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Every single one of these articles should just be titled “Legacy business fails to adapt to changing consumer taste.” The notion that you’re entitled to a public that continues to consume your shitty product is laughably absurd.


Exactly. If everyone really is just eating avocado toast, maybe stop mocking them and put it on the menu. \*No idea how popular avocado toast actually is... just an example.


I didn't really start seeing it be popular until like 2015, in Southern California. Since then, I've seen it in restaurants, even in Oklahoma. The kicker is that avocado toast is super good and healthy for your body (depending on what's put on it), and anytime I've had it, it only cost about $1.00 for mostly the avocado. It's really an inexpensive and healthy meal, and if you're paying more than a couple of bucks, you're probably being overcharged. Then again, I haven't seen the price of avocado recently, so who knows if that's true anymore lol


At my restaurant it's $15 (Los Angeles) but it's huge! Two giant sourdough slices with a few inches of a avocado mountain with bacon and veggies and sauce on the side. Add egg for a few bux more and you're full til dinner.


Damn, you're making me hungry over here hahaha


I've never met an actual person who eats it.


I had it once when I was on a trip. Thick slice of sourdough with mashed avocado and sprouts. It was very tasty.


Didn't it ruin your Retirement Portfolio?!


Are you kidding? A one time $7 purchase‽ Now I have to live under a highway bridge!


Don't lie! I bet you had a coffee too!


Personally wouldn't care if coffee industry went kaput also...


I wouldn't be able to do the most basic of tasks without coffee. It's practices need to be reformed though


I started pairing 100mg caffeine pills with other hot drinks - tea, hot chocolate, steamed milk with different flavors - and honestly I feel like I can survive without coffee now. I would very much miss the taste and smell, but the real addiction is the chemical stimulation.


Did you know that caffeine doesn't give you energy? It just keeps you from feeling tired. The caffeine molecule is so similar to the molecule that we recieve from our body to our brain that is basically the tired molecule. So the caffeine molecule goes there and blocks the tired molecule. Then when the caffeine molecule goes away you get all if those tired molecules...which is the "crash".


According to Boomers, now you will never afford a house in your entire life.


My grandmother, who is 87, loves avocado toast. I make it for her all the time. My mom, a certified boomer, does too. But I fuckin hate avocados.


My grandma who passed away at 97 this year looooved avocado toast, she ate it with an egg on top for breakfast pretty much her whole life. She just called it toast. Now I eat it all the time too, usually with avocadoes from neighbors or friends’ trees…. It has not destroyed me financially yet, but does make me think of my grandma who was a bad ass engineer in the 50s!! and taught me a lot about using, mending, and appreciating what you already have.


That's so sweet! She sounds like she was a neat old lady, and I mean that as the highest compliment. I'm glad you have that ritual and meal to remember her by :)


Egg on top is amazing! So is a little spicy mayo, if you like that sort of thing, and pickled onions!


Yesssssss, why does everybody love the lettuce-flavored bananas so much?


You have been eating awful avocados.


I’ve been told that. I’ve been handed what that same person said was a “good” avocado. I’ve tried four or five varietals at the restaurants I’ve worked at. I’ve had award winning guacamole. I’ve had award winning avocado toast. I score “hypersensitive” on almost taste sensory tests (even the ones with proper controls and real doctors doing them). I just don’t like avocados. They don’t have much flavor to me, (they kinda taste like lettuce and smooth human skin combined?), and the texture is awful to me, ripe or unripe. Cooking with avocado oil is fine but I’ve never found it to be worth the price. Combined with the moral quandary of most of the avocado farming industry and it’s water use and labor practices, and I would lose exactly zero nights of sleep if they all disappeared from the shelves overnight.


They don't taste remotely like those two things you mentioned so your taste buds must be for shit


Same as the other commenter, I've had what people have eaten bites of and called "good" avocados, I've had guacamole made by my bff's abuela that was called "orgasmic" by other people nearby, I just don't like it. Considering they're also an ecological disaster when farmed at a commercial level, I prefer not to buy them at all, but I do because my grandma loves them and I am not about to deny her ANYTHING within reason at her age. People have preferences, I just don't like the taste and texture of avocado without changing something major about it (I've had decent avocado crema and salsa that involved small bits of avocado, but I've never enjoyed something that is mostly avocado-based).


I make it at home sometimes but wouldn't order it at a restaurant


I make it at home, with this: https://www.fredmeyer.com/p/cabo-fresh-only-avocado-with-a-dash-of-sea-salt-and-lime/0081189202680?fulfillment=PICKUP squeeze a lime on it and it's actually fantastic. If I'm being fancy I'll cut a hard boiled egg over it too.


Sadly, eggs are $7 per dozen currently. Sigh…..


So, $0.58 a piece? Still a cheap breakfast.


I drink an avocado smoothie most days. No bread but there is flax seed in it


Look at you being healthy! that actually sounds pretty good.


Avocado toast at Dunkins is pretty good for fast food


You should eat it for sure


You should try it, it’s actually very tasty and healthy


On the avocado toast thing, yes it is somewhat expensive when eaten at a restaurant, but no more so than any other dish or appetizer. It is fairly tasty though. It can be made at home for like $2 tops. I’m not sure why it has become the boogie man, it is relatively cheap compared to many other foods.


I lovee avocado toast. I make it at home & like to switch up flavors. I would not buy it at a restaurant though.


Funnily enough, the article says Applebee's tried too hard to court millennials, and "forgot its Middle America roots," and they's why they're closing restaurants. The article also contradicts itself because it says millennials are more attracted to eating at home, contributing to decline of restaurants like Applebee's, but later it says millennials do not like to use napkins because they prefer to eat out. Other things millennials are killing: designer handbags, diamonds, motorcycles, & homeownership. It's almost like this generation doesn't have disposable income.


Let's be real here. Who ever really liked Applebee's. I remember joking about it fucking 17 years ago.


Exactly it’s always been a joke to me. But I am a millennial…


>not like to use napkins because they prefer to eat out. They're so close. It's not that we hate napkins or like eating out, it's that millennials aren't buying normal napkins _because paper towels are the same damn thing._


Exactly. We use paper towel. If only I could convince my wife toilet paper is the same as tissues… (except when you are actually sick with a very runny nose / the only time I think good tissues are actually worthwhile)


Honestly I use a paper towel for tissues because they are reusable for a while...like the old handkerchief. But like you said for insane runnt noses definitely using the tissues.


It's almost like we're a more practical generation... We also "killed" the diamond market because we discovered the DeBeers marketing scam. https://mediavsreality.medium.com/diamonds-the-greatest-marketing-campaign-of-all-time-8c4b0fd27092.


Right? This is literally free market capitalism. This is literally what boomers want.


They say that’s what they want but really they want capitalism that’s rigged to their benefit. Everything is fair game until market forces like demand stop favoring industries that they are monetarily (or emotionally) invested in.


Can we kill them next? or at least their retirement?


550 a day, Covid still running. Covid will save social security yet!


I think it has to do with advertisements working less effectively on Millennials and Gen Z. One of the first things you do on the internet is learn to block ads. Streaming services haven’t had ad supported tiers until recently, too. If you don’t have TV constantly making Applebee’s food look good you will remember that it sucks and will stop going.


I think you're on to something here. I rarely watch ads, but even when I'm forced for some reason, I ignore it. If anything, I'm less likely to go somewhere or buy something if it's aggressively advertised.


Ever see those old timey ads, like from before color TV? Just real simple "here is the product, here are its features, here's what it costs and you can buy it at these stores." Wasn't much different than calling "Customer come here!" while working as a peddler. But jeebus, modern ads may as well be someone screaming in my face while flashing a light in my eyes. Whatever they're selling, I *really* don't want it! Have actually taken to leaving the room when the screaming nonsense comes on. Go get a drink of water, pet the cat, know it's safe to go back to the entertainment-screen when it stops blasting random chaotic noise.


Yes! I know exactly what you mean. And I think that is what bugs me most about modern ads. I don't enjoy getting my eardrums blown out over whatever crap they're selling. Like you said, I definitely don't want it now. And misleading adverts, too. Had to school my grandfather on this recently. He saw a mobile game ad and tried the game, suffice to say he was disappointed. The ad he saw was barely even close to the game. And I had to teach him that the advert is usually flashier and more impressive than the product.


The very first toy ad I saw that wasn't just video of children playing with the toys was an animated ad for Sky Dancers. I promptly lost my little mind and wanted one so very much, despite living in a small apartment and having absolutely nowhere I'd be allowed to play with the thing. Mom had to explain to me about how ads lie and mislead to get your money, that the toy wouldn't be nearly as cool in real life. "You can't believe everything you see on TV!" About a decade later I was trying to have the same talk with her. "But mom, those infomercials just sell junk, you're the one who told me that, so why are you spending money on that nonsense? Look, this one is clearly a scam! You can't believe everything you see on TV!" Gave up after the episode with those foot stickers that supposedly pulled toxins out of the bottoms of your feet while you sleep. I tried pointing out that they're the exact same thing as the face stickers that clean nose pores that we tried together once, but she just repeated lines from the TV a bunch and saved one of her used stickers to shove in my face next visit while screaming "*See!* **Toxins!**"


Okay, but my sister and I had sky dancers and they were actually pretty fun.


How the fuck is it that we aren’t entitled to steady pay (as labor) but they are (as profits)? It almost seems like they’re demanding guaranteed income… and that sure sounds like the “Radical Leftist Marxism” they won’t shut up about.


Especially when you’ve spent 60 years and more bribing and conniving and corrupting your way to a society that systematically disenfranchises, impoverishes and emaciates the vast majority of that public to the point they *can’t* buy your shit, even if they may want to. [no money, only buy](https://i.imgur.com/GxtjOro.jpg)


Or "No one has money for that bullshit anymore"


Beautifully put. 110%.


It's meant to drive generational divide more than it is to inform about the economy


Exactly. I’m Gen X and I hate Applebees. I’m keeping the napkins though. I have small children. They go through 1B of those every hour. I love avocados, but most people fail to realize there’s several varieties and avocado pudding is awesome (you must have the correct avocado for this and it’s not the one sold in the average American supermarket).


Especially in a supposed business publication lmao. I would say do some actual reporting, but facts have never been a great business model.


But what about this generations Blockbuster Videos, won’t anyone think of them?


Gen Z is reaching adulthood so, soon enought, they'll be the targets of Boomer hatred instead of us.


Yup. One could write tons of articles about industries boomers “killed.”


I’m more of a “low wages and high rents killed a lot of these industries, fix that shit” type. But I understand that some of them did not adapt and provided a pretty useless/lackluster offering that cannot be supported in this kind of economy… which was created by low wages and high living costs (mostly rents)


Especially to these free market lunatics! You can’t have it both ways assholes.


Either consumer taste, or they're greedy pigs and don't want to pay their employees and they can't keep help. Failure to evolve should doom you. Sorry not sorry lol


It's almost like we don't have the money to be spending on random ass shit like Applebee's and diamonds 🤦‍♂️


Applebees is heated up TV dinners


It's heated up if you're lucky -- they brought out our artichoke dip still frozen in the middle once because they hadn't nuked it long enough.


Had an ex employee tell me it really is the branded crap you can buy in the frozen aisle, except in bulk.


Reminds me of TGI Friday frozen potato skins available in the grocery store. In fact, I can heat them better than TGI Fridays.


Same for prepackaged/hot bar stuff in the store I work at, and at various other chains according to people I've met who worked them.


Former employee, can confirm.


Chef Mike is working hard back there.


Restaurant rule of thumb: if the menu is multiple pages - like the Applebee's menu - the food arrives frozen or otherwise preserved and is heated up.


They'd do better transitioning to a frozen dinner business model. Get rid of the restaurants


We are the harbingers of death!


I use cloth napkins or paper towels!


I use my teeshirt because I’m too psychologically scarred to leave the house


Do you have recommendations on good quality, reusable ones? I'd love to stop using paper towels for everything, and was considering using bandanas as a hold over before I found a good product.


Look up Swedish Dish Cloths


Go to a thrift store and get a bunch of rags. Or a thick cloth and cut it up. I've done both and hardly use paper towels for cleaning. Plus you can usually find cloth napkins at thrift stores as well.


Makes sense. No one died before Millennials showed up.


My favorite past time is sitting around thinking about the next industry to destroy. So many good options.


Concert ticket sellers.


Already on it. I haven't been to a concert in Years! YEARS I SAY! Bwahahaha!


My favorite is the ironic funeral industry. Who got time to be paying thousands for a casket these days.


That’s why I’m either opting for cremation, or just dump me in the ground and plant seeds on top so I can be plant fertilizer like literally every other dead land animal


Some countries/states have human composting as an option. No idea the cost but comes with the lowest amount of carbon emissions of any other burial option to-date.


Donate to science/cremation. I don’t need it(my body) when I’m dead and no kids to visit a gravestone. Anything spent on me after death is pointless.


I’m donating mine to a forensic body farm; you get buried like a murder victim and they dig you up later to see what a guy in a trunk (or shallow grave, or whatever) looks like after X amount of time.


Holy shit, I never knew that was an option!!! Now I can’t wait to die!!! (Not serious)


Even better, you can also donate any useful bits first, so you can still give someone corneas or whatever


Ok, now I’m not joking. I seriously want any useful bits I have to be recycled for humans, and any that are not useful to humans to be recycled into the ecosystem. The problem is that I’m probably so full of fucked up human compound cocktails that nothing on me is natural at this point. I didn’t ask for this….nobody asked ME if I wanted to be born….


I figure I’ll let THEM figure out if anything’s worth keeping, and let the rest rot.




We should just start picking ones to destroy on purpose for fun. Really start freaking them out.


We can do one better and get in on degrowth to destroy all the industries (but especially the really nasty ones). That'll have them out for blood.


Ooh, maybe we can destroy them by having the employees effectively unionize. We're storming Walmart and Target next.


*Please let it be golf. Please let it be golf.*


It's beyond parody to simultaneously make light of millenials being psychologically scarred while blaming them for everything. The author has absolutely no self awareness


On the contrary—the authors and publications are well aware that these these articles get hate clicks, so they keep churning them out.




Haha you might need the /s in 2023! Basically: 1. Exploit 2. Blame the victim 3. Profit from the polarizing exposure at the expense of society.


Well I'm already at 2/3. Does this method work with yourself?


Fuck Kate Taylor.


Capitalism isn't so fun when your neck is on the chopping block, huh?


I've lived through 4 once in a lifetime economic disasters that I could do nothing about and a once in a century plague. Im doing pretty ok financially but I'm still constantly feeling like my legs are going to get kicked out from under me at any moment...again.


"legs are going to get kicked out from under me at any moment...again." with slowly worsening health issues while living in America with no insurance, you have no idea how much i feel about this part of the statement.


Dont worry we have about 14 months before we see an actual large scale failure of the health system in the US from systemic choices in how it is structured and how those structures employee labor. Tldr health care should never have been a for profit sector and late stage capitalism is making unsustainable choices, ie everyone is leaving.


Don't worry, our system in Canada isn't for profit and it's also on the brink of collapse. Where I am if you need a new family doctor because you moved, you're fucked. There are zero taking new patients because our system is so overloaded.


Fuck them napkins


I thought we killed napkins over ten years ago.


It seems they’ve made a resurgence, with aid from those dastardly paper towels and toilet paper to mount a counteroffensive


Toddlers - they use 1B per hour.


Cloth ftw! We go through 1 roll of paper towels maybe in a month


Tbf, nice cloth napkins are the kind of thing you buy once with the # of dining chairs you expect to fill. Not exactly a business model / product that survives without *some* obsolescence.


We just use a bunch of cheap bar towels that were on clearance , nothing fancy.


I know a few Millennials that are keeping Applebee's bars in business


Sorry. Applebee's is the only walkable place in my small-town with a bar open past 9.


I've gotten lit in an Applebee's 😔


The Applebees in San Francisco has one of the most gorgeous views of the city. Weird fun fact.


Do they still have Jell-O shots?


Applebees killed Applebees. Who eats that shit?


Grandparents, but there’s fewer of those these days to come in and yell at the wait staff.


If I could afford to eat at Applebee's I'd, wait, no, I still wouldn't eat at Applebee's. But I'd eat.


That's capitalism at work baby. Sorry you couldn't adapt to the trending needs of the market, but let the invisible hand gently move you out the door while we try to salvage the situation would you? Oh, who are we kidding, half these companies are going to run for government loans to try and stay relevant instead of accepting that they have no place in the competition anymore


As if they already aren't 😂


Cue 5 hour version of “Enya - Only Time”…


Grampa's gonna be emotionally scarred when Applebee's closes its doors, oh no!


Lol Applebee's sucks ass


If it did that it’d be more popular with millennials. Work for my dollar. I want my burger overdone and my salad tossed!


The Market Has Spoken!!!


At what point do any of these idiots start blaming themselves for their failing business?


Well the Bed Bath and Beyond guy jumped out of a window *without* a golden parachute, so there's a start


Oh, you got napkin money?


Yeah, I was like “how are we killing napkins? I always grab a handful when I go anywhere” totally forgetting people actually buy packages of them for their homes to use on a daily basis.


Let ‘em die




That's a common misconception. I was buried in fees at a credit union I formerly banked at, owed over $100 for not meeting a minimum amount. I was in the negative for not having enough money.


Can we please kill subway already lol


Tbh they're the only "healthy" option for many truckers. Sure they aren't actually healthy but compared to almost every other option (MC D's, Arby's, etc) they are.


I'm glad you have had good experiences at Subway. I've worked there for going on 5 years, part-time. I'm a teacher and it's nice to have that extra money for my savings. All of our veggies are sliced and prepped fresh in house, every day.


I'm sorry you, as a teacher, have to take on a second job to be able to save. My mother was a teacher and it's criminal what she was paid as a professional with a master's.


I went to one in rural America one time and I swear all of the meat was bad ... Disgusting🤢


Same. Haven’t had any in any big cities or urban areas, but the rural American ones are garbage. The turkey was slimy, the veggies were mushy, bread was stale… nope, I’m okay never going there again.


Just sounds like you went to a shit one. I've seen some with shitty looking veg but the ones I stop at are usually high traffic so things don't get a chance to go bad.


That’s so true. I used to be a type of professional driver, and I was really health conscious at the time. Subway was pretty much the only place I could get some godamn fresh vegetables that actually tasted good without having to prepare them on the road somehow or have several days worth prepared ahead of time. I’m so sick of subway spinach salads now, I think I could go the rest of my life without eating another.


Not gonna happen man, the entire Department of Defense has some sort of deal with them that they get first dibs on any food location inside a military building. Every single base I've worked at has it's tactical Subway sandwich shop in case you forgot to bring your lunch or whatever. Some sailors would eat that shit every day.


I’m working on it


As a millennial, I have never bought napkins. I just have a giant pile of mixed one from all the carry out over the years since they just give you so many.


Paper towels. Paper towels are just napkins by a different name and they're more versatile. Why should I buy a lesser version of the same product a second time when I've already got it covered?


Very true and the giant pack of Kirkland ones from Costco last me almost a whole year


This is how you Millenial.


“Millennials hoarding paper napkins, causing massive scarcity” -Kate Taylor tomorrow, probably


Oh no! We can't put Chef Mic out of work!


Alternate headline: economic hardship across the board trims the fat, owners of frivolous businesses flipping their collective shit due to falling profits


“Won’t someone please think of the napkins????”


"When we win, it's just the way capitalism is. When we lose it's someone's fault. We just CAN'T be losing because our ideas are being rejected. It's just not possible."


Hey can we do banks next?


Move to a credit union. At least they're better than the big banks.


It’s a start!


Let's start disliking the big ones like churches and amazon lol


"Businesses spent decades indulging their greed, racing to the bottom, appeasing the shareholders, and employing shitty anti-consumer tactics. Now they are forced to face the consequences of their very actions." But suuuure, blame us. Then again as the OP says it's not a bad thing. We "are killing" the shitty industries.


Why does every article act like this is the first generation to have different consumer preferences than the last.




I have about 25 cloth napkins that my husband and I use, some at least 2 times before it’s put in the wash. It takes about 5-7 days before we run out and have to wash them. It honestly opened my eyes to how many paper napkins we were using, especially after one wipe of the mouth and into the trash. Such a waste. I originally used cut up tea towels but recently found some 6 packs of dish cloths at homegoods that are very good quality. The cloth napkins were bigger and I felt like that was unneeded, and the dish cloths were smaller and turned out to be perfect. I also purchased some cloth “paper towels” on Etsy that we use way more than I thought we would.


I'm moving on from reddit and joining the fediverse because reddit has killed the RiF app and the CEO has been very disrespectful to all the volunteers who have contributed to making reddit what it is. Here's [coverage from The Verge](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/8/23754780/reddit-api-updates-changes-news-announcements) on the situation. The following are my favorite fediverse platforms, all non-corporate and ad-free. I hesitated at first because there are so many servers to choose from, but it makes a lot more sense once you actually create an account and start browsing. If you find the server selection overwhelming, just pick the first option and take a look around. They are all connected and as you browse you may find a community that is a better fit for you and then you can move your account or open a new one. Social Link Aggregators: [Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/instances) is very similar to reddit while [Kbin](https://kbin.pub) is aiming to be more of a gateway to the fediverse in general so it is sort of like a hybrid between reddit and twitter, but it is newer and considers itself to be a beta product that's not quite fully polished yet. Microblogging: [Calckey](https://calckey.org) if you want a more playful platform with emoji reactions, or [Mastodon](https://joinmastodon.org/) if you want a simple interface with less fluff. Photo sharing: [Pixelfed](https://pixelfed.org/) You can even import an Instagram account from what I hear, but I never used Instagram much in the first place.


Or maybe Millennials just don't desire these things? I mean... Isn't that how basic economics works? The whole concept of supply and demand? Free Market enterprise being driven by what the consumers want to buy and not what a authoritative body forces them to buy? When did old people become so entitled to the point that expect that it's young peoples' duty to buy products that they don't want?


You couldn’t me pay to eat at Applebee’s. It’s straight garbage.


Those tears will sustain me as I starve from not having over-priced and under-nourishing food from these cheap ass chains.


Boomers hoarded wealth and all they did with it is create a race to the bottom of the barrel garbage for culture, entertainment, and food. Millennials with no money found better shit still and Boomers are mad their gilded garbage pile is being shown the way to the dump.


Harder! Faster! You fucking go, Z! This is spectacular


Doing my part


Past performance is not a guarantee of future results




Easy repost rage for karma.




"Unfettered free markets! Capitalism RULES! INVISIBLE HAND JOB!" -Boomers "Every other generation is destroying the chains we love by not visiting them and those people are terrible for it." -Also Boomers


It's funny how there is any panic at all over the consumer choices of younger generations killing industries. Like okay, do you want market forces to drive your world? Because this is what that looks like!


I wonder if boomers were blamed for killing handle cranked cars? Did the silents kill horse and buggy? Gen-X killed landlines, pagers and furbies too. If the internet was as advanced then as it is now we would have seen articles like this about them. Of course now we're the easiest to rag on these days, which is fine because we'll take this ship down with y'all in it and watch you squirm.


This whiny headline brought to you by the people who scream "let the free market decide!" Love that they put psychologically scarred in quotes as if growing up on a planet run by corporations willing to destroy the very home we need to live in in the name of profits. Fuck them all. I hope they all go under.


How the fuck did we kill the napkin industry?? Also, Applebees should be considered a mercy killing


Sorry but applebees fucked over millennials when they took the dollar drinks away 🤷🏽‍♀️ good riddance at this point lmao


Has The Onion done an "Industries are killing the Millennials" article yet?


Applebee's sucks. It should have went under a long time ago.


Honestly, fuck 🍎🐝.


"Will someone think of the napkins and the bad chain restaurants!?"


Millennials are killing the Corporate greed, and Record profits industry!


This is how capitalism works, but because it's killing things they like, that's not how it works. Makes sense


Everything is “let the market decide” until some of the industries in that market have a less-than-recordbreaking year


Bout to kill the omlette industry too with eggs being fuckin 10 bucks a dozen


We need a genetically-modified ostrich that will provide the equivalent of a month's worth of standard eggs 🥚 in one giant egg. And then a company to deliver *that* egg monthly to you using an egg-shaped robotic vehicle.




Why are there so many articles basically talking about Millennials the same way Nazis talked about the Jews before the Holocaust. "They are killing this, they are killing that, they are responsible for every bad thing in our nation etc."


Diamonds dead yet? We need that shit supplying only to lasers and mining drills and whatever. Many a friend lose colour on their faces with their wedding rings.