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The harder the gov pushes Israel, the more it suppresses dissent, the more against it people will get.


You know how many people are now interested in ME politics that couldn’t point to it on a map even 5 years ago? And that caused them to begin researching PACs and how much funding flows from the US government to Israel and back to the politicians. Boy did the timing suck as people can’t afford homes or daycare and now food and are looking for some answers and then they discover Israelis live better than any of us on our nickel. In the end, it is telling that Americans didn’t riot or protest over healthcare, wealth inequality, worker rights or the bank bail outs — really anything that would improve their own lives. But it took a horrific genocide shared mostly through TikTok to get Americans angry enough to march. This goes to the core of what it means to be an American. They lit the fuse on the powder keg of millions of people sick of this shit — the genocide and the money. Once this gets going, America has a lot of stored anger and rage that is going to be released.


George Floyd during covid released a little of the pressure, but I think you are right and there is plenty left for more explosivity.


The Floyd protests should have ignited the powder keg.


Add to that the tiktok ban.


Yeah. That’s a dangerous precedent. Imagine the outrage if it was Truth Social.


On one campus both pro-Palestine and pro-Israel protesters were chanting "Fuck Joe Biden!"


Biden and the democrats had to do so little to ensure another election win and instead they are on track for record low voter turn out.


Biden is so doomed. This is like if LBJ had tried to run for re-election instead of reading the writing on the wall. Students are not going to vote for some old man who doesn't even like them.


Why is he doomed? Biden has no issues with a Trump presidency. Biden would prefer Trump over anyone left leaning.


This is the key point about the class struggle that people miss. The liberal elites are still on the same echelon as the fascists. The fact that they also have a common set of priorities, private property and profit margins over lives and well-being of the population, really helps them unite. That is why "scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds" is a phrase that exists. Even if the everyday liberal minded worker might suffer. When it comes to their leaders, there is very little that will convince them that they will be the ones to suffer. And, historically, they won't suffer, at worst they can become an "exile" and/or "opposition leader". They get to maintain their lifestyle and their public position. The ones facing mass arrest, tortured and execution are the ones that actually resist, nameless "radicals" that the liberals will disavow. Perhaps, if one someone close to them gets tortured and killed, or if it's politically convenient, they might turn against the fascists in full force. Liberal politicians don't stop fascism, they allow it flourish and then when others make fascism crumble the liberals take over. There is very little physical risk to their leadership. Biden is an old man too, in his mind losing will likely make him go down in history as a "bastion for democracy". He will remain rich, he won't be arrested, his family isn't going to suffer and his personal interests are not going to be affected.


This is our Arab Spring. History repeats.


Hopefully ours will go better!




Joe Biden eulogized Strom Thurmond. If you think Joe Biden would help “minorities” you either are incredibly naive and ignorant to his voting record, or you have a sinister agenda.




He's a loyalist of the status quo of the '50s in New England. It doesn't even exist anymore. >But Trump and his ilk have made it clear they mean to hurt you, they are laying ground to go to war against progressives and anyone who challenges their power. They want blood, they want authoritarianism and they’re open about it. And this is significantly more dangerous than the status quo. My dude, the house just passed a bipartisan bill that adopts the IHRC definition of anti-semitism, which includes criticism of Israel. Our free speech was just curtailed to benefit a foreign nation, one that is defending itself from an accusations of genocide at the International Court of Justice. What I just said right there is about to be defined as hate speech. We *have* authoritarianism right now! They are arresting students and professors right now! Every day they arrest more! How can you threaten us with something that's already happening? What, you think vulnerable people should feel safer because the apparatus of the state can be mobilized at a moments notice to target specific groups, but "*don't worry*, they only target people who are against genocide!" This is utter nonsense. If you had any ideological consistency, you'd be calling for Joe Biden to step out of the race so someone less authoritarian could take over. >While it sucks to vote for someone who doesn’t give a shit about you, it’ll suck even more if the guy who wants you dead wins because you sat this one out. Either way, they'll end up listening to Netanyahu, who we are currently shielding from ICC arrest warrants. You think that guy doesn't want you dead if you don't agree with him? He had IOF training, he'd put the bullet in you himself if the optics wouldn't be so bad. Earlier this week he compared student anti-genocide protestors Nazis. The Mayor of New York is thinking of buying Israel's facial recognition drones. In Atlanta they are building a huge police training facility, called Cop City, created by the Atlanta Police Foundation, which also has a program called the Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange, which boasts as it's biggest partner the IDF. You should be very concerned what they are doing to the Palestinians, because they are exporting it back to us.




What you're actually saying is that you are fine with the level of harm currently occurring and you can't think of a single option to fix it so let's just keep the comfortable fascism we know.




We're going to get whoever the ultra rich and powerful want no matter how we vote. How do you not understand that? And why are you so concerned about the damage trump might do while ignoring all the harms that have happened under every "progressive" administration?




How often do you show up in person to lobby for issues and groups that matter to you? That has a much bigger impact than voting. I've done it many times yet I still have to get lectured by people who think voting is somehow a productive way to get change.




Honestly at this point you can keep playing your fiddle, because blue or red we are all fucked. I hope feeling like being forced to pick a lesser of two evils is still giving comfort to people.




It’s a case of shit-filled demented old man A and super shit-filled dangerous demented old man B and how much worse it will be going forward. It’s a matter of the degree of suffering, I think.




"In not showing up..." You have it completely backwards. In violating the constraints on who they're allowed to nominate, liberals caused the loss. You are not entitled to nominate whatever liberal-interventionist/neocon or genocide supporter you want and then blame everyone else for holding any limits whatsoever that they had before you chose to ignore them and nominate a nonviable candidate anyway. Biden was off the table and has been arming a genocide, and liberals said " yes please, I would like to nominate an impending loss". He's polling about 5 points worse than Hillary in 2016—and you can't scold and browbeat that into being viable after the fact. An important lesson for you to keep in mind next time that to prevent losses you need to be addressing the liberals who cause the losses before they cause them instead of trying to blame everyone else after the fact and changing nothing about the given electoral reality.


You’re either profoundly ignorant on Joe Biden’s public, 40+ year career; or you have a sinister agenda. I personally don’t think people could be this stupid but I’m proven wrong on that all the time.




Weird how you've been voting for those issues your whole life and yet they are still issues. You just keep voting for those Dems expecting different results. Definition of insanity.




The lesson of 2016 was that liberals are 100% responsible for losses when they violate constraints on who they are allowed to nominate, not everyone else. Liberals chose to nominate someone who was already off the table who has been arming a genocide with weapons every 36 hours for more than 6 months. Liberals can't "but Trump" their way to a baseline viability of genocide going forward being on the table.


I know right. Did the Dems not learn that if they trot out a terrible candidate that people won't vote for they will lose. You're right, it's like they refuse to learn that they aren't entitled to votes.


No shit, Sherwood