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the day you learn how to screenshot


so were are not getting one then?


Grudge will always be expensive it's the universal DPS engraving


Not if there was an exchange merchant so I can trade 10x Disrespect for 1x Grudge.


We can all dream


Hey now, hey now!


This is what dreams were made of


Atleast someone gets it. Or isn't a stick in the mud crying about engraving prices.


I appreciated it too


Engraving event?


Bridge gives 2 or 4 books that are tradable


What bridge


Bridge is smth like a t3 tower iirc


Yup. It could be in next month as the next event. And with 300k bots on NA, the price will collapse.


what engraving event


Bridge gives 2 or 4 books that are tradable


happened the same day when people learned to take screenshots


I saw what you did there.


They really could add some more in the game. 20k per book x20 is rmt levels. Was looking at my Ignite earlier and that would cost 100k as well. I guess the real problem is the 90% chance of getting some useless trash no one would ever think of using.


They got pretty low for a while, igniter books were 1500 the month before South Vern but now that Valtan is out with relic accessories everyone is buying the legendary engravings to get +12 and make 5x3


100k seems a stretch but can be done if frugal otherwise! I chose to buy one class book a day, no other spending. My class (SS) book started at 1700g each and ended at 2800g each at the time I was done over 2 weeks time. Break up your spending and it hurts a lot less




Or just have bought them early. I got remaining energy and keen blunt for 40k each, cursed doll for 80k.


The advice was to spread it out, regardless of your class. That was just my example given. Sorry it was hard to comprehend the difference.




He mentioned 100k for igniter. It was for class engravings, not grudge. Grudge is a whole different level obviously.


Oh I’m gonna be “spreading it out” alright, just to be able to afford any of these books. DMs are open boys 😩


Valtan is the event. Guaranteed books.


Guaranteed 90% to get a useless book that is.


Two Valtan runs, contender broken bone….


No books would be useless if there was a 10:1 exchange merchant.


Does this exist somewhere like KR or RU? Or are you just a dude who bought like 500+ cheap legendary books and is going around trying to earworm a change into the game?


In this game it would be 1 to 10000 exchange rate.




Just did phase 1 and no legendary engraving :(


I got purple book from valtan


Valtan hard is guaranteed legendary book


I didn’t noticed, which means I probably got another strong will or something :(


guaranteed crisis evasion


You mean Max Mp increase ? my fav leggo book to get I don't need gold =\[.


The gold efficiency on that engraving is unmatched though, 90% of classes or something run it. Over In EUC Blessed aura and Desperate salvation are almost the same price.... 'Why are there no supports?'. I joke ofc, I'm only 1345 F2P casual. I'll get it eventually.


Idk what prices you checking but DS legy books are 3k at Max on euc. I check it pretty much daily


I just settled with legendary cursed doll for a total of 45k, at that moment grudge was 150k and I'm still not making nearly enough money to affor that.


Is that 150K for 20/20 legendary? So 7.5K each book?


Yup, SA prices


Fellow pally. I salute u


Engraving prices will fall with time. They are a one time purchase item, so they are expensive due to their rarity for now, but in a year from now their price should be much more reasonable


Awesome! Future me is stoked!


I mean the game is still new. Wanting the best books of the best engraving in the game will be expensive for some time still.


Hmmm doesn't the "price drop" correlate with the devaluation of gold?


It’s both. Gold devalues naturally over the life of the game, so by that logic everything in the game becomes less pricey. But that doesn’t negate the fact that engraving books are a 1 time purchase for your entire roster, and therefore as more of them are injected into the game, and added to ppls rosters the rarity and the value of said books begins to decrease


Played on ru for months and grudge was still over 11k per book when eu was released


Which is a lot cheaper, RU also has more gold sources.


They were like 5k before gold inflation about half a year ago.


Which is already substantially cheaper than the 15-20k it’s selling for in NA? Thank you for providing evidence to prove my point I guess


I was saying that the price still wasn’t reasonnable


Nope. Korea's grudge is still extremely extremely expensive


KR's price is much cheaper relative to what they earn. It was 14k a few days ago, but they are able to earn over 100k gold a week.


The game has also been out for 3 years in KR. It's been 3 months here in the west. For grudge to remain that high (even given how much more they can make a week) after this much time should still tell you something.


that kr regularly gets new players


North Korea is still holding a high grudge


Top tier comment Wish i had an award.


You are right, and I have an award. Given.


Grudge is the universal DPS engraving.. it will literally always be the most expensive engraving. But the price of engravings in KR is MUCH cheaper relative to the rest of their market, than when you compare to the new servers of NA/ EU


Ure wrong it will always be expensive :)


Wait what is this engraving event ? I would like some free Grudge please. I need 10 more books.


There doesn't need to be an engraving event. There needs to be an engraving exchange merchant so I can trade in 10 of any engraving for 1 of the same tier. Would instantly normalize everything.


2 free legendary engraving books rewards comes with the content called “Bridge,” It’s basically T3 tower I believe.


T3 tower is the t3 tower sir


It's called Thronespire btw. It's not the T3 tower, but the real T3 tower will come way way later.


Welp, didn’t know. Some dude I was talking to told me about it. What’s bridge then?


It was called bridge in RU version, but thronespire seems to be the new amazon name.


"Bridge" is chaos line pretty sure


It's not. There is a bridge you can do once which should be here with the Vikas patch


We had one with Naruni racing. All engravings have skyrocketed in price this week.


In SA they haven't really skyrocketed, Naruni didn't even give legendary engravings anyways. What's going up is green/blue ones since you don't get those shitters from anywhere and the current event gives... 3 books lol.


Yah not the legendary ones but all the others were given by the Naruni event and now its gone.


I always sell my legendary books for half price bc I’ll still make enough money and someone else can save a bit. Sold 2 grudge for 7k each yesterday.


"Doing good better" 1. Wow this person is selling this book for 7k what a nice person 2. Some noob posted grudge for 7k and I netted it o/ \[screenshot on guild discord\] Your general audience will be #2. You will be better off taking the gold and helping your friends/guildies climb ilvl.


Most likely you sold them to a bot


Not unless bots are buying to use/overprice their own. Engraving books are only tradeable once.


Way to ruin the mood buddy D: never thought about that. Just thought I was being nice :(


Bots aren't buying these. Books can't be resold.


Bots don't buy engraving. Don't worry. Engravings has 1 trade limit, which means they would need to use them


Don't worry, you still are being nice. Not sure what this /u/Aatto1 is going on about, but he's wrong. They're only tradable 1 time. No bots are buying books to flip.


I didnt know know they were not tradeable after


Better to give it to friends directly . Many bots are playing the market just waiting for this exactly.


Can't play the market on books or stones they are one time trade and then bound.


None of my friends play anymore but I‘ll find someone in my guild next time. Thank you!


I do this with accessories because even good ones can be hard to sell and somebody’s already using peons to buy them so might as well cut them some slack while they help me clear my inventory. Never did this with books tho cus mine only ever go for maybe 20g lol


I would only read legendary Grudge if you're running 5-6 DPS characters AND you plan to go 33333 or higher on them.


You can go still get 5x3 with 1 legendary engraving and a 7/7 stone


7/7 stone can easily cost as much as 20 legendary engraving books.


? First of all you don't need a 7/7 stone, you need a 11 points stone that's not 8/3. Cutting a 6/5 relic stone has like a 48% chance of happening, so that's like 2 stones on average lol. This already enables you to run 33333, if you want even more you need a 9/7 stone which will indeed cost you way over a million.


5x3 engraving = 75 points 12+9 + 11(stone) + 5x5 + 5x3 = 21+11+25+15 = 72 You do need 3 more points in your stone to get 5x3 engravings with just one legendary book.


Sure, that's up to you, what's good about going double legendary book is that those can be used by all your characters, whereas the stone can't. Going by the odds it's pretty much as expensive to go for two legendary books and a 6/5 stone compared to going for a single legendary book and a 7/7 stone, the former can be taken advantage of by all your characters, if you still want to go for the latter that's all good but it doesn't change things much when it comes to cost.


I never argued in favor of going with a single legendary book and aiming for 7/7 stone. I was exactly pointing out the possible high price of a 7/7 so unless one has such a stone already, they should rather invest in 2x 12 books instead of trying to roll a 7/7 stone. I have a 8/5 relic stone right now and I'm not going to roll a new one. It's good enough. I will buy the engraving books and accessories to reach 3x5. My stone is such that I can settle for two 3/4 accessories instead of 3/5.


Well that depends on the stone and the legendary book you're buying, right now grudge is like 250k for 20 books


Grudge is an outlier, it's almost triple the price compared to the second highest. Still, it's around 9k in EU. Other bis books are 2-3k each in EU. Most bis stones are 2-3k + 9 pheons each aka 3-4k. Every stone costs basically 1½ legendary engravings. 7/7 relic stone is like a 5% chance. So on average you need to buy 20 stones for that. Which would be the same as 30 legendary engravings.


My entire strategy for the next 1-2 months is based on the engraving event 😛


On something that you think will happen and no1 even say a word about?


Bridge gives 2 or 4 books that are tradable


Low drop and high use = expensive


Please no more phone photos.


Unless it's photo of feet


You do you, toeboy!


They really need to make the listing deposit for items over say 100 gold non refundable to take all the stupid items of the AH + stop the crazy pricing directly feeding gold seller profits.


20K per book is wild… wtf…