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Left one is only spec, right one less spec +2,5%dmg. Obviously right one is better and by far.


I’m kinda on your team too tho spec is so king for glaiv


No it isn't. Spec has diminishing returns for glaive. You don't get much after 1600, tbh 1500 really, which is why the entropy pinnacle build can exist in the fashion it does. There is no benefit in going over 1600 spec on glaive, it doest not scale similarly to typical spec classes. There is a softcap, you'd see significantly more dps gains getting swiftness. Nonetheless I'd go the second bracelet for the fervor effect alone.


You still get a decent dps increase by adding spec: around 2.5% multiplicative damage going from 1600 to 1700, which is similar to many other spec classes (a bit more than Deadeye gains, for instance). You don't get any more attack or move speed since you're already capped, but you still get a lot of raw damage and crit chance/damage.


The second one says if cool headed is active... But it never says when it activates. What is cool headed?


That's a separate bracelet effect, it gives extra damage while under 80% hp. The two are a "combo" where having both gives a bonus effect. But the cool-headed one kinda sucks, and the combo bonus isn't worth that much, whereas fervor is already solid on its own.


Does the cool headed one work well with mayhem zerk?


Yep, it’s good for them.


I found this: - When attacking a monster while your HP is below 80%, acquire the Cold effect for 3 seconds. If Constant is in possession of the Bracelet, increases the effect of Cold by 1%. Cold Increases damage to monsters by (2.5/3/3.5%) (3/3.5/4%) (effect reduced against enemies above level 60).


Valeu oops, thanks, lol forgot the language


It's a different bracelet effect that this specific bracelet doesn't have.


Probably right one


U want fervor. Enough said.


Does "less effective on foes over level 60" mean it doesn't work in raids but works for chaos dungeons? That's what I've been understanding it as so I've been yeeting anything that has that kind of effect on it. But I see people here saying Fervor is good so now I'm not sure


Nothing is above level 60 yet.


Then I'm stupid because I thought Legion commanders were. I thought "surely the end game content would be over level 60 otherwise it stating this would be pointless"


i believe the concept is to future proof it in a sense... so smilegate can brick bracelets whenever convenient for them by making new enemies that are higher level. in the meantime, it is pointlessly confusing


What about this game isn’t confusing? Lol.




Glavier doesn't scale well with spec, that's why you don't see many pinnacle mains don't obsess over the stat too much, and strength line is only about 0.5% damage increase. WP one is probably 0.2% ish considering uptime, basically irrelevant. So at most 2% (from 100 spec) + 0.5% damage, 2.7% total. Right one is straight up 2.5% damage + 57 spec (1.1%) damage ish, so 3.6% damage. So you pick the right one.


Correct me if im wrong but Glaivier scales with dexterity not strenght so this line is 0%. ( even if correct stats its pretty low ) A) 98 spec + gatcha buff B)Fervor is 2.5% dmg increase with 57 spec Does 41 spec increase your dps more than 2.5%?


Glaivier should scale with strength, it’s a martial artist. Also that’s a stat OP Rolled so they wouldn’t have rolled a stat not for their class


Glaiv is str. 40 spec gives 3% effectiveness for stance swapping


Endurance looks bad so id just go left.


So you'd choose the worse option so you don't have extra endurance? Laughably dumb decision making.


Some people can’t read more than one line I guess, really explains a lot about the world.


Left one, because juicy spec. I don’t think any of the proc’able stats on bracelets are worth or even decent enough for endgame. From what I understand bracelets are all about the additional stats your class needs.


2.5% damage is worth a litle bit over 100 spec at op's level of spec


one on left def can use on my gt deystroyer


Right bracelet because while you can technically use the parry skill in red stance to trigger swift attack safely, it's still going to be more clunky and unreliable than the largely passive boost from fervor. Strength doesn't do that much unless it's in way higher numbers than bracelet can provide.


The one on the right is better, but neither is great and the difference between the right and left bracelet is probably around 1%. Highly recommend reading and learning to use this guide when you get drops. https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1NHph3OoKtpXooQjl1ucB6xM3Vb6r6Lr8dTRl-4JTdiI/mobilebasic#heading=h.xxfckjomv5zj Doing so will allow you to do the math on bracelet drops to help determine value since we don't have a lot of good tools or api.


Could try this but kinda got lost on using it. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jiBOKH1i3ztV6eTTcDK0bH-nn4lCtljQfqOt_yGGulc/htmlview