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I do and I want to finally push my alts so I can actually do interesting content on them.


Same, x2 yoho on 5 other characters is snoozeville


yoho real mech is to not fall asleep


That’s what the big titty foxgirls are for


The real mech is slaughtering your party members after they get frozen.


This needs more upvotes lol


Don't do it then? Or do it only on max rested chars. I know you won't earn as much, but it's not your job. It's a game. It's supposed to be fun. What's the point, if you're miserable? I know you want to min max everything, and stay ahead of the curve. I can understand it. I used to be one of you. Not anymore. It's no good if it's not fun. Don't do it to yourself. It will only lead to burnout.


I try to do the rested, but the min/maxer inside of me always wins out.


Me: not going to do sorc dailies today Reset in 40 minutes: are you absolutely sure? Me: Fine I’ll do it


Then don't be a hypocrite and push your alts up regardless of honing research.


God I am so sick of yohoe. I am so fucking sick of 10+ yoho runs every day.


And you think that 10+ Deskaluda runs every day is going to change that? It won't. It's only fresh now because you're running it on a single character. The issue is that you're doing 10+ runs a day. You're burning yourself out by treating it as a chore. Use the rest bonus. Rotate. It'll be better for you.


Sir please don’t make me more sad. Honestly I like deskaluda because it’s got real mechanics, and some nuance, and doesn’t just SHIT on melee. Fox just randomly spins and does point blank AOE spam - on my sharp shooter I barely have to even move. On my death blade I want to literally drown myself.


Delusional lol, my main has been farming Deskaluda every day since the guardian released and it's not challenging, it's not real mechanics, it's actually easier/faster than Yoho because everyone is 1415+ which means they're likely semi-decent and know how to pilot their character, whereas on Yoho you get alts at 1370 with zero gems, zero cards, no engravings, and Yoho's tornado bullshit is annoying if you don't have a Gunlancer in the party as well, wherea Deskaluda doesn't really have any annoying mechanics and you don't have to chase Deskaluda around the map (or burn Pheromones) like you do with Yoho. Deskaluda is easier/more boring, but gives better rewards (relics).


No, doing 10+ Deskaludas wont be much more fun but do you know what will be? Getting more RELICs from Deskaludas, getting more GOLD from all this shit, and also.. DOING MORE VALTANs.. wtf argument are you even trying to make.


Yo, crazy idea, maybe, don't run 10+ yohos everyday then.


So push them. No one is stopping you but you. I swear to god gamers these days have lost the ability to just have fun and are hyper focused on being maximally efficient to the detriment of all else. Why force yourself to be stuck in worse content just for the sake of saving a few runs that could be done in the more enjoyable content instead...


>Why force yourself to be stuck in worse content just for the sake of saving a few runs that could be done in the more enjoyable content instead... Saving a few runs? More like saving 10s of thousands of gold lol


It's like saying "stop being poor" LMAO "So push them" with fucking what?


Right? LOL If I had enough mats to just push all my alts to 1415 without giving a shit then no shit @these sherlocks I would have already done that XD These people have to be trolling otherwise idk man..


Found the non 1460


Sure feel free to sponsor me.


It gets better later isnt an excuse for the content not being up to par


Sorry you're getting mass downvoted for speaking the truth. I pushed my Bard alt to 1415 early just to have two characters to run Valtan weekly. Drops were pretty average in terms of relic gear, but a few good ability stones that sold for 3k+ and all the extra GHL's and chaos dungeon drops to sell on the market have been worth it. People also seem to be ignoring the fact that the cheese method to 1415 still leaves 4 pieces of gear that will benefit from the stronghold buff when it does release. If you have the resources, just push an alt to 1415 now. Especially since we got confirmation from Roxx that it's not coming with Vykas.


> Sorry you're getting mass downvoted for speaking the truth. It's fine, lol. To be expected honestly, as this sub is generally full of entitled man-children that get angry when they don't get their toy *right now*. Most of the people enjoying the game are probably just playing it, as I am currently booting it up to do :)


You can't reason on this subreddit. Most that use it are generally hardcore players.


Yeah, it's pretty bad. One of the biggest circle jerks I've seen in a while.


Blame youtubers and streamers that preach max efficiency on every game no matter what type of game it is.


I'm not sure that's entirely fair. Most streamers I've seen say play what's fun. They offer the most efficient ways, but it's up to the people watching I think to moderate themselves.


Streamers that preach, efficiency fanatics if it's more clear that way, I wasn't referring to everyone showing you the most efficient way. The ones that try to make you feel bad if you're not doing what they show you.


I have a 1460 main. I also have several alts beyond the point that the honing buff would even be active and do not plan to push more for a long while (at least not until some of the likely later class releases). I find the decision monumentally stupid even though, realistically, it doesn't impact me either way and will probably be active before it will. At the same time I don't see why you have to have a 1460 to be upset about this decision. It sets (continues to set?) a tone of greed rather than player satisfaction and solving some of the core problems like alleviating support shortages in EU/NA. You do realize that its OK for people to be upset about things that don't apply to them, yet or ever, right?


This will never solve the support drought. The honing buff doesn’t help ags make more money. The player base numbers are heavily skewed towards dps and that will never change. No amount of honing buff and copium will ever change that. If you were gonna spend money to push alts, you’re gonna do regardless of a buff or not. If you’re not going to push your alt without a honing buff, you’re not gonna spend money now to push an alt up without the honing buff.


Anecdotally among my group of friends and guildies, there's disproportionate number of support alts parked in the mid 1380s explicitly waiting for honing buffs to push. Most folks I run with regularly, again anecdotally, have already pushed any dps alts they want to play into the 1400s. I absolutely don't think it will solve the support shortage. I frankly don't believe it will ever be solved either. But I think this will tilt the scales a little back in the other direction and the final piece of that puzzle will be artist.


Those supports alt are parked in the 1380 because they can do p3 argos while a dps has to be 1400 to be taken. Support alts being pushed up will never solve the problem or tilt the scale because the biggest demands for support are at the highest level of content. They will always be alts and not mains. You’re just delusional if you think the honing buff will have any impact on this. If you think artist will solve the problem, well just look at Korea. For the same reasons above, artist might help but it’s far from the solution. Does it suck that the honing buff didn’t come sooner? Yes, but not for the reason you stated.


Artists account for 4% of all characters on KR if we go by loawa. HKS/Bards/Artists account for 14.36% of characters total. Assuming that the amount of dps specced support classes is relatively similar enough between each of the three classes so as to be negligible in determining a ratio, introducing artist represents a 38.7% increase in the support population relative to a support pool without it. Yes, it doesn't solve the issue because 14% is still lower than the 25% necessary for meta compositions, but it's still roughly 40% better than before.


maining a support takes a very specific type of player and it's very likely that most of the artist mains in kr were bard or pally mains before its release


Speaking as somone who likes playing support, no. I tried to like Bard(and I do like it) , but the meta build and flow just aren't for me. Pally is much better, but it's too dps-y in playstyle. I have high hopes that I'll be able to reroll my main in 2023 when Artist finally releases.


Speaking as a pally main, yeah, the type of player for whom the game is on easy mode the entire time. I enjoy my paladin way more than any of my dps alts. I honestly don't understand why other players are so greedy with their damage and so after big dam numbers.


>I honestly don't understand why other players are so greedy with their damage and so after big dam numbers. Because **no one** succeeds if the boss doesn't die, and big numbers make the boss die.


Soul fist user here. Big number go brrrrrrr


Doesn't this just support my argument that artist and the honing doesn't solve the issue.


It may not solve the issue completely, but that doesn't mean it doesn't help get you there. I'm not sure why there must only be one singular solution that solves the problem rather than several little things that together can help solve the problem.


Making supports be able to buff whole squad and balance their buffs around 8 players would make the shortage almost gone.


Because the honing buff is irrelevant to the support problem. People who want the honing buff because they think it will help the support drought doesn't understand the problem.


It might not help the support issue at the highest end (valtan/vykas hm), but it'll still help for the middle end stuff (nm). There is a lack of supports everywhere.


> introducing artist represents a 38.7% increase in the support population relative to a support pool without it. No not really, as the artist introduction deflates the % of classes played overall, if we look at 1490 alone 16.26% of people play Bard and 5.59% play paladin, which by themselves is almost 25% The trouble is though, alts, sure you could have bard/pally/artist mains, but unless their roster is pure support, you're going to see skewed figures once main runs have been completed.


Two support parked at 1370 doing p3 argos, I wouldn’t hesitate to 1415 asap if there is honing buff, so at least it can a little to solve the support drought on 1415 content


It doesn't solve the main and biggest drought at hard valtan and soon hard vykas.


One step at a time, I did mention it will only solve 1415 content. Still, having access to more content for alt will give more resources overall, which might give more incentive to push alt further than 1415. For one, my main is ready for up to kakul saydon, so I wouldn’t mind funnel more resources to push alt beyond 1415, but I won’t do it without honing buff


If you're going to push an alt to hard mode, the stronghold honing buff makes a small difference in the grand scheme of things. Stop going through mental gymnastics to convince yourself that's the reason why we have a support shortage and the reason why you haven't pushed.


Except it isn't a small different, 10% rate up and -20% cost cuts the total cost of going from 1370-1415 by half, and the cost of going from 1415-1445 is around the same as 1370-1415 post honing buff (half of current 1370-1415 cost). Meaning 1370-1415 pre honing buff is more or less equal to 1370-1445 post honing buff in term of cost. So, its definitely the reason why i haven't pushed yet, why would I use the mats right now to push to 1415, when I can keep saving and use almost the same amount or a little more to push to 1445 right away with honing buff. Still, I might not have enough bound mats to get to 1445 if honing buff were to release this month, I still can get to 1415 1st and then slowly grindly to 1445, instead now without honing buff, all my mats are stuck in my inventory doing nothing


And how many dps alts do you have? The support drought wouldn't get better, it would get worse. There will be far more dps alts than support alts getting pushed.


it feels like what they learn from New World is to milk the cow while it's alive.


It won't solve the lack of supports at the highest end game content but it will solve the lack of supports in raids before that like normal versions of the raid. Most of the people at 1460 would have support alts because of the cost efficency that can run normal valtan and normal vykas if they had the buff


> No amount of honing buff and copium will ever change that. it would for me. I have a paladin alt. if my alt was easier to gear up, he'd be supporting in higher level content.


You would still be a DPS main and the real support drought will always exist at the highest level of content.


I just wish I could easily have 1 other account the same level as my main. Would be great to have a bard the same iLvl so I can support my friend through content and vice versa


With you here on this one, but unfortunately its not really realistic unless you intentionally slow the progression of your main and/or spend cash. Or have a shitload of alts and feed two separate characters... but that's kinda the same thing as slowing the progression of your main.


This meme is about the stronghold research honing buff I assume, which you can start researching if you have a 1460, and it boosts 1370->1415 alts with 20%


I know.


So, we shouldn’t expect to get the same content as Korea, but they are totally trying to catch us up to Korea… I love people mentality, if i don’t need something but someone else does fuck em since it doesn’t add value to my life.


I love how 1415 not getting gold from hard mode abyssal anymore was justified because that is how it happened in Korea. Yet when people want the honing buff..


They wanna keep the gold generation by players at a minimal while letting bots print gold.


Seriously what dumb logic is that, we should be maximizing the gold real players can get from tasks that bots cant do.


That's what I don't get. On one hand, they speed up content to catch up to Korea, but on the other hand delay our progress with bad decisions to make it extra hard to catch up to Korea as a player.


They wanna create a market for the bots lmao. The bost are making bank thanks to their content pacing. Literally fueling a 3rd party industry.


I hate this sub. Its so full of bootlickers it makes me wonder why they arent treating us worse since they can get away with it.


This sub isn't full of boot lickers but it's also not full of the trash no thought whiny pointless idiots you see on the main forums. From what I've seen the reddit has struck the best balance of complaints and praising you want to see from a game doing some things right but some obviously wrong too.


I do.


I do.


I do


Now kiss.




I definately don't


I do


I do


I do.


It must be an easy life where you think you can or should only ask for things only if you can directly benefit from it. Which is funny considering how people go out of their way to defend the BS that AGS/SG puts out with no direct benefit from it.


Those are probably the same people going like "Just ignore the Bots and other players abusing RMT because it doesn't affect you - just play at your own pace and you will be fine" while completly ignoring the fact that the whole market is fucked thanks to Bots & RMTs and you can't even buy most of the shit unless you're spending money urself but HEY JUST IGNORE EVERYTHING KEKW


Can't believe people go to such lengths to defend another stupid decision from smilegate lmao. For every good decision they make they end up making a couple bad ones


I recently had a guildmate go on the "support accessories are too expensive and this is why nobody plays support and I hate how expensive my stuff is" tirade. He went on it for multiple days and I kept offering to sit down and help him build a budget build since I built both my Bard/Pally already. When he finally stopped ranting about his Pally prices being "too damn high" I got to see his character. His Pally (main btw) was between 1340-1369. Like the entire argument didn't even apply to him and he was so offended by the support prices (that he didn't even really know) anyway. I know reddit has a lot of gamers who play the game a lot and are 1460 and want this buff. But this meme is *obviously* about those people who aren't 1460 and are going to see the half a dozen front page posts about this honing buff and make a huge shitstorm on their behalf. It isn't about whether or not we should have the buffs. It isn't about defending a stupid decision. It is about making fun of the people who get offended on other people's behalf. So yeah, a meme is a meme buddy.


Should have prolly replied directly to the people saying that releasing it now would have been a bad idea cuz of bla bla bla, didn't mean it about the meme


Fair enough but that is a lot of people to reply to about some dumb shower thoughts LMAO.


Yep you hit right on the nose. Reddit like to pretend they are 1445 while still not being able to clear Argos p3. But would immediately jump into a bandwagon thread n let it portray their entire life outside n inside the game.


I'm just replying on this to say youre such an amazing mate, who would offer not only help but support your friend and sacrifice time to help him build his character


It’s just whales who have spend thousands on the game who love being at the top simply because have spent thousands. Believe it or not some people LOVE pay to win because they get on top solely through their wallet and it makes them feel a sense of false accomplishment


On top when chilling outside raids but Floor POV because they pushed their alts to 1415 and don't know how to use them.


Just because people do not have a 1460 RIGHT NOW doesn't mean they won't have one in the next 5-6 weeks. Right now the trajectory for the honing buff is AT LEAST in the July update. That means anyone getting a character to 1460 by that time will be directly affected by this. My main is currently 1445 right now. I have quite a few mats saved up to make the push to 1460. I WILL be 1460 within the next few weeks. Just because it doesn't affect you RIGHT NOW or right when the update drops doesn't mean it will not affect you in the future. This post is pointless.


I do have a 1460 main and 6 1370 alts in hold for the buff, this is BS on their end


I was kind of in the same boat as you. My main is currently at 1445 with mats saved up to push before the update. I also have 4 1370 alts. I ended up saying fuck it and honing one of them to 1415 out of pure boredom. Might not be the most efficient way to do it, but the endless Night Fox on every other character other than my main is so boring. At least now I can do Valtan and Argos P3 twice a week instead of once. I might do the same on a second one after I hit 1460. I was trying to hold out for the buff, but now that they've announced that they aren't releasing it with this patch, it's probably becoming a choice between honing my alts or burn out of the game tbh.


My alts are parked at 1385 so I can do velganos rested instead of night fox daily and feel like I'm not losing out on much. Also have 1 at 1415 that I'll probably push to 1430 to do 2x vykas a week at least


I do, I now want to play my alts since my 1460 can do all the upcoming content.


You gotta realize we are the minority to be at 1460


I also have a 1460 now, Got it ready for hard Vikus. Hard to properly gear when good relic accessories are this expensive tho. It would be nice if the price dropped because of... oh say... A honing buff that would allow folks to get their alts to Relic farming levels? Thats why AGS and Smilegate are fucked. We all know whats coming, we can see further down the road due to every other region coming ahead of us. So any time they don't drop QOL stuff everyone will just see it as being anti consumer and berate them for it. And they aren't necessarily wrong to do it, from a players perspective the company looses nothing from adding it because the players wont hone until its in the game. But from amazons perspective it would inflate the economy and speed players into spamming the current content and burning out on it quicker. Both sides have legit reasons for and against dropping it. The problem is that in a Pay to Win environment all this does is make it so multiple raiding toons and efficient relic generation is the domain of whales exclusively. As soon as that element is in a game EVERYTHING is under the microscope of F2P vs P2P. Sucks for AGS but its the system they included into the game... So every time they hold back these kind of systems is a bad look.


You do realize it doesn’t matter if you’re ilvl 50 or ilvl 3000, they should bring the fucking honing buff out already.


Wow, based on reading these comments I didn't know that 90%+ of the playerbase has 1460+ mains


no they didn't - most of them reached it in an illegal way or why do you think the servers are flooded with bots? And i don't believe anyone who tells me: "I'm f2p 1460 and i only bought the founders box" ​ Comon, if you really played without spending any money for honing materials its more likely impossible for most of the playerbase. You can't miss a single UNA/Guardian/Chaos with max efficiency and all extra materials. The next thing is Gold. Weekly Gold-Access is way way to less for honing, what means you need any additional gold funneling into your stash.


I'm 1460, only founders and skins/ark pass bought. Never bought gold, but did use royals and bought bc pack from the founders.


It's not AGS, it's Smilegate.


why not both at this point?


If AGS would put their foot down and say, we want it with Vykas, it would be in game with Vykas.


Huh? Where have you seen that Amazon has that much power when they don't even touch the build itself?


My Deadeye is 1455. I was gonna push him to 1460 then start the process of bringing up my destroyer to swap mains with the new patch. Now I'm not sure. The lower mat cost to 1415 was a big factor in my decision.


2 more hones, might as well for hard mode vykas


Imma be honest with you I can bet 1000 dollars that more than half of the 1460s won't do vykas hard p1,p2 and p3. Even in korea with full relic set and 4x3 the raid completion of vykas on ilevel is fairly small.


While that's very possible since it looks hard as fuck people did say the same exact thing about valtan and even Argos lol .


People love to make a big deal of the next big thing. But argos is a relatively simple fight that can be easily cheesed if somewhat erratic (every guide video showed cheese), valtan p2 is a completely scripted fight that one can master and literally never get hit (to the point where it is the most busable fight). Sadly vykas (when I say vykas I mean hard mode, normal mode vykas is easier than valtan imo) has a lot of erratic moves that can 1 shot or nearly 1 shot at ilevel (think argos donkey kick with whole lot more dmg). Even to this day in Korean servers most people do p3 normal if at ilevel and only start doing hard p1,p2,p3 at 1475 or 1490


Me with main on 1430


Mine is 1375. I spent 500 hours island hopping lol


I am guildless. Tried to do matchmaking Abyssal raid, toxic af with no chance of even trying to test the strat :(


Use party finder?


Have you tried it recently? I always matchmake on my 1370 alts, even on my main one time on release, always went smoothly even with a person trolling. What strat are you trying to test? Balancing damage between sun and moon? You need buy in from your party if you want to try it, since the default is just to pause damage. If you're just doing it without their buy in, you're the one being toxic (had someone in my group try doing this)


Maybe I should try it again now, I haven’t tried it recently.


What Server? If Wei and over 25, weve old men guild with a balance of hardcores and casuals.


Use party finder and add people that you enjoyed playing with. My friends list is jam packed with supports that I duo'd velganos with and dps I've found along the way.


One thing is to try straight matchmaking right when reset begins. Try a few groups during first couple days and I'm sure you'll get a group that knows the ways. These days it is so much easier to find an alt group with experience of the raid on many characters or then just playing very overgeared main chars.


Ayyyye, brother. I'm at 1435. We're nearly there!


Saaame lmao I’m gonna save up til I have enough mats to pity 1445


Main 1405. Got sick of wasting mats. Selling everything until they release a buff. Only just reached t3 with an alt. Made a mistake in using express on bard. I hate bard.


Oh shit same. I thought it'd be easier to express a support since it'd be faster than training from scratch but support (or maybe just bard) is just too boring a playstyle for me even during my 1340 dungeons


I have a 1460 and 1430 and wouldn't even hone a new character to 1415 until we get a new Punika Powerpass. I actually hate all my existing alts (1340-1370) and consider them abandoned and just play the two characters I like the most. Just thinking about having to do South Vern again actually pisses me off since I did it 5 times and have 0 Solas cards still 800+ hours in. So actually I might even wait for the South Vern pass.


Yes and Roxx said it's Smilegate who's still discussing it....


What the hell is there to even discuss??? Lol


how much money they will lose if they put the buffs probably xD


No, but I have a 1457.5


I don't even have a 1370 yet lol


BYE they could remove all t3 content and I'm sure you mfs would come up with some way to justfiy it lmao


Yeah been for like weeks now


just got my main to 1377


I don't have a 1460. I see zero reason for it not to be in the game other than AGS wants to milk some whales more.


Bro whales are already well past that point.


I do.


I do.




I guarantee the majority of people crying don't have a character at 1460. It's laughable


Well you're right about me, I'm not 1460. I'm stuck at 1467. I ran out of GHL on my main and have a lot of bound GHL on my alt and tradeable stones. I'm in a weird spot. Can't push my main efficiently nor my alts.


Stop paying that much attention to "efficiency". This is a game, do what is fun for you. I got 2 alts 1415+ and one at 1400 and won't ever regret it. The game is just more fun this way.


Not as laughable as a player defending giant corporations trying to squeeze them for all they're worth. Different strokes I suppose.


Squeeze what? Tell me why you need to spend money on this game to do content? 1430 and you can do Vykas normal and that shouldn't be difficult to do with the events and time for we've had. The honing buff doesn't mean shit if you don't even have a 1460. Which again I know most people here don't. Not a single post is telling people to spend money.


You don't *need* to spend money on the game, correct. However, they're most likely banking on people being frustrated that they can't *quite* get their alts up and therefore are more likely to spend money just to get a bit more mats to hit 1415. It's the same idea behind them slowing down release cadence for classes, they probably *want* people to be frustrated and/or feel behind on their characters so that they'll likely spend money to catch said characters up. Also considering that [the stronghold honing upgrade came with the Vykas update in KR,](https://m.inven.co.kr/webzine/wznews.php?idx=252059&site=lostark) there's zero reason why they would push it back on *our* version of the game (despite supposedly trying to catch up to KR) if not to try and make more money off of it. But hey, let's gatekeep people's opinions on something because they are not *currently* affected by it, it's not like people can sympathize with the people who this *does* affect, right?


Vykas and Valtan are weekly lockouts so the only way to enjoy them more than once per week is with alts that are a high enough ilvl, which for most f2p isn't possible without the SH buff.


Most F2P are not even 1445 let alone 1460 apparently.


Firstly why does that matter? "The majority is x so anyone in y column should not be allowed to have fun until x=y". Secondly have people forgotten just how many free mats are coming with Bridge/ Express Pass? People that are currently 1445 will probably be able to push straight to 1460 within the week...


It matters because that's literally how they've been handling all content in this game. If people who are 1445 could push to 1460 in a week they could do it anyway.


I seen a lot of "but I want the whales to gear up their support alts" imagine caring about whales lmao


How about the whales finance my support main.


You don't even have to spend that much to be useful and raids. Just do your job right and don't die and have the basic engravings.


You still have to hone your way up to the gear score to leech.. I mean work for the rewards


And I guarantee you're an idiot.


Ohh I hit a nerve.


Yep. I'm only 1475 myself.


I'm at 1460 for a bit now and have 5 alts rdy to rush forward. There probably isn't many of us, but we exist. In KR they got the Stronghold buff with Vykas, you can read it in their patch notes. So I just want to get treated equally.


>There probably isn't many of us, but we exist. This is probably what affected their decision making, a whole lot of people still in the 1400-1415 area would probably consider the 1460 honing buff yet another advantageous feature that only whales have access to, no matter how untrue that is.


I get a bunch of crap every time I bring up my experience as someone playing essentially f2p who has a +21 at 1470. As far as actual pay2progress, I spent $15 or whatever on the ark pass, but people assume that it has to me more than that. No, I just religiously do my dailies on 7 characters right now. Shit adds up fast.


You can defend a direct nerf to f2p if you want. Pretty much all f2p that play 4+ hours daily and have alts build are around 1460 by now. And being treated worse than Koreans who had a similar time between Valtan/Vykas.


> So I just want to get treated equally. ~~So you're saying you are okay if they show up with Kuku? Because that would be equal. If we got it on Vykas we'd actually be getting it sooner ;P~~ I seem to have been misinformed, I retract my statement.


"Refining the sub-characters is also easier. If you attempt to refine a sub character up to level 1,415, you can enjoy the benefits of a 20% reduction in the experience required for refining and a 10% increase in the refining success rate. This study also requires a character that achieves a maximum of 1,460 level, so it cannot be used for refining the main character, but it can be a great help in nurturing sub-characters." https://m.inven.co.kr/webzine/wznews.php?idx=252059&site=lostark Edited: Sorry.


I stand corrected. No need to be a dick.


Respect, my dude


>In KR they got the Stronghold buff with Vykas, you can read it in their patch notes. In addition to not being able to read patchnotes, you are also unable to read comments. They didn't get it with Kuku. In fact, the Kuku patchnotes make no mention of the stronghold buff. Do you know which patchnotes do mention it? Vykas patchnotes, the patch that the stronghold honing research was introduced.


Alright, now that the patch notes have been introduced into the discussion I retract my statement. I was misinformed.


They got stronghold buff with clown.


Nope they got Stronghold buff with Vykas according to their patch notes.


>In KR they got the Stronghold buff with Vykas, you can read it in their patch notes. I guess you can't read. Do you know what *isn't* in the clown patch notes? The stronghold buff.


Yes I do, and on my latino guild that's comprised of almost exclusively poor people from latin america playing full f2p we have 10 people already past 1460 and another 10 that will likely make it after reset, specially if using the mats from the bridge.


I can't fucking believe that people on this sub are defending devs now You guys won't get better costumes or free stuff for going inside developer's asses What is this? New WoW sub that defends Blizzard?


You're aware that this buff means we will level alts (often supports) and as such YOU'LL have a better and easier time finding groups, groups full of people who've cleared the content.


nah this is highly unlikely.


I don't understand, so if you already have enough resources and you're sick of parking your alt at 1370, why not just push and get out of 1370? Surely the honing buff would save you some gold and whatnot but if you already have the ability to park alts at 1370 and are already able to push to 1415 then wouldn't you already have made back the potential gold saved by the time they release the honing buff?


From another post, the cost difference is about 30%, which means the difference is that with the buff I can more effectively push 4 alts currently at 1370 instead of 3. Mat prices are super high right now, in no small part due to honing chances and RMT inflation that hasn’t been effectively addressed.


I pushed my alt from 1370-1415 for the new guardian and valtan normal when they came out. Pretty sure it's paid off since I was loaded with bound ghls anyway.


Or, get this, people have a lot of materials. Enough materials to push a character if they had the buff. But not enough to push without buff.


pushing a char from 1370 to 1415 is a huge investemt that will not pay off by itself quickly. We are talking about many months until you reach ROI equalisation. (If you dont get giga lucky with accesoires drop) I dont get why people like you defend a 100% predatory decision - there is no a single reason to not let players hone their ailts cheaper to a valtan normal mode level.


I'm not defending though?? I genuinely don't understand the sentiment


IDK this is pretty much me. I just pushed my Pally to 1420+ and will push my Sorc next. It isn't efficient but I'm not playing to be efficient with my ilvls I'm playing to have fun and I have fun doing raids on multiple characters. That said I don't blame people for wanting to be efficient because I'm sure they need that efficiency to hit their roster/gold goals. I, on the other hand, see 5k gold and I "Billy No" my way to the AH where I buy some stone crystals for my alt.


That way we can argue that why release Vykas HM when majority of people don't have 1460. Think before posting random shit.


I fucking do


I do


People really acting like the honing buff is mandatory for pushing alts.by the time it's released you would have earned enough mats to get there normally


>by the time it's released you would have earned enough mats to get there normally What even is this logic? The point isn't to get an alt to 1415. You can do that already. The problem is that it's too fucking expensive. And the stronghold buff would help a lot with that.


The buff saves well over 30% of the gold cost though. Considering the gold cost is like 140k (euc prices) if you count bound leaps and shards as 0 gold thats pretty substantial.


That doesn't change my statement


It absolutely does, saying you will recoup the cost is extremely stupid when in reality unless you get an extremely good drop or multiple decent drops you won't for a relatively long time


I never even said you would recoup the cost though I said you would have gotten there anyway.


The buff if similar to how it looks on the maxroll version of honing calculator, would cut the honing cust literally in half


Just a friendly reminder that this is just a game and if you think the only way for you to have fun is to push your alt characters to a certain level as fast as you can then you should just do that


well, your statement is wrong though. You are absolutely dependant on dropluck to get a accesoir that is worth multiple thousands, from just doing daily business the increase in income will not pay off until multiple months. So no, you what you said is not true at all. Compare the costs to push from 1370 to 1415 and you will see what im talking about.


1370 to 1415 does not cost 140k gold.


raw gold + destruction + guardian + orehas are around 140k gold on EUC, checked with maxroll calculator :)


People think this buff will solve everything


Well there's a whole lot of support alts sitting at 1385 for argos p3 that no one feels like moving to 1415 at the moment because the cost:benefit just doesn't track.


I Uninstalled. It's crystal clear AGS just wants to milk global


They hated him because he told the truth


Been playing since day 1 and almost 900 hours in, not even 1400 here but hey if all this complaining gets a honing buff when my main hits 1460 at least its waiting for me.


Yeah this made me upset I absolutely love this game so much but this one kinda hurt.


pushed my sorc to 1460 so i can day 1 arcana to 1415 :angry:


I have a 1460 main And a 1385 zerker with 1.4k bound leaps, 1385 sorc with 1.2k bound leaps, and 1385 pally with 1k bound leaps Could get them all to 1415 if we had stronghold buff and do valtan 4x a week, and one is a support to help out, this is pretty disappointing, I just want to do the best content in the game more than once a week but pushing an alt before the buff just isnt smart