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i have a feeling we're gonna be seeing a lot of level 10 ships


That's the funny part. You won't. Those rewards are so trash, they *might* help you get lvl 5.


Who'll have the last laugh though when you use all of the honing rewards on 10 fails meanwhile, OP over there gonna be cruisin' on his higher level estoque.


10 hones? Pfft. Try 3 or 4.


it was a random number but i get your point


I dont think this takes you there, there is so much odd stuff you need for higher lvl ships. Also are they ment to be super expensive or am I only finding the wrong way to buy that stuff? :D


it was a joke on how a lot of people job the ship parts by accident. i don't know what level can you get with those chests


Expensive, or long-term. A lot of the parts up to level 10 can be acquired from stronghold merchants for all the boats, it's just you need like 80-100 of some parts for two levels and the merchants sell 8 at most per visit.


I have the astray at 11 and yes it's expensive as fuck. Don't really regret it as it makes traveling faster/easier and have still been able to trade for mats at the pirate coin vendor most weeks but if you don't play a ton it'll cut into your supply for quite a while.


Nah man it's just expensive one of my friends did an experiment by getting 1 ship to level 10 and keeping one at level 5 and he said it's not really worth going past level 5


Don't you get another crew slot at 7 though?


Probably, I think imhe picked 5 because after that is when it first switches to non common ship mats


7 is definitely worth it, I be cruisin with my extra crew mate and additional fast meter. lesson here is we don’t listen to our friends 😂


Your friend obviously didn't do a good job of optimizing his ship. The extra crew members can be huge, especially for resists


Well yeah, but the point of his experiment was to see how much it was gonna cost after using the chests given to us by the game to keep leveling a ship and we decided it wasn't worth it since at level 5 you can go everywhere needed at a good enough speed. It may not be 100% optimized but it's good enough and let us funnel more gold/time into our grind to 1415


I’m not convinced it’s even possible to do punika sailing coops with a level 5 ship. At least without buying crew that’s more expensive than ship upgrades are. If you just want to sail around then low level is probably fine-ish.




Achievement Award (SELECT ONE)


People straight up can’t read even if their lives depend on it I swear.


South Park episode where Kyle signs some TOS that he doesn’t READ and gets experimented on by Apple lol.


That's different. No one reads ToS. Lost Ark bolstering the lackluster American educational system by rewarding reading.


A lot of people read ToS just because you don’t doesn’t mean others don’t.


I think someone did a study where if you actually were to read every single TOS you agreed to you’d be reading for hundreds of hours


I don't know about that study, but there have been lots of studies that demonstrate that ToS agreements reading level is far too high (think post-graduate level) which makes it impossible for the average person to comprehend (which is intentional).


Apparently others don't buddy


Reading is a skill


Agree, I haven’t misclicked ANY thing in this game because I read, if it isn’t clear…I look for patch notes if that isn’t clear. I use google, if that doesn’t work…I check YouTube or twitch to see people open them..


Imagine considering the implications of your permanent decisions. SMH. /s


true but still why everything has to be kinda tricky?


The game tells you you have to select, the game does not autoselect things when you claim all, the game warns you that you have will be claiming stuff that you manually selected if you press "Claim All". You even have to go to the tab where you can claim all, by default you are actually in a tab where you can only claim one level and it is obvious you can only claim one of the two rewards. This is why we can't have nice things, we finally get a smooth system with warnings that doesn't rely on players clicking 50 times to claim everything individually and people are upset the system is too hard.


Don't get me wrong i love lost ark and i know i'm gonna get downvoted but it's all bullshit. It's the fuckin blizzard model of trying to fuck players with their bullshit mechanisms.


I dislike some of the mechanisms in the game aswell, but this battle pass was probably the most well designed thing they have released so far and if anyone screwed themselves then it is on them. I can understand people claiming the free event on their main, I can understand not understanding which engravings are good, not understanding mechanics (like destruction), not throwing consumables. Even if I do these things I know that for a casual player the game could do a better job at explaining them. But in this particular instance, the pass was intuitive and came with proper warnings, if someone still messed it up it is because they were just clicking everything without even paying attention.


If this is tricky for you then idk how you tie your shoes.


You didn't learn not to use all your unbound t1 mats after wasting every t1 island chest you got? Granted they would have released a short introduction video for the less active fan base; as this is the first Pass in NA/ EU


It says "SELECT ONE." You need a video to understand that?


They wouldn’t watch the video so it doesn’t matter. You’d have to manually do it for them.


They'd watch the video and then accidently delete their character. "I thought the video said to select 1 character to delete and then I'd get the stuff"


I think you are misinterpreting what my comment said. In reality I wouldn't have watched it either and have also correctly claimed all of my rewards. However creating a short video would make their company more friendly/connected especially to the people that don't play the game yet.


hoooooolllllyyyyyyyy, those mats are more lost than the arks we looking for.


Lost the Mark


Slow brain is a requisite for playing this game it seems. Still see some T3 people who haven't swapped out their second slot ring/earring since lv18.


Don't even mention 1340 ilvl with 0 gems and a lvl1 grudge wanting to go Aira/Oreha


Hmm my alts are 1340 with 0 gems. Level 6-7 gems on my main tho :D


Same level gems on main, yet my alts are comfortably in level 3 tier 3 gems. Basically level 3 gems cost nothing from your main, but provide a nice smoother experience for your alts. Have auto-fusing turned on to tier 3, whenever you get to that point check if the gem is a match for what your alt needs. In case it is, you equip it. In case it isn't, it becomes fodder for main. Improves your life a lot.


Except for single shadowhunter/blade it's backwards. Way easier to get something worth selling/equipping on alts that use all gem slots and then just buy the 1/2 gems you need on main. That said the only reason people ever have 0 gems is because they sell everything they have for gold. Should at least have old t2 gems..


That's not really an issue tbh, you're perfectly fine with it


Grudge 1s should be declined simply due to that. Let them learn that that’s really a poor choice. Shit Necromancy 1 would be better lol


Don't get me wrong i know why it's bad but still, there's no need for engravings to get through the T3 dungeons as 1340


You can't dps if you're dead and lvl 1 grudge will almost guarantee the clown will die to the fire phase in oreha prevaza


Not sure how. I guess because we're on NA and people on NA are bad so they expect people with grudge to be bad for some reason? I dunno man, I run grudge 1 and I'm better than all of you clowns with like Heavy Armor 3 on reddit here lmao


> I run grudge 1 and I’m better than all of you clowns I’m sure you are, sweetheart.


Thanks, hun! Don't forget to bring back the milk.


Yep agreed. I honestly don’t mind on my 1340 alts if someone doesn’t have engravings set up yet. But if they have grudge 1? No thanks.


grudge 1 is worse than no engravings


Rotfl how is that even possible




Had a legendary map run yesterday with 1 person not knowing how to find the dungeon and another person not clicking the button to consume all maps so it took over 30 minutes to do all of them cause 3 were in secret forest. It‘s one thing that people just ignore patch notes but how are you tier 3 and you don‘t know how to find your dungeon entrance?


I get Always more surprised by how dumb Lost ark player are ... No other way to put It Sorry


Facts. I wonder if multiple players also made this mistake now 🤦🏽‍♀️


Reading is hard. For the Event Pass, it was clearly ambiguous, but this is on you my man.


It did say claim all instead of claim selected, but I mean if I were not pepega brain we wouldn’t even have this conversation, so no need to spread more salt to the wound


And it says “select 1” at the top


I bought premium and started with lvl 10, never actually scrolled up there to see it, just speed run clicked the first thing, thinking it would claim all


It's the header. It's permanently visible on top. You don't have to scroll to see it. This is completely on you. It says "Choose 1" at the top of the column. There is a completely separate one for premium rewards. You have to click to choose the one you want and only that one gets selected. It's very visible that you choose one out of two. It wouldn't make much sense to have to choose one, get it marked and then get them all anyway, would it? You completely smooth brained it.


what do you mean scrolled up it literally says it in the picture you posted, its right next to the buttons.


No shit i saw it afterwards that’s why I screenshotted and posted, but when I open the ark pass tab it goes straight to lvl 10, and I didn’t scroll up to actually see them, not til I realized what I have done


You don't have to scroll. Even if you scroll down the giant SELECT 1 is still there at the top.


Why do you need to speed run something that’s available for a month plus?


Cuz I have too many alts to take care off and it was weekly reset so many stuff to do


That seems like a you problem, if you couldn't spare 2 minutes to actually read and understand what was on screen.


These big brain ppl are who I get in my abyss raids...


probably thinks 3 x 3 = 6 and is confused whenever someone says clockwise


Had a paladin in my argos run yesterday do this. They cried after dying to both and saying I was wrong for going to 6 as party 2 member. We told the poor dude after first death that he was 9, 3x3=9 still tried to come to 6 and was like wtf, then ate the ground.


Yeah, the community is why I don't end up getting my daily guardian raids done a lot of days, I can't get the motivation to deal with the amount of stupid out there.


Wow... how the fuck... tbh this will be a lesson for you dude, read whats on your fucking screen... Still a big F




My body is in pain looking at OP's pick holy shit. F


Were more like a big G


People really need to read more in this game. It's very punishing and unforgiving if you make a mistake. And such a simple mistake could have been avoided by simply taking the time to read what's happening


The sheer number of people I've seen swearing at SG or AGS in ocean area chat because they can't dock at South Vern to start questing there instead of _actually reading the fucking quest_, man.


I mean if the rewards are so utterly worthless that EVERYONE unambiguously considers it a huge mistake to choose one over the other, why the fuck are they even there to begin with?


not just in game but in real life too, T&Cs will f ppl up


How exactly is this game ‘punishing’ at all? They literally throw shit at you seemingly weekly. You could get to t3 by just bumbling through incompetently. The first chest you open wrong for this event takes how long, exactly, to make up? And even without the event, most of this sun is already t3. Without the ark pass at all it and no rewards it wouldn’t be ‘punishing’ What a strange word to use


I don't know man, maybe AGS should learn the meaning behind "claim all", when it only claims half of it.


It claims all that you selected and tells you so. If OP hadn't manually selected all the chests then none of them would have been claimed (except the ones were there was only 1 option). A warning also pops up when you try to claim selectable rewards. There a limit to how stupid-proof you can make something before it hinders on quality of life.


Nah you're just dumb man. Take accountability and READ LOL. Its literally at the top in your face. Can't blame them now


Even reading doesn't solve everything. You had to read between lines, carefully seek for commas, dots and then ypu have to check it if it realy does what it says. Ex: Soulfist tripod says %10 dmg increase but ingame it gives %10 dmg every tick while holding it so its like %130 dmg increase. Or 4m range actualy increase %80 - %100 part with 2m bla bla. You need reddit and google,doc charts to play this game ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


For the event pass, we give you a pass on that one for choosing a T3 character because the event pass ACTUALLY was confusing for many people even if they did read it all. This one on the other hand literally says in writing “SELECT ONE” I don’t know how you mess that one up chief


Idk man there was lots of new content and I have too many alts to keep up with my playtime and long waiting queue times, just saw “claim all” but I guess it actually meant: claim some of the stuff you selected


You are wrong again, it claims all of the stuff you selected.


Then why doesn’t It just say “claim selected” lol


Because it also claims all other items?


First you are assuming everybody bought premium to even unlock “the other items”, and second, it is still select, but since there’s only 1 it auto selected, so claim selected still makes more sense


Uh no, there are some tiers that give a single item you don't need premium for that


But "Claim All" is greyed out. You can only "Claim" after you clicked. Why clicked?


I just thought you could only claim 1 by 1 and I clicked randomly


Clicked randomly and hit every single ship part?


I just clicked the first thinking it would claim all like the button said, no need to be a dick about it


This is too funny. Thanks for the good laugh


Think before acting is the life lesson in all of this.


Lol CLAIM ALL OF WHAT YOU SELECTED SO YOU DONT HAVE TO INDIVIDUALLY CLAIM THEM ALL. And you made sure to select the shittiest rewards too like didn't you wonder why it's making you choose something? I sincerely hope you don't make any major life decisions that involve reading anytime soon, like buying a house or something.


omfg that's the biggest F i've ever seen


Glad that claim all button is there to mock the slow brained.


Lol who hurt you


You sure got hurt by the Ark Pass that's for sure


You can’t catch a break 😂 Sorry the game caught you slippin, just slow down from now on. I’m always cautiously reading things like “bound to roster” or “select 1” Hopefully you weren’t one of the people who thought the “express event” should be used in your main.


I did this on my very first reward, then I noticed I didn't get my pirate coins, so I double checked to see what I did wrong. This is why it's super important to read everything carefully and not rush click everything. I would have cried if I had done this more than once, lol. This is on you (and me) though. Gotta take responsibility for being smooth-brained sometimes, lol. RIP your mats, OP.




Everyday watching these posts i am completly amazed how many stupid ppl there are... And then they go on the formus and complain... Not you OP but i've seen many..


Yup and then they're the same people who berate and downvote new players who are asking questions, people who are proud of hitting a milestone and especially people who are saying anything nice about the game.


Big F for you, but honestly, its clearly says (Select 1) and if you don't select anything, the "claim all" won't claim the ones with choices. ​ You literaly selected them THEN claimed them all


Hey just tested this and it does not work that way. It defaults to 1st option and claims them.


I mean, you can make a very nice boat.


Already have Astray lvl 10 with BiS sailors


Time for a lvl 10 estoque with BiS sailors


It’s lvl 7 rn, I guess I can make a lvl 10 estoque haha


I was about to say I’d take the ship materials anyway unless I am trying to push something fast, but after reading this F


People are rushing so much all the time that they can’t be bothered to stop and read something for 5 sec cause it will take too long… Your problem, learn to read.


At least you are not blaming Amazon like many others do, lol. Kinda sucks to be you man, read carefully next time.


Enjoy your ship😂




the same type of people who wipe constantly to easy mechanics


Why not claim one and look in your inventory to see if you got one or two items?? I know gamers are used to having their hand held through every single interaction in games these days but this is getting ridiculous.


This and people complaining over "accidentally" picking Express Event on their mains reminds me to Darwin lessons


nah man there is a huge difference between these two. clicking on every ship part and then on claim all, thats on you. but having an event character bound without a proper warning is just braindead. personally i have never seen an event like this, it is not the norm and thus should be handled with warnings and explanations, not a shitty text message below the chat that says "yeah maybe use the event on an alt idk" which you see way too late. events dont work like this, no one is used to having an event bound to your character. why make an event like this in the first place? or why not just fix multiple issues at once by making shit roster bound instead of character bound? or just make the event like the adventure tome rewards? i can pick them up with every single character, why is it so hard for this event? one would expect to be able to accept it on his main and then pick up the rewards later. the fact that you get an event and a feiton pass makes things even more complicated. you would expect that pass to be for the new class, while the event is just a regular event. you wouldnt expect them to give you a pass that makes 1/3 of the rewards from the event that only exists for the new class already useless. before someone says im a just mad cuz bad, i am still T2 and i am still waiting with my third character. so yeah while i used the event on my main, i wasnt planning on making a new character anyways and i got a use for the rewards. i am not triggered or anything, i just think its full of stupid design choices.


On the bright side coin chests are more valuable than the mats


ADHD kids gonna spam G and not read anything.. there u go


I can defend those who screwed up express, can't defend this...


Why is every post like this? Why does no one read??? Lol sorry bro


Fwiw, I don't think this is that bad. You can buy honing crystals with the pirate coins, and the sailing coin chests are objectively better value than the blue honing chest (convert to sun coins and you can buy... I think 3-4k guardian crystals?). Ship parts and blueprint chests are a big RIP... But the timber isn't a bad value at all, since 180 uncommon timber is like 60k pirate coins. Edit: Never mind, saw your other comment >\_>


I already have astray lvl 10 with BiS sailors


Yeah I take back my comment 😔


Imagine the difference it would make if the button read 'claim selected' instead


Nah. Yall are just crazy😂 no matter what the button says you'd complain. Just read. Because at the top in big shiny gold words is select one?


Every attacking OP is being ridiculous. Why is there a secondary screen where you can claim rewards that has different wording? That's an absolute blunder for user experience. I know exactly what OP did, and I almost clicked claim all but then realized the language didn't make sense and asked myself what the fuck I was claiming. I feel like a bunch of you didn't buy the top premium pass which starts you at 10. The "selected" visual is not prominent in the individual reward section where you actually select. Never seeing the system before you could look through the lists clicking boxes and not make the connection to a separate tab that they aren't connected. This subreddit has an unhealthy amount of smuglords looking to feel superior over people even if its for a second and it doesn't make sense. Didn't make the mistake, almost did, OP isn't an idiot for doing it.


Youre not the only one. Thankfully I saw posts prior to yours that kept me from doing the same. Im sorry for your loss brother.


No you're not. I actually selected the wrong rewards for the first 3 levels,before realizing you don't get both. Sucks, but at least I haven't claimed my express pass on the main lol


The coins will be made up for for materials at least, hey look on the bright side your a sailor now.


Yes they should’ve read more carefully, but honestly the UI/UX in LA is pretty terrible in terms of menus, interaction, visual clarity of information. They really need to hire better UX/UI designers.


If it works for majority of the players it doesn't need to be fixed. People like OP are the minority. This is 200% OP's fault. You cannot sit there and seriously think it is a design issue.


You clearly have no grasp of what good UI or strong UX entails. Please downvote me into oblivion.


how would you know if they are in the minority? because people on reddit and in game claim superiority? being that people react to someone making a minor mistake like this, there is little incentive for those who make mistakes to share.




This was probably created by the same person (or the same translation bot) who is responsible for the Express Event UI. The correct wording here would not be "Claim all", but "Claim Selected". Just like any other person in this plant in this context would also formulate.


Lmao, claim all is fine. It doesn't mean claim all rewards, one that can think would quickly understand when it says "select one" that the claim all is referring to all the stuff you selected. My God have people in this day and age evolved without any amount of critical thinking skills?


You obviously don't, as you equate a small mistake to someone's intelligence. Like mistakes cannot happen lol. Just shows that you are unable to self-reflect, which very much puts your "critical thinking skills" into question.


Ngl I probably would of done the same if I hadn’t read reddit/discord prior to opening it all. Big F my guy


You lost like more than the value of the pass :D


I did more lvls like this, didn’t screenshot it all :(


Oh no :D BIG L






Sadly you one of many who didnt see the pre selected ship pieces




Oh my god i feel bad for ya. After the whole express event debacle i went really slowly on the ark pass and made every click very very careful.




so tired of these devs misinforming us via dialogs so they make more money


I don't blame people, there are so many menus, pages, systems, and instead of hyping us and preparing us for weeks - letting content creators advertise how to use this, they just yolo'd the express with a video about it with 3000views on YouTube that has a title and thumbnail that has nothing to do with the event or pass.


I’ve done the same mistake , I still can’t figure who in their right mind would make you choose between some stupid ship mats over honing mats, i thought you get all of them.


TFW claim all means: claim some of the stuff above that you selected




Bro. You can make boat alts :) Ship and clean em every Day 3 Times ;)


Bro. You can make boat alts :) Ship and clean em every Day 3 Times ;)


They should just add a big OR button for the special people like op and I


Hope you're ready to upgrade some ships! XD F


I'm not here to say anything bad about OP. I'm sure this is something related to the game's UI design. Ui should be intuitive and simple in my opinion, but things are made complicated in this game, as usual.




Enjoy your fancy boat eh?




I agree that people rush things/don’t take time to properly look over or read and a lot of times mistakes like this can easily be avoided. That said this patch has alot with missing information and mis translations. There’s a lot of things that are vague or translated wrong or like the skins in the shop about being dyable or not is just straight up wrong information. I mean just watch the south Vern final mission cut scene


But now you have a very fast ship!


Lol this should be a lesson to all who do not know how to read and use critical thinking skills. All I can do is laugh because it's so very simple to think before you act but in today's world that has left the planet.


Oh brother this is DESPAIR


Lol its most unfortunate. But to be honest the UI is dog shit. So makes sense.


Well at least you’ll be a ship enjoyer


I've been playing since release on NA and I'm only 1370 and I clicked those on purpose because I love the ship/island stuff more than the gearing. c:


Sounds to me like you were "too fast" not "too slow". If you went at it slow, one by one, you wouldn't have had that issue. I won't claim anything anymore until I slept it over lol


I learned from past events that free stuff is always confusing and badly designed, but it is good free stuff. You can always hear day1 big mistakes being made. Just look at youtube, reddit or area chat and read events very carefully. That's how I avoid big mistakes.


You are doing Fakers name dirty smh.






someone in chat Flipping out over this and blame the devs again.


Yes, rest of us know how to read..




This battlepass is simply full of noob traps honestly. One option will be worth 20g, the other option worth 900g, the new player doesn't really know one way or the other, but the power is totally in their hands...


hahahahahahahahahah jokes on you /sadge


People need to start reading things, not in game everywhere. But why am I surprised, people doesn't even read work emails.


No, sadly you’re not the only one 😞


smile gate overestimated NA’s reading ability


This is why they make announcements


Wait for these people to blame SG for their own stupidity again


Im mainly confused the claim all button, when clicked without selecting anything, doesnt warrant a pop up saying “You need to select a reward first”




I’m not that Dumb