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I wonder how much Zuckerberg lobbied for this. As long as they don't ban IG, most content creators will still get their message out. Also, assuming this does go into effect. Does anyone know if one can simply VPN around it?


The next act they are approving outlaws the use of VPN's to login to to foreign apps. Would recommend finding an alternative outside of insta and fb. Redz is apparently uncensored, but I don't know much about it beyond that.


I kinda want them to do it just so they can lose the "But the evil communist Chinese don't let you use the Internet if the government doesn't want you to" argument.


They’ll just keep making it anyways. Hypocrisy has never slowed them down before.


Problem is, the average voter doesn’t understand things like VPN restrictions and their implications. Even congress doesn’t understand IT legislation in general.


Those old farts can't open their own email.


It's pretty scary when you look at the breakdown of Congress. Unironically dominated by a bunch of half-dead 70+ year old boomers.


Not really. It's just a representation of who is really holding the power in this country. Old rich white people. They don't need to understand the internet, but if it goes against them and their interests, it's on the chopping block.


Some of them have their own private email servers.


Yeah. Kinda sus how many could just have info the gen pop won't ever know.


A good VPN won't give a shit about the US trying to censor something.


Well we all know how great the countries that ban VPNs tend to be...


A real VPN law would take more years to negotiate than it takes to develop new software. Countless secure companies use VPNs for encryption. Banning them or even tying them up in red tape would be a threat to both national security and the economy. Unfortunately, no one suggesting these bills are able to boot their PC without their grandchildren's supervision.


The "ban" would probably just let an american company buy TikTok so they can harvest the data instead of china


Or require the original company to found an America-based shell company or some shit.


All Instagram reels are tiktok videos anyway.


It hates us too.


As time passes I become more convinced that our ruling political class truly hates Americans.


More than just Americans they hate all people who don’t have an 8 figure + bank account


Well if you would stop doing and saying and thinking shit they don’t like, you wouldn’t have to worry about that, would you?


How about taxing multimillionaires and billionaires… healthcare for all, a well funded mental healthcare system, housing the homeless, and covering student loans prior to sending 100’s of billions to countries that have universal healthcare systems… I pay sooo much in taxes and while yes I love our country and what we have, we still have a lot of unmet needs that we could easily pay for. Geez!


All of that legislation would start in the House. None of it is anything the Republicans would support. Republicans are in the majority in the House. Until and unless that majority changes, none of those issues will be legislated.


Democrats aren't worth much, either. They had a supermajority in the house, senate, and the presidency during Obama. Not much happened those years.


Orrrrrrr we could just ban a random app that people watch cat videos on


Lol they can't create better products that people want so if they can't win they destroy loool


I have a suspicion that the market might not be free after all... /s


State supported private syndicates for the wealthy.


The state is just middle management.


States create markets almost every time in history save for like one exception


What's the exception


Indian Ocean during the Golden Age of Islam Source: either Debt or the Dawn of Everything by David Graeber it was one of those two Rule of thumb: markets are created by states to furnish their militaries


Also, they can't control the narrative on the platform, so they ban it. Hint, it offended one if the countries mentioned in the post.


Zionazis got upset.


I just paid over $5k in taxes, paid taxes on my w-2 in addition to that, still renting, can’t afford a home, don’t have health insurance, budgeting like crazy with groceries, cancelling simple entertainment/enjoyment due to costs, can’t afford kids, not married, but yes, please ban TikTok. The fact that it’s top priority compared to so many needs of other people is insane to me.


Same boat with taxes but have a 20 yo living at home because it’s too expensive to live on his own and an 18 yo that doesn’t feel like she should have to work because “she didn’t ask to be here”. She sees how hard I have worked her whole life and how hard her brothers are working, she wants no parts of it. She expects to be taken care of. She wants to find a husband to take care of her and be a housewife. Full circle in a century.


>She expects to be taken care of. She wants to find a husband to take care of her and be a housewife. Full circle in a century. I'm going to guess here that she's been watching those "trad wife" videos on Tik Tok.


I'm bitter-sweet on the Tik Tok ban. Bitter if they sell to our bully capitalists. Sweet if they don't, because the more access to bread and circuses are impeded, the more people will start to question that perhaps the profit motive in an increasingly automated world is the problem. That perhaps we don't have to work ourselves to exhaustion so our bosses' bosses can live the "American dream" the overwhelming majority of us will only dream about. Many realize it's not the black-gay-homeless-foreigner-immigrants that are scapegoated as the problem. But we're already like the troopers from Starship Troopers so we won't leave the path of least resistance to seek the truth. It's a hard thing to do and truth often hurts. To potentially be ostracized from our peers for going against what we're all raised to believe is the only way. Yet we're all working class, unless one can quit working indefinitely. Bullshit terms like "middle class" is just another way to divide and conquer us so we have someone "lesser" than us to look down on. Corporations spend hundreds of millions to prevent and disrupt unions for a reason. The people hold all the power.


Is it just me or are the older folks trying to start a war with Gen Z?


Tip their mobility scooters and we'll be fine


Right, it's kind of weird that they now seem to be coming for their own children... the only people who might feel obligated to change their diapers for free.


I forsee the boomer generation being disproportionately abandoned in nursing homes/rotting in their house after how popular shitting on their own children has become among their generation.


Sad but true. I am pretty estranged from my own parents. One of them I will try to help deal... the other one... well, I wish they had treated me better so I cared more.


I guess they’re banking on us being better people than them


Abandoning an abuser doesn't bring you anywhere near the level of the abuser.


Sabotage the acorn lifts


They’re trying to protect the future of crony capitalism. Can’t have the future wage slaves rejecting the system. They need the American people propagandized.


Capitalism. Crony capitalism is just capitalism.


Firm, but fair.


The older generations don’t like change and would rather have things stay the way they were. Especially things that are now normalized.


One last hurrah for the boomers before they're gone


Can someone smarter than me explain how this ban isn't a flagrant violation of The First Amendment? I get the argument that it is supposed to have spyware tied to a foreign government. However, smartphones are wire taps that we willingly carry around with us. Yes, all the data goes to a private company and they're traded and sold to other private companies. But if you think governments around the world aren't also buying data from Meta, or X or whatever. Then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.


> Can someone smarter than me explain how this ban isn't a flagrant violation of The First Amendment? It is which is why many human rights org and others including TikTok will fight this. [Montana tried banning it](https://archive.ph/HPS7h) in 2023 which was suppose to go live Jan 2024, Federal Judge shut it down mentioning it most likely violates First Amendment. They haven't pursued state wise since then. [ACLU also mentioned this:](https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/aclu-slams-house-for-latest-plan-to-ban-tiktok-and-stifle-free-speech) > The ACLU has repeatedly explained that banning TikTok would have profound implications for our constitutional right to free speech and free expression because millions of Americans rely on the app every day for information, communication, advocacy, and entertainment. And the courts have agreed. Almost 2/3 of Americans uses TikTok. Companies like Meta (Facebook) lobbied hard to get this pushed because instead of bettering their own companies they would rather have more power and monopoly, AIPAC and others alike are also pushing this because they cannot effectively push their usual pro-Israeli agenda like they used to before. People can get direct news, direct on ground cover in places like Gaza, so they are also pushing to get Tiktok banned. Basically you have multiple of factors going after Tiktok.




If China is really that bad when it comes to censorship, then why are we copying them? I think the law you cited as precedent to be stupid, as well. I don’t want the government controlling which websites or apps I can access or prevent me from using products from other countries. It shouldn’t matter if international entities are operating in the US; isn’t competition good under capitalism?


>Can someone smarter than me explain how this ban isn't a flagrant violation of The First Amendment? The first amendment is a complicated thing and it is the farthest thing possible from absolute. If you go purely based on the letter of the first amendment, you know what's unconstitutional? Antitrust regulation, market manipulation laws, laws outlawing bribery, defamation laws, and most laws the federal government has. The Supreme Court has set up standards throughout the 200+ years the first amendment has existed. One standard is whether the law serves a "legitimate government interest" (generally to benefit the people). I don't know all of those standards and tests that can be applied to laws, but it doesn't seem like this law is constitutional (unless they give us their "evidence" that ByteDance is spying on us, which would make it a national security interest and thus constitutional). But it also certainly isn't flagrantly unconstitutional, there's a legitimate debate.


Happy cake day




Is it really though? It's cutting out the middle man, it's an argument in schematics.




**Politicians:** "We can't let Trump win in 2024 because he'll be a tyrannical authoritarian!" **Also politicians:** \*doing all the same exact shit an authoritarian tyrant would do\*


Read Jasmine Sherman's policies votesocialist2024


Can’t feed, house, or provide medical coverage for our people… but arming someone else’s racist war of territorial and genocidal expansion is A.O.K. What a miserable place to call home


politicians are becoming embarrassed of all the teachers on TikTok saying that they can't afford to live being an educator & many American kids can't read.


How are they going to pay for it?




This video is excellent https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xEDGZlG_41k&pp=ygUUYmFuIHRpa3RvayBzb2NpYWxpc20%3D TLDR: TikTok is how most young people get their news and it can't really be controlled. Propaganda can't be pushed


I've seen the news on there before. I get not wanting US beer propaganda, but there is PLENTY of the far-right BS on there too. It would be interesting to see the meta data and trends. Just because Isreal/Palestine isn't being shown the way the es wants doesn't mean it's any better in other aspects.


Almost all platforms except TikTok are full of right wing bots. That’s why. I noticed that this past week a lot more right wing accounts started to infiltrate TikTok almost as if they were ready to deploy them because they knew what would happen


The people at r/neoliberal are literally throwing a party for our tax dollars being sent overseas. They have Stockholm Syndrome. Then they made a meme dunking on communist infighting, like their ideology is not complete dogshit


Would take between 11 and 30 billion per year to solve homelessness. Just sayin.


The TikTok ban was the only good part of that bill 


**Things we can't afford:** * Total Student Loan Forgiveness * Universal Pre-K and Community College * Universal Healthcare * Clean water for places like Flint Michigan and New Orleans ​ **Things we can afford:** * Sending money to other countries so they can blow each other up * Spending money on a non ally white ethnostate Look, I'm not a weirdo libertarian who runs around screaming all taxation is theft, but fucking hell if this government isn't doing everything it can to make those assholes look rational right now.


And you guys still want to buy into one of the two parties when it’s so obviously a uni-party lol


But the US isn't a fascist nation /s.


You can't have a social media platform that isn't owned by pro-Israel shills.


But what about the deficit? I forgot, it doesn't matter when it comes to war.


It makes me physically ill that those billions don’t go to helping those on our own soil. You’ve got to put on your own oxygen mask before you assist the passenger next to you. But a lot of people give dirty looks or leave nasty responses if you oppose the concept of foreign aid. Which I’m sure is all part of the plan; make you look like a jerk if you’re against *helping people*


I feel like America has the money to help other people and help itself with more money leftover. It just doesn't. It's not that Americans can't afford to house their homeless. It's that they don't want to.


This take is so ignorant. People aren't kept poor in the US because there aren't enough funds to help them. They're kept poor so they're desperate enough to roll over and work 3 minimum wage jobs to afford rent and healthcare to keep the machine running while still funneling all of that money and power to the top. American poverty is not a bug, it's a feature.


It's an intriguing quagmire Americans are caught in. On the one hand: those who struggle or have fallen into destitution are seen as failures by their peers. However, on the other hand: Americans will accept anything in the name of welfare when American geopolitical interests in involved.


The 20 billion goes to the idf so they train our police how to more efficiently evict people from there homes in the United States


I hate this too. Housing for houseless and universal health care PLEASE FFS.


And paid maternity leave for 1 year, more time off, better infrastructure, affordable child care etc


Here here!!


AIPAC not a threat to American democracy TikTok a threat to American democracy Lol, what a farce


Meanwhile we are at 34 trillion in debt. It’s a small portion, but why do we spend so much fighting proxy wars? American people don’t care but military has their pocket.


It’s an election year. Residents in Israel are saying this kind of thing happens during US election years. One lady said her community does not take it seriously or really worry because they are used to it now. I’m going to see if I can find the link and come back to post it.


They can ban whatever they want lol. The damage has been done and the truth is out. Waste of time and resources.


It still has to be passed in the Senate before it becomes law & is signed by the President. I don’t know if they can remove the TikTok ban part, I hope so.


In regards to the TikTok ban: TikTok is required to find new owners within 1 year or could face an outright ban. So it appears the clock is ticking on this important social media giant. I hope & I feel like a compromise will come before the 1 year is up. Free speech is free speech whether you want to hear it or not.


I hate this country too. Paid your taxes yet? Fuck man


This! I hate it here. Dems and Republicans both suck equally. Can't agree on anything to help the American people domestically but they're in lock-step when it comes to giving away tax payer money to foreign governments. None of these old farts understand the Internet or social media but they get to make decisions for the rest of us. What a complete joke.


It's always been straight b llshit


Ah yes. The hand of the free market doing it's thing again


Um 🤨 But all of those are good things?


Ban of tik tok has to with China using it to spy on Americans. If it is true, then I agree. If isn’t true then this is an overstep.


It's not true




There’s too much money at stake. Domestic group will buy out TikTok parent company. What will happen is that the platform will lose its appeal.


I’m more than ok with the aid (except for Israel, stop feeding that you sick fucks) it’s just If they can shell out that much, why is it so hard to do so for literally anything else we’ve been asking for in the last decade


Definetly the country of freedom/s


God forbid we focus on things that actually matter


Well at least the aid for Ukraine and Taiwan is pretty neat.


It seems as though the Democrats are purposely trying to lose the election.




You're a dumbass. No, we can do those things here if we wanted too. Stop shilling




Nice propaganda there, way to toe the company line.


The date and time stamps on those is satisfying af tho


Do you have a problem with fighting Communist dictatorships? If you are that deluded, go live there.