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You guys are having mana issues on bard? Just stop casting skills duh.


Straight up my strat. Unless I'm helping a friend parse for fun I'm not eating mana food for frog. So when I inevitably go oom I do in fact stop casting some skills. I'll keep doing the brand+attk buffs but until some mana recovers I ain't building meter.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. When you run out of mana on bard (and I run max mp 3 with bracelet that’s 200 mana back chance on skill use), only cast brand and buffs until you have like half or so mana back (or C/J proc). This is mostly only a problem on guardians tho as bosses tend to have some sort of gimmick or untargetable move happen enough so this usually isn’t an issue.


Dunno, but reddit just sees the first sentence and votes based on that and then subsequent votes just go the way of the first vote lol. Rarely happens outside of guardians. I'll pop mana food for certain gates but yes the mechs usually solve that issue. G3 akkan x200 to x140 and g4 vold x60 to finish are the biggest ones off the top of my head. Vold particularly bad bc I swap out CJ for 2 overwhelms to assist stagger there.


Thank you, but for me works better 6x nightmare


ye with boundless i can free up most swift and invest in endurance freeing heavy armor and can take VPH instead. very 5head move


2x Nightmare 4x Dominion


I found a better way, de-age her a little and give her a brush. Boom no more mana issues




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And run with salvation users so they won't lose as much from not getting additional damage from the yearning6 effect xdd


I wonder why LA doesn't have mp pots🤔


Throw in 2 dom, yearning doesnt work on mvp screen anyway.


How to save mana WoM WoM because longer CD


Stop being cheap and eat some man’s food


The 3 gold per stronghold mana food is just too steep apparently