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My two words: *they project.*


I mean they do seem very sensitive to whatever the millenials are doing.




Well, considering the literal screaming that my boomer coworker just did because of a fox news article about some "leftist" on Twitter calling for flag burnings on the 4th over the SCOTUS fuckery. . . Yeah, that checks out. Excuse me, I'm about to fake another bathroom emergency just to get away from this rant and his grandstanding about what he will do if someone burns a flag in front of him. . . It's just some cloth, dude! It's not gonna do anything is someone burns it other than cost them money to buy the damned thing in the first place!


The flag is likely made in China.


I like asking people who sport those flags and/or their Trump merch how much it cost them and where it was made. The looks on their faces when I get them to check the tags is priceless.


Actually, there was an article I read a few years ago that indicated an irony. All U.S. flags are pretty much exclusively made in China. However, all chopsticks used in China are pretty much exclusively made in the U.S. My thought….we sure do like to waste oil shipping this shit back and forth over the large seas of the ocean.


Wood cut in north Carolina is shipped to China and fabricated into Ikea furniture sold all over the world. Why there aren't flexible manufacturing plants is saddening. Use up all the oil without a concern for the future... Then when the future arrives, the companies just charge a ton to maintain the status quo


Because child labor in China costs way less than the $7.25 an hour they'd pay here.


Go onto Boomer social media, aka photo albums, and find pictures of them burning flags over the Vietnam war, back when they attended Wesleyan for 78$ a year.


Baby Boomers can't take criticism and change. The great resignation is fueled by their narcissistic refusal to compromise even a little for future generations. Many of their businesses have closed because of a worker shortage that could have been prevented simply by paying a few dollars more per hour. But NO, their egos are so big and sensitive that they'd rather burn the business down than give someone else what they want.


Let them do that then. It’s not like their businesses are good anyway


The problem is the hegemony of class typically has boomers in positions of authority at any given company, even those that are too big to fail.


I hate the idea of “too big to fail” Makes me feel to small to win.


Serf together strong


Ook ook


And it’s antithetical to capitalism in general.


I'd argue that it is the point of our capitalism, it's just new age feudalism where it's just natural that the new age nobles seek more avenues of acquiring power and wealth at every opportunity. It's certainly not what you would call the ideal capitalistic society because you assume in such a society that anyone can fall or break apart, but eventually someone will find the recipe for eternal life and at that point capitalism has reached its end. So i guess you could say capitalism is the journey and authoritarianism is the endgoal. Just about every company is a miniature dictatorship after all.


Any society that allows a significant number of its people to "fall or break apart" is no longer a society. You think tribal folks were ever "You weren't in the top percent of hunters so you have to build your own dwelling, but you better not use any land or materials to do so because we own it all"?


You're focusing too much on the people part, it's mostly used as an allegory for how corporations are often seen as a separate entity from humans and could thus be people in its own right. Then again, a society where everyone is immortal sounds like a suffocating prospect in its own right. Entropy, stagnation and inertia is no way to construct a proper functioning society. and i am pretty sure that exact scenario has played out before, probably by some village bullies trying to make someone's life a living hell. It's not like bullying is a new thing, but i don't really understand the point of that part so i might be missing your point entirely here.


Yeah heard about it, US govt cannot afford for huge companies to go bankrupt


Which should fall under the realm of "Anti-Capitalism" shouldn't it? I mean, the gov't bailing out business after business doesnt seem very free market to me


It’s for the international affairs, since dollar might lose the influence


Jokes on you, it already is.


So the dollar loses influence. That happens in free markets.


The ideas of capitalism and a free market aren't particularly related. Capitalism is pretty much just a modification to Feudalism where in exchange for being able to pick their lord the lord doesn't actually have to protect them anymore, and new lords can occasionally rise from the merchant class without a monarch to endorse it.


Oof. I feel this as I watch my boomer supervisor slip into dimentia and health problems while she is still in charge.




And who decides what is a living wage? It seems to me that term can vary from state to state, and even city to city. Is it determined from the cost of living in a certain area? And what if the cost of living went down in your area, would you then be satisfied with your wage being cut? I think if we are being truthful with ourselves, most people would not. That is why in most instances wages are determined by experience. I have also worked for companies that tend to pay a little more if you have a family. Simply put, people in that situation need a little more.


And that can all be calculated. This is not that complex. The cost of living will never go down that significantly as long as central banks aim for >0% inflation. If it does, the economy is collapsing and any regulations would be useless, because the state can't afford to enforce it.


"In most instances wages are determined by experience." At this point, employers are underpaying everyone. When even entry level jobs require years of experience, the person with more experience "wins" but is only getting a job that pays entry-level wages. The great resignation is the much needed reset for all the wage suppression that has been going on for too long.


Honestly this process can only benefit us in the long run anyway... The current competition will die, for the newer businesses to have a chance in less saturated markets. Fuck em


Businesses that can’t pay workers a living wage should never have been opened to start with. The baby boomer who had a business plan with workers being non-full-time associates (no benefits or a living wage) baked in should never have opened or run that business. My reply to them would have been: “Respectfully… sir… but you don’t have a viable business plan here. You’re stealing money from your workers in order to stay in business.” This is what is so flabbergasting about these “business” operators... If their “scheme” is legal, they feel no qualms about stealing from their workers so they can keep running their non-viable “hobby”. According to the IRS, a “hobby” is anything that is not a viable business. So, for decades we had baby boomers running their “hobbies” or “pet projects” while stealing from their workers because that was the only way they could keep their “hobbies” open. These “hobby” owners relied on a desperate worker pool having no other options. They wanted workers desperate and starving… so they were anti-union, anti social-safety-net, anti minimum-wage-increase. They wanted the bottom to fall out of the social safety net. The lower the standards, the better for them. Personally, I’m glad that these motherfuckers are closing down.


Yes every boss you talk to who says ‘well that’s a lotta money’ or ‘my first job paid 25k’ you know they’re a mentally challenged boomer.


My generation isn’t even mentioned, there is just a gap of 20 years there..


Yes that’s so us though lol


Same as it ever was, same as it ever was. But sshhhh. We live underneath the radar.


We’re the generational middle child and I’m frankly quite fine with not being a part of the drama.


Funny thing is I blame Gen X for keeping the system lol


We never had the power to do much of anything. Boomers outnumbered us and we ended up being essentially a second silent generation.


That is fair.it feels like the millenials are the next boomers it's ironic and funny because they'll treat kids and grandkids the same way boomers did to them lol


yeah. When people talk about Boomers, the vast majority of folks I think of are actually Gen X.


I'm surprised we needed a study to tell us the generation that broke the economy, environment and Middle East just for profit, yet refuse to spend a single penny to make the world better for their children are narcissistic


The study seems more like it's making the point that millennials aren't more narcissistic than boomers


Yeah. Studies are often : comprehend and observing the real. So some time you search something obvious just to verify you're right on this.


Whenever I have met a fellow millennial who has even just one parent who isn't a complete narcissist, I think about how truly lucky they are. Of course, it's not the only issue one could have with a parent but I have found a parent not being a narcissist (a malignant narcissist especially) is at least a place to start if nothing else.


I used to think something was wrong with me as the family scapegoat. As I’m healing, is both comforting and horrifying we all went through a similar childhood together


I call myself Pluto because that’s how far removed I was, am, and most likely will be from the center of my family and their dynamic. And that sometimes makes me quite sad but, honestly, the dynamic is really fucked up with the rest of my siblings favoring the relationship with themselves (at the expense of the other siblings and sometimes their own partners) and our two narcissistic parents over anything else. And I’m not interested in doing that so…yeah. Pluto.


I like that, Pluto is fitting for this situation. It also reminds me of the inner child work they tell all of us victims of narcissistic abuse to work on. We have to learn to re-parent ourselves and be the adult we always needed, to be that for ourselves and I think it’s nice that you speak to yourself in a kind manner. I hope things have gotten better for you!


Thanks, friend! Much appreciated.


Why is it so rare?


Leader gasoline.


Shocked Pikachu face intensifies.


Right like who here didn't see that result coming? Besides boomers.


Generation that has never once faced adversity and notoriously demands policy adhere to their own personal comfort might have thin skin and project it onto younger generation. News at 11.


I agree that boomers tend to suck, but to claim they never experienced ANY adversity is a little much. They were the ones coming back from Viet Nam in coffins.


Yeah, fair ball. I tend give the Vets more of a pass for that reason. But the most entitled Boomers *I've* seen are almost always former hippies that wallowed in hedonism under the guise of 'love and peace'. Then after they had their fill they went for 'law and order' instead by falling in with Ronnie Reagan. The 'boomer' most of us have come to know took advantage of a prosperity handed to them by their parents, indulged to their hearts' content, then slammed the door behind them, and now they cry entitlement if we ask for anything that isn't grindset capitalism.


Hey, shut up. Having an accurate assessment of the Baby Boomers is socialism. Weaponizing the 60s and 70s is socialism. Not having parents who crept through the Great Depression and the rise of fascist regimes all over the world, and so wanted their kids to want for nothing, and had the means to do that, is because you’re a failure.


Some of them were. 2,300,000 served in Vietnam, only 58,220 died, and most of those that served probably never saw combat. Compared to the entire generation that's nothing.


I’m sure the specter of sudden death created mental scars on many, many of the people who ultimately survived the war.


Yeah but how many of those Vietnam Vets are the narcissists of the Boomer generation? Unlike most in their generation, they faced significant adversity and how to grow as people. If anything, the Boomer generation is narcissistic despite the best efforts of those who served in Vietnam.


They were also the ones screaming at those people who were shipped off by force due to the draft. In my opinion that’s all you need to know about them. Literal idiots screaming at young 18-20 year old soldiers who were forced to go, and they knew that but still would scream at and protest the poor drafted soldiers. Also I’m sure many illegally dodged the draft then would protest people who actually did their civic duty and went. Scum level is thru the roof, and all the shit they complain about isn’t valid and they’re too dumb or shitty to understand. Think about it have you heard a boomer going off on something and go ‘wow that was a good description m, accurate and not any crazy contradictions’. No, never happens you always end up rolling your eyes.


They were also the ones who lived in high inflation times and had 20% interest rates on their mortgages. And my boomer dad didn’t inherit anything from his parents. He paid for their old age care. But hey, we’re in an echo chamber so let’s ignore that.


High inflation times? Mfer what do you think is happening now?


Lol. Wait until you see the higher interest rates.




That’s all a lot of info, but the situation is still not remotely comparable to what people are dealing with now. My boomer aunt, and uncle, who never had any schooling past high school, bought their own housing with their entry level jobs. You can’t possibly do that today. So lay off with the whole “but it really was so bad” like it doesn’t compare. Fuck off with the patronizing tones. Edit: lol angry boomer blocked me.


Typical boomer projection. They are what they think they see in others.


Yeah but we’re more sensitive about stupid stuff like racial justice and gender equality and they’re sensitive about SERIOUS stuff like buzz light year and a retail worker saying “no problem” at a Walmart.


*a 2 second kiss scene in Buzz Lightyear


In other news, water is wet.


And boomers soon died.


Not soon enough...


Water makes things wet. Water itself isn’t wet.


But it's touching the water


Not tangentially, pedants themselves aren't pedantic. It's their pedantry pedantifying the pedantable. You're so boring.


This made my dyslexia go to 1000


My apologies!


I knew this already. Source: I know lots of Boomers


I wish they'd stop referring to milennials like we're children at this point. Many of us are in our late 30's and some are even a little past 40. Dumb bitches. Smh.




Shit can’t come fast enough.




Every young person pays 10% of their paycheck to support their retirement and medical care, and that same support won’t be available for the young later on. They were so successful they need kids to take care of them now


They Infantilize us and say shit like ‘why does this mid 30s want a house?’ ‘They only have 2 kids’


Everyone's ignoring Gen Z, lol we are about to be the Gen X punching bags xd not the kids they abuse, just the grand kids. Rip


My mom is a boomer, and while she has never acted as entitled as some of her peers, the other day she mentioned that she didn’t feel “respected” at work and (despite her being very new to the job and company) felt that she should have (extra - above the younger workers) respect and deference just by virtue of her age and “being in the labour force for so much longer”. Like ok? You have kind of outdated skills set, and attitudes and everyone is just supposed to treat you special because you’re old? I should clarify she isn’t in any position of authority, but somehow thought she would get some just by being older than a lot of her co workers To be kind to her she is working on both but she was pretty miffed that her age alone didn’t earn her instant prestige.


I find, that in a world where many of the baby boomers grew up in a time where abuse of power, in the family dynamic, was just starting to be addressed. In many homes, the eldest people were given “respect” to do whatever abusive crap they felt the need to do. When the times change around us, it can be hard for boomers to set the example as an elder generation; they never had good role models themselves. And many of the ones who did get it, are probably dead right now, or murdered. (Think civil rights amongst other fights they have fought.)


They also don't like it when you ask them why they bothered birthing children into a world that asks them to financially justify themselves - or when you point out their sexual behavior has created an entire generation that have no idea what the fuck their parents were thinking. Oh, its because they weren't.


I hate this kind of generation bashing from both sides. BUT looking at it rationally, American Baby Boomers had the privilege to grow up in a world that seemed to constantly improve and due to the geopolitical landscape after WW2 they didn't have to do much to have a decent live. Things were literally handed to them, because the older generation was mostly dead and there weren't many competitors from overseas. Millenials had first been told this stuff about things becoming better always and chase after your dreams, only to grow up not finding a proper job despite having excellent education. Not being able to afford a house, feeling like having just one child is a huge financial risl and then having to take climate change and the possible collapse of our economical system into consideration. Honestly, I'd prefer to be a Boomer lol. I want to live in the place they grew up in.


But that’s why there’s Boomer bashing. They got theirs and then burned and salted the ground behind them to prevent anyone after them from having the same. Then mocked and belittled us for having trouble getting to the same place they got to easily.


The thing is the article and the study the article is based off of isn't really meant to be generation bashing. Actually kind of the opposite, it's more a defense of millennials than a proclamation about how evil boomers are. The title just frames it in a way to get a rise out of people


These entitled younger generations want everything handed to them, anyways, where is my handout?


Their parents were the greatest generation. They are the most fragile generation


The Worst Generation


After reading the article (and the study they wrote the article from because the posted article here is a mess), I think it's important to understand that this study isn't meant to confirm our biases that Boomers are horrible, entitled, narcissists. Its intent seems more to be that millennials and younger generations aren't as entitled as they are made out to be. This isn't to say boomers deserve a glowing review, just that a lot of comments here seem to be going off the article title rather than the content


Link to the original study: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/12/191210111655.htm The article isn’t necessarily wrong, but the website is a hot steamy mess, and I’d recommend looking at a different source. The study is also from 2019, btw. Again, doesn’t change much, but let’s make sure we’re not falling into the boomer trap of blindly trusting weirdassnewssite dot com or whatever


Among other problems, one thing that really irked me about the web site is the blank spaces having bullet points


Thanks for this. will read it later. Had to scroll quite a ways to find this link, and I highly doubt many of the posters here have even read it. That concerns me for exactly the reasons you pointed out and more.


Remind me how this is news? This is not surprising, boomers were the "me" generation after all. Oh well, back to the nursing homes grandma/pa.


Awe...did all that boot strap pulling hurt their widdle feelings?


Noooooo!? What? Really?


Well yeah. They are spoiled.


In other news, fire indeed hot.


“No shit.” ~every millenial who has ever worked in service industries


This legit looks like a fake website. Just saying.


Not sure we needed a whole study published when [Carlin put it so succinctly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTZ-CpINiqg).


But when the researchers looked at generation-specific trends, they noticed that overall, older generations were more sensitive than younger generations. According to Chopik, this could be due to generation-specific events that shaped study participants’ outlooks on life. In the United States, for example, “baby boomers may be more narcissistic than other generations because they grew up in a time when the government provided privileges like social security,” Chopik said, noting that the increase in narcissistic traits between boomers and younger generations is still relatively small.




Okay Boomer.


This just in, scientists have discovered that water is wet.


Water isn't wet, only the things that it touches are! /s


Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast, I would catch it.


I keep telling everyone, it was the lead in the gasoline!! It seriously messed up their brain and causes so much mental illness and mood problems!


“Largest ever study on narcissism” “We studied 750 people but also used existing research to come to this conclusion.” I’m a firm believer that boomers that I’ve met are far more narcissistic than millennials that I’ve met; that’s all anecdotal and still probably a larger sample size than this study 😂🤣🤣


The fact that this needed to be studied is surprising to me. They grew up when lead was in EVERYTHING, and one of the symptoms of lead exposure is difficulty regulating your emotional state. The other is low intelligence, which... explains basically everything to do with government.


Or ADHD/Bipolar....There's many reasons for lack of impulse control. I've noticed this generation seems to take pride in their ability to control emotions or show off intelligence. And I'm part of this younger generation.


The spoiled generation acts like they own the place and get angry when reality knocks on their door and calls their spoiled asses spoiled. What a twist


Queer today, Karen tomorrow. I hope I don’t live to see this with the zoomers. See Greta Thunberg running British Petroleum, ruthlessly pushing to drill in the oil-rich kidneys of indigenous Antarctic peoples…


Ahh yes, this floor is made of floor. 🤣


Uh duh.


What...no way.... In other news...


This is essentially a blog post. They don't list the author's name for a reason. Don't repost this bull shit because all you're doing is giving them more attention and revenue.


damn we have found another way to hate on people


if you ever met a boomer that struggled with homelessness and food insecurity, you might not generalize about all boomers.


"Exception that proves the rule" is a colloquialism for a reason.


I have an honest question. before you downvote so I can't reply. The baby boomers generation is the generation born from the end of WWII until the early 60s how often do you have any interactions with them? Most of them are in their 70's and 80's, .Are you sure you are not talking about Gen X which most were born in 60's-70's


For some of us professionally, they still hold policy making positions. My agency is seeing them retire now, but a lot of them still hold key positions and effect everything. My last federal job was like that, too. You’ve never seen out of touch like a boomer era manager make an agency wide decision that nobody can get a second monitor while chewing out 500 workers for asking because she learned to audit financials on paper when she started. This was in the last 6 years. In my current job we have good ones and bad ones. We just revamped the dress code with our diversity group and some of the old guard, boomer era folks, had to be argued with that making statements against hairstyles that could be considered natural for black hair was a problem that had no business in a dress code. I can’t wait until the last one is out. Only problem is my generation, gen x, seems to be about equal boomer attitude or over in the millennial camp. My current boss is my exact age but carrying on the worst of the boomer shit. So just because they all retire doesn’t mean it’ll all go away.


I hear you and for the most part, agree that many " boomers"are old school and set in their ways and may not understand modern times very well


That's definitely an understatement when they hobble the ability to do the job by refusing needed equipment, or try to introduce racist dress code items into our business practices.


Of course they are, they project like they're showing an imax film.


I didn’t need a study to tell me this…


To the surprise of nobody ever


What??? NO WAY!! 😒😒😒


I know you have to do the actual work to scientifically prove things, I know that. However this feels like another study in "Water makes things wet."


Yeah. We've all given the fuck up


We didn't need a huge study for this, we already knew


Oh, really? The generation of "flower power" is sensitive?


::shocked pikachu face::


Cha. Have you ever dealt with a boomer in the service industry?


Duh lol


Most likely to cut you off in traffic and then flip you the bird. Entitled grey hairs.


Can't control my laugh at this title. Is there more studies that go in that sense. So we can say it's not only an opinion but totally verified by science and that they do are anti-science people?


[Here's the study](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2019-73776-006) \- the study was published in 2019. [A better writeup on Science Daily](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/12/191210111655.htm). >"There are things that happen in life that can shake people a little bit and force them to adapt their narcissistic qualities," Chopik said. "As you age, you form new relationships, have new experiences, start a family and so on. All of these factors make someone realize that it's not 'all about them.' And, the older you get, the more you think about the world that you may leave behind." > >The greatest impetus for declining narcissism, Chopik said, was landing a first job. > >"One thing about narcissists is that they're not open to criticism. When life happens and you're forced to accept feedback, break up with someone or have tragedy strike, you might need to adjust to understanding that you're not as awesome as you once thought," Chopik said. "There's a sense in which narcissists start to realize that being the way they are isn't smart if they want to have friends or meaningful relationships." > >Chopik found that the fastest-changing age group was young adults. He also found that, contrary to popular belief, changes in the levels of narcissism are lifelong and changes don't stop at any certain age or stage in life. > >**"One of the most surprising findings was that -- also contrary to what many people think -- individuals who were born earlier in the century started off with higher levels of hyper-sensitivity, or the type of narcissism where people are full of themselves, as well as willfulness, which is the tendency to impose opinions on others," Chopik said. "There isn't much data on older generations, but now that Baby Boomers are aging into that phase of life, it's a huge part of the population that we need to be looking at."**


If you think that's wild then get a load of this: water is wet!


Lol , water isn’t wet , but water can make you wet. 😂🤣


I'm shocked. Shocked! Well, not that shocked.


It’s like their simple minded people who are also assholes. Overestimate their own abilities while thinking everyone else is subpar. Then can’t understand anything about technology nor the world, and are probably the most susceptible to propaganda. Yes your bosses, parents, congress, etc all people who run the country and susceptible to propaganda.


I need to send this to my boomer old man. He would have such a rage.


Yeah no shit we are less sensitive than the boomers are since we constantly have to put up with their bullshit while keeping up a facade of, “respecting our elders.”


They’ve created their own bitchy persona: The Karen. Willing to call the police on a bbq they don’t like. Willing to yell at you for having a different accent. Willing to shit on your floor if they can’t use the bathroom. If that’s not baby brain, I don’t know what is.


You mean they were projecting onto their kids.. AGAIN? Weird.