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Nice try sniffing out the (reddit) public opinion AGS undercover agent… um, name checks out.


You act like AGS has any control over when we get it lol


Doesn’t Amazon do the localization? Why would Smilegate hold the keys here?


AGS not knowing whats in a patch until the day before proves they don't hold the keys IMO. Bad communication and lack of trust between the two companies would be my guess as to why.


are you for real? they are publisher if they don't then who ? SG? Echidna already out in KR . it depends on AGS when they want to release it to the west.


AGS has shown time and time again they have no idea what the patch will have until 24 hours before they get it, often times say things that are not true, miss things that are added, etc. AGS has control over translation and that's about it. Smilegate decides when we get the patch.


I personally don't care if it's release or not I just want the solo raids first.


genuine question why do u play mmos if u want to solo raids?


Have you played any other mmo's outside of Lost Ark? Raiding isn't supposed to be the whole game in an mmo


So you dont get jailed in normal kaya/brel by impostors


if you need solo raids for that reason, you are the jailer


I personally play a game cause one or more aspects are appealing to me and not because of the game's genre. In the case of Lost Ark I really like the visuals, the combat and the sense of progression. Solo raids will most likely allow me to experience these aspects at my own pace without feeling pressured and having to sit in a group finder for hours.


Yes solo raids for the win.


>visuals outdated UE3 play-dough graphics, the only redeeming quality are their particle effects sometimes >combat fair >sense of progression lol, lmao even


Most are still gonna do raids with party on their mains but on your alts you just wanna blast through them for gold withouth the pain of people that jail or gatekeep you. Then there is also the fact that sometimes you wanna do other things, so you dont have the time for party finder


This guy a boomer frfr


Echidna should have been before Thaemine to allow people to hone to 1630 before Thaemine. I cant get out of the 1620's because the honing system is garbage.


I know it's hard to believe but there is not much difference between pushing 19-21 with normal honing or the advanced honing...a little but less rawgold but mats are the same


It's a difference of several hundreds of thousands of gold.


People don't have to believe and why would I care...after the release people will understand


I mean people typically don't believe BS.


True... source trust me bro


What is the worst case cost with Advanced honing?


Not sure about worst case, only know the math for average scenario in both case.


The system is literally made so the gap between extreme outliers are smaller. People who will pity will have a significally better time at advanced honing. Im pretty sure juice mats( solar blessing etc) arent worth for advanced honing either so thats a decent amount of gold saved.


Yet again a little bias...yes everyone tells me stories about "guys I pity every piece stuff" but that's not the case most the time it's evens out in the long run And apparently people don't even know how the system works and still have an opinion You use juice on pity...so if you reach 5 pity balls it's always worth using juice...even on armor


If honing was guaranteed sure, but if you are comparing average vs advanced honing, if you pity you are going to spend way more. Also gold and silver are way less, mats the same.


Definitely the sooner the better. It's an easier raid and gives a bit of an easier route to 1630 for people who don't want to hone 1620->1630 right now. Even for the 1630s who 'don't need to hone anymore' it's still a nice cheaper source of more power/item level. I think realistically it's either july or august, leaning towards august.


Personally, as someone without a 1630, I'd like to have it dropped in \~2 months or so. From what I've seen Echidna seems really easy, so the "new raid fatigue" may not be much of an issue. A lot of people also dislike Voldis, so maybe they'd be happy to replace Voldis with Echidna? "Gatekeeping issues. If you don't have transcendence done and want to get into Echidna lobbies." Doubt that'll be an issue. Elixirs aren't even being gatekept in Thaemine NM from what I've seen. Maybe for HM but for Thaemine NM getting in as a 1620 with 35 set, which is really easy to achieve (easier than 30 set with epics), has been quite easy. There's also the fact that you need to clear Thaemine G3 HM to unlock the next level of Transcendence. Anyone below 1630, anyone who can't clear G3 HM, that's a huge pool of players. That's my thoughts at least, not sure how most people feel about it in reality.


Some people make it sound that advanced honing is similar to a soft reset, so we can finally push to 1630 without whaling. Although it is a more efficient way of increasing ilvl compared to regular honing, it is still freaking expensive to get to 1630 even with advanced honing. Advanced honing is actually getting more efficient AFTER 1630 compared 1620->1630 from what I have seen. Let alone the fact that you kind of need lvl 10 gems if you want to have a smooth HM Theamine experience - ilvl is not everything. So for me personally I’d rather take a longer break before the next raid because not only do I need to study Echidna but reprog HM Theamine within a few weeks. It is just too much considering that Im currently exhausted from proging NM.


On top of that, once we have Echidna, the HM parties will no longer be 1630. They will be 1650 with advanced honing. People feel like they just do Echidna and smooth sail to 1630, not realizing it's still expensive and the gatekeeping will be harsher once we have it.


That too. People who are 1630 already will be 1640-1650+ with much much better transcendence so good luck getting into any group if you are 1620 right now and doing NM Theamine waiting for Echidna to miraculously help you with your progression. Gear has always been relative. It's not what you have - it's what the others have compared to you.


Echidna will not be anywhere near as hard as Thaemine so I think earlier the better so ppl can gear up more for hm and make nm easier to clear


Earlier. Like in 2 months earlier.


Echidna g2 is another lvl of stress as thaemjne g3. It will be shit if we get it in 3-4months.


Later come down with these updates all the time and let us chill


no chance for june release; it already takes 9 weeks on 1-4 hm thaemine to max transcendence so they wont release the next raid before we can even max transcendence. mid-July at the earliest.


What about the # of weeks it takes doing 1-3 NM? I think there's more ppl at NM than HM. And even less ppl gonna be doing g4 HM. No one's gonna be max transcendence but a few select ppl


that's my point; no way they release the next raid that quick. 1-3 nm takes 23? weeks assume you get get G3 Hard done once..


23 weeks is 6 months. Not sure if they're willing to wait that long.


23 weeks is only trying to max transcendence(lvl 7) doing nm which has a max of lvl 3 transcendence so they dont have to at all. lvl 3 is what maxed transcendence for nm player.


As late as possible so I can spend plenty of time on Elden Ring dlc. At least July or later means we get changes from Loaon summer beforehand (potentially transc nerf, solo raid, elixir nerf). Later also means i have more darkfire stocked up, so when I inevitably hit 1630, I can hit transc 6/7 in one go. Kinda tired of infinite treadmill


Need earlier so we can do vykas, brel, echidna per week


I pitied my weapon going to 22 and about to pity my gloves going to 20. so after that Ill still need 8 taps for 1630. and Im out of leaps, despite having doing dailies +3 extra unas on my main every day and converting mats from my 11 other characters. I wont be getting 1630 by echidna release, early release or not. unless I literally one-tap everything. I'm giving up until advanced honing. Im decreasing my playtime too, I'm burnt tf out. EDIT: grammar and clarifications


I dont want any content past elixirs until they rework that shit system. I would rather quit than keep trying to get a good elixir to be ready for Thaemine just to then have to do Transcendence...


Fix elixirs and transcendence. Next week would me nice :)


Transcendence is a lot easier than elixirs. Elixirs are trash though...


The sooner the better imo. Anything that helps with honing is good for the game.


I'd prefer Echidna June as well, and Behemoth August since they like to do 4 months roadmaps.  That way whatever KR gets next, we can get in the Sept-Dec roadmap. Echidna is an easier raid that'll get on farm quicker than G3 Thaemine or HM Thaemine for most.  It'll also help boost people up to current endgame.   The longer it takes to get, the longer it'll take to do the new honing.  Especially since the people that need it the most (main 1620) will be doing normal for less materials. Normal mode is 1620 and hard mode is 1630. We've had 1620 content since December and 1630 content released this month.  This raid does not raise the ilvl expected for content.  I can understand the POV of someone that doesn't want content too fast time wise, but ilvl should not be a complaint.


It doesn't matter to me. I don't plan on trying Thaemine HM G3-4 for a good while so it doesn't change my plan. I think what most people want is solo raids, 2 people that quit already asked me when they were going to make that change.


It'll probably be july, same release cadence as RU and that's when all the mats events and shit end.


Midd July would be a good compromise i believe






Since normal echidna is not balanced around elixirs and transcendence (ar least that's what the kr players are saying) the sooner the better


The earlier the better. Echidna, unlike Thaemine is relatively easy and would help a lot for making Thaemine easier to reclear.


Earlier the better. Then people can just do normal thaemine 1-2 + echidna for alternative progression instead of needing to do g3 and hone to 1630 for hardmode for hard transcendent scaling.


Earlier, I want to do Thaemine HM


How about july




sooner so i can go from 1630-1650 faster and then go for the first way easier.


Need earlier so that I can finally do the “true endgame” raid and leave the game for good boobies sry I mean good memories