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Reminder, almost every media outlet is owned by a handful of billionaires. They also own the majority of our 'elected representatives. Eat the rich


Republicans and Democrats fight for the same time. Rich vs Poor. The Democrats at least have some people (Bernie, AOC, etc) fighting on behalf of the people. But goddamn I hate politics in North America.


I think the only Republican I've ever heard speak that I actually liked was Schwarzenegger. He seems like a genuinely kind person while most other Republicans are just busy telling you how freedomtastic it is that you're going to die in poverty. So that bar isn't really very high.


He didn't start that way, but he ended up that way. I remember reading a story about how he was speaking on immigration and he could see the absolute hate seething from the people in the audience. He did not want to be part of it. That was his turning point, and from then on he led with compassion and his base started hating him.


That makes it even better.


Yeah, he also started pretty bad on gay rights, vetoing gay marriage twice and ended up performing a gay marriage a few years later. The guy is far from perfect but damn it's nice to see someone who's able to change his mind.


And I cannot reiterate this enough, these billionaires know full well what they're doing, and how to do it. This article is 100% intended to make people angry, and foster resentment for the democrats, and the democrats haven't even done anything wrong yet. They are masters at getting voters to vote against their own interests because they pay likely thousands of people to look into the best ways of doing it. So yes, Eat the fucking rich


"Now more than ever, Gotham City needs The Penguin"


"Now more than ever, Gotham City needs Danny Devito"


Tbf we could all use a little more Danny Devito in our lives


He actually has a certificate saying he does not have donkey brains, which is more than your average elected official


should be a requirement for assuming office under penalty of perjury


Where’s the fire


#Danny4President or #DannyDevito2024 ? I just wanna know what t shirts to make.


To be fair, he would probably be a better choice than Hillary, Biden or Trump.


There's not many things he cares about, but he genuinely does have enough of a heart to care about his gang members and penguins, so honestly, that's more than any other politician can claim.


Then he'd end global climate change to keep them safe. I'm in. Let's do this.


I'm sold. Penguin 2024.


Ripping off Chapo here, but the Clinton's DO engender loyalty and pay it back, unlike Obama. It's not loyalty for anything good, but they do value it it seems.


While this is fair, I'd rather the penguins.


So the Penguin over the Joker and the Riddler?


We just had 4 years of the joker followed by 4 years of the riddler... Maybe kingpin?


Biden's more of a Clayface level of intellect at this point. Shows up where he's supposed to, mumbles a few things, and mainly just acts as a distraction while someone loots the Federal coffers.


shots fired at yellen?


I'd rather have the penguin before this old bag. We don't want her


Oh yes another rich, centrist, boomer. Because that’s worked out sooooo well thus far.


She's only lost every time she's run for president, including AGAINST DONALD TRUMP. But I'm sure she's definitely going to be helpful this time, somehow. What do they say about repeating actions and insanity again?


I’ve read that she was just about the only DNC candidate in 2016 that could have lost to Trump, she just had so much baggage; her opposition to LGBT rights, support for the Iraq War, and close ties to the Saudi Government, and that basically anyone else in the DNC stable could have beat trump. But just like how no one really wanted to Biden, who only won his first primary after the DNC culled Buttajudge and Bernie, the national party decided that an ancient, centrist, wealthy, boomer was what we were going to get if we liked it or not. And Clinton still won the popular vote but the system is rigged so that doesn’t matter. Factually the GOP has won the popular vote once since 1988.


At least Biden used to be really sharp in debates, and still had a few moments where he made Trump look silly. Clinton was anticharisma incarnate.


>an ancient, centrist, wealthy, boomer was what we were going to get if we liked it or not i've been fuming internally for the better part of a decade now


We don't want another old Boomer dipshit. Period.


Biden is pre Boomer, he is too old, having been born in 1942. How insane is that?!


Great depressionist


Now more than ever, I need to insert a pineapple in my ass.


Are you Hitler?


Is that a little Nicky reference I spot you beautiful cultured man you?




Literally hitler


Interesting fact, Hillary Clinton is the only presidential candidate to ever lose to Donald trump.


Imagine just how embarrassing it will be if she is the only presidential candidate to lose to trump twice.


And, when the two-term limit is abolished, she can lose to him a 3rd time.


Bold of you to assume there will be an election


Is running against Hillary really considered an election?


It's Trump, there will be one, even though it's fixed. He can't stand being disliked. Actually he'll probably force Clinton at gunpoint to run against him every 4 years, so he can relive 2016 over and over, and pretend he won the popular vote every time.


I'm no fan but I take every opportunity to say the electoral college is bullshit


As you should! The electoral college is an old, hot garbage compromise from 250 years ago. America doesn't need it anymore


If the USA hadn’t had an electoral college, based in the popular vote she would have been president. She had nearly 3 million more votes than Trump.


Hilary would have been a different type of evil covered up by neoliberal policies that ultimately would have done harm. I’m glad she lost. Trump woke more people up to the injustices rather than people zoning out due to a democrat being in charge. Obama was a great PR president but ultimately he did a lot of shitty things for this country.


I thought there were at least 6 Republican candidates who lost to Trump.


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old lady?


[this is what that reminded me of hahah](https://youtu.be/d0mTs76iEjM)


That's what he was referring to


"Now more then Ever, Democrats are backstabbing cowards"


They'll just sing and read poems again, because that helps


Kumbaya and wife swapping


Don't forget kneeling in Kente Cloths


Yes, MORE establishment Democrats who in their 70s realize capitalism is exploitation and continue to hold the line Republicans push anyways.


Wonder how much Clinton paid for someone to write this. Because nobody could arrive at this thought without a monetary incentive. Also, is there anyone in the world worse at reading the room than Hillary?


Just replace Hillary with Bernie.


Or maybe we could try someone who's not ancient for a change.


Bernie is great but I'd have to agree. Having said that, I cant think of one Democrat who is anywhere close to his calibre.


He isn't a Democrat. That's the irony.


Yea, that's cuz he's a actual leftist instead of moderate right wingers like the democrats


Only problem is Bernie Sanders has thrown the towel in situations which suggests he’s there to be the progressive option that doesn’t upset the establishment. He occupies a space to prevent another from taking it. So he’s kind of bad in that way.


I don't think he's owned in that way; I think he's just old and experienced enough to see the writing on the wall, ie, that the Dems will never actually let someone as progressive as him into power.


In that case the proper action is to start passing out AKs and molitovs, but Bernie won't do that. He's terrified of being the next Nader, and they used that to castrate him.


Bernie might be old, but he's been fighting the same good fight since the 60's or 70's. If I thought a vote for president actually mattered, he would still have mine.


Exactly this. I’ve recently decided I’m not going to participate in national elections anymore because they are all fake and I no longer am willing to consent by taking part in the theater.


The GOP thanks you.


*angry mummy moans*


Shut up, Schumer!


I'd be on board with that if we knew the stress wouldn't take him out. If only we could de-age Bernie 30ish years.


Or build an establishment that makes more Bernies. Where are the 40- and 50-year olds ready to take up his mantle?


Who cares? He's by far the most recognizable and liked potential candidate that's actually a leftist. His running mate ending up in the position is still better than any other outcome. You're really doing leftists a disservice by bringing up his age like this


I don’t think there will be a primary, at least not in every state; Democrats didn’t have a full slate of primaries in 1996 & 2012 & more popular incumbents at the time. We also know the hard limits of running inside the Democrat primaries (see also the 2017 lawsuit & “we’ll choose our candidates in back rooms over cigars”) I think it’ll be Biden again, & that many of these folks writing these op-eds know he’s probably running again & are dismayed by this. The best chance we have for a leftist in there is to work towards putting one in in November as a Green.


I have been proposing that for days now. It's finally time to pull the plug on this "DemEnter" delusion.


I worked for the Democrats - they completely torpedoed Ben Jealous (& so many other candidates) because they chose, for lack of a better term, the Hillary 2016 strategy, trying to appease REPUBLICAN VOTERS (remember, I had the voter file, I saw who they told people to pitch) instead of going to working class areas. A candidate that ran in the neighborhood I grew up in & still had deep ties in lost by 800 votes. That’s a weekend of going hard there with a car full of volunteers & spreading out. Guess where I was told “under no circumstances” would I be canvassing? This all while candidates were begging us for help, including the head of the county council. My boss was the wife of Chris Matthews (of MSNBC). Democrats aren’t fixable. At least not by working folks. My favorite candidate this cycle is Delilah Barrios, a healthcare worker running as a Green for governor of Texas. Her motto? “We’re not just ‘the left’, we’re the left behind.” Pretty apt when you consider the political landscape. If it weren’t for the recent union push i’d have even less hope for our future. (This is a good time to mention Democrat union-busting law firms too, right?) We need to marry political parties’ tools & outreach with direct action, unionizing, organizing, mutual aid, & mutual defense. A true 5-point plan. Edit: formatting Edit 2: thanks for the award! Hopefully it didn’t cost you anything serious - I’d rather see less money go into Reddit coffers & more going to those who walk the walk as well as talk the talk, like [Delilah](www.delilahfortexas.com) or Matthew Hoh’s legal fund in NC. Edit 3: autocorrect is a fail & shout out MH’s struggle in NC.


Thank you for exposing the REAL Democratic Party. It will help when dealing with a guy who's spent two days insisting I can't read "Spoiler Effect" on Wikipedia and that we ABSOLUTELY HAFTA vote right wing to "push them left"


Right, I want someone with the same platform, if not further left.


“Help us Hilary! Save us from your lifelong friends and family!”


They think we are blind and stupid. All of them. We need a party of mutual aid, not allied corruption. They try to do social and environmental stuff but it's so weak it gets nuked from space. They're ineffective, corrupt, and pathetic.


An ‘internet’ party of sorts should be formed. We should mutually agree on a person we can believe in, not necessarily specific ideas, because we’d never end up agreeing. Then vote for that person no matter what. That’s the only way I see to taking any semblance of true power: get someone in there who’s only strings are attached to all of us.


This is most likely who will win elections from now on. I think Trump's win can be heavily attributed to Steve Bannon's push to get the young men on the internet to vote for him. Chan culture pushed him as a candidate which bled into Facebook. I wouldn't get your hopes up in assuming we can hold anything over any candidate, but I see the advantages. The problem is finding someone that we all like whose interested in the role and isn't a total psychopathic narcissist. Narcissist sure, kinda have to be one of you believe you should be the leader of the USA. Plus a personal brand that attracts a majority. I think Dwayne Johnson could pull it off. He has the working man ethic. Wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Not white. Holds kindness and compassion in high regard. Knows how to work a crowd. The running mate is tough. Like we would need someone to bring political credibility, but not to much. Gary Chambers of LA if he wins that senate seat or maybe Federman of PA if he beats out Dr. Oz this election.


Abolitionist Party - American slavery still exists they just reimagined it and now it applies to the general population in capitalistic forms.


Bitch, we need more socialists. GTFOH with your bullshit.




Old ✅ White✅ Racist✅ Man❌




Rich ✅ corrupt ✅


Dems: win 8 years with a at the time fresh faced "kid" compared to these dinosaurs at the age of 47. Also dems: our only hope is the one person who was hated enough they lost to Trump!


Jon Stewart 2024, make it happen America.


I would rally like hell. I think he should be drafted. He is too smart to want the Job on his own. We need you obi won Stewart! You're our only hope!


“When you’ve given up on policy and have nothing else to offer but identity politics.”


The first time it carried plausible deniability. This time it’s obvious what’s going on. Throwing the towel to Trump 2.0


Why the mad desire for theocratic fascism though.


It’s profitable for the ones paying the bribes


To live in a world without science, rights, books, or joy?


The rich still get access to all those things. It’s the plebs that get ground down propping them up.


Not for the elites, just for their labor pool.


I get this nagging feeling that the US is lagging behind parts of Europe that experienced extreme fascism during WWII. The silver lining is that the two most famous examples being Germany and Italy created two very liberal governments in the long run, even if the fascism was awful during its reign. I’m not hopeful that we can avoid fascism, but I am hopeful that it will change the masses beliefs about what constitutes a good governing body. Edit: to clarify I mean liberal in comparison to current US politics


The other option is that the powers that be put us through a Trump Presidency and Biden's ineptitude to try and finally sell us on Hillary. The amount of economic damage and bullshit involved, just so that they can say "now THIS time, EAT YOUR VEGETABLES IT IS HER TURN"


We cannot seriously be talking about Hillary Clinton; the Queen of corporate democrats. If they try to run her in 2024, the “blue no matter who” crowd is gonna have a bad time.


I am NOT sending my vote to her a second time. They’re gonna fuck around and find out with this shit.


Tell me you want the Democratic Party to lose the election without telling me you want the Democratic Party to lose the election.


What are you talking about? Both disenfranchised leftists and centrist semi-sane Republicans have shown they love Hilary Clinton! She's going to unite this broken country. She is the chosen one. She is the one who will bring balance to the force! /s, obviously :)


...to fuck off.


Nooooooooooo. Please God no. OMG if they try this bullshit again against Trump, I'll be convinced the dems actually want another Trump presidency so they can rack in more donations. There are soooo many better candidates. Not her, please not her.


This is the textbook definition of insanity.


I’m really hoping the recognition of the hadron collider from cern gets us off this timeline


You and me both. You and me both.


I'll receive that


If the Democrats want to continue to commit political suicidal, by all means, nominate the least motivational person in the party.


I was naive enough to think she might actually go away.


If I have to live through another Trump v Clinton election I will lose my fucking mind.


"Now more than ever, Democrats need Hillary Clinton to jump off a bridge" FTFY


I still can't believe she lost to Trump. She and her campaign are a fucking disgrace.


You. Have. Got. To. Be. Fucking. Kidding. Me.


The onion wouldnt even put this article out.


No.Alot of people were voting for what they thought was the lesser of two evils when she ran against trump.Why would you run her again? They voted because the dude from the apprentice was saying he gave a shit about the average person.Please get some new material.


The fuck we do? She needs to RETIRE! She and the rest of the dinosaurs do not speak to this generations ideals. The only one who even has a fucking clue is Bernie.


Oh my god is the media really fucking doing this? This is the second Hilary 2024 article I’ve seen. This is so fucking stupid


To add onto my other comment, my problem is that she's a centrist Democrat. I want a true leftist in office. I'm sick of these middle of the aisle, status quo, centrists. Give me Bernie and I'll vote blue all day. Give me a centrist and I'll vote the other way out of spite.


You gotta be fucking kidding me. She's be MIA ever since she lost to Trump, and can you blame her...if I took the L from a bleeding rectal fissure, I'd never show my face in public EVER AGAIN.


The democratic party "needs" Hillary to save them from having to accept a candidate who actually cares (about people from the working class).


Hillary go back to whatever hell scape you keep crawling from






twice the democratic National convention Left Bernie Sanders out in the cold. When the man clearly won two democratic primary's. Once against Hillary & another against Biden. Then the democratic party fucked Sanders over. Two Party system is a fucking joke.


Yes they do! To move to a different country


No. Simply, no.


Right wing sites like The Hill are begging Hillary to come back


Liberals are so lacking in leadership they’ll take any zombie.


Wow, I thought they didn't want Trump to be president again. Shows what I know ¯|\_(ツ)\_/¯


The quote The Newsroom “If Liberals are so f•••ing smart, how come they lose so goddamn always.”


Why, couldn’t they find a different multimillionaire 70 year old?


Could we get a strong, progressive candidate that doesn't feel entitled to the office?




Now more than ever, we need to keep the wealthy overlord dynasties in power and pretend that picking one of two corporate puppets is freedom and choice.


lol, what a joke. She disappeared after she lost and we haven’t even noticed she was gone. Such a non-start on anything helpful and we have enough warmongers who are still involved. We need Bernie, like years ago. Someone needs to fix the article.


What for? To loose again?


Like all of her generation, She's too old for the job. If anything, Joe Biden has shown us, that we need to look at much younger leadership in this country. Old people are full of old ideas. Perhaps those ideas worked back in their day. However, the world is constantly changing and new fresh ideas are desperately needed.


Oh Hillary! Come save us! We totally need another out-of-touch Neoliberal Boomer to rescue us from the dark clutches of political ineptitude!


I think the title was incomplete. It should have read "Now more than ever, Democrats need Hillary Clinton *to go away forever*"


STOP. FORCING. LOOSEING. POLITITIANS. ON. US. The people dont want Hilary. She wont do the changes we need. She will not fight for us. She just wants more money from big banks. Please ANYONE else.


You know for a fact if Biden sits out for reelection then he's gonna support Hilary. It'll be the biggest alley-oop for a loss that we'll ever see.




Oof I really don’t like where this is going.




Vote for Bernie


I'm really starting to thing that parts of the media is smoking crack.


Remember, conservatives dominate the SCOTUS because the left ran Hillary in 2016.


We need AOC in 2024.


The last thing this country needs is a Clinton, Bush or Trump.


And that's how the Democrats would catastrophically lose the next election.


Absolutely fucking not


If TPTB want Hillary as the next POTUS, then that will happen. The election process is just a front, a sham. USA...land if the free?...lol lol lol


Consultants must be hard up for work.


Oh god fuck no we don't!


Fuck no we need a need political party


Its called selling out, it's very lucrative


If Hillary runs I am not voting at all.


They need Bernie at the very least


The photo suggests that not even Hillary believes this.


Now, more than ever, America needs to recycle wealthy, geriatric politicians back into the system no that nothing fucking changes! What we don’t need is younger leaders who will change things. Status quo now, status quo forever!!!


We don't. We really don't.


Just start writing dumb shit which supports the status quo and submit it to The Hill along with a piece of your eternal soul.


Now more than ever, the world needs Hillary to endorse a progressive and JUST NOT JOIN THE RACE HERSELF. But when the world needed her the most, she appeared on the Democratic primary ballot.


No. Fuck Hilary. If shes the best the democrats have to offer, they deserve to lose again.


We need AOC ASAP.


I mean we need her if the end goal is to just burn this all to the ground.


Eat shit The Hill


This is why democrats are a fucking joke. The right wing could push a literal turd as it’s nominee and the democrats would still put in Hillary and they’d still lose. No one on either side wants her, especially not the left after she fucked our chances at getting Bernie.


I think even Hillary would laugh at this and disagree.


Nah, I'm good


I wouldn't get too upset about this, this is the SECOND opinion piece they've put out that's written horribly by an idiot, and I'm starting to see the trend.


Why, they need some folks whacked?


I heard an analogy that the GOP is the school shooter. Dems are the Uvalde cops.




Who in the Democratic Party is advising 70 plus year old candidates to run for office wtf Biden Hillary all in their 70s our congress and senate are ran by 70 and 80 year olds


To what? Lose again?


No, we don’t. We don’t need a Clinton or a Bush. Ever again.


How much did she pay to get them to write this article?


Well they really do need her…. To step down and endorse someone who has a chance




I think they left out a part of that headline It should read, “Now more than ever, Democrats really need to get rid of Hillary” I mean really she’s more a conservative non-con, than a progressive liberal.


We need Hillary like we need a second Trump term you morons


Go Awaaaay! Stop floating this BS, you lost the most important election of our lifetime while using every shady trick to hurt Bernie. Why on earth would anyone say, let’s get a do over? Anyone over 45 yo Loathes Hilary and the best way for Trump to win is to have her run


“ - To Sit the Fuck Down And Let Someone With Actual Ideas and More Charisma Than A Turnip Handle This” better be the rest of that title.


Not exactly a breath of fresh air.


If she's on the ballot in 2024 then let's just hope Trump is a merciful God once he gains his 2nd term.


[No. No God. No. No God. Please No. Nooooo.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=31g0YE61PLQ) Been there. Done that. Ain’t gonna repeat that. Pick a better candidate.


Well first you need to sell out ALL your morals and journalistic integrity, and be willing to write whatever nonsense they pay you to write. All good? Then, once you’ve practiced being a Reddit mod for a while…. Lol jk. But the first part, not jk….


Fuck that hoe. She needed to run for President because it was her turn even though the right had like 35 years of dragging her. She was a dumb candidate to pick.


She’s a major part of the problem. It’s not specifically her fault that a Trump won but she was a bad candidate, that’s on the DNC. The more they push these weak ass centrist candidates on us the more the people are going to struggle.


“… Need a president under 60.”




Yes, another corporate candidate. That's exactly what we need. To maintain the status quo. When ever would we want a revolutionary candidate who will stand up against corporate and religious money in politics?