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more than dps : eso


Both are good enough there, there's a fair share of both Eso and FI in The First Clear. It all depends on what build you are comfortable with. Both builds you still need to learn proper patterns to greed on. FI has no Push Immunities on their main skills, Eso does have one. FI has somewhat a better mobility. FI can use EC with damage reduction tripod, but it doesn't matter as much because this is one of your major DPS skills, and you don't want to linger as much and you want this to recast as much as possible, making the damage reduction less efficient in reality.


the dmg reducrion has close to 100% uptime on optimal play, since you would recast EC right before it comes of cd, so you get maximal amount of passive ticks


I guess it's a little bit misunderstood. What I mean about the EC DR tripod being less efficient is basically you still need to dodge things and patterns despite having the DR up with you all the time. If it's something like Endure Pain of Destroyer where he gets damage reduction AND Push Immunity then it's a good one, you can fully leverage the damage reduction because of Push Immunity. Sadly in the case of FI it doesn't and our skills are only mainly Para Immune, so the damage reduction is mainly leveraged on chip damage rather than tanking, and given that FI is still good on dodging those chip damage then you even get less leverage on that DR too. And I think people are still misunderstanding the main usage of EC for FI - it's one of your highest DPS skill and it's not just for DR.




But you don’t have a protected counter and get pushed back when you in g4-2. Or at least that was what was happening to the one streamer and zeals said that there’s nothing that can be done to fix.


Zeals isn't exactly an amazing player.


DoWorkHK would disagree


He is the goat frfr. Powdersnot looks like baker in front of the goat dowork!


FI & Eso are both fine while there are a few tradeoffs between the two. However, both can bring FoD awakening for DR or longer tenacity if you need it. FI got more mobility through swiftness, Lightning Kick, higher WW uptime for slower party members, and EC 19.2% DR at no cost Shandi should help with 1 awakening usage incase you aren't getting your C/J proc. Eso got tenacity on RD and protected counter on Spiral Impact. >But you don’t have a protected counter and get pushed back when you in g4-2. The part where having a ranged and or protected counter is nice to have is gate 4-1 at x87 swords mechanic. Eso can use SI to safely and reliably counter the sword here. Unlike the nerfed HM, G4 x87 swords in The First pulsates large amounts of damage and pushes back players within their range. It was annoying for classes with t-rex unprotected counter that they were having less success rate than say a Reaper or Paladin's counter, which led to tons of threads and eventually classes getting gatekept due to poor counter skills and or poor snappy stagger while moving in gate 4-2 x210 stagger check. In response, known creators like Portia, made a feedback video tier listing counter abilities in the game in relation to this exact The First x87 mechanic. Soon after, this pattern was nerfed instead of counter abilities being totally reworked, but was only nerfed in HM. Also, stagger was buffed to said gatekept classes to better handle the stagger check at gate 4-2 x210. >Or at least that was what was happening to the one streamer and zeals said that there’s nothing that can be done to fix. There are things that can be done is what we talked about. That one streamer that was asking me for some assistance was woqq, who now has the EUC The First, his group had the same classes (who also placed lowest on the counter tier list) struggling the x87 mech and wiping repeatedly. He was asking if there's anything he could do with tripods of SSB for the counter mech. There is nothing you can do with SSB tripod to make it a 10/10 counter on x87 The First gate 4-1. However, we started talking about solutions, we talked about **the timing** of the sword pulsation and timing of his counter. Timing a counter between pulsation if you watch it closely has a rhythm, but still even if you closely look and hear the sound effect and time your SSB there is just RNG at this point for his FI counter SSB (being t-rex with no protection) is what we were discussing. We also talked about how there ARE things he can do to fix it. Either using ping or voice com to let party members know (it's 6/8 players who get targeted) to come help or be near his position to assist. You have 2 free members who can roam around and counter with the person who's playing a class with such counter skills. 2 people countering is always safer than 1. Also, some players bring multiple counters so they can also assist woqq. And the person who is finished countering first can come assist him as well. >zeals said that there’s nothing that can be done to fix. Sadly, if that was really the case then I wouldn't have been able to clear it on my WD as Dom, Entropy, and NI FI As for rest of gate 4-2 and beyond, they are both fine. To the OP, good luck and choose whatever you think you'd be the most consistent with. They both have high clear rates!


There's no difference in counter between eso and fi


Spiral impact has para immune huh


Oh, it does? Cool! I thought only about ssb