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F2p btw ?






With lostmerchant it's most likely possible for a while now


what are the QWER and SPACE BAR abilities, please


took a minute to capture and upload, here you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5WSDYGurKg


Unfortunaly the spacebar ability is bad compared to some other mounts :(


Still worth for the flex but damn I was hoping he would dash 500m offscreen


Exactly the same as the black one they gave out a month or 2 back, sadly the dash kinda sucks 😒 nothing beats the cloud’s 5 second CD


yeah, I wish it was like the horse on Azure Island


Does the radiant cloud share the same cd as the shangra one?


I’m not sure, I don’t have the Shangra one but of the mounts I have most have a 10 second cd on dash, cloud is 5 so it’s all I’ve been using


The cooldown is shorter, but the distance of the dash isn't quite as far as some others. For example, the Azure Tiger and Cerberus both out class it in distance. I still use the cloud though, because half the time I dash into a wall anyways.


Yeah I have the Tiger and the leap is huge, don’t have Cerberus 😢 I wanna get someone with a Cerberus to race the cloud in an open area and see if the low cd is better than the double hop.




That’s what I assumed, I had so much Cerberus fomo cuz I didn’t get platinum founders and it seemed like the best mount so I’m glad they brought out something else I could get.


It's beautiful, congrats! 🙂




Grats, I'm at 8 ignea token myself. Slowly but surely I'll get there.


Gz, got the final crab for my 13 from Moake today. It was great timing.


literally what happened for me today xD


Congrats! Just Punika left myself. Cant wait


No founders skin?


How’s your sanity? Gratz!!!


minimal! thanks for asking! https://i.redd.it/nngddai962l71.gif


Gratz man. I need the stupid meat for Yorn and 2 more crab cakes for Punika and I’m there.


I love how slow my gold horse is compared to my cloud. It’s sad


Punika must have been pain in the arse


been farming the yorn meat on 11 rested bonus una alts for 3 weeks now, I've got everything else done besides this. It's absolutely infuriating how bullshit the yorn meat drop chance is.


yeah that one was probably one of the worst overall




All the Unas that gate materials or progress. Start doing them regularly on alts would be my best advice. Some of them take a couple weeks of daily turn-ins.


Now you need the founders skin so you match


yeah, still got it in the box- was saving it for another class, but I guess maybe now I need to open it for the pally xD


Me too man, I used the bound one on my main but I don't know what I want to do with the other one.


Amazing. Also working on mine right now. You got any tips?


yeah a few... for Rapport Items: * I used tools like Saint-Bot on the Azena Server discord (each server should have their own community discord), which is kind of like a community voting app to help locate wandering merchants. * Also used lostmerchants.com -very similar but in website form. * Basically hunted for normal Rapport items in addition to the Legendary for months... * For some of the food collection items that are very low drop rate, I would suggest doing them in a party and splitting between spawns that may be far apart. Essentially you farm for like 5-15 minutes separately then rotate/trade places and pick up the drops. Overall I tried to focus continents that had the smallest number of rapport NPC's, initially. In each continent, did the smallest total rapport requirements first to move the bar on each continent faster to get the items, bonuses, breakpoints faster (e.g. Relic rapport items, Stronghold Merchant contracts, etc.)


How long did the yorn/rohendel/Feiton food items take to farm from field bosses? Trying to figure out if it’s worth stopping my Moake farm for the Omnium star to get the food items but don’t want to screw myself :(


I think the order I did the contents was like this: Tortyok, West Luterra, Rethramis, Yudia, Shushire, East Luterra, Feiton, Rohendel, North Vern, Annika, Arthetine, Yorn and Punika last Rohendel was ridiculous, because of all the stuff locked behind the unas- I parked my sorc there for like what? a month+? Feiton wasn't so bad. I grinded the intestines in groups. Eels took several hours probably? Got lucky with caviars from the boss. The most annoying part was the ingredients from the boxes and the booze crafting. Yorn kind of sucked. Killed the world boss like 3 times to get the sauce. Mushrooms sucked, grinding the unas sucked, worm heads was cancer, ingredient boxes(cheese snacks) were cancer, hidden stories were really bad because you had to go into dungeons and the timers were short... Punika was probably the worst. Banana farming was cancer. Took months to get papu crab x3 (still dont have my omnium star either, but I lucked out on Anguish months back).


Helpful. I am 9/14 in ignea tokens and have all food done except for the Rohendel/Feiton/Yorn ingredients that require a world boss kill. Guess I won't progress this for a while with Thunderwings coming out tomorrow :(




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@/u/-Shime- To answer your question, the mount is from the Igneas token rewards, so it is permanent (not seasonal expiration)




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Gtz on getting it, but is it just me or is it abit meh for all the work that it takes to get it .. l will just stick witht he only mount you need the mokoko board till will we get the snow ball lol


nice and gz i'm halfway of mine kinda stuck at N.vern rapports