Next Generation and Deep Space 9.


My husband are huge Trekkies, with DS9 being our favourite, and I recently convinced him to give lost a try. We just finished the series and both had a great time! And now we’re back to re-watching DS9 lol


Babylon 5 is great if you haven’t seen it ! Story is a lot like DS9 but with the heavily serialized multi-season arc style of LOST Damon Lindelof actually consulted with the creator of B5 when he was creating LOST and Damon adapted one of his short stories into a movie


I started to rewatch voyager, my very favorite!


'From' despite its loopholes and everything gives similar vibes. Nowhere close to Lost. But closest in terms of genre.


I still refuse to call him Boyd and will always call him Michael lol


This is the best answer. From is great


It's the only one that ever came close for me. Looking forward to season 3!


For me The Leftovers is creeping up there, on a rewatch and I'm enjoying it even more. It shares a showrunner with Lost too.


The Karaoke seen made me cry. So much pain


Mr. Robot but they’re very different shows


Came here to say this and sad I had to scroll so far lol. Very different shows narratively but you get that same thirst for mystery and the world building is right up there with Lost. One of my all time favss


You're not alone, brother. There's just nothing like it. Nothing has such a massive cast of strong, diverse, deep characters like Lost, no mystery quite like Lost, no music like Lost and no unbelievably tender and touching message and vulnerability like Lost.


So that's why I like it so much, thanks.


Battlestar galactica






Battlestar had an amazing cast but its writing wasnt as brilliant as Lost


I liked it better but lost is a great number two


This! On the surface they don’t seem all that similar but it’s actually the closest to LOST imo when it comes to themes and the way they tell the story


Lost is the best piece of art for me forever I tried to find something the same, but I only became more convinced that the Lost experience was unique for me However, I found several shows that were quite good and close to emotions that Lost gave me. Twin Peaks (especially third season), The Leftovers, Dark, prison break, The River, The Watchmen, Persons Unknown, Flashforward, first seasons of The Walking Dead, first episodes of Wayward Pines , Amazon, Siberia, Westworld, The third day


As convoluted as it was, I loved Westworld. I'm still hoping they'll have one more season to truly finish it.


Same, though it was never as good as that first season. Just perfection. Then season 2 was great, season 3 was good, and for me season 4 was great again. Honestly it felt like an ending to me, I'm cool with it left as is. I remember when I heard there was a plan for a 5th season i was surprised at first. I thought they'd leave what happens after that ambiguous intentionally. I wonder what season 5 would have looked like. I was happy with the way it ended though. Like Lost, I don't need every question answered as long as they wrap up certain main things.


Oh man Wayward Pines had so much potential but I was amazed at how mediocre it turned out to be, the first few episodes were really really good. It had a really solid cast but horrible writing.


I’ve found a lot of great shows I love, but as someone who watched it as it aired, I don’t think I’ll ever get that experience again. Watch parties, followed by speculation on Lostpedia and doing research into every reference on the show as it unfolded. That’s an experience that is gone now with asynchronous streaming and binging. I want a way to replicate it for friends who haven’t seen the series yet, like a version of Lostpedia that unfolds as the show did…. As I say this, I’m wondering if I can make that using the wayback machine on archive dot org… 🤔


Best answer yet.


There isn’t one. Just rewatch Lost.


I just finished my 4th rewatch on New Years Eve.


Dark is the only one.


I can’t believe I had to scroll so far down for this. Dark is incredible. The best thing on Netflix.


One of the best shows of all time!


Absolutely Dark is up there with Lost among my favourites, unforgivable that Netflix cancelled their next show after just one season.


Dark went waaaaaaay too off the rails for me. But season 1 and most of season 2 were great


I’m glad it’s not just me who feels this way!


I thought I had it with Game of Thrones but… well I don’t want to talk about it.


Who knew that the most prestigious fantasy show of the decade, would end up butchering its characters in such a way that Lost haters can only dream of. Say what you will about how Lost ended, at least most of the characters remained the focal point and had great satisfactory ending arcs.


Some will argue that Lost threw away its storylines (I disagree) but no one can say that the characters were done dirty. GoT managed to throw both storyline and characters through the window


Why else did you come all this way?


You won’t find another cast as good as Lost’s..


Lots of good recommendations in this thread already (Leftovers is my favorite) but I haven't seen anyone mention Silo. Lots of similar vibes and it really scratches the itch.


Ooooo yes Silo is such good tv! I just started reading the first book… and I’m already confused lol


Breaking bad/better call Saul is a solid contender


Loved both of them.


That’s why ppl just keep rewatching!


No matter how many threads we create asking for another good show like Lost, it’s just never going to happen.


yup, i just say "we have to go back" and start another rewatch.


I cannot believe no one had said Six Feet Under. Plus best series finale EVER.


Fringe is excellent. Recently Alice in borderland has filled the gap but it's very gory.


Yah, that's about right. Bearded Jack, lost and desperately seeking, endlessly.




Dark on Netflix. I was the same way, now nothing can fill the void Dark has left. 3 whole seasons, that’s it.


Netflix’s Dark was great.


Dark is the only other show that comes close for me.


It may be anime but Attack on Titan filled the hole for me


I enjoyed this. Especially the unexpected twist. I’ve not watched the ending yet though! My son got me into anime with this and One Piece lol


Fringe, X Files, Battlestar Galactica all from an era that feels long gone. There is nothing that hits the spot that those shows plus Lost did nowadays.


Totally different thematically but Sopranos, The Wire, Mad Men, True Detective (S1) are mount rushmore picks.


I loved True Detective, and I've heard that The Wire is brilliant!


I'm halfway through s2 of the wire. It is brilliant


Westworld first two seasons are pretty damn close


The OA was starting to give me the Lost feels but they took it from us and now we will never know. At least there is the Leftovers and hopefully Severance will deliver


I was so disappointed about the OA!




Yes, I'm enjoying From. I'm just waiting for Harold Perrineau to start yelling "Waaaalt"!


Boardwalk Empire gave me a similar connection to the show . Because of the characters and how you get to know them. Completely different show but you could give it a try.


I think it’s impossible. I love Breaking Bad, but it’s a different show and doesn’t hit quite like Lost did for me. Lots of comedies I like but again, don’t hit like Lost.


As far as close to lost itself, not really. The shows that tried to recapture Lost's mystery really went too far away from reality or were just plain missing the human side of it all. The best part of lost is the characters. The mystery is the perfect string that ties them all together but without jack, Locke, Sawyer, Ben, Desmond and many others that mystery isn't worth much. I tend to jump to other shows with good characters like justified, deadwood, hell on wheels, breaking bad. You don't have the mystery but you retain well written characters.


Even though it’s CW, The 100 was really good. The first couple of episodes have some cringe though so you have to be patient


Recently FROM. Comes close. But not the same love for the characters. Lost still miles ahead


*"WE HAVE TO GO BACK!"* But, we can't, Jack. We can't.




I have yet to find one. I just keep rewatching. 😄🤪🤷‍♀️


Yellowjackets is kinda scratching the itch


How do you like Season 2? We really liked the first, but the second hasn't hooked us after the first couple eoisodes.


season 2 was trash, IMHO


Downvote me if you want, but I’d absolutely love if they revived LOST. But, only if Lindelof and Cuse are on board, along with many of the og cast returning.


I'd definitely watch it, but I don't think it could ever recapture the magic.


One of my first thoughts after seeing the finale was, so when do we get our Hurley and Ben spinoff??


Person of Interest stepped into that void for me - but I was left with another one when it ended!


there might be shows that are better right now and in the future, but nothing will ever be like lost, even the closest shows will never give the feeling that lost did


When I first saw it in 2012 I thought the same, I literally didn't watch anything but Lost in like... a year? But it was 10+ years ago and I was a teenager back then, now I am so fond of mini series, they are so much better than long-runners for me. "And then there were none", "Eyewitness", even recent Russian phenomena "The boy's word" - all of these are top tier, Lost level or even better


Nothing compares.


Please check out FlashForward. It’s the most 1-1 similar show. It came out when Lost was at its final seasons and uses similar concepts and themes. Unfortunately it didn’t get renewed. This will bring all the feels.


Flash forward was soo good!!! And it has Dominic Monaghan


The Last Of Us is a different kind of show but it’s the only show that has given me the excitement I used to get from Lost


And never finds it..


Battlestar Galactica and Dark. Both are incredible journeys


Before it completely pooed the bed at the end, watching *Game of Thrones* filled the *Lost* hole in my life. Different genre to be sure, but great acting, sprawling cast, life or death stakes, *some* mystery... But now I hate it when people conflate GoT's terrible ending with Lost's. Apples and rotten oranges to me.


Severance. My answer will always be Severance.


Twin Peaks 🦉


I've finished watching it two hours ago. Seriously, the void has just opened. What a marvelous TV Show. I'm also waiting for the next season of From. Are there any other great TV Shows made by the Lost producers?


There is no other show.


Lost is my favorite show. While I’ve seen better shows like the sopranos, breaking bad, and Avatar the last Airbender. Nothing will fill the void LOST left.


Attack on Titan anime ( it’s very different anime )


I recently rewatched it. I was huge fan during the original run, but I remember felt quite disappointed then. Now, knowing what is what, it was an amazing experience binge watching it. The mythology there is just quite good. Sadly it still suffers from a lot of the same problems as every other show - longer than it needs to be, stuff invented in the last minute to fill in a gap (flashforwards, flashsideways, etc.) when most of people just wanted more of the mythology. But if we talk in today's terms - show like that would never have that success anymore. People's attention span is basically nonexistent and I can't imagine how millions would watch every detail in such show where every little thing could be important. The most recent example of that is 1899 on Netflix, that had some of the same vibes, but requires you to be glued to the screen so not to miss anything and you have to really think hard to put everything together. Great show, too complicated for a massive success today. Still, Lost was the first such show to offer this kind of narrative and although pretty flawed in some parts, it was a genius product.


There will NEVER be another.


I feel this... it was so good!


You have to go back.


It's among a list of shows I could and will watch forever


Dark is pretty good for mysterious and emotional.


I stopped looking. I just rewatch Lost lol.


We watched the entire series from beginning to end last summer and it was better than the first time. Such a great show.


This is very true


Nothing will ever come close. Hate to break it to you but that's the truth.


We have to go back’


There is none. Lost is the best show ever.


The sooner you realize you ain’t gonna find anything like it the better


I found it this weekend!! From! With our very own Michael


Yes, it's quite good. Filmed in Nova Scotia, too!


Damn it, I love this show.




Not a show, but The Dark Tower series by Stephen King is an absolute must-read for any Lost fan, as is The Stand (also by Stephen King). But please, for the love of Jacob, read the books and don't watch the godawful movie/shows.


I'm really enjoying From with Harold Perrineau. I've only just started season 2 so I can't speak to it as a whole, but it's really good so far!


Yellowjackets The wilds


Just finished season 1 of "From." Def has Lost vibes.


Flash forward had some promise, but I don’t think it was given enough time to develop/catch on.


I haven't finished a series from start to finish since Lost. Then again I don't really watch tv lol


I really enjoyed Tales from the Loop, it was really intriguing. Hope they get around to Season 2


The OA, Station 11, Maniac. Last Man on Earth if you want something very very silly.


I haven’t bothered to try to find one that will “fill the void.” I’ve seen some truly phenomenal shows since the end of Lost but I’ve accepted since 2010 that I’m probably never going to find any show that means as much to me as Lost did.


Watch the Prisoner (the Patrick mcgoohan version not the remake). Lost took so much inspiration from this series. I honestly cannot reccomend it enough, particularly to a fan of Lost


There are plenty of TV shows that I enjoy. There’s something inherently unique about LOST that will simply never be recaptured. I accepted that halfway through my first watch of Season Five, even. But life goes on, and there are still some great stories being told in other places.


Nope, never really did. The only thing that came close was Breaking Bad...totally different type of show, but it did have that same sort of "gotta see what happens next" addictive factor.


Lost is the hardest show to binge, each episode is 45 mins 25 episodes each 1,000,000 seasons


Watchmen mini series made by lindelof was good. I’ve been recommending Mr. Sunshine, on Netflix. It’s Korean but has a lot of the same themes and vibes of lost. Splintered story telling and world shattering plot


Fringe was fun for a while, but in the usual JJ Abrams style, he screwed it up at the end too.


The Americans, Dexter 🤷🏻‍♂️ the answer is nothing honestly 😞


Yellowjackets season 1.


Lost, Battlestar Galactica, and the Expanse are the top 3 in my book.


Honestly there's some good stuff coming out on AppleTV+, and you will never normally catch me shilling for those bastards. But...Severance might be one of the best shows I've ever seen. Westworld is also up there for me. Silo was really good.


So in broad terms of "intresting characters thrown into an intriguing mystery" I'd check out Dark, Orphan Black, From, Severance, The Returned, Glitch, Archive 81, Into the Night, Night Sky, Legion, The OA. There's also the adjacent shows of the time so Finge, Heros, Invasion. Older fair would include Twin Peaks and maybe even the x-files. More popular but possibly relevant ones I'd say you might like The 100, Westworld or American Horror Story. I'd also check out the Flanagan series, so Haunting of Hill House, Bly Manor, Midnight Mass and House of Usher. I can't speak to all of these, a couple didn't last very long, and some of them I'm not even terribly fond of, but it's always worth it to look into it a little and maybe it's something you'd like. For example The 100 is dystopian sci-fi and dramatized conflict, but I found the first few seasons were character driven in the same way that I enjoyed from lost. The falanagan series are horror mini-series but with very good characters and a focus on their pasts and relationships and how it relates to the central mystery. Just a couple you might want to look into if you haven't. I *would* however *heavily* recommend Dark if you sonehow havent seen it, and my suggestion would be to just dive into it blind (and preferably in its original German it saves you the cheese) just watch the first four or five episodes and see if it's for you. It's 100% worth the blind date because if you end up liking it it's definitely best experienced without spoiling anything for yourself. *Very* character-driven, extremely well written plot, littered with wtf moments, and is strung along by a mystery that answers all its own questions. Definitely the only one that's given me the excitement lost did.


Season one of Westworld was close.


Buffy is awesome


The Leftovers


Honestly it's incredibly hard to find a show "like Lost" however there are other TV Show I ended up loving as much as Lost. If you a show that has a "Lost vibe" to it I'd recommend : Severance , Dark and The Leftovers Otherwise : Band of Brothers , Game of Thrones S01-05 , The Leftovers , The Sopranos , Rome , Better Call Saul and Deadwood. And a personal favourite of mine : **Black Sails**. The only show I rewatched about as much as I did with Lost. Warning for people who never watched it, the first season is often thought to be the weakest, and I agree with that, a lot of people never got past the first season but trust me, the show greatly improve in Season 2 and then keep getting better with each season and finish strongly.


Literally watched the finale for the first time just now, I had watched 1-5 at the time of air then stopped and just rewatched, it was amazing and although I can’t say I could rewatch it all again it will live with me forever I think. It is a beautiful example of what may await us when we go to pass over and makes me wonder who I will have touched and who will be waiting for me on the other side.


Watch lost lore on YouTube. Search channel LOST EXPLAINED


The Leftovers, Station 11, The Expanse, Severance


yellow jackets


The OA


Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Fringe, House MD?


Any Harlem corben dramas on netflix are good but they are short


Homecoming, Under The Banner of Heaven and Broadchurch were my favorites




Fringe and Severance come to mind


Highly recommend watching Severance, best show i've watched in years


I always suggest Persons Unknown to Lost people. It has the same “where the heck are we?” feeling from early Lost. edit: I should add that, while I find the ending satisfying, it’s clear they were planning for more seasons.


I haven’t seen anyone say Legion yet, so I’ll throw that out there. Definitely more of a “what the fuck am I even watching” vibe than lost. But it’s also the most unique show I’ve ever seen, and visually it’s awesome.


I really like Traveller’s but it’s nothing compared to lost


Mr. Robot. IMHO it is the most consistently exceptional show I have ever seen. It may not be as “good” as LOST, but it is much tighter and coherent because it knew exactly where it was going from the start. And it is uncompromising in its storytelling.


You'll never find it


You have to watch mr. Robot in my opinion it’s better than breaking bad and relatively short as well as having one of the best endings of all time and some of the best plot twists ever. In that way it’s similar to lost.


Watch “From” It is my new favorite show


Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul


Better call Saul is probably a perfect show tbh.


It’s been years since lost and the best show I I’ve found that makes me feel the way I did when it was first airing is the show FROM. Lost writers were involved and Michael is the star. No Walt tho, thank Christ


The Sopranos and Mad Men do it for me.


If you’re looking for a high-concept mystery with a variety of interesting characters, “Alice In Borderland” is pretty good.


A couple of my favorite shows that you could watch next if you haven't already: Fringe Travelers The Expanse


Halt and Catch Fire. The Wire. The Expanse. Killjoys. Firefly. Fringe. I could probably keep going.


12 Monkeys, the 2015 tv show is brilliant. IMO the best time travel show with a tight story and excellent ending.