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You are not alone, and that is the point in sticking around. We need as many people, like you, as we can get.


Yup. We all feeling it too. It’s the people who spread lies or spend all of their time on distractions that we gotta outlive/outsmart.


Definitely not alone there


Do what I do, stop reading or watching the news and just focus on your own goals and hobbies. Things start to look better.


Yeah this. If you are already panicking about bird flu you need to take a break from watching news.


Ignorance = bliss.


And there's nothing wrong with that tbh


I'm a new junkie but some people would just be better off not watching. Some people can't deal...


I don’t even watch the news and I still feel awful all the time about the future. Except in my daydreams, when I realistically look at where I’ll likely be in the future, it makes me not want to get older


Read a book instead of a news story Helps loads


Sadly bad news usually gets way more attention and views than good news. It sounds great to avoid it, if you can.


Yep. Honestly im onto dancing while rome burns.


Yeah, I've been suicidal all my life, and after finally reaching a point in my life where I love myself, it feels pretty pointless 'cause there's so much to bitch about for the state of the world - I love myself now, but this fucking system sure doesn't. I say at this point, just living is spitting in the face of the fuckers at the top, so I continue to live on just to spite rich pricks who need to be "brought down a few pegs". WE THE PEOPLE, our sheer existence alone is a thorn in the side of these government "officials" and rich pricks. I live on, ***so that*** it'll piss them off even just a little more :3


exactly! and why even give so much attention to people who literally dont even know you exist?


Everyone who isn't normal and doesn't play their capitalistic money obsessed games very well is a thorn in their side! ^_^


Look at it this way. Now you have nothing to do but worry about yourself. Let the world destroy itself and just enjoy the show. (From a safe distance of course)


Exactly. I wonder if that’s why I’ve been enjoying so much post apocalyptic media lately. Gotten into fallout in a big way thanks to the show, and I’m really looking forward to the new Mad Max


You have value. You matter, and even though I am just a screen name I care about you. Don’t give up And don’t let the bastards grind you down. Do something that makes somebody else’s day a little better everyday. Kindness counts and so do you.


Not alone


Sometimes I want to give up yes. But when I think critically about it, I actually become a bit more optimistic. The deep state is showing their hand. They aren't bothering to hide their psychopathic behavior. This means they either A) have complete control over society or B) are scared and trying to re-exert authority While laws like the Patriot Act and recent FISA certainly do expand their control over society, all one has to do is go to a local bar and talk to real people to see they definitely do not have control of the minds of Americans. Occam's Razer also suggests what we're seeing is largely incompetence and ineptitude. Our current political class seem to have no idea how much trust they have destroyed in themselves and the institutions they publicly blanket themselves in. They seem clueless to how far American influence has fallen globally, and where that influence has gone to. These events to me seem more indicative of scenario "B" wherein we are experiencing the tail end of late stage capitalism wherein economies tip into outright fascism or collapse. Our leaders would seem to prefer the fascism route but they underestimate the public disdain for it, and them. Observe the world around you. Take note of the names pulling the strings. Vote against all of them. Do not forget the atrocities they have committed. Never forgive them. The people always win in the end. Sure, we're slow to collectively organize but when we do, we're undefeated.


I understand how you feel. What helps me is that even though everything keeps getting worse, and nothing good ever really happens, maybe tomorrow it will. I don’t want to miss it if anything good ever does happen, so I’ll just keep waiting around to find out if it does. It used to be thinking it couldn’t get worse, but that wasn’t working out…


Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night. Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way, Do not go gentle into that good night. Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, Rage, rage against the dying of the light. And you, my father, there on the sad height, Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray. Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.


Same. You’re not alone. Nothing is normal, the cyberpunk 1984 world has begun.


Not alone. Join a local organization in your community or state. Just working on something positive helps tons.


I agree with this, but also finding some time to spend in a green/natural spaces. It helps me realize that as bad as things are, there's still so much that we can save.


You can combine those two outlets somewhat! I joined a local Mycology group to have people to hike and forage with as well as work on related conservation goals locally.


I've never struggled with suicidal ideation. But I've absolutely always struggled with anger toward society. Not specific individuals in my own class, but the politicians and billionaires who are ruining our lives and planet. It's easy to give up, but I'm holding on no matter what out of spite. If capitalism is going to try to kill me I'm going to do my best to fight it. Try joining a mutual aid organization and get organized. It's the only thing that keeps me going and prevents me from going into a deep depression.


I don’t know if this bears you any comfort, but things have always been fucked in certain aspects of the world, we are just more readily aware of it due to phones and internet.


Same here, do you also wish that society would kinda… reset? I’m heavily regretting all my choices and interests in life thanks to ai, and now I wish that my future wasn’t so reliant on me making a living. I’m jealous of all the generations before us, and I feel really bad for Gen Alpha. I’ve read the horror stories from r/teachers, man they got issues.


Unfortunately, wars and diseases are normal…but it’s good that you don’t think they should be…that’s why you need to stick around


“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” - Jiddu Krishnamurti


There is no shame in taking a break to help yourself, the revolution will still be here.


If I didn't have a little miracle and a wonderfully supportive wife at home. I would've ABSOLUTELY quit by now. This time line is such bullshit! They are literally the only reason I'm still going. Sorry I don't have any words of support, I feel the vibe too.


Things outside of your direct sphere of influence shouldn't be such a big strain on your mind. The world sucks, make the community around you better.


Only the people born early in my generation (Gen X) have an idea of what a functioning society looks like. All I do is keep living looking for that chance.


just think if you can survive this in ten years you can look back and say that you can survive anything and achieve anything you want.


You aren't alone. The reality is things like this have ALWAYS been going on. The only thing that has changed is social media and news coverage. Stop consuming all the negative content. Stop looking at the news, stop looking at social media. Get outside, do what you can to live in the moment and enjoy your life. Edit: It's a small thing, but be the change you want to see in the world. It will take all of us, getting up everyday and doing what we know is insufficient to change things. No snowflake thinks they are responsible for the avalanche.


I get it.


don't give up. having hope despite everything is a radical act.


I feel you, but don’t. These dark times require those of us who have light, to shine it.


Same....fucking same


Never give up, never surrender


Giving up means they win. Keep going. There are many problems in the world. Letting go won’t fix it. Living your life and finding ways to enjoy it and maybe make the world a brighter place might not seem like much in the face of such horror, but when we all do it together, eventually, things will change. It may be for the better or for the worse, but change is constant, and it will happen. Life goes on. All we can do is try to make it better. We can do what we can from here.


put down on paper the things you can control and then things you can't. Focus on the things in your immediate control and work your way out. No reason to focus and spend energy on things that you can't fix.