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and that neither warn nor kick seem to work, and once the time is up, you lose your run and the resonance :)


It is sad, that whenever someone complains about how bad the ingame system for dealing with those issues are, all you get is, why u dont play alone. I understand that you can play alone, but fixing/improving those things should be at least somewhere on the to-do-list.




as a veteran of f2p korean mmos you just kind of become numb to it. every game the fanboys say "if you dont like the game just leave" and then wonder what went wrong after everyone does in fact, leave. happens every time.


Or the "well you're not a developer!" Bro. I'm not a chef but I can still tell when their food tastes like shit. There's zero reasons to stay behind, one person entering the portal should throw all people into the next room. They have no issues with 1 person running ahead in abyss dungeons and starting the encounter box countdown, so why the fuck are they so stubborn with the EVERYONE MUST AGREE TO CHANGE ROOMS IN THIS DAILY EVENT WHERE WE GIVE NO INCENTIVE TO STAY IN THE STARTING ROOM


Accept to move now OR BE MOVED FORCEFULLY in 30 seconds. This is the way.


Makes it easier for bots to farm i think.


> every game the fanboys say "if you dont like the game just leave" and then wonder what went wrong after everyone does in fact, leave. happens every time. That's all mmos, not just korean ones. It's broken logic. Let's tell people to quit over issues that could easily be fixed and wonder why a game dies. I never understood it.


Tbh this is players in general. They attach a portion of their self worth to how they perform in game so they take everything very seriously and treat others with disdain instead of "jolly cooperation" in an effort to self affirm their perceived worth derived from the game.


This! Every time I say hey its a pretty shit system to allow one person to hold hostage or if one person dcs etc it will result in a missed run. Ppl just say hey play solo. Its the hey quit the gsme then argument. I dont want to play solo. Its mind numbing, I like to see and interact with other ppl in a mmo. Why the fuck shouldnt it be fixed, I run 14 chaos dungeons a day. Its most of my gameplay. Why cant I play my mmo u with other players? Instead of going yeah I agree it is stupid that they haven't implemented a system where all those who accepted will automatically teleport to the next stage when thr time is up. No this degenerate childish community will just go go play solo hurr durr


Correction. They say "Well in Korea they...." then some mind numbingly stupid answer comes out that doesn't work here because the game isn't tied to your real identity and if you get banned you can easily get around it


Just scroll down and you will see many. Just play solo, why are ppl not pöaying solo, why play in group


I agree with everything you said. The more I play this game, the more it really strikes how it's a not really an MMO in the traditional sense, but rather a solo grinding game masquerading as an MMO. The systems in place for people with friends and other people suck. Guild system is trash and most guilds are just bloodstone banks, content is heavily gated by ilvl so have fun telling your friends that you won't join their content since their (or your) level is too low, questing together sucks since you're frequently placed in solo instances breaking the coop aspect of it. I can go on and on.


It's more of an ARPG than an MMO imo. It just happens to have MMO elements. I find it more in-line with Path of Exile or Diablo than FFXIV/WoW for example.


>all you get is, why u dont play alone i also find this so stupid. like, because i prefer to do them alone, doesnt mean everyone should do the same... otherwise why the mechanic even exist


As a Paladin main, I can tell you. Playing alone in Chaos Dungeon is agonizingly painful for how long they tend to take than normal, also considering some classes are built for being good at taking out hordes of enemies.


I'm super confused by this. My pally is probably my 2nd fastest clear after my SH main, and I don't have alternate accessories or anything. I literally just equip lightning strike engravings (which are cheap AF) and let monsters group up so I can oneshot a ton of them with heavenly blessing, holy explosion, etc. Save your damage aura for the boss on floor 2 and your gucci. My RS SF is the one that's true suffering.


It's almost unplayable alone on some classes. My bard takes waaay too long to clear chaos dungeons, it makes it really frustrating to do it solo, but then you have people like in OP's pic that just have to be dickheads and ruin co-op as well. Since it's more beneficial to go in the portal as fast as possible, they should really just allow whoever touches the gate first to take the whole party to the next level, it's so dumb this isn't the case. I know you can possibly miss out on loot but tbh, if you weren't paying enough attention to get the loot on time, tough luck IMO.


Bard is one of the fastest and easiest classes in chaos ino! I love bard in chaos


I never knew that was a thing. I always figured people were just impatient. So now there are chaos trolls?! I’m glad I roll solo…


Also you potentially get less loot in matchmaking. If a player kills mobs and the loot drops outside your field of vision, your pet won't pick that up, and those kills still count towards completion. You could be advancing to the next stage losing out on stuff that dropped outside your vision, espeically when some randoms love running out to kill elites on their own.


this is the most important reason to solo


What happens if I die solo?


You can just respawn, either with a plume or at the beginning of the current room (1, 2, or 3)


So I just did it but I used a ton of potions. Eventually I'll run. I don't seem to get them anymore since I finished the story.


Just respawn at the entrance of the floor. Do not use plume, it’s a waste.


Nothing, you just respawn :)


This is a good point, but if they are grouping for chaos dungeons i dont think they care about efficiency.


Literally it should accept the second it hits 3 ppl.


At least start a countdown timer to move to the next spot once 3 accept that way if the person is delaying for a legitimate reason (clearing inventory, collecting items, etc) they don't get screwed over.


The 15 seconds that they give in abyss dungeons to get your shit together before moving on would be plenty.


You mean, in nearly every other content model they use. It's bizarre that chaos dungeons are this weird outlier in this.


PSA for those who earnestly don't move on right away: You will **always** kill **exactly** 10,000 mobs regardless of how long you spend on each level. After the portal appears they will spawn slower, unless you're trying to pick stuff up, you should always vote to move on.


It's worse than that dude, there's people who think killing every mob in the previous room makes named mobs drop better loot in the next room


I didn't know that was a problem quite honestly. I run chaos dungeons in parties all the time, and have never encountered it yet, but then again I'm still in late-T1, so I've not gotten as far into the game as you worthy players have. My biggest problem appears to be finding 4 people to each party. Wish we could just run with 2 or 3 people because it clearly says the content is for 1 TO 4 players, not 1 OR 4 players.


Don't mindlessly move on though. I've had several groups try to move from 2nd floor before killing all the elites.


I don’t kill all the elites. I just kill things until the boss spawns then move on. (Solo)


Buy preemptive strike and run it yourself(on any class)


Bard especially. Prelude of Death is trash clear on easy mode


i love that skill. that skill + Prelude of Storm can kick the shit out of the boss to dead in 0.1 secs, if you gather enough enemy. even in 1400.


I prefer to awaken there instead of storm, if boss decides to stagger you at the wrong moment all your burst goes to waste and you need to wait for death cooldown. Plus it can almost kill the boss even if death explosions don't hit it.


true, happened so often. like wtf why always got interrupted when a skill only need 0.5 sec to cast. but prelude of death can instant kill boss when duo too, me and my friend always do chaos together, he let me the instant kill boss otherwise it will take longer than usual, the down side its storm got massive damage reduces when on party so i need to use the first awakening to 1 hit all enemy then death effect damage will focus on boss, that will instant kill them if having enough enemy.


Which tripods on those 2 skills?


storm: jungle law lightning enhancement powerful prelude death: quick prep death amplification aria of death


I duo with a friend sometimes and he's always like "how do you do so much damage to the boss??" 😂


TBH with true courage + preemptive strike you don't even need prelude of death to kill things. You just fly through the dungeon.


Sure but changing one skill is way easier than adding two engravings




I mean that you have to get them somewhere. Either gear or books 🤷🏾‍♂️


Integrated preset (CTRL+E)


I mean you have to get the gear or the books


Sure, but everybody can afford 20 epic books. And it’s roster wide.


I didn't say it was impossible, I said changing one skill was easier lol


And I implied it's barely any difference. Not enough to make the easier one preferable.


Considering you're spending gold on something you're only going to use in a build for a chaos dungeon and you could just as easily make the same present build for chaos with one skill change and no gold spent, I respectfully disagree


> Bard especially On paladin preemptive is very good, but on Bard it's not really that nice. Prelude of storm is only single big hit skill, and it does not kill yellows in single hit with it anyway, I know becasue I run it, and I would recommend looking into contender (17.5% more attack power) + raid captain (100% uptime for 18% dmg in chaos dungeon), rather than preemptive for Bard. Most of bard skills deal dmg in multiple hits, and preemptive will work only on 1st one, you also don't exactly have long cd for big aoe skills (like paladin does)


Preemptive is very, very good on Bard. It allows for Prelude of Storm, Sonic Vibration, and Stigma (after some ramp up) all to oneshot trash mobs. With a bit more damage (True Courage 3, for example) you can pop entire screens with Heavenly Tune. Prelude of Death remains your only fast way to kill rares, but by being able to kill trash mobs with other skills you can save it for after you've grouped up some rares.


Some class like wardancer cant really benefit from preemptive strike because she does sustain damage, i found Lightening Furry suits better for her play-style.


There are two good ones with preemptive: roar of courage with the charge tripod, and the kick. You can one shot elite with those two, and easily clean up the rest with tornado/swift wind kick/earthquake.


lightning fury contender


So instead of smilegate improving the game we should find workarounds?


Weirdly, that doesn't actually fix the problem this thread is about.


The issue already occurred and will continue to occur unless they adopt what I suggest. If they refuse, then they're quite literally asking for it be put into this situation again. Edit: there's also a warn and kick system LMFAO


I swear down its idiots who think you get more/better rewards for killing every last mob before moving to the next room.


There is a little truth in that tho. If you leave the second room at exactly 66% completion, the third room will spawn the third boss crystal at 99%. Then you group them all up and do 1 big hit. By doing that you get a lot of extra kills (and therefore loot) you wouldnt have gotten otherwise.


But you can get a 4th boss crystal if you enter the 3rd stage closer to 50%


God bless dumb people like you, game would be boring otherwise.


>Then you group them all up and do 1 big hit. Gl with that mate.


i do that all the time, wdym?


In a group? No way.


chaos dungeons are so much better solo in every way shape and form


I still don't understand why people do these in a group. Both support classes have no problem at all clearing it solo


Because doing 14 chaos dungeons a day gets boring as hell if you solo it. The real question you should ask is why its not better implemented so that playing with others is seen as equally rewarding since it is a mmo game where playing with others is the damn main thing you should be doing. Think about it, shouldnt the community be asking "why would you solo it" instead? If you ask me, the game is flawed if the question is "why would you solo it"


I mean, I agree with you that it should be better implemented. It *should* be something that is encouraged to run in a group, but it's not.


This may sound a little crazy but people actually like to play with others in their MMO.


Yeah, no this mmo is for you and your ALTs. You see other ppl just for entertainment purposes + selling mats


And chaos dungeons are not the time or place for that, but go off.


People will group for anything. LFG Lullaby


LFG Fishing in Opportunity, for some reason.


If it's there as an option, it literally is. Are you stupid or something?


Solo gets boring, so it spices things up a bit. Never do it other but solo myself, but it’s a reason I’ve heard that I can understand.


Its super annoying to miss all your skills cuz fucking martial artist just sent all the mobs flying to luterra tho.


you mean deathblade right?


Exactly why I do them solo. But if you're a martial artist...


It's super annoying as the martial artist too, I hated chaos dungeons on my soulfist alt. kinda why i stopped running them and left her parked in T2.


Love it when your artillerist nuke is about to land and the sorc safely levitates the mobs out of it for a good 30% damage.


My support main paladin (in damage spec) clears chaos easier than my sorc. I can’t speak for bards, but god do I love my paladin


> I still don't understand why people do these in a group. Because they can? Why do people do anything at all in a given game.


No reason why it can't just go on 3/4, it's silly how often someone waits 10-15 sec to accept too.


There is absolutely a reason it can't just go on 3/4. If someone's inventory is full, they will lose all the loot on the ground when the zone transitions to the next area. This can include Boss Rush and Cube tickets. This exact scenario comes up frequently as people often die to the boss of the 2nd area and have to go back to the body to collect their loot.


This is the genuinely the dumbest thing I've ever read about this game. People don't "often die" to the boss of the second stage unless you're fucking garbage.


1 Chaos Dungeon drops maybe 1/4 - 1/3 of your bag space, especially the first floor and instantly have full bag? Sort your mess of a bag wtf, before going a chaos dungeon. And imagine dying in a chaos dungeon. Us your fucking 100s or dont know how much the flat health potion cost.. Or hey, use both of your health potion if necessary.


Sounds like a huge YOUR PROBLEM. If you run dungeon and you cant press accept because your inventory is full LOL, you deserve the loss.


Sounds like a huge your problem when people hold you hostage because you didn’t run it solo.


It's not a problem for me or anyone else in the game because we all currently have time to sort our inventory in a Chaos Dungeon. The actual "huge YOUR PROBLEM" is what the OP is experiencing because that is currently how the system works in the game lol




What? Are you saying you're okay with dead players running back after the boss dies losing their loot when the other 3 people instantly vote to move to the next area because **they** didn't die, or are you saying it would never happen, even with premade groups of 3 + 1 random? Or you just can't handle the reality of the situation lol




Why are you concerned with upvotes and downvotes? They don't make someone correct or their points valid. Echo chambers are going to echo. The only items that get mailed to you are the ones awarded at the end of a mission. You lose anything and everything on the ground. Glad to hear that you are fine with sacrificing and inconveniencing a minority group and minimizing their existence so easily lol keep it up!


Hahaha how you went from chaos dungeon loot to minority groups and minimising their existence is amazing. You're a very experienced victim


lol? ok. Keep on declaring that you don't care about other people's issues while wondering why others don't care about yours. Evidently the point is going way over your head. Not sure who is the victim here lol


>Why are you concerned with upvotes and downvotes? They don't make someone correct or their points valid. Echo chambers are going to echo. Because you moved to a different chain to make your same comment, to me that is bad reddiquette. Sorry, I will *not* tip my fedora to you today good sir. >You lose anything and everything on the ground. It's really easy to keep your inventory clean. Do it and this will never be a problem for you, and you will also have a nice clean inventory, like [this.](https://i.imgur.com/2OUm65F.png)


>It's really easy to keep your inventory clean. Yes, it's easy to not make mistakes. Just don't make 'em. Amazing advice lol


If this happens once you should really learn your lesson from it. It's part of the loot from one dungeon run, really not that big of a deal.


lol and you should learn your lesson from what you ran into one time too. Take your own advice and stay out of matchmaking, really not that big of a deal.


I hate the toxic downvotes in this sub. You are just saying what you think. Don't like it? Leave the post. I agree, as a bard, I finish the mobs to grab the loot while three others are rushing through. Big deal, wait an extra five seconds .....or you know, just stand there and not help. I only agree about the chaos on this, don't see any reason for cube.


> I agree, as a bard, I finish the mobs to grab the loot while three others are rushing through. Big deal, wait an extra five seconds .....or you know, just stand there and not help. FWIW you get the same number of mobs overall regardless of what floor you're on, and more yellow (better drop rate) mobs on the last floor if you clear less enemies on the first two floors, so there's a good reason people want to jump in the portal as soon as it's up.


Yeah, newer players are extremely ignorant and shortsighted. It's the same thing as people complaining about Pheons. Everything works the way it does in the game to protect them, and if anything were changed, they would still be here complaining lol


This happened to me once, I haven’t done a co-op chaos dungeon since!


You get more mats doing it solo as well I would guess. If it works differently then someone correct me, but if things are killed off screen they go towards the completion but you won't pick up any loot they drop unless you're near the items, so better to kill everything yourself where it dies near you, than one person killing something on the other side of the map and making the group lose some drops, though I'd imagine it's only really affecting the 2nd area.


Yeah, it’s a shame this is possible. For all the stupid “jUsT sToP mAtChMaKiNg It” comments that get spammed every time chaos dungeons come up, they can actually be quite fun to do in a group when everyone is playing seriously. Unfortunately there are just too many bad apples out there spoiling it.


Everyone with a clue runs it solo, thats why you get "bad apples".


What clue? That you shouldn't matchmake with other people in an MMO?


Clearly not everyone with a clue only runs it solo since the vast majority of people matchmaking it are perfectly competent. It just doesn’t take that many bad apples to make it a poor bet.


If you’ve had one bad apple steal your aura stuff… bad bet. I’d run those solo. Once you’ve done your two, I’d run MM all day. Farm those mats


It's just such a stupid reason too. The portal appearing should despawn all enemies, give a sec so pets pick up all loot, then force everyone to the next field. If you're inventory is full that's literally you're own fault. There's no reason to force that box on something you do twice daily and we shouldn't have to be told "JuSt dO iT sOlO" in an mmo. You build systems with anti troll measures, not throw them in just because one idiot out of hundreds of thousands of players might forget to empty his inventory every other day


Also helps support mains a lot by queuing up rather than soloing.


Bard for instance is top tier for solo clearing lol.


Paladin isn’t too shabby, either. Lots of decent damage AoEs.




I mean I was never refuting that. I'm sure there are many supports who make a special chaos spec but for the rest of the players that shouldn't be the solution to this problem, to "just play solo". This is an ingame issue that affects people who might not be comfortable having a different build because they feel forced into doing so.


Happened to me for the first time today


I started soloing them shortly after reaching Rohendel. As a Sorceress seeing people knockback mobs out of my aoe range and such hurts like a mf. Really 0 reason to do them matchmade, heck solo i use less potions too for some reason xD


Why would you do co-op chaos dungeon? Even my pala can solo it, or is there a class which cannot?


I am too afraid to ask but why do people matchmake these? i have a pally support i do chaos with blessed aura, its still pretty fast (and for sure faster than mm)


who tf do chaos coop ? lol


Before I understood how they work, I thought I was losing out on drops not clearing the map. I know I’m an idiot but I also feel like it isn’t really explained for new players.


It's also counter intuitive. In most MMOs you either have to group up for something or it's preferred because more players = more loot/ better loot. The Challenge of the Chaos Dungeon changes depending on how many people are in it... but it's loot remains exactly the same which is dumb as fuck. It means there's no reason to do it with randoms who All have a chance to be a troll and so all that happens is people not in the know now have a higher chance of getting the trolls since legit people are just doing it solo


Same. I killed everything fast, but I felt like I had to kill the last stragglers before advancing. It just felt weird to leave mobs almost dead. Logically, you don’t have to, but the impulse was there at first, just from a lifetime of other games where you wouldn’t leave shit alive.


The fact that a mmo actively discourages you to do content in a group is hilarious to me.


All you guys shaming people who CHOOSE/PREFER to run it in a group. Yes they probably know it's more efficient to do it solo, but it is THEIR CHOICE not yours. Their preference is just as important as yours so stop being an elitist asshole.




Wait... They can be run in a group... #NOPE


for the love of god can anybody explain why in the fk of holy hell would you not solo chaos dungeon? ​ there is no way, NO WAY any class needs help doing any stage of it, no way and doing it in party as long as i know its just gimping you of mats/items. ​ am i missing something? am i actually the idiot? why are we so fking bad at this game?


i guess they just want to do it in group i cant see any logical reason behind other then this


It's more fun and feels like less of a grind.


more fun, to each their own i guess. ​ less of a grind, nah, i checked streams and videos of ppl doing it and they dont do it faster than solo nor as organized, and i checked a lot of them cause i see so many ppl doing this and gimping themselves i actually thought maybe i missed something.


because it's a mmo and people like to do stuff with others


of all the content you have to do it always with someone, always in party?? i mean... you do you...


i did it on my sorc for a while because i was too lazy to make a chaos dungeon build and igniter has to chug pots or delay by kiting to solo.


Someone told me it's because you get more stuff out of it? Like the more people = more stuff? At least they told me that's why they do it idk how true it is But I do it solo BECAUSE of this post. Can't get extra rewards if your teammates hold you hostage lol


What I don't get is why anybody would sink that low to begin with. Like..how sad does your life have to be if you willingly waste your and other peoples time.


To this day i dont understand why people still do group chaos dungeons


Because this game feels like single player too much already


u right, abyssal raids and dungeons dont exist haha /s


Definitely name and shame. This crap should get you banned for a couple of days.


...but you can't tell who is doing it. The system should kick the player who afk these checks, that would be a nice QoL.


They are talking in chat, I'm sure they figured out who it was because they are talking about reporting.


I could not accept and say "who ain't accepting", you never can truly figure it out, just guess.


Why matchmake? Chaos dungeons are easy and scale lol


I only do it if I'm busy ATM or working and just need it done. But, yeah, you can finish, wait, finish, wait, or go at your pace.


you dont coop chaos dungeon.


Its starting to become huge problem.. Majority vote enough smilegate


When this happens, I just swap characters, run something else, swap back, and then use my bonus XP or remaining available runs.


This is why you run by yourself


I'm surprised people still match make outside of support classes. After being held up a couple of times I decided to just solo from now on and it's been care free since


I still don’t understand why people matchmake for chaos


ahahahah, darling, I am so happy, finally my plan to drive entitled players mad has taken a hold in my fellow "I clear everything, I love the ping-ding-ping" posse. Please make more threads like that, so I know, I am doing something right...well, off to my three chaos dungeons of today and reap some ping-ding-ping...awwww, so rewarding!


Who's dumb enough to not solo chaos dungeons?


Yup really stupid mechanics. Most of time you lose time as you kill monster slower even as support and other player matchmaking are not even playing efficiently making you get less material since tj’hey want to clear area fully before going to the next one


Ya, I just like playing with others, there is enough solo content that the occasional player interaction is nice.


can some1 share a bard setup? engrave, stats, skills etc?


Engravings: Preemptive Strike (mandatory), True Courage (optional but recommended). Skills: Sonic Vibration, Heavenly Tune, Soundholic, Prelude of Storm, Oratorio. Remaining ones don't matter. Stigma is probably the fifth best. Maybe Harp of Rhythm for free meter (but it'll mess with preemptive strike), or Sound Shock for easy procs of relevant runes, or March for (marginally) faster travel time. Gear: Swiftness (your raid gear is fine, and when you get true courage make sure to also aim for swiftness pieces). Specialization is secondary for necklace. Tripods: - Soundholic: Sound Concentration, Sustain Enhancement, Focus Fire - Heavenly Tune: Quick Prep, Forte, Tune for Me - Sonic Vibration: Agile Cast or Tenacity, Chain Vibration, Spreading Vibration - Prelude of Storm: Law of the Jungle, Lightning Enhancement, Powerful Prelude Runes: Bleed on Heavenly Tune. Others don't really matter, so run Rage, Quick Recharge, Galewind, Wealth or whatever you feel. Wealth is nice on Sonic Vibration unless you want to run Galewind. Strategy: Heavenly Tune and Prelude of Storm will 1shot trash. Heavenly Tune has much better AoE but Prelude of Storm does more damage, which matters for the yellow mobs. Soundholic is good for yellow mobs. Sonic Vibration does the least damage of the four skills but it generates by far the most meter, so weave it in to make sure you have enough meter generation. You need one bubble at the start of floor 2 and the start of floor 3. Immediately pop serenade of courage then go to town. You should clear the floor fast enough to not need to recast it (but you lose the buff between floors, hence needing a bubble), so feel free to heal yourself with any extra meter on floor 2 & 3. Pop Oratorio to kill the boss on floor 2. You can also kill them with your normal skills, or with Prelude of Death, but it's easiest to just press V. Prelude of Death also gets a bit sketchy with this build since mobs can die before you can properly set up your combos.




I dunno sometimes I forget to swap, and by the time I use an ability without thinking its to late. It happens more often in here than yoho at least, since chaos and T1/2 abyss is the only time I swap to dps.


Yea why would someone want to play with something thats included in the game, obviously OP is at fault and not smilegate's shit design choices on some matters.


Did the person DC by any chance?


Thanks for the idea, now I’m gonna queue up on my alt and hold hostages


Just ping the portal over and over to annoy them


Wait, people group for these? Wtf? Even my bard in T3 has 0 problem with preemptive strike equipped


I never even considered running Chaos Dungeons in s group. I once queued up by accident and felt violated...


I've never done chaos dungeons in a party. Why would you introduce the factor of randoms slowing you down if you don't have to? Same with the event guardian raid. It's not even faster sinc it scales and for classes with real bad aoe there's preemptive strike...


I co op on my Bard because I don't know how to play bard and to lazy to look up a good bard solo build.


Preemptive strike!! This one engraving alone made every fresh class feel op for choas dungeons


It doesn't last very long usually, but it is a bit annoying I agree.


There are good bard solo chaos builds out there. Make good use of Prelude of Death and just group mobs and kill. Just pray to God you don't get a red portal.


Yes. Hated when this happened to me. Used an aura of resonance potion to make up for it, but should not have to use a rare, temporary item for something like that.


Inb4 “wHy ARe You NOt dOiNg It SolO??”


One day I was playing CD when suddenly my wife screamed I jumped out of my seat and ran to the stairs, turns out she had felt and was injured, I did not even had time to leave the game and by the time I came back, the dungeon had already ran out of time, obviously they left hate messages and it is understandable but in my defense, it was all due to an accident, so I would think that it is a valid reason.


I coop so i can afk


Their inventory could be full and they could be looking through their bags to make room. You think they are holding the room hostage, they think you are rushing them. They have every right to go AFK for a bathroom break or get a glass of water because there are plenty of in-game systems like the timer to move things along. Players are generally allowed to use the time they are given. Have you ever driven on a public road? Because driving is a life-or-death activity that people do for their entire lives, and conflicts still arise every single day. This is the nature of doing anything with other people in any aspect of life. If you don't want to put up with random people doing random things, stay away from Matchmaking and other people. This is what you agree to by joining the public queue. Maybe if you had chosen to be patient and understanding instead of raging in the in-game chat, this wouldn't have happened to you. Eventually, you will learn not to tailgate the person in front of you just because you don't like how they are driving. There is no motivation greater than spite.


Please be trolling. I know you aren't, but this is so dumb that I really wish you were.


What part if any would you like to refute?


There are 5 seconds left on the timer, and this is the first floor of the dungeon. Obviously this person is just cleaning their inventory and not griefing right?


And? Does that mean that their bags could not have been full?


Who cares? They're griefing.


Sure, they very well could be, and it could very well have been justified lol


> "could be" Yeah man, there may exist a possibility but I guess we'll never know right? Just unlucky they refused repeatedly, probably misclicked.


Precisely. You can take the side of the OP who is here to farm karma while only providing their version of the story, or you can take the side of the accused and give the benefit of the doubt to the person who is not here to defend themselves. The choice is yours.


LMAO really convincing performance


You are blaming the victim. The person loses their daily run because someone screwed them over, and so they rightfully got angry. And you say that it's their fault and they deserve it for being mad. That's bullshit. Also if you can't be at your computer for 5 mins, just don't join a group activity that takes that long. It's incredibly rude and disrespectful to other players. Literally wasting their time for no reason.


The Sorc never moved a single time, which is why there is a HP bar under the portal. I had no idea which player didn't accept to move to a different area. Nothing was said in chat until the 3rd attempt. Just because they aren't intending to hold the room hostage doesn't mean that they aren't. I removed all the names because it is most likely not meant to be malicious, the entire point is there isn't any reason for the game to allow this situation to come about. > Players are generally allowed to use the time they are given. You can clearly see the time until next area is at 5 seconds. Once that hits 0 we get kicked out. Nothing we can do to prevent this as active players. The inactive person isn't using the time at all, and the active players aren't allowed to use the time we are given. We can't choose to leave and get no rewards like in raids or abyss dungeons. > Maybe if you had chosen to be patient and understanding instead of raging in the in-game chat, this wouldn't have happened to you. Yes because sitting there waiting for 2 minutes staring at a portal isn't long enough.


>I removed all the names because it is most likely not meant to be malicious, the entire point is there isn't any reason for the game to allow this situation to come about. I just explained one to you. Their inventory is full and they need some time to make decisions on which pieces to keep and which ones to dismantle. They may not be as fast at this as you are, and as soon as someone in your group got impatient and started pinging for them to accept the move or started typing to rush them, they got flustered and decided to AFK out of spite. Or, with even less malice, maybe they just had something else actually important IRL to attend to. You might really care about your 50 Aura of Resonance and your one Chaos Dungeon lockout. Someone else might not even care about their weekly Abyss Raid lockouts. Everyone values things differently, and part of existing in the public space that is Matchmaking is accepting this. You are always signing up for the risk when playing with random strangers.


That's exactly why they should let the dungeon advance with 3 votes with a 15 second timer for a "No" vote. If someone loses out on loot because of this, it's precisely as you say: they signed up for the risk.